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Health strategy assignment on the prevention and mitigation of COPD in Australian community


Task: You are required to develop and present a proposal for a health prevention campaign in your health strategy assignment. What is the campaign Include the name. Define the health problem. Who in the population is most impacted by the problem What is the campaign’s intended outcomes Define target audience. Describe any policy or legislation or guidelines that may influence the campaigns implementation. What are the key messages of the campaign and how will these be communicated How do you intend to monitor the campaign Including what indicators you would use to evaluate its success. What relationships and networks would the campaign involve or createHow you would engage stakeholders and communicate the proposed campaign What are some of the political considerations that may impact on the campaign and how will you gain political support for your campaignHow will you monitor and evaluate your influenceWhat are some of the external factors that may impact on your plan and how would these be dealt with A suggested timeline for the development and implementation of the campaign/strategy, including start and finish dates, a schedule of key activities, and any restrictions or suggestions on when it would be best run.


COPD prevention and control plan is considered that needs to be implemented by the healthcare and community management. COPD is one of the most prevalent health issues in Australia which contributes to about 90% of the coverage in the country. The female population are considered more vulnerable as compared to the male population. The prevention of this disease requires a strong mitigation action plan as mentioned in the health strategy assignmentfor safeguarding the health and well-being of the people in the country. Around 1 out of 7 Australian people are affected by the condition and half of these people are not aware of the presenting condition in them.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a range of conditions involving chronic bronchitis and asthma that has been affecting the female population more in the country. The prevention of COPD needs to be achieved through the development of a proper prevention campaign which can help in securing the health of the affected population in the country (Australian Bureau Of Statistics, 2022).There are various elements associated with the design and development of the prevention plan and strategy for the health strategy assignmentwhich should be considered by the state authorities before the actual implementation.

Campaign plan discussed in the health strategy assignment
There are mainly three elements associated with the proper and timely implementation of a preventive strategy and a mitigation plan for the control of COPD in the country. Enabling the prevention and mitigation strategy, mediating the plan and advocacy of the proceeding are considered the three key elements of health prevention strategy which can be implemented by the government and administration. Innovation related to the development of evidence for the action plan and enabling effective performance management of the resources related to the workforce or technological implementation are considered the main features of the prevention or mitigation plan (Ambrosino and Bertella, 2018).The outcome of the campaign plan addressed in the health strategy assignmentcan be attributed to the proper mitigation and reduction of the prevalence of COPD within the communities in Australia.

Guidelines that can influence the campaign implementation
Various guidelines as per the health strategy assignmentcan be influential in implementing the prevention plan for COPD patients. The COPD X plan sets the main guidelines related to the management of the disease along with the pulmonary rehabilitation Toolkit which is covered by the Australian Lung Foundation.

Action plans for the Torres Strait Islanders and the Aboriginals along with the National Tobacco Campaign are considered the additional guidelines and member bodies that govern or influence the implementation of the action plans. The COPD prevention plan and campaign for the health strategy assignmentcan consist of a few important elements which should be communicated with the people at risk for developing the disease.

Key messages of the campaign discussed in the health strategy assignment
The prevention plan for COPD involves the outline of proper treatment of the symptoms by advising the patients to get regular screenings in healthcare settings. As per the health strategy assignmentthe creation of the awareness campaign related to the ill effects of smoking reviewed by doctors and specialists can help generate a proper outcome for the mitigation and prevention strategy. The target audience of the action plan will involve various people in society who are prone to heavy smoking habits and the female population who are more prone to the disease according to the latest surveys (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2019).Smokers are more prone to contracting COPD as compared to non-smokers as the disease is associated with the dysfunction of the lungs by reducing the capacity to breathe properly. Giving up smoking, eating a proper diet and exercising, getting rest and adequate medications, using oxygen appropriately, retraining the breathing initiative therapy, avoiding secondary infections, and learning the proper technique to bring up the mucus can be considered as the key elements in developing the mitigation and prevention plan for the health strategy assignment(Dawkins et al., 2021).

Advocacy plan
Engagement of stakeholders in the communication process

Communication with the vulnerable group in society can be initiated by creating awareness campaigns about the important elements by the healthcare and community workers for efficiently managing and implementing the health strategy assignmentplan. The mode of monitoring should be carried on by the online mode along with community and healthcare centre mode. Patient education, campaigning, and events are the areas where monitoring is required. Rural, urban and suburban are the three types of areas and regions where monitoring is strictly required for evaluating the effectiveness of the mitigation and prevention strategy and plan (Dawkins et al., 2021). Medical interventions are also considered an important health strategy assignmentplan for the mitigation and prevention strategy implementation which can help in effectively managing COPD as a disease in the country. Blood oxygen saturation monitoring of the patients regularly by the healthcare and community workers should be done as an integral part of disease monitoring in patients who are vulnerable to the disease. Relationships and networking are important parts of the prevention and mitigation health strategy assignmentplan for diseases like COPD in communities and societies. The stakeholders of the programs can be significantly benefitted through the proper implementation of the plan.

