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(EUB020L007A) Management assignmenton the benefits of adopting sustainable strategies as the CSR approaches in the fashion businesses


Task: What are the the benefits of adopting sustainable strategies as the CSR approaches in the fashion businesses? Use literature to explain the topic in your management assignment.


1. Introduction
The sustainability in the fashion sector is the approach towards sourcing, designing, and manufacturing clothes that maximize the benefits to the fashion industry and also to society at large. It also contributes to minimizing the impacts on the environment (Vijeyarasa, & Li, M. (2022). Grazzini, Acuti& Aiello (2021) mentioned in their management assignmentthat sustainability had been an essential component of Corporate Social Responsibilityfor fashion brands, organic sourcing; recycling, regeneration and innovative materials are adopted by the brands. Fashion products make up around 10% of the humanitarian carbon emission, pollutingrivers and drying up water sources. More than 85% port all textiles go to the dump yard each year, and the washing of certain types of clothes executing significant amount of microplastic into the ocean (Pelikánová et al., 2021).

Cvik&Pelikánová (2021) stated in their management assignmentthat sustainability in fashion is the designedphilosophy which is significant thatispromoting social as well as environmentalprotection as per the CSR motives. Fashion brand like Zara has scored below 50% when environmentalsuitability has been taken into consideration. It has developed a negative impale of the brand. Thus to revive the market reputation, it has announced a five-year goal to conserve water and reduce waste in landfills. Gucci, on the other hand, has been focusing on recycled, bio-based, organicandsustainably sourced material. At the same time, H&M has reported that 65% of its material is recycled. Sailer, Wilfing & Straus (2022) stated in their management assignmentthat the fashion brands that are adopting sustainable approaches as per the CSRmeasures have been able to gain a positive brand image that is also able to gain success in the competing market and thus build a positive brand image to gain profitability.

In the literature, one can find a detailedevaluation of how the inclination of fashion brands toward sustainability as per their CSR strategies has been the need for hours. Cvik&Pelikánová (2021) statedin their management assignmentthat multipleaccusations against the fashion brands had been made for the negativeimpacts of their manufacturing and business strategies on the environment. The concern increased with the climatic changes, and customer is willing to buy sustainability products. The change in the buying behaviour of thecustomer has been a boost to the fashion n brands. It led to the revolution in the fashion industry, and the adoption of the implication of sustainable approaches has been practised vividly. In order to understand the benefits derived from sustainablestrategies in the fashion industry, the evaluation of the secondary literaturewould be beneficial in the management assignment.

2. Literature overview and mind map of management assignment
The research on the CSR sustainability measures adopted by fashion industries could be broadly evaluated under the four sub-sections in thismanagement assignment. The benefits and the issues of implicationsustainable measures in the fashion business are determined to be essential in developingtransparent ideas about the outcomes of the CSR sustainability approaches in the fashion business. Moreover, the contribution of sustainable CSR measures in gaining developingthe brand images and building the competitive edge for the fashionablebusiness needs a detailed investigation in this management assignment. The evaluation of the different themes using relevant literature has the ability to enhance the strategic measures in building a clear idea about the utility that the fashion business is grabbing with the adoption of sustainable CSR measures in a well-organized manner.


Figure 1: Mind Map

2.1 Benefits of sustainability in fashion businesses
Chen et al. (2021) mentioned in his management assignmentthat the diversification of the demands has acted as the push factor to adopt sustainable approaches. It has been effective in building trust among the employees, and they develop a perception that the brand is highly innovative in nature. The measures towards sustainability have been helpful in building the subjective views of the customer and deriving their attention so that profitability could be derived. The customer is willing to buy green products, and therefore the adoption of sustainability measures by fashionbrands has been serving in favour of the companies. The perception of novelty is built for the fashion brands, and the business is able to gain market success. Gbolarumi et al. (2021), on the other hand, mentioned in his management assignmentthat the textile and apparel business has been generating environmental harm. The adoption of the sustainable approaches by the businesses is to build standard measures as per the environmental and social perspective. Theperformances of the fashion businesses with suitable measures have been effective in creating ecological benefits, and the welfare of the people in the surrounding areas is also gained. The strategic measures have been effective in deriving customer satisfaction and are contributing to addressing the three pillars of the suitability (economy, environmental and social) aspects.

