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Principles Of Primary Health Care Essay: An Academical Outlook


Task: Provide an elaborate principles of primary health care essay.


The major intent of this essay is to elaborate on the major theories of primary health care and its mode of implication in the Australian Indigenous communities. On a primary basis, the context of Health Care is taken and its evolution is examined. The parameters of health and its aspects which prevail in the society are taken into account in the later section of the essay. The factor of community development and significance are also discussed in the subsequent section of these principles of primary health care essay. In the posterior section of this principles of primary health care essay, the relevance of the theory by taking in account the background of indigenous community is noted down.

To deliver health services on a global basis, various health promotion strategies have been drafted by indulged bodies (S Couzos et. Al, 2003). The strategies should be drafted by taking into consideration the factors like the impact of the environment in the spread of disease, significance of nutrition and balanced diet, and relevant medical interventions as per the guidelines promulgated by the World Health Organization in Alma Ata in 1978. The WHO has declared a series of subsequent declarations regarding the health promotion strategies in the due course of time.

The aforesaid data is taken from the International Conference n Primary Health Care which was arranged in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan in the year 1978 which was passed on to all the member nations of UNICEF and WHO. The declaration made by the subsequent bodies of UNO has turned out to one of the major turning points in the public health sector of the 20th century. The units of primary health care and other medical bodies were benefitted towards their common goal of Health for All (HFA) by this declaration.

(Alma-Ata Declaration, Encyclopaedia of Public G=Health. Ed. Lester Breslow. Gale Cengage, 2002. 26 April 2010, 2:30 PM)

In the below section of these principles of primary health care essay, the definition regarding the APHCRI / Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute. Let us have a detailed look at it.

The concept of primary health care is accepted on a universal basis, considered appropriate in the context of society, backed by scientific pieces of evidence, and is well justified by the practices followed in the primary health care services. The presence of highly skilled workers, arranged in multidisciplinary teams in the health system which are well assisted by integrated referral systems aids in shifting the focus towards the group which is deprived by the inequalities in health conventions, encourages in attaining self-reliance at both the personal and community level, effective participation and influence, and effective communication and collaboration with other sections of the society. The ideology of comprehensive primary health care comprises in itself the activities like inhibition from any illness, promotion of health, medical intervention, and nursing in case of patients, rehabilitation activities, and community development.

(Primary Health Care Readings, 2010)

As per the guidelines provided by the Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SRRAH), the elements like teamwork, equity, partnership with others, promotion of health, an effort towards the holistic health of the population, etc forms the base of primary health care. The factors like social elements and participation of the community also contribute significantly to the cause of primary health. (Primary Health Care readings, 2010).

The concept of primary health at the global level is much evolved and is now not just defined by the absence of illness. The major aim of primary health is now defined as the existence of well-being in the sector of health.

In the Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a globalized world, which was conducted in 2005, the term of health promotion was well defined by the world health organization. The definition is provided in the below section of these principles of primary health care essay.

The methodology or the procedure by which the population is enabled to control the causative factors of health hazards which could help them in improving their health could be classified as primary health. Wikipedia, Health promotion, promotion as of Apr. 26, 2010, 14:03 GMT.

The declaration made by the WHO in their Social Determinants of Health: The Solid Facts in the year of 2003, makes it clear that the “The term Health policy used to signify the idea of just providing the required funds for the medical care, and academic evaluation of the factors in society which could impact the health. The ideology behind the health policy is evolving. Though the implication of relevant and appropriate medical interventions would help the patient with the acute disease in surviving for a much longer time, the overall augmentation of the medical amnesties should be done to attend any occurrence of the epidemic in the first place.

It should also be understood that the level of health in society would also depend on easy access to medical care. The same fact was revealed in Wikipedia contributors, Social determinants of health. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia, 12 Apr. 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2010.

The health and its causes could be determined by analyzing the factors like quality of life, level of racism, amnesties for healthy living, awareness regarding health, literacy rate, genetics, eating habits, cultural affinities, etc. From this, it could be understood that the prevalence of good health could be ascertained by the evaluation of the factors like the availability of communication services, housing services, employment services, education, etc.

Various strategies, goals, principles, and definition of Primary health care
As per the statement of ANHLC / Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres which is based in Melbourne, the community development principles depend basically upon advocacy, community participation, self-help, community ownership, networking, lifelong learning, empowerment, social action, access and equity, inclusion, etc. The level of health retained by the society is simultaneously the measure of progress and reflection of the growth rate of a particular community. In the field of primary health care, the significance of community control is very large. The provision of health services should comprise in itself the parameters of participant communities and the requirement of the local population for augmenting its relevancy. It is based on the requirement of the community and the priorities that the process of development, training, and curriculum progress is devised. By implying the approach of intervention healing rehabilitative health care, and awareness regarding healthcare, the skills, and awareness of the population could be augmented.

The approach in primary health could be accelerated if health officials are selected from the aborigine population. This would help the officials in working by the local culture followed by the population. The major challenge in the process of primary health various geographically and hence the local population should be included in the process of the principle of primary health care essay.

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