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software project management assignment on virtual software principles used by Netflix


Task: How to identify the virtual software principles used by Netflix using software project management assignment research techniques?


This software project management assignmentclarifies that Project management is crucial for all project managers in different sectors to understand and evaluate the process through which a project should be executed. Concerning project management in modern software, project management has been gaining much popularity that is dedicated to planning, scheduling, tracking and delivering the store and the web project. With the introduction of digitalisation in various sectors, it has been crucial that the majority of the companies are undertaking software project management that is inclined towards developing a proper application related to the project management that would facilitate the company in addressing new digitalisation concepts and challenges (Mishra and Mishra, 2013). The main goal of software project management is to develop a group of developers who work together to complete the project in a particular given time by implementing all the necessary objectives that have been programmed before. This software project management assignmentwill effectively describe the vital principle that must be followed concerning project management. Software project management mainly focuses on developing a particular product in an organisation (Cerdeiral and Santos, 2019). It does enable a clear vision for the team in its development and execution of the overall application-based project. The whole software project management assignmentunderpins the concept of software project management by dividing it into several topics, including the two concepts of software project management and project management. Next, it will focus on detailed counting, which is necessary for typical business planning. Next, it will highlight the steps required in the planning stage of the project and the overall execution of the project. Lastly, it will discuss extreme programming that would provide vast knowledge about the various principles in software project management.

software project management assignmentPrincipals
ST1: Two different concepts

Initially, it could be stated that project management is the application of the process skills, knowledge and experience concerning the specific project needed for the project acceptance criteria within the agreed parameters (Salas-Morera et al., 2013). Project management is related to the final deliverable, mainly constrained to the finite time scale and the budget within which every project manager has to complete the project effectively. Underpinning the concept of project management involves two different areas: software project management and project management. These are the two other software project management assignmentconcepts in the management area, and each has a separate existence.

Software project management
Software is termed an intangible product. Software development is a new kind of street currently emerging in the business world, and there is minimal experience concerning the building up of software products. In most cases, it has been observed that the companies are higher project managers in order to develop their software products that would fit the changing demands of the customers. The most critical technology underlined concerning software project management is the changes and the advances that are mainly related to the company's product (Marinho et al., 2014). Under software project management, it is the responsibility of all the people to understand the business and the environmental constraints that bring risk in software development, along with the essential to manage software projects efficiently. The triple conditions play a significant role in the software project, which enable the project manager to formulate and implement all the objectives that have been set concerning the project and to deliver a quality product by keeping the client's cost and budget in mind (Ferrucci, Harman and Sarro, 2014). Though several factors include internal and external parts, the impact of a triple constant triangle has significant advantages that are mainly related to the budget as well as the time constants, which is a great area that every project manager needs to manage. From another software project management assignmentperspective, it has been observed that software project management is regarded as the science and art of planning and leading the prince software project effectively, where the project manager implements all the steps of the project management in order to understand and evaluate each of the aspects.

The concept management under the software project management deals with the management of all the employees along with the project's proper steps and life cycle to accomplish the set objectives (Cha and Maytorena-Sanchez, 2019). Leadership revolves around the project manager's appropriate strategies to evaluate and provide the clients with the requirements rapidly to increase the undertaking and evaluation of proper project management. On the other hand, managing the employees and moving them towards a practical understanding of the project management objectives minimises the risk of error in the project. The craze for advanced technology in various fields has increased the demand for additional software development and projects that will enable the company to deliver quality products to the target customers (Bavota et al., 2012). Management plays a vital role in software project management assignment development as it is associated with hiring skilled technology employees who have the idea of utilising proper tools and technology to enable the project manager to accomplish each of the objectives effectively.

Project management
Project management is the application of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge to the project activities to meet all the requirements that the client has provided. The project management life cycle revolves around food stages, including initiation, planning, execution and closure. The primary purpose of software project management assignments is to manage or project successfully to complete all the goals and delivery that is the essential requirement of the client. Implementing risk, careful resource management, and intelligent budgeting enables the team members to understand the project's objectives and communicate with each other to achieve the predetermined goals (Huzooree and Ramdoo, 2015). Nowadays, with the increase in the number of complex cities in the business world, project management has become essential to handle numerous stakeholders along with the objectives of the project at the same time by balancing the time and the cost of the project. The practical implications of PM in an organisation help to get realistic project planning that includes a broader picture of the project by setting up the goals, budgets and timeline. The implication of project management defines the project plan that balances with the priorities and the constraints regarding the time and budget that may be faced by the project manager in the future prospectus. This process also involves cost estimation, risk assessment and resource management, which are the three crucial aspects necessary for every project's completion.

