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pathophysiology and patient care assignment on patient analysis and care


Task: How can nurse’s use pathophysiology and patient careassignment research skills to enhance their knowledge and skills


In this pathophysiology and patient care assignmentcase study, the pathophysiology and patient care are explored using hospital-based medical and surgical case studies. Susie Price is a retired 78-year-old woman. She has had an upsurge in mid-epigastric and back-burning episodes during the past few months. After eating, the discomfort lessens. Her doctor prescribes an endoscopy, which finds several peptic ulcers based on her medical history. Susie was in excruciating agony the week after her diagnosis, keeping her up all night. She calls her doctor in the morning, who advises her to visit the emergency room (ED) because of the intensity of her discomfort. Her spouse takes her to the local ED for a checkup. debrided. Susie receives a diagnosis of osteomyelitis a week after being sent home. It will talk about establishing a connection between the patient’s clinical symptoms and the pathogenesis of peptic ulcers. What nursing and medical actions should the patient get, and what care strategies should be supported by best practice dataFrom the pathophysiology and patient care assignment case study it is observed she reports having continual pulsing pain in the lower right extremities that worsens with every movement of the leg. Her right lower leg is warm to the touch and oedematous. Her leukocyte and erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR) are high. She is brought into the orthopedic ward for further care.

1. Patients’ clinical presentation to the pathophysiology of peptic ulcers
Among these indicators and symptoms is epigastric discomfort that becomes worse as eat, An intolerance to fatty meals, postprandial belching, epigastric fullness, early satiety, nausea, and occasional vomiting (DeWane et al,2020). pathophysiology and patient care assignmentresearch reports a common early sign of perforated peptic ulcer disease isthe sudden onset of intense, acute stomach pain. Open sores called peptic ulcers are the shape of the lining of the higher and lower part of the small intestine. An uncomfortable stomach is the most ordinary sign of a peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcers consist of:
gastrointestinal ulcers that develop internally
Duodenal ulcers that develop on the interior of the small intestine's top part (duodenum)

Host Helicobacter pylori bacteria infection and NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, are frequently used long-termPeptic ulcers are mostly brought on by salt and alcohol. There doesn't linkconnection between anxiety and stomach ulcers.

stomach ache that burns
feeling sated, bloated, or belching
Food intolerance to fat

The pathophysiology and patient care assignmentshows that the pain is made worse by both stomach acid and an empty stomach. Consume foods that will help to reduce stomach acid or use an acid-reducing medicine to lessen the discomfort; However, the discomfort can come back. both before and after meals, the discomfort possibly worsening.

Clinical presentation
Epigastric gnawing or searing pain that comes and goes, the discomfort that comes on two to five hours after eating or while fasting stomach, and discomfort that is alleviated at night by eating, using antacids, or using antisecretory medications are all common indications of peptic ulcer disease. The most precise signs of a peptic ulcer and those that aid rule in the diagnosis identified on this pathophysiology and patient care assignmentinclude a history of episodic or epigastric discomfort, relief from pain after eating, and nightly awakenings due to pain with relief after eating (Bagheri et al., 2018). Less frequent symptoms include heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite, sensitivity to fatty meals, indigestion, vomiting, and favorable family history.

The physical examination is unreliable since, according to one pathophysiology and patient care assignmentstudy, ulcer risk was lowered by discomfort to deep palpation (Lee et al.,2018).Individual populations have different peptic ulcer disease natural histories and clinical manifestations.At least 30% of elderly peptic ulcer patients report no abdominal discomfort. Those Having duodenal ulcers are more likely than individuals with gastric ulcers to get postprandial epigastric pain relief from food or antacids. Gastric ulcers are characterized by weight loss that is brought on by a dread of eating.

2. Medical and nursing interventions should the patient receive
The patient is assured that the disease can be controlled after the diagnosis has been made.
pharmaceutical treatment: antibacterials, proton pump inhibitors, and suppressive bismuth salts or eliminate the infection is now the most widely used treatment for peptic ulcers.
Rest and stress reduction: Reduced environmental stress needs the patient to make physical and psychological adjustments as well as the assistance and participation of family members and close friends.
quitting smoking: According to studies, smoking reduces the amount of bicarbonate that the pancreas secretes into the duodenum, increasing the acidity of the latter.
dietary adjustment: Keeping it moderate in food and drink temperature as well as overstimulation from ingesting wine espresso, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks as well as diets high ought to use cream and milk be practiced.

