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Navigating Professional Growth: A Reflection on Co-operative Education Experience at Post Haste


How has the Co-operative Education experience at Post Haste contributed to the professional development and skill enhancement of the individual, especially in the role of a freight handler?

Co-operative Education Experience at Post Haste02

Co-operative Education Experience at Post Haste



The Portfolio is part of the academic programme of work you are required to complete for Co-operative Education.

It is designed to ensure that you are achieving the goals and objectives you planned for your Co-operative Education experience. 

Please note that in your Portfolio you must:

  • Apply concepts, models, frameworks, theories and/or technical competencies from your major, and other areas of study.
  • Use authoritative sources.
  • Provide in-text citations APA (7th ed.).
  • Update your Reference List with the full reference (APA 7th ed.).
  • Throughout Co-operative Education you will be focusing on how you are achieving the BBus Learning Goals set out below:

    Learning Goal 1:    Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems

    Learning Goal 2:    Be knowledgeable in a specialist area(s)

    Learning Goal 3:Be adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments

    LearningGoal 4:Be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large

    Learning Goal 5:     Be able to work collaboratively

    Learning Goal 6:     Be effective communicators

    The Portfolio is the next stage of the assessment programme that culminates in an Oral Brief and Co-operative Education Report.  In the Co-operative Education assessments, you will critically reflect on, analyse and evaluate your development throughout the Co-operative Educationexperience, work on, and complete an issue of your choice.

    Instructions for completing this document.

    You must address all points in every section.

    Note: Do not delete any of the information or instructions from the template

    Preparation for your Co-operative EducationPortfolio - Reflection

  • Complete the Hours Log for all the workplace activities you have completed on site or remotely (during placement weeks 4-7)(Appendix 1) Discuss all activities related to working for your organisation and the time spent in each activity. Reminder: you should be completing a total of 330-360 hours including breaks during your 9 week placement.
  • I have been working as a freight handler at Post Haste as an integral part of Co-operative Education programme. The information stated in line with the development plan and the Interim Portfolio has revealed that I been focused to efficiently perform my job role of a freight handler. Precisely, I have been working hard to initiate the duties and responsibilities that I am assigned to perform as per my job role. The Hours Log for weeks 4-7 has already been unveiled in the Interim Portfolio (refer to the appendix 1 of Interim Portfolio). This final portfolio will reveal the hours log during placement weeks 4-7 along with the activities that I have performed in my workplace. The relevant details will be enlisted in the Appendix 1.

  • Reflect on and respond to the feedback you received in your Interim Portfolio. Include a discussion of how your feedback and any changing circumstances have impacted on your approach to this portfolio and/or your understanding of your ongoing personal and professional development. (2-3 paragraphs).
  • Feedback received on Interim Portfolio - Reflection

    My job role is a freight handler and I have been working at Post Haste as the part of Co-operative Education programme. This is to be included in this context that I have properly been keeping the “Hours Log” of my daily activities over there in details (refer to the Appendix 1).  At the initial or first three weeks of my internship, I have worked on various assignments and completed all those on time. During night shifts, I am assigned to perform such duties including cargo processing, receiving of freights, collaborating with colleagues to optimize loading and unloading goods as an integral part of “operational processes”. In addition, my job as a freight handler is to assist in “sorting freight” including its operations accurately. Even, I am responsible to set up “depot ready for contractors / Trucks. As per my job role, I am directed to assist with loading/unloading of containers/ trucks applied to the consolidate/deconsolidate freight. Apart from that, I am responsible to initiate proper “scanning of the freights”. All operational activities are attained as per the compliance to “Work Safe regulations & site health and safety policy”. In addition, I must abide by the instructions to attain other duties time to time.

