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Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment on the impact of Chestnut Nature Park on Singapore communities


Task: How to assess the impact Chestnut Nature Park has on Singapore communities using Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment research methodologies?


The Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment findings show the Tourism sector is marked as one of the largest contributors in the world economy. Amount spent by travelers add to the GDP of countries. Thus, governments tend to spend a significant amount of money to develop tourist spots. There is no exception in case of Singapore. This report aims at discussing the impact of Singapore-based Chestnut Nature Park in development of Singapore tourism sector. The Hospitality and Tourism Management assignmentwill also discuss about the impact of Chestnut Nature Park on the culture, society, and economy of Singapore. The following flowchart depicts sustainable tourism and its objectives.


Fig 1. Flowchart depicting the standard model of eco-tourism
Source: Kirkby,, 2011

In 25 February, 2017 64 hectaresNature Park was opened in Singapore and currently this is one of the renowned tourist spots for travelers who visit Singapore (National Parks, 2022). As per the Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment findings, this nature park is planted with various native species of trees. The objective behind this plantation activity is to help animals thrive and create an ecological balance.

Tourism trend
Sustainable tourism is a tourism trend. Tourism planning as well as development that emphasizes on protecting the future generation by maintaining an ecological balance (Rasoolimanesh,, 2020).Moreover, balancing economy, society and environment is also a part of tourism trend and planning (Dredge and Jenkins, 2011).Increased percentage of deforestation and extinction of animals are creating ecological imbalance. This might have an impact on the near future. The authorities of Chestnut Park are emphasizing on reducing this problem.

The primary vision of the tourism board of this park is to provide hiking and bird watching experiences to the visitors and simultaneously balance the ecology.

Development Description
Chestnut nature park is currently identified as one of the largest nature parks of Singapore. This park has two different parts. One is south and the other one is North. The north section of this park is 4 times larger that the south part of the park. Both hiking and biking experiences are provided to the visitors but the hiking and biking trails are different. These trails are separated by barriers to avoid any kind of accidents within the park (Little Day Out, 2017).From the Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment investigations, it has been observed the park is very inaccessible. There are very limited local transports who drop visitors in the park. People who have private cars tend to visit this place often than those who do not have one.

The tourism board of this nature park has not yet released the exact cost of developing this park because they are still now focusing on working in this park to make it more accessible for visitors who are coming from different parts of Singapore and across the world.

Social Impacts
Social harmony

When people along with other species are living in this society peacefully it is known as social harmony. Tolerance, willingness to maintain ecological balances are all examples of social harmony (Halida,, 2022). This nature park has become a house for large number of birds and other animals. The place is quiet, calm and pollution free which further ensures good health of human beings. This is how Chestnut Nature Park helps in maintaining social harmony. Societal adaptation of the tourist demand With the increase in pollution across the world and hustles of daily lives, tourists tend to visit places that are calm and quiet. Moreover, due to bad effects of climate change, people are adapting towards sustainability. This has been one of the major reasons identified on this Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment that visitors in Chestnut Nature Park is increasing.

Social education
When individuals learn the negative and positive aspects of the society that further help them to thrive in the society is known as social education (Olsson, Knapska and Lindström, 2020). Chestnut Nature Park can help tourists understand the importance of sustainability and sustainable awareness. Children who visit with their parents can see a wide range of flora and fauna while visiting this national park.

Irritation due to tourist behaviour
Tourists who visit this nature park might disturb animals and birds in the national park. Moreover, constant littering by tourists within the national park can irritate these species.

Hospitality and Tourism Managementassignment -Cultural impacts
Cultural commodification

South East Asian countries are known for incorporation sustainable practices that focuses on physical and mental wellbeing of humans, protection of wildlife and natural environment. Among all the countries Singapore has scored the highest in the sustainability index (Statista, 2022a). Chestnut Nature Park offers biking and hiking services to the visitors. This further help them to maintain their physical and mental health. This aspect of the park can be marked as cultural commodification.


Fig2: Environmental sustainability score.
Statista, 2022a.

Cultural authenticity
The perspective of the whole world on the lives of people of a particular nation can be marked as cultural authenticity. People across the world believes Singapore to be a costly country where people are more intrigued towards urban lifestyle. However, the offerings of the selected park do not comply with the perspective of people across the world. The eco-tourism aspect of the park helps visitors understand the sustainable culture followed by people of Singapore.

Exchange of cultural thoughts
Nature plays a significant role in shaping cultural thoughts of people across the world (Resurgence & Ecologist, 2022). There is no exception in case of Chestnut Nature Park. The Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment research shows this park bridges gaps between beliefs of people and view of the world on biodiversity. Moreover, this nature park also helps in informing visitors about the native species of Singapore. This further help travelers gain knowledge about the biodiversity of the country.

Revaluation of culture and tradition
In the latest exhibition of the national library, it has been found that there is a history of relationships between human and environment in Singapore (biblioasia, 2021). These relationships have changed over several years. Chestnut Nature Park focuses on adding value to this culture and tradition of Singapore. The park establishes a relationship between physical and mental health being of human beings with that of animals.

Economic impacts
Job creation

Tourism industry is known for providing a wide range of jobs people across the world. There is no exception in case of Singapore.


