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collaborative treatment plan assignment on mental health assessment


Task: how to assess patient mental health using collaborative treatment plan assignment strategies?


On this collaborative treatment plan assignment it is observed in order to ensure the proper treatment of mental health related issues fully depends on the involvement level of mental health care facilities that can assure providing significant support to the patients and contribute to the progressive improvement in the patient’s condition. Mental health related problems require a specific treatment approach based on the condition of the patients and there is no particular process that can be fit for all. The assignment will focus on the mental health issue of John who is 18 year old and currently suffered from delusion and suicidal thoughts needed utmost care to recover from his condition. The collaborative treatment plan assignmentwill try to develop a collaborative treatment approach to address the recovery needs of the patients.

Description of the current context of the care
As per the collaborative treatment plan assignment case John is currently admitted in Beyond Blue Foundation Trust which is one of the trusted mental health care foundations in the Australia capable of providing effective support to the mentally ill patients. The institution first opened their mental health ward in 2000 and since then the organization has tried to deliver effective service to the patients. The mental health organization has provided diverse range of mental health related programs related to suicide, depression and anxiety disorders and the trust has received an overall good rating from Care Quality Commission which reflects its satisfied service towards their patients (, 2022). The foundation has provided a wide range of services to the patients and involves the whole person approach within their treatment process to meet the physical and mental needs of patients (Shalaby& Agyapong, 2020).

Admission to hospital can be different types based on the condition of the patients. It can be either voluntary or mandatory depending upon the current condition of the patients. Emergency admission happened due to the sudden occurrence of trauma and due to the acute illness that cannot be handled in the form of outpatients. On the other hand, elective admission enables the patients to voluntarily take support of professionals to improve their health condition. In thiscollaborative treatment plan assignment case, John is suffering delusional thoughts that also invoke the suicidal thoughts in him and increase the risk of danger. He was reluctant to join any type of mental health or support groups to improve his condition. In order to improve his mental condition and omit the life risk, mandatory form of admission has been applied to improve the condition of his mental situation.
Furthermore, the hospital has also met all the legal requirements that are associated with the admission process of mentally ill patients. Management of Beyond Blue Foundation has collected the referral from the assigned general physician and psychiatrist of John that indicate that he needs proper attention to avoid any unwanted incidents. On the other hand, the mental health institute also aligned their work under the guidance of Mental Health Care Act, 1983 to avoid any future complication (Fusar Poliet al. 2021).

Outlining the consumer goals and future plan
Recovery from mental illness is subjective and varies depending upon the particular need of patients. However, the main concept of recovery is about staying in control of life rather than focusing on the approach that only focuses on returning to the premorbid level of functioning. Applications of such approaches that not only focus on the full resolution of symptoms but emphasis on the controlling process of the problem are more effective in comparison to falls promises (Dalgleish et al. 2020). In this case, John is suffering from delusional thoughts that prohibit him from differentiate between real and imaginary world and it also create urge of suicidal tendency that can led to delivery of unexpected life threatening result. Primary goal for the collaborative treatment plan assignment case patient is to gain control over the development of delusional thoughts that will also control the generation of suicidal tendency. It is important for the healthcare professionals to identify the main cause of the mental issue so the future treatment process can be organized effectively. Evidence suggests delusional thoughts have been triggered in John due to the excessive abuse of substances and alcohol that need to be controlled to achieve the future goal.
The future plan is associated with the application of relevant psychological treatment procedures to improve the mental condition of the patient. For instance, individual psychotherapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy are some of the popular treatment processes that can help the mentally ill patients to improve their condition (Ma et al. 2020). On the other hand, family focused therapy is a newly introduced treatment strategy that helps in bridging the gap between the patients and his family members with the establishment of proper communication strategy.

Outline the consumer’s strengths and resources for recovery
Consumers are required to use their strengths and skills to higher the chance of full recovery anduses different types of resources to support complete recovery. Application of the recovery process that provides a holistic view of the mentally ill patients rather than just focusing on the symptoms is more effective to attain the desired result. On the other hand, multiple factors are associated with the successful application of the holistic recovery model such as the financial strength, effective relationship with family members and suitable environment that control the chance of stress generation. In this case, the relationship between John and his family members is quite strong that will motivate John to continue his treatment in future. On the other hand, it is also crucial for the relatives to develop such an environment that provides scope for personal growth and enables the patients to form cultural and spiritual perspectives to eliminate the risk of stress generation (Patel et al. 2018). Furthermore the collaborative treatment plan assignment also identifies it is also crucial for the health care personnel, friends and relatives to listen and believe the circumstances of the patients that will be helpful for the journey of the recovery. The patient is required to use inner strength and self willingness to combat the distress and show full commitment to the different ways of recovery strategies to increase the success rate of the treatment process.