    The feedback that I have received in response to the submitted “Interim Portfolio” has highly influenced to shape overall creation of this final portfolio in support of introspective thoughts on both my professional and personal trajectory. Such procedure has enabled me to reflect on the problematic areas and has helped me to rectify them. In accordance with the job role that I am assigned to perform, I need to be quick responsive, especially when it comes to deal with freight handling. When it comes to reflect on holistic professional development, I must put consistent efforts to enhance my analytical bent of mind. In this context, I must mention that communication plays such a strategic role in optimizing work collaboration, especially in the context of stakeholders’ management. Referring to this information, I have worked hard to enhance my communication skills especially verbal communication and the same has enhanced my skill as a “communicator”. Not only that, proficiency in communication is essential to ensure work progress consistently as a freight handler.

    The feedback received on Interim Portfolio has helped me to learn about the significance of “being specific”. It is essential to be focused irrespective to whether it is work or professional development. I have learned about the significance of time management and its importance in optimizing best-possible results in return. In accordance with the elementary concept of SMART framework, I have come to know that a purpose-driven, goal-oriented practice helps to attain most effective result in a stipulated time-frame.

    Complete the following table:

    BBus Learning Goals self-assessment:

    Learning Goal 1:Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems:Be able to use critical, analytical, creative and reflective thinking processes to seek out and address complex problems and engage with other disciplines and perspectives.What I still need to work on and why(Copy from your Development Plan)Where I am now- self-evaluation and What do I still need to do
    For bringing improvement and growth in myself I need to work in performing multi-tasking, interpersonal communication and improving social interaction. This allows me to learn new things and build my confidence and skills which is a relevant part of my career development.I am in a state of learning valuable things which are beneficial and effective for my profession and career development.
    Learning Goal 2: Be knowledgeable in a specialist area(s):Be able to evidence and apply in-depth knowledge of specialist discipline(s).What I still need to work on and why(Copy from your Development Plan)Where I am now- self-evaluation and What do I still need to do
    I need to focus on enhancing my technical skills and research skills for bringing improvement in myself and build experience.I am learning knowledge as a Freight handler for improving my skills and getting in-depth knowledge on the subject.
    Learning Goal 3: Be adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments:Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key challenges in managing in bicultural and multicultural contexts, and in changing global and technological environments.What I still need to work on and why(Copy from your Development Plan)Where I am now- self-evaluation and What do I still need to do
    I need to focus on cultural and technological issues for getting vivid knowledge of those subjects and getting comfortable with people in any environment and area for my career development and growth.I am struggling in managing cultural and technological issues which are very important for me to learn and adapt.
    Learning Goal 4: Be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large:Be able to discern the ethical dimensions and impacts of business activity and decisions, and advance arguments for socially responsible alternatives and outcomes.What I still need to work on and why(Copy from your Development Plan)Where I am now- self-evaluation and What do I still need to do
    For bringing value to business and society at large it is crucial to learn the necessary factors which can bring value to them. Therefore, I have to focus on learning valuable skills that help in adding value to society and business at large.I have less knowledge and idea about sustainable value and its impact on business and society.
    Learning Goal 5: Be able to work collaboratively: Be able to effectively collaborate with others in diverse teams and reflect on their contributions, and on the teams’ processes and ability to achieve outcomes.What I still need to work on and why(Copy from your Development Plan)Where I am now- self-evaluation and What do I still need to do
    For improving my skills and experiences I have to focus on communicating and working in collaboration which allows me to learn new things and can educate me in many areas and in many ways which will be beneficial for my career growth and development.I am working as a Freight handler in Post Haste and learning to work in a collaborative manner.
    Learning Goal 6: Be effective communicators:Be able to effectively communicate, negotiate and influence using modes and mediums of communication appropriate to the context.  What I still need to work on and why(Copy from your Development Plan)Where I am now- self-evaluation and What do I still need to do
    For becoming a skilled Freight handler I have to work on my communication and interaction skills which allow me to understand people and interact with them in an efficient manner which will be beneficial for faster sorting and getting desired results in my profession.I am learning to communicate with people in the work place in an effective manner in every area possible.
  • Your Co-operative Education Role: Being knowledgeable in a specialist area(s) in your               Co-operative Education Placement
  • In this section you should explain how knowledge from your major(s) applies to your workplace activities and discuss the value of your role. For each new, expanded or updated activities, explain how theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies, from your major(s)/minor(s) have applied.