Relationship and networking involved in the campaign
Relationships and networking with the stakeholders can be strengthened by the application of the proper mitigation plans. The health strategy assignmentprogram can empower the patients along with their families and caregivers to help them recognize and reduce the burden of the disease and its prevalence in society. Improvement in the prevention along with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of COPD can enhance the relationship between the patients and the care providers (Issac et al., 2021).The relationship can also be enhanced by improving the care quality delivered across the healthcare sector platforms for COPD patients across the country. Collection and analysis of relevant patient data can be considered the main element of network and relation creation. Driving innovative change and tracking the progress of the patients can also create sustainability for the program which can ensure the success of its implementation. Increasing the sustainability of the health strategy assignmentresearch related to COPD mitigation and prevention can help in enhancing the relationship among the stakeholders of the action or prevention plan. The translation of educational policies and programs related to COPD management can strengthen the relationship and networking of the stakeholders (Pal et al., 2022).The engagement of stakeholders can be done through the implementation of awareness camps which will consist of various healthcare and community workers who will explain the benefits of not smoking and the drawbacks of the disease and the amount of burden it can be to society and the community.

Monitoring and evaluation
Various screening camps at state-level health centres need to be set up for monitoring the vital parameters of vulnerable people who are susceptible to COPD. As per the health strategy assignmentfree treatment and intervention plans should also be set up by healthcare officials for treating patients already affected by COPD. These strategies can help the stakeholders of the action or prevention plan to communicate with the healthcare officials and community workers at an organized level (Pleasants, Riley and Mannino, 2016). A step-by-step procedure can also help in analyzing the variables of the programs. Identification of the outcome and goals along with the wide range of objectives can be considered the first step. Defining the indicators and the data collection methods in the health strategy assignmentcan significantly help in identifying the individual or team roles and responsibilities of the healthcare management (Thombs, Lewin and Tonelli, 2017).

Political considerations that can impact the campaign addressed in the health strategy assignment
Society and community development play an important political role in distributing the effectiveness of the plan. The prevalence of the disease among the indigenous communities can be challenging for the political administration to initiate the responsiveness of the overall implementation plan. It s found in the health strategy assignmentthat disparities in the provision of services and biases in health prevention can prove to be a significant political factor affecting the application of the mitigation plan among the indigenous people of Torres Strait islanders and the Aboriginal community. The provision of the health intervention or prevention plan should be made accessible to all the people affected by the disease in the country to wipe out the disparity and bias in the services offered or provided by the healthcare organizations and departments in the country (Smith et al., 2019).This particular political consideration should be taken into account due to the inaccessibility of the provision and services of the intervention plan intended to reduce the effects of COPD in the rural, urban and suburban societies in the country. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the prevention plan requires a few steps or procedures which can create an overall benefit for the stakeholders. The collection of proper data and records for the health strategy assignmentalong with the analyzing and transforming data into implementation variables are considered the steps or procedures which can help the planning and evaluation of the strategic information and data can be influential in program management and improvement of overall policy deployment for the mitigation of COPD in Australia.

External factors affecting the health strategy assignmentplan
A proper analysis plan for reporting templates by the community healthcare workers and staff can be considered an important step in the dissemination of the plan related to the effective mitigation and control of COPD in the community and society of the country. Various factors can potentially affect the overall implementation and functioning of the health prevention plan for the health strategy assignmentin Australia related to the effective mitigation of COPD. Government guidelines along with the regulations set for the effective control of COPD can be considered as an external factor that can affect the overall implementation of the plan. The culture of the overall healthcare system can be considered as the factor which can decide the success of the overall implementation plan. The overall environment of the strategic application of the health strategy assignmentplan can be considered as the external factor that can influence the overall implementation of the plan. The overall culture associated with the healthcare plan can be considered integral as it can decide the range of reach and eventual outcome (World Health Organization, 2022a).Natural disasters like the pandemic have created a negative impact on all the plans and implementation programs associated with the proper plan application. The disruption of community health services can be considered a major setback for the implementation plan involving the mitigation of COPD from the Australian society and community. The macro-environment factors affecting the effective and successful implementation of the health strategy assignmentplan can be attributed to the state of living conditions, environment, genetics, habits, income, and education levels along with awareness. These factors can collectively contribute to the impact created on the overall prevention plan for COPD. It has been seen in the country that the rural and suburban areas consisting of the indigenous population are most affected by COPD and other forms of diseases (World Health Organization, 2022b).Access to healthcare and disparity in the services provided can also contribute to external factors influencing the implementation of the prevention plan.