2.2 Issues faced by fashion businesses in adopting sustainability
Zhang, Zhang and Zhou (2021) stated in his management assignmentthat there is a wide gap between the claims made by the fast fashion business about sustainability and the actual execution of the strategic means. It, at the same time, has been contributing to the drop in the profitability of the businesses in the fashion sector as the brands have to invest a huge among in advanced equipment in the context of implicating sustainability measures. The findings at the same time outlined that the cultural constraints are acting as a threat to developing positive approaches to successfully implicating the measures of sustainability. Mohr,Fuxman& Mahmoud (2021), on the other hand, mentioned in their management assignmentthat the sustainable approaches in the fashion industry have been challenging the traditional fashionviews of the customers. Sustainable fashion is an alternative trend to that fast fashion. The findings outlined that the demand for sustainable products is completely relying on customer demands. The change in the demand of the customer might affect the strategic decision of the fashion brands leading to financial losses. The introduction of changes in the fashion adoption process has to undergo different challenging situations. The change in the infrastructureand the supply chain of the businesses might hamper the stability of the business in the long run.

2.3 Contribution sustainable measures as per CSR to build brand image
Górska-Warsewicz et al. (2021) mentioned in the management assignmentthat the adoption of green fashion has been effective in developing positive customer satisfaction, which in intern develops a positive brand image in the market. The green approachescontribute toward the development of an effective brand image that helps the business to develop a positive brand image and therefore encourages beneficial outcomes to meet the needs of the customers. In recent times, the sustainableproduct has been readily accepted by the customer and is attracted by the attributes of the company in the competing market conduction. SanMiguel et al. (2021), on the other hand, stated in the management assignmentthat the CSR report is regularly published by the fashionbusinesses as it allows the business to develop the transparency that they adapt to meet the sustainable development goals. It acts as a source to build a positive brand image and create a pull factor to gain customer attention. Theinitiative like customer involvement in the sustainable development of fashion business with the social media awareness strategies has been excellent in developing a positive brand image. It has been thus produced in creating desirable outcomes in competing markets and serving society as well.

2.4 Adopting suitability in fashion businesses to gain a competitive edge
Galica (2022) was of the opinion that the influence of CSR and sustainability in the fashion business has been acting as a promotionalmeasure which is contributing towards developing a unique in their business execution. It is used as a marketing campaign that contributes toward the building of a competitive edge for the business. It, however, depends on how the brands are communicating their CSR sustainability policies to the public. Developing transparency CSR measures is allowing the fashion business to grab the attention of the customer and thus build better customer engagement. Thedevelopment of the positive public image of the fashion business isderived from sustainable strategic measures. Quiles?Soler et al. (2022) stated in the management assignmentthat the way businesses communicate with the public hasundergone a dynamic change. Theenvironment and social responsibility of the fashion brands influence the customer and develop a mental association of the customer with the brands. The use of social media to mote sustainable strategies and the positive contribution of fashion brands and the contribution to building a competitive edge is developed. As per findings of themanagement assignment, the brand Zara has almost 47 posts that boost their sustainable CSR measures. It is helpful in deriving customer attention and enhances the strategic measures in building completive advantages in a well-organized manner.

3. Literature analysis: Methodology of Research


Research Question /Hypotheses

Theory /Model

Method of Data Collection and Analysis

Chen et al.,  (2021)

H1. Clothing brand green innovation has a positive impact on green purchase intention.

H2. Clothing brand green innovation has a positive impact on perceived novelty.

H3. The perceived novelty has a positive impact on green purchase intention.

H4.Perceived novelty plays a mediating role in the relationship between clothing brands.

Green innovation and green purchase intention.

A theoretical model of green innovation, green purchase intention, and green perception, as well as the green innovation of clothing brands, are evaluated in the management assignment.


The use of 564 questionnaires was collected through the online surbey514. Valid questionnaires were collected for the test of the hypothesis. The use of statistical analysis of the data was taken into consideration. "Goodness of fit Test" has been conducted along with the Bartlett Spherical Test to test the hypothesis by evaluating the correlations of different variables.

Gbolarumi et al., (2021)

H1: Sustainability is served benefits the Textile and Apparel


H2: Sustainability has no direct relation to the benefits gained by Textile and Apparel


H3:  Measures are adapted by the Textile and Apparel

Industry to adopt sustainability so that a competitive edge in the competing market conduction could be developed.


Three pillars model of sustainability are mentioned in the management assignment.

The use of systemic literature reviews is taken into consideration. The articles published better the years 2009 to 2019 are taken into consideration collected from the electronic websites Elsevier, Wiley, Emerald, Sage, IEEE Xplore, Tailor and Francis and Springe. The evaluations of a total of 216 journal papers are taken into consideration in this management assignment. The use of the qualitative data using the literature review analysis is executed.

