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Annotated Bibliography on Human Resource Management Strategy Articles


Task: You are required to compile a ‘Reviewing the Literature’ of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Step 1. Select one of the options for Essay 3.
Read the Assessment 3 Essay options and identify which one you will work on for assessment 2 and 3.

Step 2. Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2010.
Identify five (5) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the Assessment 3 Essay topic. These must be aligned to the unit themes from Weeks 1 to 5 (e.g. evolution of HRM, the context of HRM, industrial relations, HR planning and work design challenges in a global environment). It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online ‘search’ of CQUniversity Library. You cannot use the article from your Assessment 1 presentation for Assessment 2.

Step 3. Write 500 words on each article (500 x 5= 2500 words)
For each journal article, write to the headings in the template. These include:

  • full reference
  • outline of research objective and research question
  • outline of the method
  • discussion of the findings
  • summary of the conclusions
  • indication of how this will be relevant for your Essay 3. 

Place each article on a new page.

Present your Reviewing the Literature in format provided in the template. For more information, see the library guide for writing an annotated bibliography.


Article 1:-
Reference: Preez, R. D., & Bendixen, M. T. (2015). The impact of internal brand management on employee job satisfaction, brand commitment and intention to stay. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(1), 78-91. doi:10.1108/IJBM-02-2014-0031

Objective and Research question
This article is intended in order to analyse the impact and influence of internal brand management of the banking sector on the different motivational factors associated with the staff members such as commitment to their job and their intention to stay with the company.

The research question of this study is can IBM strategies be used by the HR team in order to enhance the job contentment level of their staff members working within the banking industry?

In order to understand the IBM motivational factors, the author has conducted an observational study on the workers working within the banking sector in South Africa. The author conducted a survey in order to gather primary data. A questionnaire was distributed among 156 participants in order to collect their opinion about the brand.

Findings and Discussion
The article highlights that the workforce employed at the banking sectors can efficiently be used as a brand ambassador of their organisations as they interact with the consumers and outside people more so they are the right person to advertise about the brand and its value. In order to market about the brand, the employees are required to have a deep understanding of their brand so that they are able to use their brands in the most efficient manner and create value for it. In order to make the employees aware of the brand, it is important that the management must ensure that the workers have job satisfaction and are happy with their work and organisation. As the employee's dedication to the brand, they will be encouraged to share it with others. The discussion helps in understanding that internal brand management helps in retaining employee as employees wants to stay associated with well establish and popular organisations having a good market value. As the brand provides job satisfaction, the employees are motivated to stay and remain loyal to the firm and work hard so as to improve productivity. As the intention of the employees to stay in the firm is increased due to brand management the HR team should focus on the internal brand management while planning about the HR practices so that they can retain their talent.

It is concluded that internal brand management has a strong control on the motivational factors of workers. Employees are attracted to popular brand sand stay with a well-established brand that provides them with a positive work environment. HRM should try to analyse the proper internal brand market so that employee is motivated and loyal to the firm.

How this article contributes to my essaybInternal brand management and motivational strategies assist the HRM in enhancing the morals of their staff memebers and at the same time, this help in improving the brand image of the firm. This practice helps in increasing the eagerness of the employees to stay associated with the firm. So this strategy can be used by HRM in retaining employees which is the primary topic for my essay 3.

Article 2:-
Reference: Rukunga, Y. M., & Nzulwa, J. (2018). The role of talent management strategies on organizational performance: A case of telecommunication firms in Kenya. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 3(3), 263-288

Objective and Research question
The main objective of this article is to evaluate the significance of various talent management policies and strategies in improving organisational activities and performance. It is observed that with growing global competition companies are more inclined towards ensuring that their human capital is properly utilised as compared to their physical assets. As the industries are increasing organisations are losing talents and experienced people to new enterprises.

This paper answers the question whether the strategies of talent management are beneficial for retaining experienced workers within the firm and increases the output of the firm?