ST2: Content of typical business plan
The content of a typical business plan mainly consists of a detailed description of what, when, where, why and how the business operations will be accomplished. software project management assignment plan typically includes the cost of organising the business anticipating the sources of the revenue along with how the products and services are to be developed customer-oriented in order to achieve the profit margin effectively. A business plan aims to solve two primary purposes, and it acts as a guide for the business owners to streamline all the management as well as the planning of the business (McKenzie, 2017). Secondly, it shows the potential venture capitalist lenders and bankers the comprehensive plan that would help them invest in the industry that would indirectly increase the organisation's profit margin. A proper business plan mainly includes marketing, financial, production and human resource plans, without which a typical business plan is incomplete. Some of the elements which specific business plans include have been provided below.

Mission statement
The software project management assignmentmission plan of the business relates to the main goals and objectives and the future vision that the company wants to achieve with its product and services. It is essential to implement a mission statement in the business plan to provide a clear perspective about the achievement of the business for the future streaming of the products.

Company background
Company background provides the data concerning the development of the business, its co-founders and stitches of the product, which provides in-depth knowledge about the overall growth of the business (Ritala et al., 2018). These aspects also demonstrate the current number of employees and the company's present financial situation, which developed a proper understanding of all the ownership and the business's legal structure.

Product and services
This section provides a detailed description of the customer needs and how the current products of the business are providing benefits to the customer. This is a vital aspect of the business plan, without which no project manager can enhance the development or services of the particular company.

Marketing Plan
Marketing plan is another area which discusses the market analysis and the customer structure by administering the current trends and demands of the customer concerning the product in services provided by the business. In this area, it helps to understand the company to come close to the market by using the information related to the target customer groups' market segments and the various sales channels already existing in the business. The marketing evaluation mainly focuses on understanding the customers' criteria and needs, which will help in the future understanding of the required product and services.

Management plan
The business's management plan comprises the company's organisational structure and the list of owners along with their ownership percentage that will help to make decisions concerning the investors and other stakeholders (Muzellec, Ronteau and Lambkin, 2015). A management plan provides internal and external professionals along with the company plans to higher and compensate them effectively along with the list of members on the advisor reports, which provides a thorough knowledge about the business proceedings.

Operating plan
The business's operating plan is related to identifying the target market and the company's location, including the office and warehouse requirements. The operational planning procedure describes a proper manufacturing process that will take to produce one unit of a particular product.

Competitive analysis
The competitive analysis provides a proper understanding of the company's main competitors in relation to the market position, strengths, weaknesses and the target market, which are evaluated in a business plan.

Risk analysis
Risk analysis is another important factor of the business plan that provides information concerning the internal risk, including marketing, production, financing and management aspects and some of the external risk that comes from the social, legal and economic perspective.

Financial planning
Describe the long-term and short-term planning of the business concerning the understanding of the company's current and previous financial position.

ST3: Stepwise method of project planning
Project planning is one of the functional areas that mainly comprises the overall stepwise planning that is included in the project by the project manager to achieve all the objectives effectively. The stepwise method for the project planning has been discussed below:

Selection of project: The initial step of the software project management assignment planning process describes the careful selection of the project according to its priorities, composition and strategies (Elmuti et al., 2012). Under the strategic planning process, the choice of the project is a crucial role for the project manager as it mainly provides the methodology and the combination of various factors that include customer retention, financial benefit and market share, according to which a particular project needs to be evaluated. Project scope and objectives: Project scope and purposes are verified as it provides a goal for the project manager as well as the other employees of the project in order to understand and measure the successor criteria for the project. The software project management assignmentscope statement captured the basic idea for which the project was initiated. The project's objectives set the goals that the project manager wants to achieve from the execution of this project. If there are some changes in the objective, the project manager completes it by adequately executing the interaction and communication process with all other employees.

Project infrastructure: Project infrastructure refers to the organisation structure tools, techniques and procedures that an organisation puts forward to make the project successful (Blackburn et al., 2013). Proper infrastructure is necessary to achieve all the objectives concerning the project, which mainly enables the training along with the other execution process that includes the change control method used by the project manager. Analysis of the project characteristics: The software project management assignmentproject is either objective-driven or product-driven, so once the overall infrastructure is completed, the next step is to analyse the project characteristics concerning the product-driven or objective given that will help to establish the project goals effectively. The project characteristics are implemented concerning the product and other user requirements that mainly enables the assessment of all the higher risks that the project may face in future.