The following are some pathophysiology and patient care assignmentnursing interventions for the patient:
Pain Management and Nutritional Improvement

• giving out prescription medication.
• Avoid aspirin, foods, and drinks with caffeine that make the stomach acidic (colas, tea, coffee, chocolate), as well as decaffeinated coffee.
• Support any dietary modifications the patient makes and encourage them to eat relaxed meals at regular intervals.
• Suggest techniques for relaxing

Lessening Fear
Determine the patient's level of worry and any concerns they may have about their situation; urge them to express their fears in an open, nonjudgmental way.
Describe diagnostic procedures and when to take drugs.
Engage in relaxed conversation, offer assistance in recognizing stresses, and describe appropriate coping mechanisms and relaxation strategies.
The pathophysiology and patient care assignmentfindings shows the providing Support to loved ones and assist with caregiving and provide emotional support is crucial towards the patient wellness.

Keeping an eye on and handling complications
Inspect for faintness, drowsiness, or nausea before or during bleeding should also check stool for hidden or obvious blood (tachycardia, hypotension, and tachypnea).
Install and keep an IV line in place for blood and fluid infusions, and implant and maintain an indwelling urine catheter to track intake and output.
Observe laboratory results (hemoglobin and hematocrit).
Establish and maintain a nasogastric tube, keep an eye on drainage, and provide lavage as directed.
give oxygen treatment while monitoring oxygen saturation.
The patient should be positioned on their left side to avoid aspiration from vomiting or in a recumbent position with their legs raised to prevent hypotension.
As needed, treat hypovolemic shock.

pathophysiology and patient care assignment home and self-care instruction
Improve the patient's comprehension of their disease and the things that either help or worsen it.
Inform the patient of the name, dose, frequency, and potential adverse effects of any prescription drugs (Pan et al.,2019) Also include any drugs Avoiding medications like aspirin is best for the patient.
Inform the patient aboutCertain meals and drinks that have the potential to create acids, such as alcohol, coffee, tea, colas, and other alcoholic beverages, which may irritate the stomach mucosa.
Insist that the patient eats consistently, leisurely, and in moderation.
Inform the patient that smoking can prevent ulcers from healing, and direct them to services that can help them quit.
Inform the patient of any problems' signs and symptoms. The bleeding is one of these consequences.severe stomach discomfort, rigidity, tenderness, vomiting, a rise in bodyThermoregulation and heartbeat, and pyloric blockage are all symptoms of penetration and a residual volume of more than 400 mL indicates obstruction.

To conclude this pathophysiology and patient care assignment, it has been discussed how hospital-based medical and surgical case studies may be used to examine patient care and pathophysiology. 78-year-old Susie Price is a retired woman. Over the past few months, she has had an increase in mid-epigastric and back-burning episodes. The soreness decreases after eating. Based on her medical history, her doctor does an endoscopy, which discovers multiple peptic ulcers. The week after her diagnosis, Susie was in agonizing pain, which kept her up all night. She phones her doctor first thing in the morning, who tells her to go to the ED due to the severity of her suffering. Her partner brings her to the neighborhood ED for a checkup. debrided. An osteomyelitis diagnosis is given to Susie a week after she is discharged.The relationship between the patient’s clinical symptoms and peptic ulcer pathophysiology was discussed. What nursing and medical interventions the patient should get, as well as what care philosophies should be backed by best practice evidence She claims that every time she moves her right lower extremity, the agony intensifies and pulses continuously. She has edema and a heated lower right leg to the touch. She has high erythrocyte and leukocyte sedimentation rates (ESR). The pathophysiology and patient care assignmentrecommends she should be sent to the orthopedic ward for more treatment.

Bagheri, N., Razavi, A., Pourgheysari, B., Azadegan-Dehkordi, F., Rahimian, G., Pirayesh, A., ... & Shirzad, H. (2018).
Up-regulated Th17 cell function is associated with increased peptic ulcer disease in Helicobacter pylori infection. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, pathophysiology and patient care assignment60, 117-125.
DeWane, M. E., Waldman, R., & Lu, J. (2020). Dermatomyositis: clinical features and pathogenesis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 82(2), 267-281.
Lee, P. L., Chen, J. J., Wang, S. J., Tung, H. D., Cheng, C. T., & Lu, N. M. (2018). Fundic gland polyps are more common in patients with the relatively healthy gastric mucosa. Advances in Digestive Medicine, pathophysiology and patient care assignment5(1-2), 44-49.
Pan, W., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Zhu, T., Chen, B., & Fan, J. (2019). Association between Helicobacter pylori infection and kidney damage in patients with peptic ulcer. Renal failure, 41(1), 1028-1034.pathophysiology and patient care assignment


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