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Education System In India Assignment: A Case Study To Increase The Rate Of Skilled And Job-Ready Graduates


Task: Assessment task three requires the preparation of a full project proposal that should not exceed 3000 words excluding the cover page and reference list. Students need to address the following:

Refined Problem Statement, Aim, Objectives and Scope- students need to provide a detailed statement of the problem you would like to investigate as well as aim and objectives of the project within the scope of the study.
Research Project Justification and Potential Outputs - students need to explain why your chosen project is important both theoretically and practically? What are the potential outputs and outcomes of your research?
The Conceptual Framework - students need to provide an analysis of the literature relevant to the research project that leads to the development of a conceptual framework for conducting the research.
Methodology - based on the conceptual framework, research aim and research objectives, students need to provide a detailed description of the data collection methods, tools and data sources that will be used to analyse the data.
Research Project Organisation, Budget and Schedule - students need to present all components of the research report by writing the names of the chapters/sections and briefly discussing what will be written in each of those chapters/sections followed by a brief description of the budget and project schedule.

This is an individual research task. Students are required to demonstrate their understanding of the relevant body of work in a real-life business research context. We expect students to read and reflect on at least twenty recent refereed journal articles on your topic, supported by any other evidence or information that can help refine the problem of your research, formulate a conceptual framework and develop the methods for data collection and analyses


1. Introduction
As discussed in this education system in India assignment, the demand for IT workers and engineers is very high in Indian and as well as in the global market. India does produce a huge number of engineers every year but it is not meeting the demand of skilled workers. In the last few years the poverty level of India is still very high. It is not that all Indian workers are uneducated but it is the problem that most educated workers are not skilled enough for jobs (Deka & Batra, 2016). The education system in India assignment is based on non-practical knowledge as it has further discussed into the problem statement. Even though India makes a large number of engineers per year as compare to other develop country like UK but due to lack of basic knowledge, these engineers are not fit for core engineering field.

In the current situation demand of the IT worker is very high and the world is expecting qualified workers from India. Indian infrastructure is not capable enough for latest and advance technology and that is stopping the students from gaining more knowledge. Also lack of motivation preventing a student from thinking positively and it is creating other issues. This research is made to support and help the policy makers to assess the potential negative factors that are hindering the skilled output consistency of the engineering faculty of Indian educational system (Eid & Al-Jabri, 2016). For this instance, the research proposal has showcased current ongoing potential factors that are making the hamper, the research has comprehensively developed subject oriented research aims objectives and the research questions and evaluated other fundamental elements that are related to the unemployment and education system.

2. Problem Statement
Education explored in this education system in India assignment is a powerful weapon that can help to reduce the poverty from any country. In India, there are more than 700 universities and almost 40,000 colleges that are providing education and creating millions of Engineers every year but only 7 percent are eligible for employment (Deka & Batra, 2016). The core problem is coming from the education system of India. The current students are only seeking degree with high percentage of marks and the colleges are producing graduate students who are not capable of jobs, as these students are lacking in skill and practical knowledge. There are other problems that are responsible for unemployment such as outdated syllabus and lack of good teachers for teaching as well.

Students are more interesting in getting numbers rather than having an interest on innovation and technology (Mann, Kumar & Saini, 2015). Innovations and technologies mentioned in this education system in India assignment that are using in the market are never discus in the education system. Language barrier is also an important issue, because every IT organization now wants workers who can speak fluent English. Another big issue that are slightly related to the education system such as organization and companies are likely to visit the top reputed colleges for new recruitment while there is chance of getting skilled workers in non-reputed companies as well.

3. Research Aims, Objectives and Research Questions
3.1 What is the aim of the research on education system in India assignment?
The main intention of this following research proposal is to recognize the most significant ways to make a revolution on the Indian education system by improving the educational patterns, which can increase and encourage the graduates to be more skilled and ready for jobs (Carney,2017). This research proposal will identify the faults of the educational systems of India as well as it will enlighten the ways to overcome these problems.

3.2 Objectives of the research
Core objectives of this research proposal are as follows

  • To put a limelight on the present educational system as well as the unemployment of India.
  • To inspect the numerous problems and drifts of the educational system of India
  • To observe numerous factors, which affect the educational system of India.
  • To investigate the significant ways to boost up the quality of the Indian educational system.

3.2 Applicable research questions for education system in India assignment

  • Which are the foremost reasons of unemployment of Indian graduates?
  • What are the most numerous problems of Indian education system?
  • Which factors mostly affects the educational system of India?
  • What are the most significant ways to enhance the quality of the educational system of India?