Timeline for development and implementation of the strategy or plan


Key activities



Starting date


Finishing date

Awareness campaign for explaining the consequences of the disease.



Screening for vulnerable population



Treatment goals and plans for the ones already affected.



Setting up a productive framework for effective mitigation.



Increasing the sustainability of conducting various research elements for diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and management.




Restrictions and suggestions
There are various restrictions associated with the effective mitigation of COPD by using a prevention plan as per the health strategy assignment. Various micro and macro environmental factors can be considered responsible for the effective relief of the strategy. Accessibility to patient care is considered one of the most essential micro-environmental factors responsible for the implementation of the strategy. Proper administration of health policies set up by the public administration can be considered the macro-environmental barriers in setting up the implementation policy (, 2017).The natural calamities like Covid 19 pandemic arealso a substantial macro environmental factor that can influence the implementation of the pan negatively. Therefore, effective and successful implementation of the health strategy assignmentplan can be considered imperative to the research and development of future initiatives that need to be undertaken by the government and administration controlling the healthcare sector in the country. The plan will be best run in the time of seasonal changes which create the onset of diseases like flu and COPD along with various other respiratory infections and illnesses.

The key elements required for the development and design of the prevention strategy are important considerations that can effectively help the sector to undertake various health strategy assignmentplans and procedures for the safe and effective control of COPD in Australian society. The benefits and merits of the prevention plan and strategy can help in initiating a faster response to the mitigation and reduction of the prevalence of the disease among the communities. It is found in the health strategy assignmentthat smokers are required to reduce or stop the habit of smoking to safeguard themselves from the negative consequences of COPD in society. Women are considered more vulnerable as compared to men in contracting the disease and the indigenous community is also a vulnerable group in society due to the lack of proper healthcare facilities along with awareness levels. It is found in the health strategy assignmentthat the public health advocacy strategy can significantly help the administration to set up plans for effective distribution and reach of the strategy for providing an all-around benefit from the program. The designing of a population-based health intervention and prevention strategy requires the analysis of the action plan and setting the right timeline for the activities that need to be implemented in the action plan.

Ambrosino, N. and Bertella, E. (2018). Lifestyle interventions in prevention and comprehensive management of COPD. Breathe, [online] 14(3), pp.186–194. doi:10.1183/20734735.018618. Australian Bureau Of Statistics (2022). Health Conditions Prevalence, 2020-21 financial year | Australian Bureau of Statistics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2022].

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2019). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), treatment & management - australian institute of health and welfare. [online] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2022].

Dawkins, B., Renwick, C., Ensor, T., Shinkins, B., Jayne, D. and Meads, D. (2021). What factors affect patients’ ability to access healthcare An overview of systematic reviews. Tropical Medicine & International Health, [online] 26(10), pp.1177–1188. doi:10.1111/tmi.13651.

Issac, H., Taylor, M., Moloney, C. and Lea, J. (2021). Exploring Factors Contributing to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Guideline Non-Adherence and Potential Solutions in the Emergency Department: Interdisciplinary Staff Perspective. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, [online] Volume 14(15), pp.767–785. doi:10.2147/jmdh.s276702.
Pal, A., Howarth, T.P., Rissel, C., Messenger, R., Issac, S., Ford, L., Connors, C. and Heraganahally, S. (2022). COPD disease knowledge, self-awareness and reasons for hospital presentations among a predominately Indigenous Australian cohort: a study to explore preventable hospitalisation. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, [online] 9(1), p.e001295. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001295.
Pleasants, R., Riley, I. and Mannino, D. (2016). Defining and targeting health disparities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, [online] Volume 11(11), pp.2475–2496. doi:10.2147/copd.s79077.
Smith, T., McNeil, K., Mitchell, R., Boyle, B. and Ries, N. (2019). A study of macro-, meso- and micro-barriers and enablers affecting extended scopes of practice: the case of rural nurse practitioners in Australia. BMC Nursing, [online] 18(1). doi:10.1186/s12912-019-0337-z.
Thombs, B.D., Lewin, G. and Tonelli, M. (2017). Implementing preventive health care recommendations in family medicine: Introducing a series from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. Canadian family physician Medecin de famillecanadien, [online] 63(7), pp.504–505. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2022].
World Health Organization (2022a). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). [online] World Health Organization: WHO. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2022].

World Health Organization (2022b). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). [online] World Health Organization: WHO. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2022]. (2017). COPD NATIONAL ACTION PLAN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2022].


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