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Critical Reflection Assignment of 8 Articles


Task: For your final assessment you will submit 8 written critical reflections of approximately 300 words each that will include responses to readings, activities and discussions you have engaged in as part of this subject

At the end you will select your 8 best journal reflections to submit. These can be written in first person since they are your own personal, critical responses to what you have experienced. This assignment does not require references, but your detailed and educated responses do need to indicate your full engagement in the subject (e.g. it should be obvious that you were present and engaged.


This is a critical reflection assignment and bibliography that explores how gender inequality can be diminished with the help of education and how education plays a major role in various aspects of our life. The study includes a variety of scholarly articles which were peer reviewed.

Reflection of Article 1
Article: Bragg, S., Renold, E., Ringrose, J., & Jackson, C. (2018). ‘More than boy, girl, male, female’: exploring young people’s views on gender diversity within and beyond school contexts. Sex education, 18(4), 420-434.

The first article of this critical reflection assignment has managed to adequately encapsulate the general viewpoints of young individuals between the ages of twelve and fourteen through the completion of a qualitative study conducted in selected regions of England over the course of two years. My personal experiences while going through this research study proved to be very insightful regarding the given topic, with a clearer picture pertaining to the evolving views of gender diversity on the part of the youngsters being procured as a result. The study has managed to provide a greater level of understanding related to the expansions in the gender identity expressions and commitments of the young people in the aspects of gender expression, gender commitment and gender-based rights. The discussions related to the findings of this research study have been very useful in determining the manner in which the young individuals are able to negotiate with the widespread cultural aspects related to gender-based violence in regions like England. The fact that modern schools are now providing a greater magnitude of space for implementing higher levels of learning opportunities regarding sexual diversity and gender-based flexibility has been gathered from this study as well.

I have also managed to gain a better look at the inevitability of the young people in making a gender binary choice, with the socio-cultural worlds being constructed in a manner supporting the same. The study has concluded that there are certain implications of the aforementioned findings on the professional educators and the youngsters themselves for the addressing of appropriate gender rights and justice in institutions like schools in the long run. My activities of researching and thoroughly evaluating this article have also made me understand the changing trends regarding the manner in which gender diversity is being looked at in schools and among the younger generation in developed countries like England. I have understood that the changing trends and outlook of the young people and the educators in the given context is something that has to be looked at in a proper manner for further improvements in the future.

Reflection of Article 2
Article: Gale, T., Mills, C., & Cross, R. (2017). Socially inclusive teaching: Belief, design, action as pedagogic work. Journal of Teacher Education, 68(3), 345-356.

This research article of critical reflection assignment has managed to provide relevant and intricate details pertaining to the record of the national government of the Commonwealth of Australia in the management of the educational outcomes for the population groups that have been deemed to be marginalized in the society. I actually gained further insights into yet another example of the relevant lack of social justice in the educational institutions of even the developed countries. Despite the initiation of a drastic overhauling of the funding for the universities, schools and other educational institutions, the existing disadvantages related to the mismanagement of social justice have not been fully mitigated at all. The intricate analysis of this research study on my part has revealed that the importance of pedagogic work is immense, with the latter being essential for the overhauling of the educational system in the desired manner over the course of time. Indeed, pedagogy has been acknowledged as the central messaging system in the educational context (even in developed countries like the Commonwealth of Australia), with the former being deemed to be a strategic place for beginning the desired aspects over the course of time.

The multiple dimensions of belief, action and design are acknowledged as the main dimensions comprising the basic aspects of pedagogic work. The dimensions mentioned in this critical reflection assignment enable the initiation of socially inclusive pedagogy, with opportunity creation for the main students being achieved in the best possible manner. I understood the need for enhancing the present level of understanding related to socially inclusive pedagogy in the long run. Indeed, further discussions in this context also enabled me in gaining a greater appreciation of the need for engaging in the deep structures generating social injustices among the teachers and students of the educational institutions. I also understood that the existing Australian system is not socially inclusive for all kinds of students at all. While measures have been implemented, relevant and long-term successes in this context can only be gained through the initiation of a higher level of focus on the aspects of social pedagogy and the reconfiguration of the existing educational system in accordance with the latter.

Reflection of Article 3
Article: Hattam, R., & Every, D. (2010). Teaching in fractured classrooms: refugee education, public culture, community and ethics. Race Ethnicity and Education, 13(4), 409-424.

The rise of globalization has been deeply impactful on almost all aspects of life, including the educational systems and schooling policies. One of my prominent observations in this regard is the fact that the educational policies of the present day have to take an increasingly modern and global outlook. This has also been acknowledged by the researchers in this article, with the need of the educational policies grappling with a global reach being stated as well. The rising level of concerns regarding the country’s security has affected the positive responses of the Australian society towards the asylum seekers and refugees from other nations. Community opposition and disquiet regarding the asylum seekers have been on the rise in recent times, with this potentially leading to problems in the aspects of relationship management between a vibrant society and the initiated educational practices and policies. My own understanding of the ‘refugee problem' faced by Australian society as a whole has been enhanced upon analyzing the various aspects of this study in an intricate and detailed manner.