5. Justification of the Output of the Research
Current situation of the Indian education system explored in this education system in India assignment is very bad and it is affecting the economic condition of India. The current Indian education system and faculties are based on old syllabus and it is reducing the chance of creating skilled workers. Most of the students are aiming for degree with good percentages and for that they are highly focuses on the syllabus. Thus, most of the colleges and universities are providing graduates with very low practical knowledge. In other words, current education system is responsible for the unemployment status in India (Eid & Al-Jabri, 2016). The output of this research can help to study more about the ongoing problems into the current education system and at the same time it will benefits the end users as well.

This research is very important as it will help to identify the relationship between the market demand and the current education system. For now, all research questions and has been found based current information and the answer of this question will describe in future If this research continues in future then it will help to determine the factors of the current issues and it will give a proper solution for the current unemployment problem(Unni, 2016). The research output of education system in India assignment can help to identify the future problem and challenges regarding to the unemployment and education system and at the same time it can assist the policy makers as well.

6. Review of Literature Based On Conceptual Framework and Development of Hypothesis within this education system in India assignment
6.1 Lack of Highly Experienced Faculty
It should be acknowledged that one of the biggest problems is the shortage of highly experienced academics in Indian Engineering Educational Systems. According to the report of Sharma, Dutta & Drozdiak (2018), slipping numbers of "employable" academics threaten the Indian education systems. Review of several studies reveals that emerging colleges actually have a massive 45% vacancy, while established universities have a vacancy of almost 30%. The argument of Tiwari & Singhal (2018) claimed that, by recruiting a huge number of informal and part-time instructors, certain universities strive to do hardly enough in matters of education. This is a massive problem as mentioned in this education system in India assignment, as the low instructor rate plays an immense role in generating students who do not conform with the new institutional processes iterations. Desk (2019) noted that the question of the scarcity of faculty including the growing number of part-time instructors is something recent and has persisted since the early 2000s in India's higher education system. It should also be highlighted in this education system in India assignment that various types and reasons for faculty shortages are primarily due to the inability of private institutions to hire faculty owing to high asking salary. Correspondingly, Sharma, Dutta & Drozdiak (2018) also claimed that for engineers graduating from such private institutions, the pitiable level of professional skills is directly proportional to the poor level of qualified faculties.

6.2 Presence of Improper Fund Allocation
According to Tiwari & Singhal (2018), it is discussed in this education system in India assignment the distribution of funds affects the actions of administrators as well as management in higher education, specifically their activity level and perhaps even the types of operations they engaged in and how they cope with uncertainties. In this respect, in most institutions of higher education, similar types of performance-based capital allocation could be identified. According to a study by Nanda (2013), the inadequate financing for education and low employability of students graduating from higher education institutions, indicate that certain centralized, as well as state universities, have in some circumstances refused to use a substantial portion of their funds, up to 60 percent in several instances. According to regulators as well as industry professionals, it is mentioned in this education system in India assignment that this is partly due to the unequal flow of capital, loss of control and uncertainty in decision-making underneath the subject. Goel & Goel (2016) reported that, despite the substantial allocation of higher education funds in excess of INR 154 billion by the government, mid- and low-level institutional groups in India have significantly underused the available capital. These institutions struggle to understand a sustainable environment owing to the misuse of allocated funds, thereby impacting the learning process of the students.

6.3 Miniature Scope of Employability
According to the news article of Desk (2019), just 4% of India's engineers have the scientific, conceptual as well as logistical skills needed for start-up technology-related jobs. Then again, the same article mentioned in this education system in India assignment stated that in the fields of flourishing robotics, artificial intelligence, data analytics and digital growth, just 3% of new engineers have technical abilities. In contrast to a shortage of work placements, engineers often have poor career prospects since only 35 % undertake tasks outside their training. Therefore, in a variety of circumstances, these graduates do not always develop the skills to address problems. With regard to the miniature scope of employability Goel & Goel (2016), mentioned that in India there seem to be a huge number of colleges generating a large number of engineers per year but 250 members compete for every single job, due to employment scarcity. Furthermore, it was also recognized in this education system in India assignment that the issue which leads to engineers' poor employment prospects seems to be that the topics are taught in universities on a much more theoretical way, with 50% of instructors not thinking about the implementation of principles in the industry. It directly impacts a frequency of the graduates, which in pursuit of a career receives a major drawback.

