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Mental health Assignment – caring for psychologically disturbed patients


Task: how can nurses care for psychologically distressed patient use Mental health Assignment research skills to improve their care skills.


As per Mental health Assignmentresearch reports the term "mental health" is used interchangeably. Everything revolves around how people act, feel, and think. The absence of mental disease is frequently referred to as "mental wellness.". In this Mental health Assignment, I am reflecting as a nurse, and describe how I deal with my patient’s human rights and how I use evidence-based practice while treating patients(Granlund,et al., 2021). This report discusses the actions to improve mental healthcare outcome by giving two WHO principle including “start with the end of mind” and “be and remain therapeutic”.

Human Rights
According to the WHO Constitution from 1946, "every people has their right to the best attainable standard of health." Understanding health as a human right places a legal obligation on states to guarantee access to acceptable, timely, high-quality medical care, andaffordable as well as to address the essential elements that affect health, including gender equality, access to clean, safe water, food, and shelter, sanitary conditions, and information and education about health(Ventura, et al., 2021). I treat my patients keeping in mind that all the facilities should be provided to them. Mental health is a condition where the patient lost them or they have an absence of mind which means they don’t know what they want and what they feel. From Mental health Assignment research I have learned that to treat them I never discriminate against them, I accept them as they are. I keep in mind that they feel freedom, if they do not feel the freedom they start taking stressed which is not good for their mental health. The government provide many resources for mental patients including food, clean clothes, and shelter also. If you want to treat your patient effectively be friends with them but never attached to them emotionally because it makesit hard to treat them. Patients are mentally unstable it does not mean they don’t have any rights, they have all the rights same as normal people have. Caring for a mental patient is not easy sometimes it makes me sick but as a health consultant, I need to stay calm and make sure that I do not forget to provide resources for them. Never judge your patients on their gender, all patients who come to a mental asylum for treatment they all our responsibility and we must make them well and keep in mind that never goes against Human Rights.

Mental health AssignmentEvidence-Based Practice
Research data, clinical knowledge, and patient preferences are all combined in EBP in nursing. Nurses are prompted to offer personalized patient care by this problem-solving method of clinical practice.Florence Nightingale is recognized for contributing to improvements in patient care.When she saw that unhygienic environments and inadequate ventilation may negatively affect patients' health in the 1800s(Iglewicz, et al., 2020). The number of hospital deaths and the mortality rate associated with various illnesses and injuries were then determined by her utilizing patient demographics to record medical information as per the Mental health Assignment guidelines.When I pursued my graduation in nursing, my professor teaches us about evidence-based practice. It helps me to provide good treatment to the patients whom I treat. With the help of this, I can decide, for my patient to be treated well. Through evidence-based practice, I will always be updated on the new medical protocol which helps me for better patient outcomes. I increase the chances of patients’ recovery by searching for documented intervention that matches the patient profile. Evidence-based practice has many benefits, it can help patients better outcomes. With the help of Mental health Assignment skills, I will always be updated about new technics that help me reduce medical expenses. Old practice needs many resources, and supplies and takes more time to treat patients.

WHO Principle for Treatment
Providing better treatment principles is more important, I select two principles that are helpful to me. The first one is always establishing and maintaining safety and the second one is to be and remain therapeutic. In the first one, Safety, in all its manifestations, must be determined during a preliminary mental health assessment. Is there a high risk of suicide or acts of violence against others in the neighbourhood? This requires a thorough assessment, establishment, timely implementation, and effective management. The Mental health Assignmentchallenge is how to do so while still being sufficiently thorough overall. The solution is to become proficient in the new methods of mental health assessment. And in the second principle, I already indicated that the initial mental health assessment works best when it is seen as both diagnostic and therapeutic. It is important to follow the therapeutic maxim while conducting the initial mental health examination, and this maxim can be learnt. We need to approach everything we do in the most therapeutic manner possible, which is where it all begins.

The conclusion has been made that taking care of a mental patient is not easy feet, it takes lots of attention and focus. Taking care of patient always provide them with the resources that they deserve, it is their right. EBP is also more important for patient treatment and the principle too. That all helps me to take care of the patient. An important observation made during the Mental health Assignment research is they the patients are mentally unstable they need care because they committed suicide by mistake it is not good for me because they are in my custody so I must keep them safe.

Granlund, M., Imms, C., King, G., Andersson, A. K., Augustine, L., Brooks, R., ... & Almqvist, L. (2021). Definitions and operationalization of mental health problems, wellbeing and participation constructs in children with NDD:
distinctions and clarifications. International journal of environmental research and public health, Mental health Assignment18(4), 1656.
Iglewicz, A., Shear, M. K., Reynolds, C. F., Simon, N., Lebowitz, B., &Zisook, S. (2020). Complicated grief therapy for clinicians: An evidence-based protocol for mental health practice. Depression and anxiety, 37(1), 90-98.
Ventura, C. A. A., Austin, W., Carrara, B. S., & de Brito, E. S. (2021). Nursing care in mental health: Human rights and ethical issues. Nursing ethics, 28(4), 463-480. health Assignment


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