Risk activity: The next step is to identify the various risk factors that may affect the project. Risk planning reduces the impact of determining the risk, and it helps to understand the types of risk which create a barrier to the further project scope (Jünge et al., 2019). There are four broad categories of risk: avoidance, mitigation, transfer and acceptance, according to which the stakes are handled by the project manager during the execution of the project effectively.

Allocation of resources: For an effective project management plan, it is necessary to plan the allocation of the resources properly in various ways so that it becomes easier to complete the project without any period or lack of inventories. Resource allocation is used to assign all the resources from an economic perspective so that while scheduling all the activities concerning the department, consider both the resource availability and the project timing.

Review and execution of plan: it is the last stage of the software project management assignment planning where the whole planning prospectus it has been done throughout is reviewed so Aster identifies any issues that may further cause barriers to the complete execution of the project. After completing every task, it is sent for quality review to understand each of the problems and review it according to the plan that has been set up (Urbaski, Haque and Oino, 2019). Once the overall review of the planning in respect of all the activities is completed, the last step is to execute it according to the plan that will provide the project manager to accomplish each objective of the project.

ST4: Discussion on Extreme programming
The software project management assignmentresearch shows that extreme programming is an Agile software development framework aiming to produce higher-quality software and high-quality life for the development team (Rumpe and Schröder, 2014). Extreme programming comes under the Agile framework concerning the appropriate engineering practices for effective software development. It emphasises the business result first and then takes an incremental step to start a particular approach for the development of a product and uses continuous testing and revision to come up with a more productive and quality product. Extreme programming advocates the frequent release of the short-term product cycle that is constantly intense to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints concerning the new customer requirement that can be adopted (Sohaib et al., 2014). Extreme programming brings efficiency to the coding process, thus providing the clients with maximum value. Since extreme programming is one of the agile methodologies, it shares all the Agile principles that include strong customer involvement in the software development process along with good communication inside the teams and creating interactive development cycles.

Under extreme programming, it puts individuals and interactions of various other processes and tools concerning the working software over the customer collaboration documentation. It responds to the change in the following plan. Extreme programming is one of the essential strategies the project manager implements to develop much more effectively and simplify the project, which will enhance the project manager to develop and get all the project effectively. Extreme programming includes higher levels of planning, designing and coding standards that continuously help the project manager keep track of the project and achieve all the project's core objectives within the stipulated time and win the cost. With the increase in the trend of digitalisation extreme programming is one of the significant areas that could be used by the project manager to track each of the actions in a project and to satisfy its client by providing quality projects (Ahmad et al., 2020). One of the natural advantages identified on this software project management assignment of extreme programming for which the majority of the project managers are utilising it in its project management is that it costs the same cost and time and reduces the risk related to the programming or any other failure of the activities in the project. This programming system provides a simple procedure which is very easy to understand and creates a visible and accountable perspective which is very easy to understand. Moreover, some of the essential benefits that extreme programming provides to the project manager are that it is a faster working system software that includes regular testing at the development stage and ensures that effective implementation of each activity is done with an increase in the employee's satisfaction and retention level. Hence, from all perspectives, it could be assessed that in this modern world, extreme programming has been a boon for the project manager to handle each of the projects effectively.

From the above software project management assignment, it could be concluded that software project management has various principles necessary for the project manager to implement while developing the software project. Though a software project is an intangible product, the management perspective includes a convenient area that helps the project manager in understanding and evaluating all the employees related to the project in order to ensure that each of the activities that are set during the planning of the project is completed effectively without any issue. From the first perception of the software project management assignmentthat has discussed the two concepts of software project management and project management, it could be evaluated that most companies are moving towards digitalisation and application of software. Hence, it is much more critical. Next, the software project management assignmenthas effectively stated all the components required in business planning, which have provided deep knowledge about all the fears project managers need to evaluate to implement a successful business plan. From the typical stepwise project planning segment, it has been assessed that if the project manager includes all the areas effectively, it will reduce the chances of error and risk, which is one of the major processes during the planning stage. Extreme programming is another major concept that has been evaluated. This software project management assignmentprovides the knowledge that it is a type of agile methodology that is very flexible for successful project implementation.

References List
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