I have also gained crucial insights into the diverse and relevant critiques provided by prominent researchers on the given topic as well. While Bauman has stressed on the undermining of the local population groups by the Western modernity (a nod to the mistreatment of the Aboriginals by the European colonists), Rose has defined a community as a code for modern debates regarding the political ‘third way’. Discussing these aspects has led me to understand that the mixing of the political element in these aspects can lead to drastic effects on the educational policies in the long run as well. As such, the nursing of the community in a proper manner can help in the management of the overall society in the long run as well. As such, the proper dealing of the students from the grassroots level can help in the betterment of the so-called ‘fractured classrooms’ and prevent discriminations against students belonging to the refugee and asylum seeker communities. I understood that these factors have to be initiated within the Australian society for the sake of improving the conditions related to refugee education, community management, ethics and public culture in the long run, thereby making me more aware in the context of social justice.

Reflection of Article 4
Article: Lion’s Roar Staff, (2019). The Best of bell hooks: Life, Writings, Quotes, and Books. Retrieved from

This article of critical reflection assignment has been extremely insightful on the life of Bell Hooks (born as Gloria Jean Watkins in the year 1952 in the Kentucky region), a prominent feminist theorist, cultural critic and writer. Observing the various aspects of her life, it has been apparent to me that she has been outspoken and open about her views from a young age. The presence of a certain magnitude of openness, creative thinking and outspokenness is essential for the development of a person as a relevant and logical feminist. I think that a certain amount of logic is needed for proper feminism, rather than the simple promotion of females without appropriate insights into the societal situations. Bell Hooks has managed to ensure that she includes a logical representation of all elements of the surrounding society before making proper views regarding topics like the representation of women, the promotion of love and the troubling presence of patriarchal elements in most aspects of the present day. I agree with her views regarding the need for focusing on the practice of love for the betterment of all the communities, the dominance of the race and class exploitation and the changes in sexist thinking.

I have observed that the views expressed by Bell Hooks have a certain degree of alignment with the social justice theory of cosmic harmony. The theory in question states that the cultivation of peace is possible only through the protection of all aspects of creation. I think that the wordings of Hooks are in alignment with this since she advocates for the protection of women and the initiation of equality in all aspects of society (regardless of the gender of an individual). She has also expressed the concern that the mainstream societal elements find it easier to accept benevolent black male dominance compared to accepting the end of gender exploitation. I also noted that she has been quite fair in acknowledging the decline in sexist thinking from previous eras as well while bemoaning the retention of a patriarchal manner of thinking. I gained several crucial accesses to diverse viewpoints upon reading this article and have become much more open-minded (in the gender diversity aspects) as a result.

Reflection of Article 5
Article: Teaching sexuality: How much can we expect from classroom teachers?. (2019). Retrieved from

The reviewed article in this critical reflection assignment has focused on a subject that has been up for debate for several years. It has attempted to provide a greater magnitude of clarity pertaining to the decision of discussing sexuality and gender issues (on the part of the modern day educators and teachers). I have been relatively curious regarding the state of the modern educational institutions in this context as well, with topics like sex education in the educational institutions and anti-bullying regulations being hotly debated in multiple forums across the globe. The presence of harassment and bullying of the people who can be defined as ‘different’ has been an immense matter of concern. This article of critical reflection assignment has only strengthened my view that the presence of curriculum reforms and newer policies is essential for the protection of targeted groups (such as lesbians, bisexual, gay and transgender) from bullying or any other form of harassment. The role of teachers is very crucial in this; with them needing to imbibe the necessity of equality and prevention of harassment among the people they take charge of over the course of time.

The misconceptions of homosexuality as the only meaning of sexual diversity education and the improper impressions of the lack of necessity of sexual education (especially in the elementary educational groups) have been addressed in this article in a proper manner as well. I gained plenty of insights regarding these misconceptions, with the discussions related to this research article further clarifying the requirement of ensuring proper education regarding gender and sexual aspects from the grassroots level. Furthermore, I also agree with the viewpoint of the article expressing that teaching is essential for the reinforcing of the proper cultural values (especially in areas such as sexuality and gender). The positive impacts of teacher training are many. This article has also been especially enlightening for me in the context of gender and sexual diversity improvement in school and communities from a range of diverse viewpoints (including those of parents, administrators, teachers and counselors) as well.

Reflection of Article 6
Article: Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Mercer, G. (2018). A dialogue between partnership and feminism: deconstructing power and exclusion in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 23(1), 137-143.

