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   Free sample   Reflective practice exploring leadership and mentoring in an educational setting

Introduction and rationale

The main focus of this assignment is to critically reflect on two instances of me exercising leadership qualities and/or using mentoring techniques in my profession will be discussed, assessed, and placed within current field theories and research. This reflective practice will enable me to analyse my current professional and personal skills, identify areas of improvement, and develop an action plan to enhance my leadership and mentoring skills in the future. Furthermore, this reflective practice will also allow me to better understand the impact of personal and cultural values in educational contexts.Therefore, this self-reflection will enable me to understand the significance of my experiences in the education setting. This will eventually help me identify further development areas and optimize the same by developing an action plan. In this respect, my experiences in the educational setting as a professional music teacher will be evaluated through the implementation of two leadership stances and/or application of mentoring skills. It is expected that this reflection will provide me with insights into how my personal and cultural values shape my professional practice, and how I can use this knowledge to become a better leader and mentor.


The literature review will focus on two concrete instances of how I have led by example and/or used mentoring techniques in my work. The first example will be the use of active listening and compassion as a leadership and mentoring tool. This illustration will be put into perspective and assessed in light of current ideas and research in the area of reflective practise and reflexivity. The second example will be the use of self-skills audits to reflect on further competencies development scopes. This case will be put into perspective and assessed in light of current ideas and research in the area of reflective practise and reflexivity.

The literature review will assess the debates around this research area. It will explore the positive effects of taking a leadership role in an educational setting, such as being able to develop more effective communication skills and increased confidence. It will also assess the potential negative effects of taking a leadership role in an educational setting, such as the potential for increased stress and fatigue. Additionally, the literature review will look at the debates around the application of mentoring skills in the practice setting. It will explore the potential for increased effectiveness and efficiency, as well as the potential for increased stress and the need for increased support from colleagues. Thus, the literature review will provide an in-depth understanding of the context and explanation of the benefits of adopting a leadership role and/or using mentoring techniques in the workplace. It will also provide an insight into the debates around the application of these skills in the educational setting.

Aims and objectives

The objectives of this study are to:

This report aims to reflect on my experiences as a professional music teacher in the international community school in Abu Dhabi, to understand various aspects of reflective practices applied in determining professional roles in the context of an educational setting. The objectives of this report are:

1. To reflect on the essential competencies and necessary skills to ensure consistent growth in a professional career.

2. To identify the appropriate leadership stances and mentoring skills that are required in the educational context.

3. Examine how culture and personal values affect the educational environment..

4. to assess critically two instances of my use of mentoring techniques or adopting a leadership position in my profession.

5. To contextualize and evaluate the examples in contemporary theories and research in the field.

6. To formulate an effective portfolio-building strategy for professional development.

7. To devise a comprehensive strategic development plan to optimize better career prospects in the education industry domain.


My approach to reflective practice in an educational setting draws upon multiple theories, models, and strategies (Lei, et al. 2020). I have used a variety of theories, including those relating to identity and self, the influence of cultural and personal values, professional development assessment and portfolio development, and duties, leadership postures, and mentorship in teaching and education.These theories have been used to help me develop a reflective practice that is based upon critically evaluating my own behavior and experiences in the classroom and developing a plan for future growth.

To illustrate my approach to reflective practice in an educational setting, I will provide two examples from my personal professional career (Ziebart and MacDermid 2019). In the first example, I was in a leadership position within my school district. In this role, I was responsible for developing and implementing a plan to improve student engagement and academic performance. To do this, I utilized the theories of identity and self to better understand my role as a leader and to create an environment where students could explore their own identities and develop a sense of self-efficacy. Also, I used the theories of the impact of personal and cultural values to create a safe and inclusive learning environment that respected the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the students. Through this reflective practice, I was able to create a more equitable learning environment and to foster improved student engagement and academic performance.

The second example of my reflective practice in an educational setting comes from my experience as a mentor. In this role, I worked with a student to help them develop their academic and personal potential. To do this, I incorporated the theories of professional development review and effective portfolio building to help the student develop a plan for success. Moreover, I used the theories of responsibilities, leadership stances, and mentoring in teaching/education to create an environment where the student felt respected and empowered to make decisions that would benefit their future (Dumlao and Pinatacan 2019). Through this reflective practice, I was able to help the student develop the skills and confidence needed to successfully pursue their academic and personal goals.

Through these two examples, I have illustrated my approach to reflective practice in an educational setting. By applying the theories and models discussed in the weekly materials, I was able to create a reflective practice that was both effective and meaningful. Going forward, I plan to continue to use the theories discussed in the course and to develop my reflective practice further.

My current personal and professional learning and development goals include continuing to build upon my reflective practice and to develop an understanding of the theories and models discussed in the course. Also, I plan to continue to incorporate these theories into my practice and to use them to create meaningful and equitable learning environments for all students. To achieve these goals, I plan to utilize scholarly articles, books, and other resources to further my understanding of the theories and models discussed in the course. Also, I plan to continue to observe and reflect upon my own practice in order to identify areas of growth and improvement.

Findings of the literature review

This critical reflection plan is intended to reflect on two instances of adopting a leadership posture and/or applying mentoring techniques in my practise, which are contextualised and assessed in light of current field theories and research. This will include a critique of the theories and models used in the weekly materials, including those on the influence of cultural and personal values in educational contexts, professional identity and self-awareness of educators, effective portfolio building, application of theories and models in educational contexts, theories, concepts, and models of reflective practise, and responsibilities, leadership stances, and ment.