Multiple types of support are also available that can be utilized to achieve the desired goal. Mental health counselor can help with dealing with anxiety, depression and other mental health related issues that will allow the consumer tackle the addiction and trauma related with the mental disease. On the other hand, there is also availability of professional psychologists who are able to evaluate the mental condition of the respective patients and perform counseling and psychotherapy depending on the particular need of the patient. Clinical social workers are another group of supporters that assist in the evaluation and treatment process of the mentally ill patients (van et al. 2018). This group is capable of working in various settings and provides opportunities for individual or group therapy to treat mental conditions. Lastly, there are peer supporters that have experienced similar mental conditions and recovered from their mental illness conditions are now capable of sharing their experience with patients with similar patients.

Identify priorities for safety, care and recovery for the consumer
One of the main properties for the health care professionals identified on this collaborative treatment plan assignmentis to involve qualified and skilled personnel within the organization to deliver quality service to the patients. The health organizations also ensure the recruitment of sufficient numbers of employees within the organization to avoid any type of staff burnout so that risk of delayed patient service can be avoided. Working in a stressful environment can impact the involvement level of workers and it can increase the risk of unsatisfactory delivery to the patients. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare management to ensure the development of productive working conditions to continue the engagement level of healthcare employees.

On the other hand, it is also necessary for the management to involve critical data security to avoid the risk of data loss or data breach. It has been seen that heavy reliance on the technology can significantly increase the risk of personal data theft and use it for personal gain. Therefore, it is necessary for health care professionals to implement a comprehensive data protection strategy within their working process to avoid unauthorized access to confidential data.
Bridging the gap between patients and healthcare professionals with the establishment of a proper communication channel is the utmost necessity that needs to be answered by the healthcare organizations before starting treatment process to treat particular mental illness, it is essential for the professionals to provide adequate information about different available treatment process so that patients can select the most relevant and applicable treatment process to improve their condition (Van Weeghelet al. 2019). Maintaining transparency within the treatment process can able the patients to continue their relationship in future is the main priority for the healthcare organization.

Identify strategies and interventions process to support priorities
Depending on the severity of the existing issues, it is important for the management of the particular health care organization to apply strategies that can help in overcoming the barriers and provide support to both healthcare personnel and consumers. One of the relevant collaborative treatment plan assignmentstrategies for the healthcare management is to gather adequate knowledge about the healthcare environment and promote professionalism among the staff so that they can understand the needs of the organization and deliver accordingly (Morganstein&Ursano, 2020). Analyzing the roles and responsibility of staff members and evaluating the operation of human resource management can enable the management to encourage the employees to improve their level of association with the organization. Improving the staff experience is the top priority for the healthcare management to avoid serious and wide ranging consequences that can affect the function of the health industry.
Involvement of required tools and aid within the recovery process is another intervention technique that will help in delivering effective service to the needy patients. Introduction of official websites and programs can be helpful for the people who have suffered from mental illness (Jacob, 2015). It will also provide an opportunity to gain control over the life and mental health issues of consumers and empower them to improve their quality of lifestyle with the opportunity of proper professional assistance. On the other hand, developing online platform will also reduce the pressure from offline service and allow service provider to provide 24*7 services to the urgent needs of the patients. Integration of collaborative treatment plan assignmentrisk management and quality improvement management is another strategy that can be applied by the health care management to develop plans and strategies to mitigate potential, threat and risk in the operation. On the other hand, they are also able to look for ways to improve their services and assure patients with the delivery of quality service. Successful implementation of communication skills between relevant parties and stakeholders will help in understanding their demand and act accordingly.

Hence, from the aforementioned analysis, it can be concluded that involvement of recovery plans completely depends on the current condition of patients and their future goals. Implementation of a holistic collaborative treatment plan assignmentapproach is the most critical responsibility of the organization so that specific demands of the patient’s party can be mitigated.

Reference list
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Jacob, K. S. (2015). Recovery model of mental illness: A complementary approach to psychiatric care. Indian journal of psychological medicine, collaborative treatment plan assignment37(2), 117-119. Retrieved on: 2.10.2022, from:
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