In order to gather data for the research, descriptive research approach was used by the author along with the analytical technique. Primary data was collected by conducting a survey with around 279 administration staff members working within the telecommunication sector in Kenya. This study focused on around a sample of 162 participants from the different telecommunication organisations of Kenya. In order to gather the data, a questionnaire was prepared by the researcher with appropriate and relevant question. The collected information was coded, edited and analysed for the conclusion.

Findings and Discussion
The finding of this research showed that the talent attraction strategies proved to be beneficial in enhancing the performance and outcome of the business organisation in a very reasonable manner. It was observed that satisfying employees, increasing staff committeemen, organisational enthusiasm, and reduction in the employee turnover rate contributed significantly to increasing the performance and productivity of the organisation. This research helped in highlighting the fact that learning and developmental strategies were highly beneficial for developing new skills and improving the duty of the employees. In addition, the career management strategies assisted the management in guiding their employees and increased the performance to a greater extent. Identifying career goals and career counselling assisted the managers in motivating their employees and increased the dedication of the employees towards the firm as they had a path that will help them in growing in the professional field. According to the findings of the research, the Kenya Telecommunication organisations were mostly influenced by the different career management policies or strategy that was followed by the talent strategy. After this, it was analysed that talent retention strategy provided beneficially and the learning and development strategy played a minor role in maintaining the talent within the telecom sector. Retaining an experienced employee is essential as they are experienced and hold knowledge about the functioning of the firm.

It is analysed that talent management strategies help in retaining the employees of an organisation and helps in improving the performance of the firm. Companies should try to implement of this strategy in order to motivate their employees and sustain in the market.

How this article contributes to my essay
This article evaluates about the strategies that can help the HR manager in retaining as well as attracting new talents in an organisation as this s necessary in order to enhance the performance and productivity of the firm.

Article 3:-
Reference: Festing, M., & Schäfer, L. (2014). Generational challenges to talent management: A framework for talent retention based on the psychological-contract perspective. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 262-271.

Objective and Research question
The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between psychological contract and talent management this study has assumed that the talent management strategies help in influencing psychological contract within a workplace.

This research responds to the question whether the talent management strategies are interrelated to the different psychological contract of employees in a workplace?

The author made use of the social-exchange theory and tried to evaluate the idea of generational differences and effects in a certain workplace of a different organisation. It was analysed that age difference plays a significant role in establishing a relationship between psychological contract and talent management. The author made use of a hypothesis and predicted certain results based on these assumptions.

Findings and Discussion
The author evaluated the concept of psychological contracts stating that it is the set of undefined expectations that some employees of an organisation have from their employers. On the other hand, talent management is the type of system which deals with the concept of attracting new talent for an organisation and helps in maintaining and retaining the existing talent within the firm. The findings of this research help in understanding that as the concept of globalisation is increasing, and the number of business industries is growing the war for talent is increasing. And with the increasing demand for skill and knowledge, the expectations of the employees form their employers is increasing. For instance, many employees have expectations of security, job satisfaction, satisfactory remunerations and more, therefore, an organisation that provides employees or fulfil their expectation and are able to win the loyalty of the employees and therefore they are able to obtain their talent. The recruitment process is also influenced by talent management as well as the psychological contract therefore, it is important for the HRM to pay significant attention towards this factor.

It is concluded that the generation y and x are increasingly interested in career progress, training and development programs. These initiatives help in making the different talent management initiative more inclusive and extensive and assist the organisation in retaining talent.

How this article contributes to my essay
This article helps in providing information regarding the talent retention strategy which is important for my essay therefore; this information will help in enhancing my essay in a more informative manner.

Article 4:-
Reference: Haider, M., Rasli, A., Akhtar, C. S., Yusoff, R. B. M., Malik, O. M., Aamir, A., ... & Tariq, F. (2015). The impact of human resource practices on employee retention in the telecom sector. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S), 63-69.

Objective and Research question
This study explored the various human resource practices that are beneficial in promoting employee relation within workplace. Appropriate HR strategy is necessary in order to reduce the increasing turnover rate of the staff members. Workers are the primary stakeholders that help in the success and the growth of an organisation therefore, it is important to retain them.