The research work in this critical reflection assignment has provided relevant clarification of the students as partners (SaP) aspects through the lens of a feminist. I have been introduced to a new area of active and attentive student engagement in the field of higher education while going through with the details of this research study. The common aspects of students as partners and the overall field of feminism have ensured that both are in a degree of alignment regarding the processes and factors of challenging, deconstructing, destabilizing and empowering in the long run. I have also noted that the feminist theories can prove to be valuable and insightful additions to the students as partners (SaP) aspects upon initiating discussions regarding the intricacies of this study as well. In addition to the aforementioned, this research article has also helped me in initiating unorthodox and out-of-the-box views regarding certain things in order to move away from the blind following of the dominant understandings regarding topics like the role of students and feminism in modern-day higher education. The fact that the article has questioned the existing shape of the higher educational institutes of the present day has been quite insightful regarding the implementation of newer ways of thinking in multiple areas of life for me.

The need for being an active participant rather than a passive individual is highlighted to an appreciable extent in the wordings of the reviewed research study. The process of teaching necessitates the presence of critiquing, questioning and the deconstruction of a range of processes for the sake of clarifying the necessary for the students in the best possible manner. I have also learned that the students (as individuals in their own right) are better placed by being active participants rather than passive individuals, a fact that is attested to even in multiple social justice theories as well. As such, a proper review of this study has been insightful for me in many ways.

Reflection of Article 7
Article: David, M. (2015). Women and gender equality in higher education?. Education Sciences, 5(1), 10-25.

This article of critical reflection assignment highlight on the impact of participation of women in higher education. The paper illustrated impact of higher education on women over last 50 years. This has been evident from the article that there has been rapid change in higher education due to implementation of various policies and initiatives. Approximately 50% women participate in undergraduate programs in number of universities across the globe. However, it does not represent that inequality gap of gender has reduced.

The involvement of global communities in enhancing growth of women has been one of the major milestone through which economic growth and social development can be attained in effective manner. It has been observed that women were deprived from higher education due to which they had to suffer from number of social challenges and economic issues. Thus, the article shows that there is importance for providing higher education to women for acquiring overall growth and development in the global economy.

UNESCO Atlas argues that participation of female students in higher education has not resolved issues such as gender gap and social mobility. Thus, the article states that there is a need for effective education system that will render equal pay and growth to both men and women. It has been evident that men compared to women still acquire powerful position in higher education. Hence, it adversely affects economic and social development of women. It has been clearly stated that in article that gender equality has not been attained. In addition to it, global crisis is enhancing the risk of gender gap which makes a negative impact on higher education. Therefore, the education system along with organization policies are required to incorporate policies that support equal opportunity and wage to both men and women based on abilities and skills.

Reflection of Article 8
Article: Warwick-Booth, L. (2007). Teaching and feminist thought: can feminist perspectives contribute to gender equality in learning and teaching within higher education?. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2, 31-35.

In the last three years, the education landscape has significantly changed as gender is not determined as barrier to education. This article of critical reflection assignment reflects on the impact of feminism on education. Feminism has always been one of the major parts of education system. Women are regarded as crucial elements for an economy through which the nation can acquire strong social and economic growth in the long run. It has been evident that Feminism has made number of contribution in education system. However, the women and girls have been deprived from quality education in traditional classroom through pedagogical style.

Therefore, the article suggest that there is a need for maintaining balance while providing education to both girls and boys as it will help in reducing or diminishing gender gap. Hence, implementation of various forms of teaching strategies will help teachers to prevent gender discrimination. The article shed light on the impact of sex-bias textbooks on men and women. It is often seen that providing education through sex-biased textbooks will enhance the risk of gender discrimination. Thus, the article suggests that it is vital for the teachers to encourage students for exploring knowledge about several subject matter irrespective of gender. In addition to it, it is the responsibility of teachers to diminish sex-biased teaching theories as bit will adversely affect the psychology of both male and female students. critical reflection assignments are being prepared by our management assignment help experts from top universities which let us to provide you a reliable assignment help online service.

Bragg, S., Renold, E., Ringrose, J., & Jackson, C. (2018). ‘More than boy, girl, male, female’: exploring young people’s views on gender diversity within and beyond school contexts. Critical reflection assignment. Sex education, 18(4), 420-434.

David, M. (2015). Women and gender equality in higher education?. Education Sciences, 5(1), 10-25.

Gale, T., Mills, C., & Cross, R. (2017). Socially inclusive teaching: Belief, design, action as pedagogic work. Journal of Teacher Education, 68(3), 345-356.

Hattam, R., & Every, D. (2010). Teaching in fractured classrooms: refugee education, public culture, community and ethics. Race Ethnicity and Education, 13(4), 409-424.

Lion’s Roar Staff, (2019). The Best of bell hooks: Life, Writings, Quotes, and Books. Retrieved from

Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Mercer, G. (2018). A dialogue between partnership and feminism: deconstructing power and exclusion in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 23(1), 137-143.

Teaching sexuality: How much can we expect from classroom teachers?. (2019). Retrieved from

Warwick-Booth, L. (2007). Teaching and feminist thought: can feminist perspectives contribute to gender equality in learning and teaching within higher education?. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, Critical reflection assignment. 2, 31-35.


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