Zhang,  Zhang & Zhou (2021)

1. To what

Are extent customers aware of sustainability in the fast fashion industry in the UK?

2. What are the factors that affect consumers' purchase decisions on fast fashion products with

Sustainability features?

3. How do

 customers feel about fast fashion products with sustainable features?

Tri-component model that includes the Affective, Cognitive as well as Behavioral model.

The quantitative data are collected using the online survey through questionnaires. The use of the 128 valid responses was taken into consideration for the management assignment. The implication of the descriptive analysis along with the regression analysis is taken into consideration so that the primary data are evaluated in a well-organized manner.

Mohr,  Fuxman & Mahmoud (2021)

1. What were the most prominent fashion adoption theories?

2. What is the role of sustainable fashion on the buying behaviour of millennials and Generation X?

3. What is the role of sustainable fashion trends in gaining customers' attention in the market?


Triple-trickle theory has been implicated in the detailed evaluation of the sustainable fashion implications. It includes the trickle-down, trickle-across or trickle-up theories.

The collection of the qualitative data from reliable sources like authentic websites, peer review articles as well as research papers is taken into consideration for the management assignment. Measures are implicated in creating a better thematic analysis of the fact in developing theoretical thoughts about sustainability in the fashion sector.

Górska-Warsewicz et al.,  (2021)

1. What are the main factors that determine Green Based Equity GBE?

2. How often do traditional elements, such as brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand

associations, brand awareness, and brand knowledge appear in empirical research

on GBE?

3. What specific factors contribute to GBE?

GBE empirical models

The qualitative data has been collected from five databases. The use of PRISMA Systemic reviews is taken into consideration for the management assignment. Out of the 3393 publications, the selection of 154 records was made for the final review. The use of structural equation modelling is adopted for the analysis of the collected data in a critical manner in the management assignment.

SanMiguel et al.,  (2021)

H1: Sustanablity has been a key factor in the success of the fashion business.

H2: Luxuryand fashion brands are equally interested in the communication of sustainability.

H3: Fashion companies and the fashion industry have an active communication strategy for sustainability

The operational Model for Evaluating Corporate Websites (OMEFCW-OSEC) model is used for analyzing the communication for sustainability by the brands on different websites.

The data is collected from the luxury and fashion brands of Europe. The use of information from H&M and Inditex is taken for fashion brands, and the Kering Groupo and LVMH Groups are considered for luxury brands in the management assignment. analysis using the OMEFCW-OSEC model is done using statistical values

Galicia (2022)

1. What is the perception of

Consumers about CSR?

2. What is the link between CSR

Strategy and company image?

3. Does CSR influence

consumer’s purchasing


4.Do people associate H&M

The group as a socially

Responsible brand?

the modern management model of enterprise

The survey of 100 respondents was conducted through an online survey questionnaire in the management assignment. The use of Quantitative data collection was done using close-ended questions. Moreover, the use of graphs and charts was done to analyze the collected premier data.

Quiles?Soler et al., (2022).

Q1: Do Spanish fashion brands integrate activities and practices into their CSR policies related to sustainability?

Q2: Do Spanish fashion brands use their company websites

on social media to disseminate their CSR activities and practices?

Q3: Do Spanish fashion brands use their company websites on social media

to disseminate their sustainability activities and


CSR implementation model and integrated sustainable business model.

The samples are collected from the brands like Inditex, Mango, Desigual, and Bimba y Lola,

Adidas and Nike. The CSR policies and their utility to the business using qualitative data was performed in the management assignment. The adoption of formal thematic analysis technologic is used to portray the facts in an interrelated manner.

Vijeyarasa& Li (2022)

1.What is the relationship between the sustainable developed and gender?

2.What are the measures adopted by business to gain gender specific attentions?

Fast fashion business model and fast fashion business model in management assignment

The data are collected from the secondary sources. The use of 569 authentic articles is adopted and the use of descriptive method is used for the analysis of the facts,

Grazzini, Acuti& Aiello (2021)

H1: Sustainable product attributes positively impact consumers’ purchase intentions.

H1: Sustainable product attributes positively impact consumers’ purchase intentions.

Social judgments theory

The use of qualitative data is collected from the interview of 250 college students, The use of thematic measures to analysis the data is adopted in management assignment.

Cvik&Pelikánová (2021)


1.What is the competitive advantage of sustainable product?

2.What is the impact of COVID-19 on sustainable business?

Stakeholder theory

Customer within the age of 30 to 50 years is surveyed using survey questionnaire. The use of statistical analysis is convicted for evaluation of data in the management assignment.

