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Leadership Assignment Designing Personal Strategic Leadership Plan



The purpose of this leadership assignment is to design your own personal Strategic Leadership Plan to take you from where you are now to where you want to be in the future.


As stated in the present context of leadership assignment, Leadership Strategy corresponds to the willingness of a manager to formulate a strategy or a part of the business, and to encourage and persuade people to pursue the target. The use of strategy in personnel management can also be defined as strategic leadership (Juharyanto et al, 2020). It is capable of convincing business partners and of implementing organisational restructuring. Strategic leaders create an organisational framework, assign staff and express strategic guidance. In an unpredictable environment, strategic managers work on highly dynamic issues which are influenced and distorted by international activities and organisations. The primary objective of strategic management is strategic efficiency (Khan, 2017). Another objective of strategic management is to establish a climate in which employees anticipate the company's needs for work. In this study various discussions have been made about the characteristics of a good leader and how he can help towards a more effective plan towards organisation projects. Discussion also helps in analysing the leadership qualities towards managing different stakeholders of the company. Apart from this self-perception towards developing leadership qualities has also been involved from past experience of working in an organisation. Accordingly, a self-development plan has been formulated in order to improve the leadership skills and manage the employees in the future efficiently.

The essential characteristics of a good leader
As a manager in a retail industry I have faced various challenges while working in the organisation and I have noticed the main factors of strategic leadership while managing the workforce. The traits and characteristics of an effective team leader are one of the greatest essential aspects of the business sector. Leaders must sometimes invest in developing their weakest skills (Muhammad, Ratih, Akhmad, 2019). An effective team leader should have the following character traits like time management, ability to adapt, communication, relational building advancement, motivation, and numerous other traits. An efficient team leader should have excellent interaction skills which will help him or her recognise the important factors required for the organisation's achievement and will also allow the leader to pay attention to others. Successful leaders usually have a deep understanding and intimate awareness of the dynamics within their community members. This helps the creative team chief as well as makes the employees feel respected. The organisation's vision encourages the community to understand cooperative principles.

Visionary leaders are able to advance a team towards a shared objective. These managers encourage coordinated learning, innovation, courage, wisdom and strong team-building relationships. Besides that, it is the job of the leader to express the goal of the company regarding all solutions to prevent getting distracted or getting bothered by insignificant troubles (Zawawi, 2019). Motivation is the most necessary trait of any monarch. Motivated leaders are inspired to succeed towards organisation’s goals beyond expectations, and also helps in fulfilling the goals of everyone else’s. The motivating characteristic of a successful team leader puts the company workers together and helps them to work at a higher level and meet the targets of the group successfully and efficiently. In addition, excellent leadership skills, organisational abilities, task solving and an inspiring mindset are particularly valuable features of a successful team manager within the organisation that improve the certainty of project execution at the provided deadline.

Moreover, a wise manager brings together successful teams with seasoned, goal-oriented, skilled, expertise, optimistic and well recognised team members. In fact, few managers have all the expertise to show complete control of any environment in the company, to develop a strong team that understands problems, creates ideas and acts on them to produce successful results. The capacity to make choices, delegate, solve problems, organise and resolve conflicts is also the quality of a successful company leader (Komariah & Kurniady, 2017).

The management creates the future of the organisation through its vision, mission and policy. This will provide the management appropriate guidance and strategy to fulfil the group's requirements. A successful concept of a leadership leader will influence any employee of the company to pursue all priorities, targets, plans, performance and approaches used for the task, but the purpose is the most essential point to do (Gorondutse & Gawuna, 2017).). Strategic preparation plays a significant part in the development of the Company’s goals and the achievement of the Organization's goal. The leadership standard helps the company plan in many ways: it provides project managers with the capacity to better understand the priorities and objectives so that they can decide the community for the company's potential development.