  • For TWO new, different or expanded activities from your current job description, that you have undertaken, briefly describe the activity, what your involvement has been. Explain how theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies, from your major(s) have applied. 
  • In your discussion you should:

  • Outline your workplace activities and
  • Discuss a comprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks, and/or technical competencies. (Note: You must draw on authoritative sources including in-text citations).
  • Explain how this knowledge from your studies was relevant and guided you to complete your activities.
  • Reflect and evaluate your performance in your Co-op experience (support with specific evidence and examples).
  • As initially stated, I have been working as a freight handler at Post Haste. Amongst the responsibilities that I am assigned to perform, I usually spend a couple of hours daily to initiate the “scanning of freight” during the uploading and loading of shipments. Along with this, I need to properly communicate with my co-workers to ensure effective stakeholder management for optimizing “operational efficiency” of the procedures involved in tracking and Inventory Management.

    Expanded activities relating to current job description

    Activity 1- Scanning of freight

    I am responsible for initiating “scanning of freight”. Precisely, I need to handle a significant number of scanning of freight items on regular basis. As a freight handler, I am well-aware about the elementary concept of supply chain management. Referring to this, I know the essentiality of keeping the tracks each shipment properly as the same is focused to ease operational complexities involved in the loading/ uploading processes of shipment. Not only that, I know how supply chain effectiveness can instigate overall operational efficiency of Post Haste. Even, Scanning of freight is duly supported by the Logistics principle. In addition, proper scanning of freight optimizes operational efficiency and accuracy of “loading / uploading of the shipment”. The key concept of Logistic principle supports the essentiality of keeping details of the shipment and the job role of freight handler has instigated me to do the same.

    Activity 2-Effective interactive communication with co-workers for optimizing inventory management

    The well-designed learning modules that I have studied when pursuing this course have already provided me some of the elementary concept of supply chain management, logistics, and stakeholders’ management. Such key concept has collectively helped me to enhance my proficiency and skills required to accomplish the job role of a freight handler. A Freight handler is instructed to accomplish some of the most significant responsibilities as also pertinent in the context of Post Haste. The job role of a Freight handler is directly associated to the supply chain profession. Even, I have also enhanced my proficiency in handling technology or tech-driven system so that I can effectively handle the job responsibilities that I am assigned to take care of. In this context, it is relevant to state that proper understanding of Vygotsky’s cooperative learning theory and Carl Roger’s self-theory has shaped my holistic development by enhancing self-learning. As per my understanding, proper implementation of these theories in optimizing interpersonal skill enables an individual to develop various competencies in assistance with cooperative learning to a great extent.

     When it comes to reflect on my performance in accordance with the experience that I have gained in Co-operative Education programme, I must state that I have enhanced proficiency in the tasks that I am assigned to do as per my job role. Amongst these 9 weeks, the first few weeks are indeed challenging to me because I have been introduced to such job responsibilities that I have hardly done before. This is to be included in this context that I have been offered proper guidance from the concerned hierarchy and the same has shaped my work experience to a great extent. In a nutshell, I have enhanced my competencies over the period. Based on my understanding, such skills development will eventually shape my employability competencies and the same can surely be considered as holistic betterment of my professional attributes. Last but not least; my communication skill, adaptability, team handling capacity etc. has been enhanced. Not only that, I become quick-responsive in “problem-solving” and such skill development has become possible due to these work experience that I have obtained in 9 weeks.

  • Discuss the significance of your role or gigs, the challenges you have encountered and the value that you have added to your team(s) and organisation(s), including knowledge from your major(s)/minor(s), your personal attributes, and how these have developed throughout your experience(s).
  • As per my understanding and the experience that I have obtained when working as a Freight handler at Post Haste, I have realized that a Freight handler must perform different activities in order to bring efficiency to the supply chain management of the industry domain. They are responsible to optimize supply chain efficiency uninterruptedly.  At Post Haste, I have been responsible to maintain proper tracking of the shipments along with sorting of freight, scanning of shipment etc.  In my opinion, such work efficiency has brought value to my work place. Precisely, it can be derived that my expertise and efforts has shaped organizational productivity of Post Haste and has contributed in maximizing “revenue generation” of this company.  