Fig 3. Contribution of Tourism in employment (Singapore)
Source: Statista, 2022b

From the above Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment graphSingapore’s tourism sector has witnessed a significant growth in almost a decade. Furthermore, it is predicted that jobs will increase by 2029. Chestnut Nature Park recruits people who can provide security to the people who are entering into the park. Moreover, people who can take care of the plants and animals within the nature park are also provided jobs by the tourism board of this nature park.

Foreign exchange earnings
In the year 2019, 19.12 million people arrived in Singapore as tourists. This number fell in the next year due to the outbreak of the pandemic. However, the current situation is improving. Thus, the tourism department is expecting to incur a revenue of almost $27 billion dollar in this year and the department is forecasting a growth 4% growth in CAGR in the next 10 years (fmi, 2022). The Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment findings show the earnings have increased due to amusement and nature parks that are opening in Singapore for the last 5 years.


Fig 4 Tourism market value of Singapore
Source: FMI, 2022

Business growth
A lot of nature parks have opened in Singapore in recent times. Investors are investing in such tourist attraction because they are forecasting opportunities of earning from this park in the coming years. In Chestnut Nature Park, business persons are renting spaces within the park to sell foods and beverages. This is growing the business of both the seller and the park authorities. Such collaboration is further helping these stakeholders to contribute into the GDP of Singapore in a significant way.

Infrastructural development
With the growth in the business, the authorities of this park have decided to focus on the security of the park. Big walls have been constructed to protect animals so that they do not encounter any illegal activities. Moreover, separate roads have been paved for bikers and hikers to avoid any kind of accidents within the park. Security and safety of the park has been attracting more visitors. Tickets are getting sold more that is contributing to the income of the tourism board and development of economy.

Contribution to local economy
With the increase in visitors in the Chestnut Park, local economy is also positively impacted. Small business owners who have opened their shops outside the park have encountered an increase in sales. Moreover, people who are travelling by local transports to visit the park is also directly contributing to the growth of the transport department of Singapore. This is how the park has significant impact on the growth of the local economy.

Environmental Impacts
Energy consumption

The Hospitality and Tourism Managementassignment also identified that the energy consumption in Chestnut Park is low because people visit here to enjoy nature in its truest form. This is impacting the environment in a positive way because it is reducing the exploitation of natural resources.

Water conversation
Less than 2% of the water available in earth is supplied from fresh sources and can be used by people. Increase in the misuse of water across the world has called for water conservation. Water conservation measures are generally undertaken by people across the globe to reduce the erosion of soil and wastage of water (Zhao, Yang and Govers, 2019). Chestnut Nature Park has a significant impact on water conservation. Plants are responsible for conserving water with the help of Stomata. This is how this nature park is reducing water pollution and excess usage of water which is further solving problems like water crisis.

Solid waste and littering
Visitors in this park often litters waste materials in the park and not in the dustbin. This is how the park can cause increase in landfills and solid waste. This is having a negative impact on the environment because it is increasing soil pollution.

Aesthetic pollution
When an object is a symbol of beauty for someone else and pollution for other it is known as aesthetic pollution (Batzias and Kopsidas, 2019). The Chestnut Park has large number of trees. Trees often shed leaves here and there. This is often viewed as natural beauty by visitors but people who are responsible for keeping the park clean, often observe this as pollution. This is how Chestnut Nature Park has an influence on aesthetic pollution. This is also negatively impacting the environment because it is increasing land and water pollution.

Recycling management
The selected nature park used on this Hospitality and Tourism Management assignmentis emphasizing on recycling management with the help of few actions. The authorities of the tourism board have made sure to place bins in several areas of the park to avoid littering. Stores that sell food inside the park have been instructed to avoid usage of plastics while serving customers. These aims are reducing air, land, and water pollution.

Conclusion and Recommendations

• To implement strict rules that focuses on protection of animals and birds within the park. The travelers should be strictly restricted from providing any kind of foods to them. Any traveler who is found doing so will be fined by the authorities.
• To collaborate with the transport department and focus on making the transport connection more convenient. This will increase the accessibility of the park and this is how a greater number of visitors can visit the park. Finally, it can be said that with the increase in the number of visitors, the nature park can earn more revenue. This can have an impact on the tourism sector of Singapore.
• It is highly recommended to the tourism authorities of this nature park to introduce jungle resorts in a different part of the park. Adding features to a park can help them to continue incurring revenue and can prevent the decline in visit of the travelers. This can further help tourists experience cultural authenticity. Moreover, staying in jungle resort can help travelers get a unique experience that can further contribute to the growth of Singapore tourism.

The main aim of this Hospitality and Tourism Management assignmentwas to discuss the societal, economic, cultural, and environmental factors on Chestnut Nature Park. From the findings of the report, it can be said that these factors are external factors that have direct impact on the core operation of the park. The analysis suggests that Chestnut Nature Park is focusing on creating a relationship between animals and humans. The park is not only emphasizing on generating revenue from travelers but the authorities are focused on maintaining an ecological imbalance and indulge into sustainable business operations. Apart from the wellbeing of animals and birds, this park is known for focusing on the physical and mental wellbeing of human beings. This focus has become one of the major reasons behind introduction of biking and hiking as per Hospitality and Tourism Management assignment findings.

Reference List
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