Sailer, Wilfing & Straus (2022)


1 Which greenwashing and blue washing strategies by

sustainable fashion brands?

2 Which factors are the most relevant predictors by consumers?

Sustainability model

The online survey of 9293 respondent were conducted as per the 6-point Likert scale and the use of SPSS and statistical interpretations are done for the data analysis

4. Critical Literature Review
4.1: Article 1:Zhang, B., Zhang, Y. & Zhou, P., (2021). Consumer attitude towards sustainability of fast fashion products in the UK. Sustainability, 13(4), p.16-46. Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

4.1.1 Method of Data Collection and Analysis in the management assignment
The research paper tends to evaluate the role of sustainability in fast fashion and its measures to influence the buyingbehaviours of the customers. The use of positivist ontology research philosophy is taken into consideration to evaluate the buying attitude of the customers. Focusing on the British customer, the collection of the Primary Quantitative data using the online survey questionnaire is adopted. The use of simple random sampling is adopted in this management assignmentto collect the authentic sample sited for primary quantitative data collection. The link to the Google Form has been shared with the University student and Alumni so that the data can be collected. A total of 128 samples were collected. The standards of ethical consideration were maintained in the management assignment, and the identity of the respondents was kept confidential. The use of the regression model has been taken into consideration for the attitude of the targeted Generation Z and Millennial towards sustainable fast fashion products.

4.1.2 Contribution to the Literature
As per Zhang, Zhang & Zhou (2021), the study has evaluated the approaches of the fashion business towards sustainability. However, the evaluation of the customer attitudes and the change in their buying intentions due to sustainable adoption of fashion business remained less investigated. Thus, in the process of filling the gap, the authorof the management assignmentdecided to investigate the attitude of Brutish customers on the sustainablemeasure by the fashion business. As per the findings, females are less aware of the negative suites of sustainable claims by fashion brands, such as childlabour and unethical practices. The second finding outlines that employed students are more aware of sustainability issues, and thirdly, as per findings, the knowledge of sustainability drops when the shared knowledge and the budget of the productsrise. The findings of the management assignmenthave helped in shedding light on the negative suites of sustainability that the customerare mostly unaware of.

4.1.3 Gaps, Limitation and Direction for Future Research
The main gap that exists in this study is its sample size. The survey of just 128 respondents could not reflect the actual buying attitudes of all the British customers. Secondly, the outcomesof the management assignmentare generic to the author, and quantitative data failed to convey the actual feeling of the respondent. Thus, in future, the use of mixed method approaches to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from a wider sample size would be helpful in reflecting the actual behaviours of customers towards sustainability in fashion businesses.

4.2 Article 2: Chen, L., Qie, K., Memon, H., & Yesuf, H. M. (2021). The empirical analysis of green innovation for fashion brands, perceived value and green purchase intention—mediating and moderating effects. Sustainability, 13(8), pp. 1023-4238.Available at [Accessed on 19.7.2022]

4.2.1: Method of Data Collection and Analysis
The research in the management assignmenthas been focused on the evaluation of the green purchase intention of the customer in the fashion industry.The adoption of the theoretical model is done to identify the assumptionrelationshipbetween the diffidentvariables.


Figure 2: Theoretical model
(Source: Chen et al., 2021)

The data are collected using online questionnaires. The use of 564 questionnaires was done, out of which 514 validresources were collected. The data were collected from high school graduate students. Different statistical test such as the reliability test, the validity test, factor test and goodness fit test has been a consideration. The use of statistical evaluation in the management assignmentas per the Bartlett Spherical Test is adopted to evaluate the correlation between different components.

4.2.2: Contribution to the Literature
The findings have been effective in developing a vivid idea about how the green measures by the fashion business are showing positive and significantcorrection with the buying intention of the customers. The management assignment has been helpful in evaluating that the buying intention of the customer increases with the sustainabilitymeasures that the fashion businesses are adopting.

Moreover, it bridges the existing gap in the literature that developed anidea on how the customer perceives innovation. The findings outline that the customer is readilyaccepting innovation to gain sustainability by fashion brands.

4.2.3: Gaps, Limitation and Direction for Future Research
The main drawback of this research is its geneticnature. The research has considered the fashion sector as a whole. However, no specification of any brand, in particular, is adopted. This makes the research a little vague and inappropriate. Too much connectively has made the outcomes of the management assignmentcomplex and difficult to understand. In future, the author can adopt a narrowertopic in which the brands like H&M, Zara or Burberry could be investigated in detail, which could develop a better understanding of the benefits of sustainability as CSR in the fashion sector.