    In addition, I must mention that I have also felt difficulties during communication with the co-workers and the customers in the first two weeks in my workplace. Even, the same has caused significant complexities in accomplishing the tasks that I am assigned to perform. I have realized that I must put necessary efforts to enhance my interpersonal skills and the same will eventually help me to understand others. This realization has enabled me to encounter this challenge as per SMART objective and eventually I have resolved these complexities over the period. Along with this, I must mention that I have experienced bit challenges to deal with the “application software” used in my workplace, Post Haste. Initially, I was hardly proficient in data-handling though I tried to gain ‘overall understanding” of this concept and overcome this issue within the first 3 weeks.

  • What gaps have you identified in your technical knowledge including your majors(s)/minor(s)during your placement? Discuss how you have addressed these gaps.
  • It must be included in this context that I have gained in-depth understanding of supply chain, logistics when studying the learning modules. Not only that, the work experience has also helped me to gain detailed understanding of these elementary concepts of supply chain management. Precisely, my job role as a Freight handler at Post Haste has strengthened my areas of expertise to some extent. Despite of all this, I must admit that I have experienced severe challenges when dealing with “data handling” in the first two weeks in my workplace. I hardly have proper understanding of IoT that is applied to ensure wide storage for data (Heinbach, Meier & Thomas, 2022.p.850). I was hardly capable to operate effectively the “application software” used in Post Haste in order to maintain the details of the shipments.

    In those days, I have taken supports from my colleagues and they helped me in understanding the key attributes of the application. Not only that, I have started to gather relevant knowledge in order to resolve the gap that I have identified. Even, acquiring of knowledge has made me to become confident and helped me to resolve the identified gaps to some extent.

  • Your Professional Skills: communicate effectively in professional settings, working collaboratively and being adept at working in changing local and global contexts
  • In your Learning Plan you developedTWO goals for your professional skills to work on during your placement. These related to you

  • Being able to workcollaboratively.
  • Being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments.
  • Note: In this section you will reflect on your experiences in your chosen aspects of your professional practice since completingyour Development Plan.

    You may have refined or revised your goalsas well as the actions you have put in place to achieve your goals.Please include these updates in your reflection below.


    Goal ONE: Working collaboratively- how you function and interact with others

    State your aspect here: ________________________

  • My current goal(include any changes) is:
  • My current goal is to “work collaboratively” with the co-workers or team members towards attaining the shared organizational objectives of Post Haste. The knowledge that I have acquired when going through the learning modules, I have come to know that effective collaboration at the workplace may enable me to function and interact with other team members or co-workers in a proper manner. I have realized that proper work collaboration will strategically help me to attain organizational goal with an alignment of my professional development over the period.

    2. Discuss how your planned actions/strategies have helped you to make progress towards achieving your goal.

    In order to enhance the competencies required to “working collaboratively with the co-workers”, I have introduced myself to some planned strategies or actions. The basic understanding of the learning modules has helped me to know that effective communication is indeed essential in order to working collaboratively with others. Therefore, I must put necessary efforts to optimize my communication skills, especially verbal communication skill. Referring to this information, I started to interact with the people. Precisely, networking with people has enabled me to reflect on the areas on which I must introduce essential improvement. Therefore, people interaction or networking with people can be referred to as the elementary planned initiative that has helped me to make a significant progress in achieving my objective. In this context, it is highly relevant to state that I have also experienced when started interacting with the people.

    Such situation has instigated me to reflect on my interpersonal skill. Even, I get to know that I must develop habit of active listening. In other words, active listening will eventually help me to understand the view point of others. Realizing this, I have started to listen carefully what others are saying. The same has also enhanced my concentration capacity. In a nutshell, the habit of active listening has eventually shaped my communication skill to a great extent. Not only that, the same has helped me to communicate precisely by evaluating the viewpoint of the others. As initially stated, effective communication is linked with strategic work collaboration. Referring to this information, the more I become proficient in communicating effectively, I have enhanced my attributes in effectively managing the activities required to work collaboratively in the workplace. As per my understanding, development of the skills required to working collaboratively has eventually helped me to shape my professional competencies significantly.

