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Environmental management assignment on strategies Australian can develop effective biodiversity management plans


Task: How Environmental management assignment research skills can be used to develop effective biodiversity management plans?


This Environmental management assignmentwill outline strategies researchers can utilize towards biodiversity management in Australia. The Convention on Biological Diversity is the global legislative instrument for the proper conservation of biological diversity, sustainable usage of elements and equitably fair sharing of benefits that arise from properly utilising resources. The Environmental management assignmentstrategy will help in planningfor Territory’s rural areas, open spaces,riverine corridors, urban areas and nature reserves. This will further guide investment of fund and resources in conserving nature. Nature in Australia includes landscapes, managed lands under fire regimes, agricultural lands and suburban and urban developments (, 2017, p3 (1)). Australia’s strategy for nature is purposed to bring work across the nation and ensure progress in conservation and development of national biodiversity. The strategies are important for supporting functional and healthy biological systems through promotion of a strong connection between nature and people. This is further important for improving ways of caring nature and sharing knowledge, which in turn enhance opportunities for people. This report portrays essential3 goals, 12 strategies to achieve goals with proper integration.

Environmental management assignmentgoals
The goals are focused on three essential priorities, which have been enlisted as given below.
• To keep all the Australians well connected with the nature
• To ensure esteemed care for the nature in all diversity
• To build knowledgeregarding the nature and share those with people in Australia (, 2017, p11(4))

This is essential to note that in case all Australians stay connected, then they can increase their care endeavoured towards nature. In contrary, the more care is delivered to the nature; the more services will be provided to human race. In addition, the more Australians do care for their nature, the more they will be learning about the nature. Reversely, the more people in Australia learn about the nature, the more they can provide care for properly safeguarding the nature. Precisely, there is mutual benefit. All the goals must essentially be prioritised at all local, territorial and federal government level.

How does it achieve these goals?
Various environmental management mechanisms must be essentially considered to meet the goals for restoring nature. The most effective undertakings in this respect are discussed below:
For achieving the first goal, this is essential to encourage Australians to go out into the nature for diversification of experienceswith nature (, 2017, p16(1)). Initially the Environmental management assignmentproposes that the Australian government should be increasing accessibility through growing nature-oriented tourism or promoting health benefits with engagement in nature based activities (Whitburn, Linklater &Abrahamse, 2020). Further, the Australian government must extend support to the institutions that promote restoration and protection of nature.

All Australians, inclusive of Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal communities must impart a crucial role in extending care for nature. People must volunteer nature-oriented activities, which will in turn contribute to scientific programs or stewardship agreements or enter land covenant. Caring for nature by Indigenous ranger programs, cross-sector partnership and private-public collaboration are strategic avenues can essentially be pursuedfor betterment of nature (, 2017, p16 (2)).
As an effective strategic intervention, the Australian government must focus toupsurge learning curriculum for children and adults regarding nature. Besides, the enterprises must be encouraged to report their enactments. In addition, consideration of traditional ecological knowledge under the guiding principles of the Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people can be an effective tool to assess minisculeenvironmental changes and hence identify perfect strategic interventions.

While focusing on the second goal, this is essential to improvise conservation management for landscapes, seascapes, wetlands and waterways. The Australian government must support landowners’ protection of crucial ecosystems by stewardship or other conservation tactics (Garnett et al., 2018). In addition, this is essential to maximise the overall number of species that are secured in nature. Conservation endeavours must be inclusive of improving cross-border and cross-boundary collaboration in order to provide robust, consistent and transparent strategies to access and enlist species. Extending further, this is essential to minimise risks and threats in order to build high resilience. This is at prior essential to use as well as develop all resources in an ecologically sustainable manner. Furthermore, urban biodiversity and ecology policies must be perfectly integrated in terms of land use planning, transportation and other essential urban statutory and policy planning essentials (Goolmeer et al., 2022). Allcommunities and individuals should be encouraged for residential gardening programs and share information effectively.

While meeting the third Environmental management assignmentgoal, the government must focus on increasing knowledge base regarding nature to take best possible decisions. The government authorities at local, territorial and federal level must be focused and concerned about measuring collective endeavours made in demonstration of the progress (Frantzeskaki et al., 2019). In addition, this is essential to use as well as share valuable information proficiently among the people.

In what ways is it integrated?
Accomplishing theEnvironmental management assignment goals through strategy for nature must consider a combined endeavour. At the governance level, the environment ministers, government senior officials and biodiversity working groups must combine to come forward in due proper integration of the strategies (, 2017, p35 (1)). Moreover, reports must be generated by government authorities and responsible organisations like Shalini Conservation group. During integration process, technical assistance must essentially be provided for helping appropriate installation of properly and adeq1uatelyd designed conservation practices. At this point, the conservation authorities should be stepping in as well as make effective designs depending on the technical standards. In addition, the government must be accountable in giving permits, conducting surveys, assuring land rights, approve all the final designs and properly inspect the overall structural practices. Conservation plan must be an on-gouging process, which will endure longer even after perfect integration of the essential practices. Through evaluation of efficiencies in the conservation plan or practice in the plan, the involving stakeholders must decide whether to endure with other relevant aspects of the overall area wide plan.

In the conclusion, this is essential to notify that the proposed strategies address the shared goals, vision and objectives that intend to manage nature in Australia. The Environmental management assignmentstrategies focus on conserving landscapes ranging from rural to urban as well as natural environments at seas. This Environmental management assignmentclearly reflects that the Australians are on the verge of imparting a crucial role in properly securing the nature as the rudiments of their existence for the generations to come.

References (2017). Retrieved 24 August 2022, from management assignment
Frantzeskaki, N., McPhearson, T., Collier, M. J., Kendal, D., Bulkeley, H., Dumitru, A., ... &Pintér, L. (2019). Nature-based solutions for urban climate change adaptation: linking science, policy, and practice communities for evidence-based decision-making. BioScience, 69(6), 455-466.
Garnett, S. T., Burgess, N. D., Fa, J. E., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Molnár, Z., Robinson, C. J., ... & Leiper, I. (2018). A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation. Nature Sustainability, 1(7), 369-374.
Goolmeer, T., Skroblin, A., Grant, C., van Leeuwen, S., Archer, R., Gore Birch, C., &Wintle, B. A. (2022). Recognizing culturally significant species and Indigenousled management is key to meeting international biodiversity obligations. Conservation Letters,Environmental management assignment e12899.
Whitburn, J., Linklater, W., &Abrahamse, W. (2020). Meta analysis of human connection to nature and proenvironmentalbehavior. Conservation Biology, Environmental management assignment34(1), 180-193.


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