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Managing and leading people assignment analysing the challenges of managing and leading people in international organisations


Task: Write a critical analysis and evaluationon the topic, Design an approach to developing and retaining your team in an international context. Emphasise on international organisations and/or an international context. In your managing and leading people assignment write about developing and retaining your team in an international organisational context and relating to available literature and theories around the topic, with at least 3 organisational examples to support the discussion.


This managing and leading people assignmentis about managing and leading people in international organisations. It is a complex and challenging task that requires a broad range of skills and knowledge. It involves understanding the cultural and organisational dynamics of multiple countries and regions, while also managing the complexities of different business practices, legal systems, and communication styles. This managing and leading people assignmentwill explore the key components of managing and leading people in international organisations, such as team or employee retention strategies, training and development, employee voice, communication, pay and compensation, career development, job flexibility, and good working conditions. It will also discuss organisational examples of managing and leading people in international organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank.

Context of the managing and leading people assignment
Managing and leading people in international organisations are a challenging task that requires a broad range of skills and knowledge. As per the managing and leading people assignment findings, it involves understanding the cultural and organisational dynamics of multiple countries and regions, while also managing the complexities of different business practices, legal systems, and communication styles. As such, it is essential to create a unified, healthy working environment that is conducive to effective collaboration and productivity across the organisation. To do this, organisations must focus on developing and retaining their employees by providing them with the tools and resources they need to be successful. This includes providing employees with competitive salary and benefits, opportunities for career development and advancement, and rewards and recognition for outstanding performance. Additionally, it is found in the managing and leading people assignment that organisations should provide employees with clear job descriptions and expectations, ongoing training, and career paths to help them reach their full potential. Providing employees with a voice in the organisation, through surveys and feedback, is also essential for creating a positive work environment and fostering collaboration. Organisations should also create a culture of trust and respect, and ensure that all employees are provided with the necessary resources and support to be successful. As per the managing and leading people assignment this includes providing adequate facilities, equipment, andresources, as well as ensuring that the workplace is free from discrimination, harassment, and other forms of abuse. It is also important to ensure that employees are not taking on more than they can handle, as this can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Team or Employee Retention Strategiesaddressed in the managing and leading people assignment Retaining employees is an important part of any successful international organisation. Employee retention strategies can help organisations retain their best employees, keep turnover low, and reduce recruiting and training costs (Sawaneh& Kamara, 2019). As per the managing and leading people assignment retention strategies can also help to create a positive work environment, increase employee engagement and morale, and improve work productivity.

Retention strategies may include competitive salary, health and retirement benefits, flexible working hours, and opportunities for career development. It is found in the managing and leading people assignment that other options include rewards and recognition for outstanding performance, recognition for length of service, and team-building activities. Developing a clear career path and ongoing training can also help to keep employees motivated.

Training and Development
Training and development involve activities that help employees learn and improve their skills (Halawi&Haydar, 2018). Training can be on-the-job, off-the-job, or a combination of both. As per the managing and leading people assignment on-the-job training typically takes place within the organisation, allowing employees to learn new skills while continuing to work. Off-the-job training takes place outside the organisation, such as in a classroom or workshop setting. The benefits of training and development are that it can improve employee knowledge and skills, increase job satisfaction, and boost productivity (Pinzone et al., 2019). As per the managing and leading people assignment it can also help to retain employees, as they are more likely to stay with an organisation when they feel their skills and knowledge are being developed. However, training and development can be costly and time-consuming, and there is no guarantee that employees will apply the skills they learn in their jobs.

Employee Voice
Employee voice is an important part of any successful international organisation. It allows employees to express their opinions and share their ideas about the organisation’s policies, procedures, and practices (Kwon&Farndale, 2020). As per the managing and leading people assignment analysis, organisations can create an environment where employee voice is valued by encouraging open communication and feedback, providing opportunities for employees to engage in decision-making processes, and creating a culture of trust and respect.

Organisations can foster employee voice by implementing an open talk policy, conducting employee surveys, holding slip level meetings, and providing feedback (Emelifeonwu&Valk, 2018). Open talk policies provide opportunities for employees to express their opinions and ask questions. Employee surveys can help organisations measure employee satisfaction and identify areas that need improvement. As per the managing and leading people assignment slip level meetings are meetings between supervisors and employees that provide an opportunity to discuss work-related issues. Providing feedback allows employees to understand how their performance is being evaluated and how they can improve.