    3. Identify and reflect on one key learning experience and/or critical incident you have had in this goal in developing your professional skills during your Co-operative Education Experience and how this learning experience and/or critical incident has led you to new insights about the importance of being able to work collaboratively.

    It has already been revealed that I was hardly able to properly communicate with my co-workers at the first two weeks in my workplace. The same has negatively influenced my productivity; rather I was unable to accomplish the tasks that I am assigned to perform. The same has instigated me to learn the essentiality of effective communication. Not only that, I have come to know it is necessary to work collaboratively, especially when I am introduced to a team environment. Such critical incident has compelled me to develop such professional attributes so that I can work collaboratively in the organisational structure of Post Haste. In my opinion, the “ability of working collaboratively” does not only increase estimated productivity of an organisation, but also enable me to shape holistic growth of my career over the period.

    Goal TWO: Being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments- are you in charge of your future?

    State your specific aspect here: ________________________

  • My current goal(include any changes) is:
  • My current goal is to become adept at working in the changing global and local contexts & environments as well. In other words, I am taking charge of my future by being “flexible” in adopting changing local and global environment as also relevant in the context of embracing organizational changes in Post Haste.

    2. Discuss how your planned actions/strategies have helped you to make progress towards achieving your goal.

    The knowledge that I have acquired while going through the learning modules, I have come to know that “planned actions” or effective strategy formation is highly significant in attaining best possible results in return. In order to become “flexible” in embracing changes or to being adept at working in changing global and local context, I have introduced myself to some planned actions or strategies so that I can make a consistent progress in achieving my objectives over the period. Initially, I have convinced my thought process that change is inevitable; rather change is indeed essential to optimize further betterment in both local and global environment and contexts as well. Referring to this information, I have made my mind to accept that certain “organizational change” is indeed essential and the same can contribute to the further betterment of an organization as also relevant in the context of Post Haste. Therefore, I must develop an “open minded approach” in order to accept the change. Precisely, openness in accepting change is the first planned action that I have followed. In this relevance, it must be included that “openness in accepting change” is the mind-set that eventually has shaped me to become flexible in achieving the proposed goal.

    3. Identify and reflect onone key learning experience and/or critical incident you have had in this goal in developing your professional skills during your Co-operative Education experience and how this learning experience and/or critical incident has led you to new insights about the importance of working with being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments.

    In addition, I would like to reflect on a critical incident that I have experienced at Post Haste during the weeks I worked there as an integral part of my Co-operative Education programme. Precisely, this critical incident has instigated me to develop “flexibility” in me as one of the key professional competencies. The overall work experience that I have obtained in Co-operative Education programme has informed me about the essentiality of being adept at working in changing local and global contexts to a certain extent. Even, I have stated in this paper that absenteeism of employees has initially taken place to the work environment of Post Haste. The same has resulted heavy work load on other employees. In some cases, I have also been directed to work more due to significant absenteeism among the co-worker. This situation has instigated me to become “flexible” in adopting the current situation of my workplace. Initially, I was not ready to accept such uncertainty at the very first place. But such Co-operative Education experience has led me to new insights about it. I have come to know that it is utmost essential to become flexible in order to being adept at working in the changing local and global contexts. Precisely, such adverse situation in workplace scenario has enabled me to learn that I must enhance my professional competencies so that I can deal effectively with the changing local and global environment as also addressed in the workplace context of Post Haste.

    Overall Professional Skills and Career Development

  • Reflect on the way in which you perceive you have been developing as a professional. Your reflection should review your progress to date and discuss any new insights you have gained into how your Co-operative Education experience might influence your future career planning and development. (2-3 paragraphs)

    In my opinion, I have been developing my competencies as a professional while obtaining Co-operative Education experience in last 9 weeks. In previous section, I have already admitted that communication challenge has caused certain impediments especially in the first two weeks of my Co-operative Education programme. Even, I have identified this issue and realized that it is essential to improve communication skills as it will shape the overall competencies required for working collaboratively. In order to enhance communication skills, I started to interact with people. Such initiatives are exhaustively practiced in the first two weeks of Co-operative Education program. Gradually, I have developed the ability to be able work in a team environment. In other words, I have become proficient in handling teams, especially in the 4th working week at Post Haste.  