5. Conclusion and Tentative Dissertation Research Direction
Multiple authors ofmanagement assignmenthave tended toinvestigate the benefits of sustainability as the CSR measures in the fashionbusinesses. The outcomes have been helpful in understanding the essence of sustainablemeasures in fashion companies. Authors like Chen et al. (2021) have stated that the buying intentions of the customer are getting positivelyinfluenced by the sustainable measures adopted by fashioncompanies. On the other hand, other others like Zhang, Zhang & Zhou (2021) listed the unethical site of the sustainable measures within the fashion business in the management assignment. The findingshighlighted that the perception of the customer towards the brandchanges when the brandprompts their CSR sustainablemeasures. The business is using its sustainabilitymeasures as its promotionalmeasures to build brand value and develop a competitive edge. It has been identified that the research on the constraints faced by businesses in adopting sustainable CSR measures has fewer researchers. Measures will be taken to conduct research that aims to investigate the benefits as well as the constraintsexperienced by the leading fashion brands of the UK in adopting sustainability as their CSR measurers. The questions that will be conducted in the management assignmentare: 1. What are the benefits of adopting sustainability as CSR in fashion businesses in the UK? 2. What are the constraints that fashion businesses have to face while adopting sustainable measures? 3. What are the strategies and measures adopted by the fashion business of the UK to adopt sustainable measures in their sales maximization? The use of quantitative data with 600 responses from fashion customers of the UK as well as qualitative data through interviews of managers of fashionbrands like Zara and H&M will be collectedin the management assignmentto bridge the existing knowledge gap and execute a clear idea about the sustainability and its role in fashion business of UK.

6. References
Chen, L., Qie, K., Memon, H., & Yesuf, H. M. (2021). The empirical analysis of green innovation for fashion brands, perceived value and green purchase intention—mediating and moderating effects. Sustainability in management assignment, 13(8), pp. 1023-4238.Available at [Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Cvik, E. D., & Pelikánová, R. M. (2021). The significance of CSR during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Luxury Fashion Industry—A Front-Line Case Study. European Journal of Business Science and Technology, 7(1), pp.109-129. Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]
Galica, J. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an image building tool in the fast-fashion industry on the example of H&M Group (Bachelor's thesis). 1(2), pp. 23-38. Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]
Gbolarumi, F. T., Wong, K. Y., & Olohunde, S. T. (2021, February). Sustainability management assignmentassessment in the textile and apparel industry: a review of recent studies. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1051, No. 1, p. 120-990). IOP Publishing.Available at [Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Górska-Warsewicz, H., D?bski, M., Fabuš, M., & Ková?, M. (2021). Green brand equity—Empirical experience from a systematic literature review. Sustainability, 13(20), pp. 111-302.Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Grazzini, L., Acuti, D., & Aiello, G. (2021). Solving the puzzle of sustainable fashion consumption in management assignment: The role of consumers’ implicit attitudes and perceived warmth. Journal of Cleaner Production, 287, pp. 125-579.Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Mohr, I., Fuxman, L., & Mahmoud, A. B. (2021). A triple-trickle theory for sustainable fashion adoption: the rise of a luxury trend. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal.2 (3), pp.65-98Available at [Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Pelikánová, R. M., N?me?ková, T., & MacGregor, R. K. (2021). CSR statements in international and Czech luxury fashion industry at the onset and during the COVID-19 pandemic—slowing down the fast fashion business?. Sustainability in management assignment, 13(7), 371-523.Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Quiles?Soler, C., Martínez?Sala, A. M., & Monserrat?Gauchi, J. (2022). Fashion industry's environmental policy: Social media and corporate website as vehicles for communicating corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 4(2), pp.144-946Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Sailer, A., Wilfing, H., & Straus, E. (2022). Greenwashing and Bluewashing in Black Friday-Related Sustainable Fashion Marketing on Instagram. Sustainability, 14(3), pp.14-94.Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

SanMiguel, P., Pérez-Bou, S., Sádaba, T., & Mir-Bernal, P. (2021). How to Communicate Sustainability: From the Corporate Web to E-Commerce. The Case of the Fashion Industry a management assignment. Sustainability, 13(20), pp.113-633.Availableat[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Vijeyarasa, R., & Liu, M. (2022). Fast Fashion for 2030: Using the Pattern of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Cut a More Gender-Just Fashion Sector. Business and Human Rights Journal, 7(1), pp.45-66.Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]

Zhang, B., Zhang, Y. & Zhou, P., (2021). Consumer attitude towards sustainability of fast fashion products in the UK for management assignment. Sustainability, 13(4), p.16-46. Available at[Accessed on 19.7.2022]


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