Analysis of leadership and stakeholder management strengths and weaknesses
According to the above discussion, a successful leader possesses various kinds of traits and qualities within himself. This will help the leader to analyse the stakeholders of the company. Hence, I have found out a variety of aspects that allow an individual to be successful (Wada, 2018). Stakeholder analysis is a very helpful method to define, consider and prioritise all stakeholders that have the ability to control or exercise control over a company. An analysis of stakeholders, along with other aspects, would allow me to disclose the stakeholders, what their interests and desires can be, what they are facing and how these problems are being addressed. Similarly, this exercise tells me about real involvement in the project and its impact (Apollo et al, 2017).

Not everybody involved is equivalent. Not all of the stakeholders deserve the very same consideration. For this purpose, it is so important for me to do stakeholder research. It enables all stakeholders to be appropriately identified and categorised according to their relevance in attempts to ensure social recognition and progress in the implementation of the programme (Chung, 2017). In this review, I would like clearly to mention the concerns of all the investors who may influence and affect the project, the characteristics, interconnections and interactions between project supporters and opponents. This useful knowledge can form the basis for the policy and communication of stakeholder management. It can teach me how the various groups communicate and how that interaction will serve my needs or jeopardise them. Also, I can detect possible threats, problems or misunderstandings that could interrupt the project through my stakeholder review.

This knowledge is essential to learn what interaction and messages are ideally suited to minimising potential negative impacts and also to amplifying positive impacts. Stakeholder review would identify who precisely I should be contacting, advising and/or motivating to engage throughout the project’s implementation process – and to whatever degree. This useful knowledge can serve as the basis for the approach and messages for stakeholder analysis (Imran Hunjra, Faisal &Gulshion, 2017). When carried out permanently, stakeholder analyses will also inform us what changes have been made to our primary stakeholder classes over time – as regards who they are, the evolution of their interests and desires and how our interaction with them has changed or degraded.

In a variety of ways, stakeholders can be identified, they are as follows:

  • Brainstorming team: The aim is to create a list of potential sources as long as possible. Not that all proposals but reserve judgment will be held for the end. Crop out better than forget. Weed out.
  • Experience of team members: You can have useful skills built up over time by your squad, so make sure you take advantage of them.
  • Historical data: You should have loads of past projects accrued by your company. It is very clearly meant to use this information to guide your stakeholder research because it encourages productivity and builds on knowledge.
  • Comparable: Either a new location or another project form is used. Search for related programmes and recognise partners who can play a vital role as much as possible. The probability is that the new project would affect (or have an effect) the same categories of stakeholders.

It is important to know who the stockholders are. It is similarly true that we understand their inspiration and worries. Here is the study of stakeholders. In the earlier phases of the project it is necessary to analyse stakeholders. This allows you to build an interaction plan proactively, usually leading to improved results. There are several models for analysing clients with their own abilities and shortcomings. Perhaps the most suitable model depends on the scope of the project and the resources available. A team of stakeholders should also propose combining templates for an in-depth analysis of their core stakeholder communities and their effects on the initiative. For their particular views and behaviour all stakeholders provide their own motives (Ebbeck, Geok, 2018).

Some point to understand before motivating the stockholders are as follow:

  1. Financial interests: what are the aspects that the stakeholder makes or loses money because of the project
  2. Ethical and moral values: The stakeholders trust in the initiative whether or not it merits social recognition.
  3. Privileges: all forms of legal law, such as healthcare and safety at work may or may not influence the view of the interested parties.
  4. Moral beliefs: Certain religious convictions that shape or not the viewpoint of the stakeholder.
  5. Political views: Some sort of political views to cause or disapprove of the initiative.
  6. Interests in the industry: any expectation of the stakeholders of the project to increase or reduce business revenues.
  7. Demographics: The view will have a major influence on issues such as age, median income and access to job opportunities.

This may be helpful in motivating the positions of the stakeholders and is vital for this as a leader.

Plan for developing leadership skills


Developing leadership skills needs a vision foremost to develop a programme. The vision that the leader poses for his career is the most important part of planning leadership development. It sets the general tone for the leader's career growth plans. The leader must think about what he wants to do with his career. He should also take a close look at his past successes to decide how they led to the growth and success of his career. In his talents, shortcomings, teamwork and professional abilities, he has to judge himself objectively. This will mean, in turn, that the leader will cross the distance between his present position and his desires. A detailed leadership plan is very important to possess leadership skills and to work efficiently towards the organisation's goal (Juharyanto, 2020). Leadership skills will help the leader to analyse all the stockholder’s space in the organisation.


