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(INT101) Community service assignment on the work process of government and non-government organization


Task: The community service assignment is about how government and non-government organisations work together to address the growing community services needs in Australia. Identify three vulnerable groups in need of community services in the local government area where you live, in line with ACWA list of community services. Outline the different ways government services work with non-government organisations to address the needs of these groups and identify any gaps in service provisions.


Australia collaborates with governments in its neighbourhood to help better the provision of economic and community services. They offer assistance in a number of ways, including: Services and products that help those in need, such as those provided by humanitarian organisations. As per the community service assignmentnon-governmental organisations (NGOs) are an effective and efficient means of delivering Australia's aid to the most at-risk, marginalised, and vulnerable people in the world. With this in mind, the Australian government actively encourages collaboration with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) like those mentioned above. Not only that, but when an NGO collaborates with the Australian government, they gain access to resources and funding they would not have had otherwise. This community service assignmentaims to analyze the work process of government and non-government organization and vulnerable groups in need of community services.

Government and non-government organization to address growing community servicesexplained in the community service assignment
In the territory governed by the local government where I reside, there are many vulnerable populations that are in search of community services. As stated by Colwell (2019) people who are experiencing homelessness, people who have mental health conditions, and people with disabilities are examples of this group. As per the community service assignmentthere are a variety of ways in which governmental services collaborate with non-governmental organisations to meet the requirements of disadvantaged members of the community who are in need of assistance.

In addition, Green (2022) stated that the provision of financial support to non-governmental organisations is one of the ways in which governmental services collaborate with non-governmental organisations to meet the requirements of vulnerable population groups (Coram et al.,2021). As per the community service assignmentthis funding enables non-governmental organisations to better assist vulnerable population groups in need of their services.

It is also possible for government agencies to collaborate with non-governmental organisations in the process of formulating policies and programmes that are geared toward enhancing the well-being of vulnerable population groups. For instance, as opined by Goldman (2018) in the community service assignmenta government agency may develop a policy that mandates the provision of services to individuals struggling with mental health conditions by non-governmental organisations that are eligible for financial support from the government. The government may also choose to provide non-government organisations with training and support in order to better equip these organisations to meet the requirements of the various groups they serve. Nevertheless, said that there are some holes in the provision of services, most notably for people who have problems with their mental health and people who have disabilities (Robinson et al., 2022). For instance, there is a deficiency in the availability of mental health services and support services for individuals who have disabilities. As per the community service assignmenta significant problem for people who are experiencing homelessness is the fact that there is a shortage of housing that is reasonably priced.

On the other hand, according toThistlethwaite(2019) government organisations are those that are created and managed by organisations that fall under the purview of the government. Organizations that are not created or managed by the government fall under the category of non-governmental organisations. It is found in the community service assignmentthat non-governmental organisations are typically established for the purpose of advocating for a particular cause or providing a service, whereas governmental organisations are typically established in order to advance a specific agenda or provide a service (Coffey, 2022). There are some gaps in the provision of services, most notably for individuals struggling with mental health conditions and individuals who are experiencing homelessness. This is due to the fact that many nongovernmental organisations that serve these communities are dependent on financial support from the government (Riesen,2019). As per thecommunity service assignmentit is possible that the ability of non-governmental organisations to help vulnerable populations will be significantly hindered if funding from the government is reduced or if there are changes made to the way that funding is distributed by the government.

There has been a great deal of complexity in the relationship between non-governmental organisations and the government in recent years. On the one hand, the government has become increasingly supportive of NGO activism, but NGOs have criticised government agencies harshly for being too bureaucratic and old-fashioned. The government has also been working to ensure financial transparency, etc., by trying to hold NGOs accountable to its own standards and the law (Mikelsons, 2020). As per the community service assignmentnon-governmental organisations (NGOs) are working to ensure that state organs at the local level function impartially by making government officials accountable to the people. Despite the apparent contradictions, the government and NGOs have worked together on a number of fronts. The number of transaction NGOs has exploded over the years, with many now focusing on international and transnational issues. As per the community service assignmentthe massive state deficits, financial crisis, and economic restructuring that have led to this crisis have all contributed to this expansion. With the state planning to reorganise its operations according to the corporate market model and its withdrawal from the social sector, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are rising to prominence as key stakeholders and providers of services for the marginalized.

Vulnerable group in need of community services in local governments People experiencing homelessness, Victims of family and domestic violence and migrant populations in Australia are three main vulnerable group who need community services.
Those who are homeless and at risk of becoming homeless are among the most economically besides socially poor members of Australian society. Services to help Australians who are homeless or at risk of homelessness are funded by governments across the country (Blackford et al., 2021). As per the community service assignmentthe vast majority of service providers are private, non-profit organisations; these range from those that focus on helping specific populations to those that offer more generalised aid to anyone in need. The risk of homelessness is worsened by structural factors like low income besides a lack of reasonable housing. One of the central aims of current homelessness investigation is to classify the complex relationship between personal as well as structural risk aspects that can put someone at risk for, besidesincrease, homelessness (Chibambo, 2019).
Crime victims or not, community advocates are there for them. Victims can look for them at safe houses, on hotlines, or with charitable groups. Helping victims through the healing process in complete privacy is the sole responsibility of community advocates. A career in Human Services can provide the opportunity to aid extremely vulnerable populations by ensuring that migrants and non-citizens have access to basic necessities like health care, housing, and food (Sawrikar, 2019). According to the community service assignmentanalysis human services professionals in a wide variety of fields can assist temporary or seasonal workers who are not Australian citizens. If this problem strikes a chord with them, there are plenty of opportunities to create change that will improve the quality of life for this group of people.

