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Mental health assignment on patient care plan design


Task: How to develop a patient care plan using mental health assignment research and analysis’s techniques?


This Mental health assignmentwill analyse Mrs. B, an assisted living resident who is 85 years old, arrived at the emergency room with her son. The present report is about developing a care plan for Mrs. B that includes a thorough psychosocial assessment. The care plan has been developed for ensuring patient cantered care plan for the patient. The Mental health assignmentconcludes with the summarization ofthe main points addressed in this report.

The present situation of the patient
As per the Mental health assignmentcase, Mrs. B hasworsened from previous times. The agitation, hallucinations of the visual kind, and paranoia of Mrs. B are getting worse. She was steady up until a few months before her current appearance at the assisted living facility. The staff had been aware of progressively deteriorating paranoid thoughts, with worries that they could be of delusional severity, visual hallucinations, extreme restlessness, and difficulties being redirected. According to the son, Mrs. B had no substantial medical history and wasn't regularly using any psychiatric medications. She has had some discomfort, which was treated with Paracetamol XR 665 mg PO TDS, and dyspnoea, which was treated with Ventolin - PRN.

Mrs. B’s previous history include prior to being sent to the hospital two years ago for agitation, she was initially thriving at the institution. She had significant Alzheimer's-type dementia at the time, along with delusions, a gloomy mood, and behavioural issues. Several months prior to her present hospitalization, which was brought on by steadily getting worse paranoid delusions, visual hallucinations, extreme restlessness, and difficulties being redirected. Mrs. B experienced a severe major depressive episode with psychotic characteristics. She was identified at that point as having dementia of the Alzheimer's kind with late onset, delusions, a low mood, and behavioural issues.She was also administered different medicines for controlling her behavioural issues in those episodes of depression and mood issues.

Identification and discussion of physical, psychological, and social needs of the patient Mental health assignmentresearch identifies several needs for a patient with Alzheimer’s. As the sickness worsens, it is necessary to frequently evaluate and identify their requirements. Alzheimer's-type dementia significantly impairs intellectual functioning, interfering with daily activities and relationships and necessitating a large rise in the requirement for routine support and personal assistance (Naasan et al., 2021).

The basic physical care requirement of Mrs. Bincludes eating and encouraging adequate hydration, whereas urgent requirements include personal care, such as cleaning, clothing, and continence control. Because Alzheimer's-type dementiadisturbs the brain, the patient may experience changes in behaviour and emotional need. For those closest to them, it might not be as easy to meet these emotional demands. A person with Alzheimer's-type dementia may have to deal with altered behaviours and sensations as observed in case of Mrs. B that they find challenging to communicate, as well as feeling weird in their own body (Tau &Masurkar, 2020). This may be really irritating for them, so it is important to be patient with them and reply in a way that emphasizes that they are unique individuals who need to be taken care of and understood are their psychological needs (Qian et al., 2019). Moreover, the patient like Mrs. should have the chance to socialize with their loved ones through they would feel loved and cared as in most of eth cases they feel lonely that is mostly related to cognitive decline. Therefore, Mrs. B requires her closed ones to stay in touch with her to reduce her depressed mood.

Addressing main issues and their management
In the present Mental health assignmentscenario, Mrs. B is suffering from Alzheimer's-type dementia that is characterized by delusion, visual hallucination, severe restlessness which resulted in behavioural issue in her. Theseare the main issues observed in case of Mrs. B.

Psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medicine are the two main forms of treatment for delusional disorder; however, medication alone seldom works to treat this condition (Qian et al., 2019). However, she cannot be prescribed medicines for such condition as it may have severe side effect on her due to her age. Cognitive behavioural therapy is one health need she needs identified on this Mental health assignment. Cognitive behavioural therapy is a goal-oriented, systematic kind of treatment. People can examine their ideas and feelings in detail with the assistance of a mental health expert (Wright et al., 2019). They will learn how their ideas influence their behaviour. They can unlearn harmful behaviours and beliefs with CBT and learn to think more positively and form better mental patterns. This would help Mrs. B to improve her behavioural issues along with delusional problems. In case of her agitation and behavioural problems family cantered therapy might help Mrs. B to overcome her current situation. Family-cantered therapy is the form of treatment can benefit both the delusional disease sufferers and their families. This course of treatment includes problem-solving and communication skills training, as well as psychoeducation about delusional illness (loane& Tudor, 2022).From the Mental healthassignment research findings, this therapy would help her to improve her condition and reduce her depression.

Assessment tool for the patient
The assessment of Mrs. B would help to identify her cognitive ability. The general mental capacity of the applicant or individual being tested is measured through cognitive assessment instruments (Dilcher et al., 2021). High cognitive ranked individuals are more likely to use reasoning and problem-solving abilities, do activities more accurately and competently, react diplomatically to novel or challenging situations, and make wise judgments that is determined by the assessment.

The Mental health assignment assessment tool that would be helpful for her is the cognitive assessment tool. The goal of the cognitive exam is to ascertain the candidate's skills in relation to three key areas: information processing, solution development, and decision-making ability (Dilcher et al., 2021). This tool would help to assess the cognitive ability of Mrs. B with the prediction of her present situation.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that present condition of Mrs. B is critical as she was diagnosed with late-onset Alzheimer which has worsened with time. Thus, this Mental healthassignment concludesshe requires proper therapy to overcome her present delusional and behavioural therapy as medicine might develop side effects in her.

Dilcher, R., Malpas, C. B., Walterfang, M., Kwan, P., O'Brien, T. J., Velakoulis, D., &Vivash, L. (2021). Cognitive profiles in patients with epileptic and nonepileptic seizures evaluated using a brief cognitive assessment tool. Epilepsy &Behavior,Mental health assignment 115, 107643.

Ioane, J., & Tudor, K. (2022). Family-centered therapy: Implications of Pacific spirituality for person-centered theory and practice. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 1-19.

Naasan, G., Shdo, S. M., Rodriguez, E. M., Spina, S., Grinberg, L., Lopez, L., ... & Rankin, K. P. (2021). Psychosis in neurodegenerative disease: differential patterns of hallucination and delusion symptoms. Brain, 144(3), 999-1012.

Qian, W., Fischer, C. E., Churchill, N. W., Kumar, S., Rajji, T., & Schweizer, T. A. (2019). Delusions in Alzheimer disease are associated with decreased default mode network functional connectivity. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(10), 1060-1068.

Qian, W., Schweizer, T. A., Churchill, N. W., Millikin, C., Ismail, Z., Smith, E. E., ... & Fischer, C. E. (2019). Gray matter changes associated with the development of delusions in Alzheimer disease. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(5), 490-498.

Tau, M. and Masurkar, A.V., 2020. Koro delusion in mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 32(2), pp.204-206.

Wright, J. H., Owen, J. J., Richards, D., Eells, T. D., Richardson, T., Brown, G. K., ... &Thase, M. E. (2019). Computer-assisted cognitive-behavior therapy for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 80(2), 3573.


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