It's now important to formulate leadership growth plans with a specific timetable after developing a roadmap for your work. Growth Leadership Plan With a transparent and highly precise timeframe to achieve success, our vision will become a reality. It would also push us to take concrete measures to achieve the career growth targets for the long term. This will also encourage us to take constructive actions that help our professional vision over time. "A thousand-kilometre path starts by a single step," says the saying. In a quite short period of time, we cannot hope to fulfil our professional vision. Therefore, we need to develop detailed measures to calculate from period to period. Not only must they be precise, but they must also be observable and practical. The intervention results must be assessed via the main success metrics, which can be tracked every day, weekly or monthly.


Mapping the growth of leadership begins with our awareness and the professional position. Building on the skills, shortcomings and trends at the workplace will help us recognise ways to change and predict slips on our path to becoming a more competent manager. In recognizing how things have been handled before, the leader must increase understanding about how what it knows will add to, or will hinder in the future, the leader's ability to lead others effectively. Completing an evaluation will be a beneficial way to draw on the strengths and shortcomings of the leader and develop a more realistic perspective of the personal management style. Pairing self-reflexes with a 360° evaluation allows him to ask his friends and superiors about their input, which will provide more insight into how people have seen you and, on either hand, create a more intense sense of awareness during his career in leadership.


Critical to a holistic leadership growth strategy are leadership development programmes. By adding leadership growth preparation into your schedule, you are able to leverage the potential to improve consistently and rely on new positions or new tasks. The creation of a leadership development plan is crucial for committed people to progress their professions and remain aligned and increase the demands of the labour market. It leads to improved company outcomes including increased financial success and great results in organizations led by competent management. A company with approved leaders can efficiently and successfully manage the dynamic market world of today and resolve problems. A successful team will be motivated to believe in a larger mission and to fight for it. Good management will encourage their workforce to increase engagement and minimise turnover. An effective manager attracts skilled young people and can retain them, which results in improving the satisfaction of the workforce.


Managers will improve their leadership skills via the development of leadership programmes. This will include improved self-awareness, a greater knowledge of interpersonal nature and teamwork of large and small teams in diverse contexts. Integrated management coaching can also support. By incorporating a quality management learning programme, managers will handle people's mobilisation for business purposes – improve their existing success and show they are prepared for the next phase of their workforce. In periods of crisis and dynamic economies, leadership growth strategies are essential for corporate sustainability (Anwar, 2020). Such a scheme has the power to involve and deter our most valuable workers from pursuing alternative jobs with rivals. Moreover, the better our leaders, the more distinguishable our company is and remains viable in a rapidly evolving market.

An organization's primary objective is to achieve long-term feasibility, establish monetary stability and run day-to-day operations seamlessly. This goal may be jeopardised if the organisation does not develop a company strategy to react to possibilities and threats in an appropriate and efficient manner. Furthermore, leaders must pay tight focus to performance indicators by developing a vision, modelling (and encouraging) flexibility and agility, strengthening relationships and trust with staff and customers. Motivating employees at all tiers to make choices and drive innovation, and maintaining strict fiscal controls. These character traits should be implemented consistently as well as on time, while accounting for exchange, changes in the environment, and a need to keep a good organisational culture. A powerful organizational team can assist a leader in accomplishing this. Monitoring outer changes and trends at the departmental level is possible by deploying strategic leaders all throughout the organisation. It is critical to recognise that whichever leadership style is chosen, it must be related to inbuilt beliefs. Basically, the iceberg beneath the surface is formed and cultivated over time via natural and social incidences, presumptions, and inbuilt beliefs. From the above discussions I have gained extensive knowledge about strategic leadership and the aspects associated with it. I have found out my strengths and weaknesses as a leader and accordingly developed a plan to overcome my incapability. Hence this study has helped me to learn about leadership and increase my perception to become a good leader in the future.

Reference List
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