6.4 Outdated Curriculum
According the statement of Sharma & Yarlagadda, (2018), the impact of old and outdated curriculum makes substantial impact within the educational system and graduate output consistency that ultimately hinders the level of competent and skilled based proficiency of the graduated personals. Due to the existence of improper policies and old curriculum the Indian IT and engineering educational system of the potential universities has clearly left behind. As the international engineering and information technology is advancing in exponential manner, the presence of backdated and old curriculum becomes potential obstacles for fresh Indian graduates to become compatible with worldwide advanced curriculum scenario.

On the other hand, the lack of contemporary and potential skill development curriculum discussed in this education system in India assignment is also missing in the present out dated educational syllabus which declines the academics and fresh graduate engineers to have significant lack of specific skills and expertise that is required for become compatible with contemporary professional requirement of IT and engineering in the current industry. Thus, as Lal, (2019), have pointed out the due to the lack of potential and updated educational curriculum the Indian universities are failing to provide adequate educational assistance and environment to successfully develop skilled and competent workers.

6.5 Inadequacy in Graduate Demand and Supply
Despite India attempting to achieve a developed country's status, the 1980s saw a rise in the number of factories and a tremendous development in the manufacturing industry. By evaluating the stamen of Mohanty & Dash (2016) it can be asserted in this education system in India assignment that whether it is the automotive industry or the technology industry, massive increase has been taking place all around a coherent strategy of economic development. While the LGP strategy adopted in the 1990s along with lowering conditions on international companies operating in India provided another boost and immediately everybody needed engineering to achieve goals. The IT recession's first surge quickly generated a mechanical engineering market. Universities continued to expand around the country at substantial pace, and without considering the demand and supply provision, thus, as discussed in this education system in India assignment the demand has started to be pushed down throats of the students. The country has already reached a stage in which every fourth person in the age range of 22 to 26 is an engineer.

However, about 80 percent of university graduates of engineering in India were not attractive to employers, as per the survey of Prabhu, (2016). They are mostly obliged to take on jobs or remain unemployed in non-engineering sectors. The significant number of Indian engineering colleges and their poor academic facilities are one of the main reasons for this. According to the Gupta & Dewanga (2012), it is noted in this education system in India assignment that the authors have agreed that the number of engineers that have graduated was unemployed in technical industry. The primary concern in this instance is that the course works provided in the universities is redundant and, most critically is not job-centric to the contemporary demand scenario.

6.6 Conceptual Framework

education system in India assignment

Figure: 1. Factors Affecting the Quality of Indian Education System
(Source: As Created by Author)

6.7 Adequate Hypothesis on the Research
By considering the proposed literature review within this education system in India assignment, the research will also evaluate conceptual hypothesis that has been developed and illustrated below:

Hypothesis 1

H0: Implementing newer curriculum will be beneficial for improving skilled efficiency.

H1: Implementing newer curriculum not will be beneficial for improving skilled efficiency.

Hypothesis 2

H0: Proper handling of allocated funds will help to improve the skilled efficiency of academics.

H2: Proper handling of allocated funds will not help to improve the skilled efficiency of academics.

Hypothesis 3

H0: Evaluating the adequacy between demand along with supply is essential for maintaining skill efficiency.

H3: Evaluating the adequacy between supply along with demand is not essential for sustaining skill efficiency.

7. Methodology
This proposed research proposal of education system in India assignment is based on the “Mixed Methodology” to estimate the matter of unemployment all over India owed by the poor-quality scheme of the Indian educational system. This methodology can explore the main issues and recognize the superior solution regarding these problems.

7.1 Research Approach
The very research proposal of education system in India assignment will be conducted by evaluating the both qualitative and quantitative approaches, by which information will be gathered through the articles, newspapers, as well as journals. Various survey reports of the government and the clipping of the media to be concerned about the present condition and the influencing variables of Indian education (Stewart et al., 2017).

With the help of the “Excel Table”, graphs, charts, and the interview and survey, all the information is converted into a statistical form to spot the weak points of the educational system, which helps to recognize the needs of the education system to make the graduates more skilled and decrease the rate of the unemployment.

7.2 Data Collection Techniques
The research will be evaluated by conducting primary and secondary data collection techniques. By using the primary data collection technique data is gathered from the journals, various online portals, different magazines and newspapers which are already published.

By using the secondary data collection technique, the “Qualitative” and “Quantitative” data of the Indian educational system is assembled.

These techniques mentioned in this education system in India assignment will help to clearly understand the existing situation of the edification approach in India and recognize the gaps or faults of the systems as well as it will help to find the proper paths to increase the quality of the Indian educational system.