Communication is an important part of any successful international organisation. It is essential for conveying information, understanding one another, and developing trust and respect. Effective communication as per the managing and leading people assignmentinvolves providing clear job descriptions, setting expectations, and having open and frequent communication. Organisations should provide employees with clear job descriptions that outline their daily responsibilities (Yong et al., 2020). This will help them understand what is expected of them, so they know what they need to do to be successful. It is recommended in the vtahtorganisations should also set expectations for communication, such as responding to emails in a timely manner and holding regular meetings. Open and frequent communication is also important for fostering collaboration and understanding between employees and management. This can include one-on-one meetings, team meetings, and email communication. Having clear communication policies and procedures in place will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that expectations are met. Pay and Compensations discussed in the managing and leading people assignment Pay and compensation is an important factor in managing and leading people in international organisations (Stone, Cox & Gavin, 2020). It is a complex area of management that requires an understanding of the needs of the organisation, the goals and objectives of the organisation, and the various methods of compensating employees.

Salaries and wages are the most common form of compensation given to employees in international organisations. As per the managing and leading people assignment salaries and wages are based on the type of job, the years of experience, and the level of responsibility of the employee. Bonuses are often awarded for outstanding performance, which can be either in the form of cash or additional benefits. Pay and non-pay incentives, such as stock options and bonus plans, can also be used to motivate employees. Year awards, such as performance awards and recognition awards, are also given to employees to recognize their hard work and contributions to the organisation.

Promotions are also an important part of managing and leading people in international organisations. Promotions allow employees to move up the organisational hierarchy and take on more responsibility. Health insurance is also an important part of managing and leading people in international organisations. It is found from the managing and leading people assignment that health insurance helps to protect employees and their families in the event of an illness or injury. Interest-free loans, grants for year studies, and other forms of financial assistance are also often provided to employees to help them develop their skills and advance their careers. Motivation is another key component of managing and leading people in international organisations. It is important to create a motivating environment that encourages employees to do their best. As per the managing and leading people assignment this can include providing recognition for employees’ accomplishments, providing challenging and interesting work, and offering incentives for employees to reach their goals. Job design is also important for managing and leading people in international organisations. Job design involves the structure and responsibilities of the job, the hours of work, and the type of work that the job requires.

Finally, the relationship between managers and employees is important to consider when managing and leading people in international organisations. It is found from the managing and leading people assignment that managers should strive to create an environment of trust and respect, where employees feel valued and appreciated. Through effective communication, managers can ensure that employees have the tools and resources they need to be successful. Overall, managing and leading people in international organisations requires an understanding of the needs of the organisation and the methods of compensating employees. As per the managing and leading people assignment pay and compensation is an important factor in this process, and includes salaries and wages, bonuses, pay and non-pay incentives, year awards, promotions, health insurance, interest-free loans, grants for year studies, motivation, job design, and the relationship between managers and employees.

Leadership and management
Managing and leading people in international organisations requires a unique set of skills and approaches. It is analyzed from the managing and leading people assignmentthat leaders must be able to motivate and influence people from different cultures and backgrounds, manage complex projects across numerous time zones, and foster collaboration among diverse teams. The challenge of managing and leading people in international organisations requires a leader to be flexible, creative, and open to new ideas.
Organisational leadership must begin with a clear vision of the organisation’s mission, values, and objectives. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthis vision must be communicated to all stakeholders, and should be the guide for decision-making and action. Leaders must understand the culture of the organisation and be able to effectively manage both local and global challenges. They must also be able to foster collaboration among teams and departments, while recognizing the importance of individual roles and contributions.
As per the managing and leading people assignmentleaders in international organisations must also understand the dynamics of global markets and the impact of global trends on their organisation. They must be able to anticipate changes and develop strategies to address them. Leaders must also be able to identify and capitalize on new opportunities while navigating the complexities of international business.

Managers in international organisations must be able to motivate and engage employees, while leading with integrity and respect. They must be able to create an environment of trust and security, while encouraging creativity and innovation. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthey must be able to mentor and guide employees, helping them develop their skills and reach their full potential.
Leaders and managers in international organisations must be able to cultivate strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders, and build trust in the organisation. They must be able to effectively communicate and collaborate with people from different cultures and backgrounds, while recognizing and respecting their unique perspectives. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthey must also be able to identify and develop strategies to address global challenges and opportunities.

Managing and leading people in international organisations requires a unique set of skills and approaches. Leaders must be able to motivate, influence, and collaborate with people from different backgrounds, while recognizing the importance of individual roles and contributions. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthey must be able to foster creativity and innovation, while navigating the complexities of global markets and trends. By developing these skills and approaches, leaders in international organisations will be able to build strong and successful teams.