Theoretical foundation of community service work analyzed in the community service assignment
The code of ethics established by the Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) serves as the basis for and standard for all community workers. To work in an agency or programme that promotes or ensures social inclusion, one must have a relevant qualification as well as the values, knowledge, and skills to do so, as defined by the Association of Community Work Associations (ACWA), the professional association for community workers. Therefore, the community worker as per the community service assignmentmust treat all people with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, sexual orientation, or age (Taghizadeh-Hesary, 2022). Predating the establishment of ACWA, volunteerism was already a common practise in Australia. There was still significant significance to it, despite the fact that it was mostly done by individuals and as a disciplinary tool used by the government as an alternative to jailing. The group got started because there were so many people interested in doing volunteer work. Individuals' pre-modern approaches to community service were heavily influenced by their cultural backgrounds.It is found in the community service assignmentthat in community service, volunteers primarily aid weaker members of society or those who have been marginalised for other reasons. Seeing a social worker can be seen as a taboo in some communities, which is yet another obstacle based on cultural norms and practises (Mikelsons, 2020).

Therefore, honesty and reliability are foundational to good service, and counsellors should always uphold these values. Clients are involved in the process of change through the communication and patience of community service professionals because it is based on the recognition of the primary importance of human relationships. Different theoretical frameworks underpinning the field of community service are presented in the available evidence. Goldman (2018) summed up the core ideas and advantages of the human relations approach, which holds interpersonal communication as the key to positive transformation. In line with this theoretical stance, the importance of maintaining healthy interpersonal connections suggests reestablishing a client's capacity to function. As per the community service assignmentthe aim of public service is to assist people in resolving social problems, which is consistent with a strict evidence-based practice approach that encourages reliance on the evidence-based interventions. To better serve the many different cultural groups now represented in Australia, it is also helpful to adopt an ethnically sensitive practice perspective (Robinson, 2022).

It can be concluded from the community service assignmentthat, in Australia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have helped the government in providing curative health services, while the government's role has been negative. In the event of a peaceful settlement and the departure of NGOs from the region, the government will face the challenge of determining who will manage the health care facilities. It is found in the community service assignmentthat the growth of social enterprise and the maturation of network governance in Australia are also influencing the direction and practice of corporate community partnerships.

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Chibambo, C., Popokostova, Y., & Carry, L. (2019). Localising the grand transition: Enabling citizen participation and encompassing local government. World Energy Council: Government Future Energy Leader Position Paper, 1-56.
Coffey, B., Damiens, F. L., Hysing, E., &Torabi, N. (2022). Assessing biodiversity policy designs in Australia, France and Sweden. Comparative lessons for transformative governance of biodiversity. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1-14.
Colwell, C. (2019). Playing for Pay or Playing to Play: Student-Athletes as Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Louisiana Law Review, 79(3), 12.
Coram, V., Louth, J., Tually, S., & Goodwin Smith, I. (2021). Community service sector resilience and responsiveness during the COVID 19 pandemic: The Australian experience. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56(4), 559-578.
Goldman, T. L. (2018). The Labor Standards Enforcement Toolbox.
Green, C., Dickinson, H., Carey, G., & Joyce, A. (2022). Barriers to policy action on social determinants of health for people with disability in Australia. Disability & Society, 37(2), 206-230.
Mikelsons, J. (2020). “Good Work, Decent Wages”–A case study of the 2009 Pay Equity Campaign in Queensland’s community services sector. dsi_version=6bfef1ce74f07d257845c9006ae81d42
Riesen, T., Thomas, F., & Kipping, K. C. (2019). Work-Based Learning Experiences for Students With Disabilities: Ensuring Compliance With the Fair Labor Standards Act. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 33(2), 156-166.
Robinson, E., Parker, C., Carey, R., Foerster, A., Blake, M. R., & Sacks, G. (2022). Integrating nutrition and obesity prevention considerations into institutional investment decisions regarding food companies: Australian investment sector perspectives. Globalization and Health, 18(1), 1-16.
Sawrikar, P. (2019). Child protection, domestic violence, and ethnic minorities: Narrative results from a mixed methods study in Australia. PloS one, 14(12), e0226031. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0226031
Schultz, R., Abbott, T., Yamaguchi, J., &Cairney, S. (2018). Indigenous land management as primary health care: qualitative analysis from the interplay research project in remote Australia. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-10.
Taghizadeh-Hesary, F., Zakari, A., Alvarado, R., &Tawiah, V. (2022). The green bond market and its use for energy efficiency finance in Africa. China Finance Review International.
Thistlethwaite, J. E., Dunston, R., & Yassine, T. (2019). The times are changing: workforce planning, new health-care models and the need for interprofessional education in Australia. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 33(4), 361-368.


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