    Meanwhile, I have realized the essentiality of adaptability and flexibility in optimizing professional competencies over the period. Due to this, I have put consistent efforts to embrace the uncertainty in my workplace and I have been trying to flexible to accept the changes whenever necessary. In other words, I have come to know that openness to flexibility will enable me to optimize sustainable professional growth. Not only that, openness to change will shape my employability skills to a great extent and will redefine sustainable career development in the future. In a nutshell, I have been introduced to new insights that have shaped my holistic development as a professional. In other hands, my Co-operative Education experience has significantly influenced my career development and planning by evaluating the areas in which further improvement is needed to be introduced.

  • YourCo-operative Education Organisation and the environment it operates in:be critical enquirers and be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large
  • In this section:

  • Support your answers with examples and evidence.
  • Referenceyour discussion, including in-text citations.
  • In your Development Plan, you sourced definitions of the following dimensions for business social responsibility.

  • Ethics & business
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Sustainability
  • Social impact
  • Select ONE or morecurrent issues from your media log and
    • Drawing on your definitions for at least two of the dimensions above discuss the implications of your chosen issue(s) for your organisation/industry and
  • Intellectual rights protection is generally governed by the significant aspects of commerce and trade (Gaikwad, 2020). The cooperative education industry must be evolved with its set of intellectual property policies like other industry domain along with management strategies. It must be included in this context that New Zealand is always interested in developing strategic intellectual property policies in accordance with the evidence of particular strategies and practices as well. In some cases, it is essential to carry out “covert investigations” in order to protect “intellectual rights” because it strategically fosters innovation within the competitive environment both at international and local landscapes. The key objective of protecting the overall intellectual rights of organizations is to safeguard the intellectual assets and knowledge of the organizations from the contemporaries or other industry players.

    As per the media article sources, A.I. implementation has become an increasing business trend for a wide range of organisations that are operating at the global landscape. Even, A.I. based application are extensively availed in the various levels of the organizations. Despite of innovative advanced features, the authenticity of A.I. driven tools are still questionable. In some cases, the application of “generative A.I.” raises questions o the authenticity of A.I. sources along with its cloud-driven storage capacitance.

    • Discuss what you think your organisation/industry does or needs to do to address these dimensions, drawing on examples from your media log (2-3 paragraphs).

    In accordance with the information stated above, Post Haste is needed to introduce effective measures to protect its Intellectual rights of the commercial services offered by this company. It must be included in this context that Intellectual rights must be defined and declared by the concerned country in which the organisation is operating its business activities. Failure to protect intellectual rights may cause Post Haste to experience reputational risks. Apart from that, any significant reputational risks may lead to instigate brand reputation of the company. The same can interrupt sustainable business growth of the company over the period. This is the reason why Post Haste must address this dimension.

    Apart from the enlisted, it is essential to ensure data privacy. Failure of maintaining data security of the consumers can surely be considered as breach of conduct. Even, such operational mismanagement can cause reputational risks of Post Haste. Not only that, such cause may results in “consumer shifting” to its contemporaries. Thus, Post Haste may experience certain deterioration in its estimated revenue generation. In a nutshell, Cloud enabled storage powered by IoT must be implementation as it will ensure data privacy of Post Haste’s wide range of customers. Even, adoption of IoT featured technology will enable Post Haste to avail interactive advanced CRM applications. Precisely, the same will enable Post Haste to optimize its operational efficiency to a great extent. Referring to this information, it is essential to address this dimension along with its mitigation approaches as discussed.