Career Development – Loans
When it comes to managing and leading people in international organisations, one of the key components of success is career development. It is found from the managing and leading people assignmentthat career development is an important part of an international organisation’s strategy to attract, retain, and develop talent. It is also essential for keeping employees engaged and motivated. By providing employees with the opportunity to pursue their professional goals and grow in their positions, management can help to create a more productive and satisfied workforce. One of the key components of career development is the provision of loans. Loans can be used to cover a variety of expenses related to career development, such as tuition fees for professional development courses, travel expenses for international conferences, or the purchase of materials needed for training. As per the managing and leading people assignmentfindings, loans can also be used to pay for fees associated with job searches, such as applications, resumes, and travel expenses. Loans can be offered in a variety of ways, depending on the organisation’s needs and resources. Some organisations may elect to offer loans on a case-by-case basis to employees who demonstrate a strong commitment to their career development. As per the managing and leading people assignmentothers may offer a specific loan program to all employees, or may tailor the loan program to certain groups of employees. In addition, some organisations may have programs in place to help employees to repay their loans, such as deductions from their salaries or bonuses.

When considering the provision of loans for career development, it is important to ensure that the loan program is fair and equitable to all employees. As per the managing and leading people assignmentit is also important to ensure that the terms and conditions of the loan are clear and that the employee understands the terms and the repayment schedule. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the loan does not put an undue financial burden on the employee, and that the loan is not used for anything other than the purpose for which it was given. The provision of loans for career development can be a beneficial tool for international organisations, as it can help to attract and retain talented individuals, while at the same time providing them with the opportunity to pursue their professional goals. It is analyzed from the managing and leading people assignmentthat by offering loans, organisations can show their employees that they value their professional development and are committed to helping them reach their goals.

Working / Job Flexibility
Job flexibility is an important component of successful management and leadership in international organisations. It involves allowing employees to adjust the amount of time and resources they spend on a particular job to accommodate their individual needs. As per the managing and leading people assignmentjob flexibility is a key factor in creating a productive and engaged workforce as it allows employees to better manage their work/life balance, resulting in increased employee satisfaction and performance.

Job flexibility can take many forms, including part-time and remote work options, flexible hours, and job sharing. It is important for organisations to consider how job flexibility can be implemented in a way that meets both the business and employee needs. Part-time and remote work options provide employees with the opportunity to work outside of the traditional office environment. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthis can be beneficial for employees who may have other commitments such as childcare or health concerns. Remote work also has the potential to increase productivity as employees are able to work when and where they are most productive.
Flexible hours can be beneficial for both employers and employees. Employers can benefit from having the ability to adjust staffing levels to meet the demands of their business, while employees can benefit from having more control over their work/life balance. As per the managing and leading people assignmentanalysisit can also help to reduce employee stress and burnout by allowing employees to manage their workloads more effectively. Job sharing is also a great way to increase job flexibility in an organisation. Job sharing involves two or more employees splitting a job and working different hours or days. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthis can be beneficial for employees who are looking for more flexibility in their work/life balance and for employers who need to manage staffing levels and reduce costs. When implementing job flexibility in an organisation, it is important to ensure that all employees are provided with the necessary resources and support to be successful. This includes providing employees with the technology and tools they need to work remotely, ensuring that their roles are clearly defined, and monitoring their performance to ensure that they are meeting their goals. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that employees are not taking on more than they can handle, as this can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. In conclusion to the managing and leading people assignment, job flexibility is an important component of successful management and leadership in international organisations. It can help to create a productive and engaged workforce, reduce stress and burnout, and allow employees to better manage their work/life balance. Organisations should consider how job flexibility can be implemented in a way that meets both the business and employee needs.

Good Working Condition
Managing and leading people in international organisations are a challenging task that requires a broad range of skills and knowledge. As per the managing and leading people assignmentit involves understanding the cultural and organisational dynamics of multiple countries and regions, while also managing the complexities of different business practices, legal systems, and communication styles. As such, it is essential to create a unified, healthy working environment that is conducive to effective collaboration and productivity across the organisation.

One way to do this is by creating a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration. This requires setting clear expectations and providing consistent feedback so that employees understand what is expected of them and have the support they need to succeed. As per the managing and leading people assignmentit is also important to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging, with a focus on celebrating diversity, different perspectives, and the contributions of each individual.