The research question for this study is to explore can HR strategies and practices help in reducing the turnover rates in an organisation?

In order to collect information about the different HR functions and practices such as cultural training, compensations, developmental programs and more that assist in retaining staffs within the telecommunication sector in Pakistan, the research consulted secondary research. In addition, primary data as collected by developing an appropriate and relevant questionnaire form the review of literature. The quantitative data was gathered with the assistance of 250 respondents. The hypothesis of the study was;

1. A positive relation was observed to exist between employee retention and the training and development practice

2. A positive relation was established between employee relation and compensation

Findings and Discussion
The literature review conducted in this study revealed that there is a encouraging relationship existing between the different Hr practices and employee withholding. A positive workplace helps in attracting new talents and plays a significant role in retaining the existing employees. The author highlighted that HR practices associated with developmental programs motivate employees to stay associated with the firm as they are able to improve their skills. In addition, Hr practices of organisational cultural training help in maintaining a fair a d ethical behaviour and there is no discrimination which promotes employee growth, so employees from diverse background are happy to stay and remain connected with the firm. On the other hand, the survey that was conducted in order to gather primary data with the employees and the manager revealed that employees are much satisfied with fair HR practices and remains loyal to the firm. Increasing the experience of the employees with the firm is essential as they assist the HR managers in retaining their talent pool which is essential to remain competitive and sustain in the market.

It is concluded that if the HR manager is fair in their practices and have adequate and essential strategies within the workplace, the employee's satisfaction rate is higher. If the employees are satisfied with their jobs and feel secure and supported within the firm, they are loyal towards it and want to remain associated with the organisation. Therefore, HR practices play a vital role in employee retention and therefore, the HR team is required to formulate appropriate strategies and policies as per the need of the organisation.

How this article contributes to my essay
This article helps in understanding about the strategies that are beneficial for employee retention and this is necessary as this will help me in gathering vital information for my essay which is relevant to employee retention.

Article 5:-
Reference: Pastorek, S., Contacos-Sawyer, J., & Thomas, B. (2015). Creating a no-tolerance policy for workplace bullying and harassment. Competition Forum, 13(2), 232-240.

Objective and Research question
The main focus of this study is to develop an understanding about the impact if bullying and harassment within the workplace. The study is aimed at identifying the methods that can be used to reduce or avoid such situations and maintain the safety and security of the employees.

The article helps in answer the question that what are the negative impact of bullying and harassment on the mental state of employees and whether it contributes towards increasing employee turnover rate?

In order to gather appropriate data the researcher conducted critical secondary research and gathered review from different literatures as well as government regulations that were conducted in USA against various bullying and harassment issues at workplace. All the records of such incidents helped in analysing about the problems and developing appropriate solution for the issues so that this can be reduced and safety can be provided at workplace.

Findings and Discussion
According to the results of the study it was analysed that the incidents of bullying and harassments increase at workplaces. Due to globalisation and hectic work culture the competition is increasing and the issues are also enhancing as diverse employees are recruited at workplace. However, the issues have negative impact o the work environment and the mental state of the employees. Due to harassment employees lose their performance and develop a low self esteem. They start fearing people and do not wish to work at the organisation and gradually their growth is significantly reduced. The issue also affects their mental state as they are in increased stress and fear which might lead to depression and the employee is unable to concentrate on their work. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the HR team in order to ensure that workplace safety is maintained and employees do not experience any issue of harassment and bullying that can affect them in any manner. in addition, the research study shows that the government has implemented a number of regulations and policies that help in protecting employees against discrimination and contributes towards their growth and development therefore, HR should adopt such policies and practices in provide their employees with safety and security.

This study helps in understanding that the issues of bullying and harassments are increasing and they are affecting employee performance. This is considered as one of the primary reasons due to which employees leave the organisation therefore it is suggested that HR should pay keen attention to these issues and ensure that proper regulations are maintained within the firm in order to avoid such problems.

How this article contributes to my essay
The report deals with a primary topic that is a primary reason for increased employee turnover rate so understanding the issue and developing appropriate solution to avoid problems is essential for my essay.


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