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Laboratory Report Assignment: Relationship of Personality Traits & Relational Aggression


Task: Laboratory Report Assignment Part A: This part of the lab report comprised the introduction and method section. Here you are required to use additional independently sourced peer reviewed journal paper to introduce the reader to the topic, operationalize key terms, summarise past studies, identify gaps in the past literature and propose your aims and hypotheses. The method section should outline the participants, materials and procedure of a real psychological study.


Part A
Introduction to the topic

This laboratory report assignment comprises of an investigation conducted on the five-factor model of personality traits and their relationship with the proactive and reactive relational aggression. A personality trait is a typical aspect of any individual’s behaviour, cognition or effect, which tends to be static over time as well as reliable around associative situations. The five-factor model of Personality is considered as a total of five wider, bipolar characteristic levels, frequently associated to the Big Five: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Smith et al., 2019). It has been noted that these 5 levels effectively capture a vast arena of people’s differences in personality and consequently, the five-factor model is the most commonly applied structural model in any personality measurement study (Bara?czuk, 2019).

Additionally, this study has also investigated the relational aggression (proactive and reactive relational aggression) relationship with the personality traits with the help of tests and analysis done from the secondary sources. The reactive aggression was considered as more precisely related to hostility than the proactive aggression (Hart &Ostrov, 2020). The proactive relational aggression is considered to be unprovoked as well as applied for gaining fame or social status, though reactive relational aggression is the sum total of reactions against threats of some type (Ackermann et al., 2019). These instances could differ from one another as individual personality and the way they are interacting with people are not the same.

Thus, the main purpose of this report is to introduce and understand the relationship and how they are practically applied in addressing personality traits in individuals with an assessment of the reactive relational aggression. This study is connected with the findings of the facts on how the personality traits change or work together in different situations and help individuals to express the relational aggression as a way out from that situation or as a reaction after the situation. This study has been developed to examine, interpret and evaluate the changing situations with the personality traits and relational aggression with emphasis on the gap in the previous literatures.

Operationalise key terms and summarise past studies
According to Kokkinos et al. (2017), results of Relational Aggression (RA) and personality traits studies indicate that the social-cognitive factors have a huge role on the personality and understanding of RA with their practical applications in daily life. The results also suggest that the positive association between the friendship jealousy and all the relational aggression dimensions impact on the students who experience the friendship jealousy and tend to apply practical aggressive methods when they consciously perceive that the individuality in their friendship relations is threatened by third parties. On the other hand, Kokkinos et al. (2020) have focused that fact that mediation models have discussed the fact that friendship jealousyfacilitated the impacts of openness to the experiences and neuroticism instability on the proposed RAGG. Additionally, higher intimacy mediated the ineffective relation among energy and relational aggression, while the social dominance factors have exhibited the negative association amongrelational aggression and agreeableness. Opposite to this view, Troncone et al. (2014) arguethat the multidimensional nature of academic life, relationship with others and performance require adopting complex processes for evaluating action underlying students’ difficulties in achieving good achievement and academic relationship with their friends.

Gap analysis
The above results discussed in the previous secondary sources have identified the relationship between friendship jealousy and RAGG. The negative and positive association demonstrate how the personality traits are changing with their perceptions and how they are applying regression as a psychological escape from the situation. However, lack of social dominance factors and peer-pressure has been discussed in thoseprevious researches that need to be developed further. There is also a gap between the emotional stability and personality traits of the target individual in the study in any interaction during the regression analysis and friendship jealousy.

Aim and Hypotheses
This research wasaimed to find out the relationship and impact between the Big five personality traits and proactive and reactive relational regression characteristics in individuals.

H1. There is a positive relationship and impact between the five personality traits and proactive
aggression studies on young people
H2. There is a hostile attribution bias among the five personality traits and relational aggression in young people


256 participants completedthe survey in the study. The participants were the first-year psychology students who wouldbe completing HPS121 or HPY713 in T3, this year. The participants in this research were 18 years old as the minimumscale to 52 years old as the maximum limit of age. The average age (M) in this study has been identified as 31.14, and the standard deviation (SD) was accounted as 9.60. In this research, 192 were female and 60 were male students, and 4were recognized as other genders. Only those who were 18 years of age or above and identified as Australian residents were involved in this research.

Material: All participants were given survey questionnaires of three sections and were required to complete questionnaires. The entire survey was completed within 15 minutes.

Procedure of data collection
The questionnairebegan withdemographics (including age and gender related questions) andwas included the personality traits (evaluated through the mini-IPIP, global personality items pool), and the last section of the questionnaire was developed for the relational aggression that is self-report of Aggression and social behaviour measurement, proactive and reactive aggression scales.The questions on this mini-IPIP subscale, which were developed negatively were underline change in score. It suggests that all the numerical data for this question was changed in the opposite way. The average agreement with the twenty statements on the mini-IPIP was calculated for creating mean scores for every candidate for the Big five personality traits mentioned above. The average agreement on the reactive relational aggression as well as proactive relational aggression levels was calculated for making a mean score for every candidate. All the information was collected and evaluated through the Deakin University Research team using SPSS Statistics v 26.

Ackermann, K., Kirchner, M., Bernhard, A., Martinelli, A., Anomitri, C., Baker, R., ... &Herpertz-Dahlmann, B. (2019). Relational aggression in adolescents with conduct disorder: sex differences and behavioral correlates. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 47(10), 1625-1637.

Bara?czuk, U. (2019). The five factor model of personality and emotion regulation: A meta-analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 139, 217-227.

Hart, E. J., &Ostrov, J. M. (2020). Relations between forms and functions of aggression and moral judgments of aggressive transgressions. Aggressive behavior, 46(3), 220-231.

Kokkinos, C. M., Karagianni, K., &Voulgaridou, I. (2017). Relational aggression, big five and hostile attribution bias in adolescents. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 52, 101-113.

Kokkinos, C. M., Kountouraki, M., Voulgaridou, I., & Markos, A. (2020). Understanding the association between Big Five and relational aggression: The mediating role of social goals and friendship jealousy. Personality and Individual Differences, 160, 109946.

Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., Vidovic, V., Saklofske, D. H., Stoeber, J., & Benoit, A. (2019). Perfectionism and the five-factor model of personality: A meta-analytic review.

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 23(4), 367-390.

Troncone, A., Drammis, M. L., & Labella, A. (2014). Personality Traits, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement in Secondary School Students in Campania, Italy. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2(7), 512-520. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2014.020703


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