Another key element to creating a successful working environment is to ensure that the organisation has a strong sense of purpose, direction, and accountability. This involves creating a shared understanding of the organisation’s mission, values, and goals and ensuring that everyone is working towards a common objective. As per the managing and leading people assignmentit is also important to ensure that there are clear lines of communication, both up and down the organisational hierarchy, so that everyone is kept informed and able to feel heard

It is essential to ensure that the organisation provides a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. As per the managing and leading people assignmentthis includes providing adequate facilities, equipment, and resources, as well as ensuring that the workplace is free from discrimination, harassment, and other forms of abuse. It also involves developing policies and procedures to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all staff, and ensuring that any grievances are addressed in a timely and effective manner.

Overall, it can be found from the managing and leading people assignmentthat managing and leading people in international organisations requires an understanding of the complexities of different cultures, business practices, and legal systems, as well as the ability to foster a unified, productive working environment. This includes creating a culture of trust and respect, setting clear expectations and providing consistent feedback, establishing a sense of purpose and direction, and ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. With these measures in place, organisations can create a productive and effective working environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and growth.

Organisational Examples mentioned in the managing and leading people assignment
Organisational examples of managing and leading people in international organisations include the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank. Each of these organisations has a unique way of leading and managing its personnel from different nations and cultures.

1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a global organisation dedicated to promoting international economic cooperation. The IMF is composed of 189 member countries and is led by a Managing Director and a 24-member Executive Board. As per the managing and leading people assignment the Managing Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organisation, while the Executive Board sets the overall policy direction. The Managing Director is supported by the Deputy Managing Director and a team of Directors and Division Chiefs. Each Director is responsible for a specific area of work, such as external relations, finance, and human resources. As per the managing and leading people assignment data the IMF also has a staff of over 2,800 people from over 140 countries. The organisation’s personnel policies are designed to promote a diverse and inclusive work environment in which all staff members feel respected and appreciated.

2. The United Nations (UN) is an international organisation dedicated to maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, and providing humanitarian aid. The UN is composed of 193 member countries and is led by the Secretary-General and a General Assembly of representatives from each member state. The Secretary-General is supported by a staff of over 44,000 people from over 170 countries. As per the managing and leading people assignment the UN’s personnel policies are designed to promote gender equity, diversity, and inclusion. They also emphasize the importance of staff development and training, and are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans, grants, and technical assistance to countries to help reduce poverty.

3. The World Bank is composed of 188 member countries and is led by a President and a Board of Governors. The President is supported by a staff of over 10,000 people from over 200 countries. The World Bank’s personnel policies are designed to promote diversity and inclusion, and to ensure that all staff members are treated fairly and with respect. As per the managing and leading people assignment the organisation also places an emphasis on professional development and training, and provides a comprehensive benefits package. Overall, these three organisations provide excellent examples of managing and leading people in international organisations. As per the managing and leading people assignment each organisation has a commitment to promoting an inclusive and diverse work environment, and to providing staff with the resources and support they need to be successful.

This managing and leading people assignmentconcludes that Managing and leading people in international organisations is a complex and challenging task that requires a broad range of skills and knowledge. It involves understanding the cultural and organisational dynamics of multiple countries and regions, while also managing the complexities of different business practices, legal systems, and communication styles. To successfully manage and lead people in international organisations, leaders must be able to motivate, influence, and collaborate with people from different backgrounds, while recognizing the importance of individual roles and contributions. They must also be able to foster creativity and innovation, while navigating the complexities of global markets and trends. Various strategies can be used to create a successful working environment, including creating a culture of trust and respect, setting clear expectations and providing consistent feedback, establishing a sense of purpose and direction, and ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. As per the managing and leading people assignmentorganisations should also consider providing employees with opportunities for career development and job flexibility, as well as rewards and recognition for outstanding performance. By developing these skills and approaches, leaders in international organisations will be able to build strong and successful teams.

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Kwon, B., &Farndale, E. (2020). Employee voice viewed through a cross-cultural lens. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1), 100653. Pinzone, M., Guerci, M., Lettieri, E., &Huisingh, D. (2019). Effects of ‘green’training on pro-environmental behaviors and job satisfaction: Evidence from the Italian healthcare sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 226, 221-232.
Sawaneh, I. A., & Kamara, F. K. (2019). An effective employee retention policies as a way to boost organisational performance. Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(2), 41-48.
Stone, R. J., Cox, A., & Gavin, M. (2020). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons. managing+and+leading+people+in+international+organisations&ots=PJMJSv3QH0&sig=M05mpjOfnWxdQG6L-yzU-bVfZmo
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