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Management Assignment: Conducting Interview & Interrogation


Task: Write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Discuss the following:

  • Examine the differences between reactive and proactive policing
  • Summarize the broken windows theory, and explain how it has affected policing
    - Include your opinion on the credibility of the theory and if it should be implemented nationwide
  • Research whether or not this policy has been implemented in your city and if it has been successful.
    - If the policy has not been instituted, explain why it should be, and include the best method to begin implementation.

Responses to other students: Response to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmate’s postings?


Primary Task Response Of Management Assignment

How to use the psychological and physiological methods and practices for conducting interviews and interrogations with rationale

The functional usage of case studies and the observational-based patterns will be critically used as the psychological methods that will be used for investigation of a missing person. Therefore, as stated by Power et al., 2018, it is evident that the critical investigation of missing person will be carried out by the SAGE model and qualitative methods that can generate experiences regarding the conditions of the missing person perspective. The SAGE model and qualitative analysis will be carried out by the series of multiple levels of analysis where the effective operation of the SAGE model is identified effectively (Power et al, 2018). The analysis of results using the statistical methods will be taken into consideration where drawing of conclusion and sharing the results within the scientific community members will be considered (Power et al., 2018). The revision of the current knowledge regarding the missing person details will be the major rationale for using the psychological methods.

On the other hand, the methods of surveillance and reporting characteristics will be used for conducting interviews about the missing person perspective. It is evident that the methods of surveillance and reporting will identify the detailed information about the details of the missing person and can provide valuable suggestions and concerned ideas. It will include the direct or indirect observation of variables that are attributed to the normal functioning of systems and its relation to the human perspective. The rationale behind the methods of surveillance and reporting will constitute of the goal-directed approach as proposed by (Cohen et al., 2021). The aforesaid method of surveillance and reporting will be done based on the qualitative sources of data collection about the missing person perspective. On the other hand, physiological methods can be determined in terms of the further research and other scientific measurement techniques.

Which verbal and non-verbal communication tools will be used and reasons with rationale during interviews and interrogations

During the interviews and interrogation sessions, there will be the usage of oaths and validating the lie will be the effective verbal tools during interviews and interrogations to be conducted by the investigating officer of the missing person perspective. Using a different tone for the critical investigation of the missing person can also be a major verbal communication tool which is justified by the gathering of relevant information and proceeding to the next step of preliminary investigation process. Both intrapersonal and interpersonal tools of communication can also be imposed for gathering necessary details of the missing person. Both interpersonal and intrapersonal communication can be a major rationale for private and public communication-based techniques. Also, during interviews and interrogations, verbal fluency is another important tool which will be used for the preliminary investigation and gathering information especially from the elderly people (Özdemir & Tunçer, 2021). In addition to the aforesaid variables and tools for verbal communication, the statement of (Özdemir & Tunçer, 2021) indicates that semantic and phonemic tasks will be carried out among the young or elderly participants.

Facial expressions, body movement (or body language), eye contact, and so on will be the effective non-verbal communication techniques where the preliminary investigation of the missing person can be developed effectively. The rationale behind the usage of these tools are to identify and name the variables that can be used to make a list of the target identifiers and ensuring the identifiable levels of description. It can also develop the keywords along with the detailed description of the missing person perspective (Regev et al., 2021).

Responses to other students about the primary task response

What have I learnt from classmate’s posting?

From the classmate’s posting, I have found that different tools are identified regarding verbal and non-verbal communications along with the inclusion of psychological and physiological characteristics. Also, I have gained enough knowledge about them

Additional questions after reading the posting

Question 1: How to determine the effectiveness of verbal and non-verbal communication tools regarding the preliminary investigation of the missing person?

Question 2: How to perform well-communication with the elder person regarding the acquisition of details of the missing person perspective? What will be the related degree of effectiveness regarding the same?

Clarification regarding the posting

Regarding the aforesaid posting, it can be concluded that different findings and tools of effective communication will play a major and crucial role regarding the gathering information of the missing person perspective. As the preliminary investigating officer, the SAGE model and other characteristics described above will be highly helpful.

Differences or similarities between my posting and student posting

In my posting, I have produced the evidences of tools and effective communication techniques for which the missing person details can be found. However, on the other hand, I have observed that the student posting is the mixture of different opinions and suggestions with different tools for the identification of details of the missing person.

Cohen, A. A., Leblanc, S., &Roucou, X. (2021). Robust physiological metrics from sparsely sampled networks. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 60.

Özdemir, ?. E. V. K. E. T., &Tunçer, A. (2021). Verbal Fluency: An Investigation of Time Variable among Elderly People. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 11(1), 133-139.

Power, S. A., Velez, G., Qadafi, A., & Tennant, J. (2018). The SAGE model of social psychological research. Management assignment Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(3), 359-372.

Regev, O., Soloveitchik, M., &Feitelson, D. G. (2021). Using Non-Verbal Expressions as a Tool in Naming Research. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.08701.


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