7.3 Research Philosophy
Research philosophy helps to identify the source of the data, from where the data will be collected and the process, how the data will be analyzed and used to improve the condition. There are four main research philosophy is to be followed.






Method of popular data collection

Method of Multiple or mixed design.

High quality structure, large samples, measurements

The chosen method must be fitted in the structure of the projects.

Samples are small, investigation should be depth.

This research is evaluated on the basis of the positivism and the realism philosophy.

7.4 Ethical Consideration
Research ethics mentioned in this education system in India assignment are a set of collective rules and regulations which the researchers have to follow or maintain when they are making the research structure and executing the research processes. This is the most important policies that has been considered on the most priority list when the researcher analyzing the factors which impacts the Indian educational system broadly. this research proposal strictly follows the privacy and the perfection of the data as well as it is totally safeguarded that the respondent is not impaired and they are not enforced to afford their response on the related questions of the survey.

7.5 Organization of the research
In a research proposal of education system in India assignment, the organizational research plays a vital role. It helps to make a particular structure of the research which helps the researchers to execute the research process in a significant way. In this research proposal the organization is made through the following processes such: introduction of the entire proposed topic, the major problem will be stated in the problem statement section in this research proposal, the research aims, objectives and questions will be evaluated in the sections for gathering the outcome of the research proposal along with the justification and methodology of the research and the research summery, which will help to collect the associated acknowledgement concerning the proposed topic.

7.6 Budget Allocation and Gantt chart
In this research project of education system in India assignment the esteem need budget is $7500 to accomplishing the proposal perfectly within the time.

The budget should be specified as per the following reasons:


Amount estimated to spent

Literature review


Data collection


Data analysis


Total estimated budget


7.7 Proposed Gantt chart

education system in India assignment

8. Research Summary
The following research on education system in India assignment has proposed comprehensive analytics and elaboration on the potential factors that are making significant impact on the educational system of India resulting in decreasing the skilled competence and output expertise and skilled efficiency of graduated academic engineers. The proposal has illustrated the potential factors such as lack of highly experienced faculty, presence of improper fund allocation, miniature scope of employability, outdated curriculum and inadequacy in graduate demand and supply and developed comprehensive conceptual frameworks and hypothesis on the matter. The research will also evaluate and progress on the basis of the presented research aims, objectives and research questions to effectively determine the problem that has stated. Thus, by conducting appropriate research of education system in India assignment on the presented concepts and factors an adequate solution can be acquired for the contextual issue.

Carney, C. (2017). Native American higher education in the United States. Routledge.

Deka, R. J., & Batra, B. (2016). Education system in India assignment. The scope of skill development, employability of Indian workforce in context of make in India: A study. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 4(4), 275-282.

Desk, I. T. W. (2019). Over 80% Indian engineers are unemployable, lack new-age technology skills: Report. Retrieved from: [Accessed On 11/10/19]

Eid, M. I., & Al-Jabri, I. M. (2016). Social networking, knowledge sharing, and student learning: The case of university students. Computers & Education, 99, 14-27.

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Gupta, D. P., & Dewanga, A. (2012). Challenges before engineering education in India. Researchers World, 3(2), 100.

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Mohanty, A., & Dash, D. (2016). Engineering education in India: Preparation of professional engineering educators. Journal of human resource and sustainability studies, 4(02), 92.

Nanda, P. K. (2013). Universities fail to utilize allocated funds. Retrieved from: [Accessed On 11/10/19]

Prabhu, B. V. (2016). Education system in India assignment Success of student internship in engineering industry: a faculty perspective. Higher Education for the Future, 3(2), 164-182.

Sharma, J., & Yarlagadda, P. K. (2018). Education system in India assignment STEM Education–Strengthening policies for future skilled work-force. Science Reporter, 55(5), 43-46.

Sharma, K., Dutta, A. N., & Drozdiak, N. (2018). These universities are less than a decade old but are facing a severe shortage of teachers. Retrieved from: [Accessed On 11/10/19]

Stewart, G., Arndt, S., Besley, T., Devine, N., Forster, D. J., Gibbons, A., ... & Peters, M. A. (2017). Antipodean theory for educational research. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 61-74.

Tiwari, S., & Singhal, S. (2018). Current Scenario of Public Universities Vs Private Universities in India: A Brief Discussion. International Journal of Management Studies International Journal of Management Studies ISSN (Print), 2249-0302.

Unni, J. (2016). Skill gaps and employability: Higher education in India. Education system in India assignment Journal of Development Policy and Practice, 1(1), 18-34.


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