  • What initiatives does your organisation/industry have in place and what other initiatives do you suggest they could put in place to generate sustainable value (1-2 paragraphs).
  • A significant range of organizations are focused in generating sustainable value by offering the customer-centric services or products. The information available at reliable sources has confirmed that Post Haste is dedicated in offering customer-centric services (posthaste, 2023). In other words, Post Haste aims to maximize its potential customer reach by enhancing customer satisfaction over the period. Referring to this information, this organisation may implement IoT driven CRM application so that customer relationship can effectively be managed. Apart from that, the concerned authority of Post Haste can provide necessary training to its employees so that their proficiency in handling advanced applications can be uplifted. It is expected that implementation of advanced cloud-enabled platform will enable Post Haste to ensure overall data-security of its wide range of customers (Wang et al. 2019.p.12). Even, the same can also be considered as a strategic practice in optimizing “brand reputation” of the company. This is how “sustainable value” can be generated. In this context, it is significant to state that IoT driven application can ensure data privacy during the practices involved in “scanning of freight”.

    D: Your Contemporary Issue:Being inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems by applying specialist knowledge to your Co-operative Education role, or organisation, or industry

    Discuss your progress with your contemporary issue research. You will need to write at least 600 words to give a sufficient outline for formative feedback. You should have at least 5-7 authoritative sources to support your discussion.

    You should include:

  • The final title of your report.
    • Update your understanding on how your contemporary issue is related to either your industryand/or Co-operative Education Placement Organisation.
    • A plan of content areas for your Co-operative Education Report including your Contemporary Issuee.g., themes, specificheadings and subheadings.
    • A discussion of the research you have gatheredand how this is contributing to your understanding of the issue you have chosen(600 words).
  • Final Title of the Report

    "Streamlining Logistics Operations in the Digital Era - Post Haste Courier Services"

    Understanding of the Contemporary Issue

    The contemporary impediments related to Post Haste Courier Services are the opportunities and challenges associated with adapting to the digital age in the courier and logistics industry. The same includes the vertical integration of technology for scheduling, tracking, and optimizing delivery channels as well as addressing environmental and sustainability concerns (posthaste, 2023).

    Discussion of Research Gathered

    The overall research conducted in this co-operative education report has offered “valuable insights” into the identified challenges and potential opportunities encountered in the organizational eco-system of Post Haste Courier Services in recent contemporary digital age. It can be claimed through a detailed review of the literature, the logistics industry sector is undergoing certain transformation which is usually driven by sustainability and technology concerns (acquisition-international, 2023).

    The information updated in this paper has revealed that Post Haste's adaptation to this contemporary concern is quite crucial for its business success (financialpost, 2023). This research has thoroughly focused on understanding how this organization is integrating technology into its business operational activities including route optimization, advanced tracking systems, and customer-centric digital solutions. Apart from that, necessary efforts towards environmental sustainability, like reducing carbon emissions, eco-friendly delivery options have been thoroughly examined.

    This is to be included in this context that interaction with the Post Haste’s customers and Post Haste’s staff has provided proper insights into the organization’s approach in addressing the contemporary challenges. It is quite prominent that technology integration has optimized customer satisfaction, efficiency, and overall industry competitiveness to a great extent (canstarblue, 2023). Inspite of all these, sustainability is still considered as a "complex challenge”. Referring to this information, it is highly essential to introduce effective mitigation strategies in order to resolve environmental impact of Post Haste in the coming days. In addition, adoption of eco-friendly strategy will enable Post Haste to actively participate in CSR practices (Baig et al. 2020.p.1841525).

    In accordance with the information depicted in this report, this extensive research has thoroughly enhanced my overall understanding of the dynamic competitive nature of the logistics and courier industry. Even, the information revealed in this paper has showcased how an organization like Post Haste is still actively navigating the evolving business landscape. The findings are focused to contribute to the holistic development of effective recommendations. Even, such recommendations are aimed at further improving Post Haste's position in the competitive landscape while addressing the contemporary issue effectively. In other words, this research has significantly contributed to the detailed understanding of the contemporary challenges addressed in Post Haste Courier Services. In a nutshell, the research has not only showcased the contemporary challenges but also has provided a clear roadmap to mitigation those challenges in optimizing further organizational improvement.


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