As a leader and mentor in the educational setting, I believe that my role is to provide guidance, support, and direction to the students. It is important for me to be able to recognize each student’s individual needs and strengths, so that I can effectively provide them with the support they need. I also recognize the importance of understanding the impact of cultural and personal values on the students, as this can influence their decisions and attitudes. My approach to leadership and mentoring is based on the idea that everyone needs to be respected and treated with dignity, regardless of their background. Also, I strive to create an environment where students feel safe and accepted, so that they can make decisions and progress without fear of judgement from their peers.

In terms of theories and models, I believe that reflective practice and reflexivity are essential components of my leadership and mentoring skills. Reflective practice involves reflecting on my own experiences and decisions, as well as critically analysing the experiences of the students. This helps me to gain a better understanding of the situation, so I can make decisions and provide support in a more effective way. It also allows me to identify areas of improvement and develop my own skills. Similarly, reflexivity involves reflecting on my own assumptions and beliefs, in order to better understand how they may impact my decisions. By engaging in this process, I can ensure that my decisions are based on an unbiased understanding of the situation.

In terms of specific examples, one example of a leadership stance I have taken is when I had to handle a situation with a student who was struggling emotionally. After assessing the situation and understanding the student’s needs, I was able to provide appropriate support and guidance for the student. This included providing emotional support and guidance, but also helping the student to identify strategies to manage their stress. Also, I was able to create an environment where the student felt safe and accepted, and I was also able to provide guidance and advice for the student’s peers.

Another example of mentoring skills I have used is when I worked with a student who was having difficulty with their studies. After assessing the situation, I was able to identify strategies the student could use to improve their academic performance. This included helping the student to develop better study habits and strategies, as well as providing them with resources and support to help them achieve their goals. Also, I was able to provide the student with guidance and advice on how to manage their time and workload.

In terms of personal and professional learning and development goals, I have identified several areas that I would like to focus on. These include developing my leadership and mentoring skills, improving my understanding of cultural and personal values, and continuing to build my reflective practice and reflexive skills. To achieve these goals, I plan to attend professional development courses and workshops, as well as engage in self-directed learning. Also, I will strive to maintain an open-minded attitude and actively seek feedback from my peers and colleagues.

Thus, I believe that my approach to reflective practice and reflexivity is an effective way of developing my leadership and mentoring skills. Through this process, I am able to gain a better understanding of my own assumptions and beliefs, as well as the impact of cultural and personal values on the students. Additionally, engaging in reflective practice and reflexivity has allowed me to identify areas of improvement and develop my own skills in a more effective manner. By continuing to develop my reflective practice and reflexive skills, I can ensure that I am providing the best possible support for my students.

Implications and Recommendations

The ability to critically reflect on two instances of me exercising leadership and/or mentoring abilities in my practise has helped me to appreciate the significance of advancing my professional competencies and obligations in the educational setting. The reflection has helped me to understand how necessary it is to develop and implement an effective action plan in order to enhance my overall competencies as a music teacher. The analysis has exposed those areas to which further improvement is required to be introduced. As an implication, I would recommend other music teachers to critically reflect on their practice and identify the areas where they need to develop and enhance their competencies. The reflection should be based on their responsibilities, leadership stances and mentoring skills. They should also identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop an effective action plan with the help of this reflective practice. Furthermore, they should be open and willing to learn new things to build up their knowledge and expertise in the field.


In conclusion, this critical reflection has enabled me to analyze and evaluate my professional and personal skills in order to identify areas of improvement and develop an action plan to enhance my leadership and mentoring skills. It has also allowed me to better understand how individual and cultural beliefs affect educational settings. This reflective practice has enabled me to understand the significance of my experiences in the education setting and to devise an effective portfolio-building strategy for professional development. I have been able to pinpoint the areas that I need to concentrate on in order to develop my leadership stance and mentoring skills by critically analysing two examples of using those traits in my practise. This reflective practice has enabled me to become more aware of the importance of holding onto my patience, cultural sensitivity, and other competencies which are essential in becoming an effective leader and mentor.


Abu Zaineh, S., 2021. Enhancing Mentoring by Using Strategies from Other Professions: Suggestions for Educational Leaders (Doctoral dissertation).

Dumlao, R.P. and Pinatacan, J.R., 2019. From Practice to Writing: Using Reflective Journal Instruction in Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers' Professional Development. International Journal of Instruction, 12(4), pp.459-478.

Lei, W., He, X., Miao, Y., Wu, Q., Hong, R., Kan, M.Y. and Chua, T.S., 2020, January. Estimation-action-reflection: Towards deep interaction between conversational and recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (pp. 304-312).

Moldoveanu, M. and Narayandas, D., 2019. The future of leadership development. Harvard business review, 97(2), pp.40-48.

Slade, M.L., Burnham, T.J., Catalana, S.M. and Waters, T., 2019. The Impact of Reflective Practice on Teacher Candidates' Learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(2), p.15.

Ziebart, C. and MacDermid, J.C., 2019. Reflective practice in physical therapy: A scoping review. Physical therapy, 99(8), pp.1056-1068.


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