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Strategic management assignment analyzing the issues faced by the retail industry


Task: Do you think strategic management issues can be impactful for the retail industry?Do you consider strategic management needs to be more effective for the retail industry post-covid? Explain in your strategic management assignment.


Quantitative research question for the strategic management assignment
Do you think strategic management issues can be impactful for the retail industry?
Do you consider strategic management needs to be more effective for the retail industry post-covid?

The research questionsin this strategic management assignmentdirectly address the research area. The problem statement of the strategic management assignmenthas been encrypted as the covid-19 pandemic destroyed most the industries and the retail industry is most affected. A drastic change is been seen in the external environment of the industry which challenges the strategic management of the organization to shut down organizations. In such a context, it is very important for research to identify if the strategic management issues can be influential for the retail industry as a whole so that a general overview of the industry can be developed (Changkakati et al. 2021). The general overview regarding the retail industry in the strategic management assignmentcan help to identify the changes in post-covid. Without understanding general considerations of the retail industry and strategic management, the research area cannot really be justified. The second question mentioned in the strategic management assignmentis a more specific question that surrounds around entire research area as it has been formulated through the key areas of the research area like strategic management, retail industry, and covid-19. A general overview can confirm the contribution of strategic management or strategic management issues in the retail industry. However, the problem treatment has clearly stated that covid-19 has confirmed a drastic change for the retail industry which needs to be evaluated through quantitative analysis to understand how the post-covid era has been impacted by the strategic management issues in the retail industry. The problem statement mentioned in the strategic management assignmenthas even supported with the notion that the government was forced to close several retail stores for avoiding transmission keeping the essential or emergency service in new normal is new circumstances and structure for which proper managerial quality needs to be exercised.

Qualitative research question for the strategic management assignment
How strategic management is important for the retail industry?
What are the changes the retail industry has faced during and post-covid era?
How the changes in the retail industry can better be evaluated by strategic management issues?

Qualitative research as per the strategic management assignmenthelps to confirm in-depth discussion of the research area. Through the problem statement, it is quite clear that covid-19 is negatively influential on most of industries and the retail industry is not an exception in that regard as due to several government guidelines, different retailorganizations have to close to avoid transmission. In the new normal, it becomes important for the industry to come up with better strategic management. In such context of the strategic management assignment, three questions of qualitative research justify a connection with the research area as well as complement each other to confirm full addressing to the research area. The first question can be effective to understand the importance of strategic management for the retail industry without which understanding strategic management issues for the industry cannot be clear. Hence, the first question is significant to confirm the base of the research or set the context of the research. The second question mentioned in the strategic management assignmentcan properly identify specific changes which the retail industry has found in its nature or structure during or post-covid era (Cheng, 2020). The research area is about strategic management issues in post-covid for the little industry. Without identifying the changes in the retail industry, strategic management issues in this particular context or post-covid cannot be justified as it needs to be established that the industry has transformed drastically for which strategic management even needs to transform always structure to address the changes. Without understanding the type of associated factors with the research area complete justification of the research area cannot really be accomplished. It is very important to understand the characteristics of the retail industry before and after covid and the changes it has evolved in its structure to proceedfurther to address the entire research area. The research question present in the strategic management assignmenteven confirms a connection between each other as it first identifies the characteristics and then changes in the post-covid era to confirm issues of post-covid in the retail industry. After gathering enough information regarding the industry as well as changes through covid-19, the research only can identify strategic management issues which are prevalent in the retail industry after covid-19. As the changes are the source of strategic management issues, hence the research question of how the changes in the retail industry can better be evaluated by strategic management issues pinpoint the central area of the research (Wang et al. 2020) Changes get followed by strategic management issues; hence confirming the fact that strategic management issues of retail industry can be evaluated better by the changes the industry has sustained. Three qualitative research questions in the strategic management assignmentthus have confirmed proper addressing of the research area.

Hypothesis of the strategic management assignment
H1: There are several variables in the strategic management assignmentthat significantly confirm the change in the retail industry in the post-covid era. The variables have a close connection with each other and altogether they have confirmed the change in the industry
H2: The change by covid-19 pandemic makes the retail industry turbulent which further is associated with several strategic management issues as previous strategic management assignmentstrategies fail to address the changes the retail industry has evolved during the post-covid era.

Changkakati, S., Chauhan, S. S., Verma, S., and, Yuvraj, N. 2021. Supply Chain Management Analysis in strategic management assignmenton Online Retailers and Logistics. Retrieved on 24 th June from: _in_online_IJERTV10IS040219-libre.pdf 1619852539=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DIJERT_Supply_Chain_Management_Analysis_i.pdf&Expires=165609867 2&Signature=SNbV62m1XiSDpQ3F6yBbl7cYzj8Q0f0KFqPL1dUCmIP5qnn-Zv9hw70Z6AHKrWqgr1vC0R8E8qVx2elO0jsZL4BzvMBjGsQfqH4QnXYEMNoGbJWjSMHplHxCjXgxSBab-0QIme2rMpMfHGussguSSN7buyXyzn5LauenIHeTqOo2F8pb9EO3cKnlwLjoTF6Af9O8-6Gmj918ADcfWzIMlM1tHNzYj3lgO7mTbSOs61vcpk5dXLwGGrPFua99~8l5cFEgcNkt1nNuqdjXzxhSV0Kica5C Z4JwNevirU99TSOam7hHkNxcuhal6v-OqRzKoDLT1aA6YjVhVMYQGAlx3w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
Cheng, J., 2020. China’s retailers and the coronavirus outbreak: Lessons from the past. Bain & Company. Dostupno na: https://www. bain. com/insights/chinasretailersand-the-coronavirus-outbreak-lessons-from-the-past/[22. kolovoza 2020.]. _outbreak_lessons_from_the_past.pdf
Wang, Y., Xu, R., Schwartz, M., Ghosh, D., and, Chen, X. 2020. COVID-19 and retail grocery management in strategic management assignment: insights from a broad-based consumer survey. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(3), 202-211. Retrieved on 24 th June from:


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