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Tata Motors Organisational Culture Assignment Highlighting Impact On The Brand’s Success


Task: How to pinpoint Tata motors success through Organisational culture assignments and reviews?


This Organisational culture assignment focuses on particular policies that are pre-defined and guide the employees. Organizational structure is a complicated system that contains the shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, and administers the conduct of employees within the organization. These fundamental values, beliefs, and assumptions contribute to the distinct and unique social and psychological environment (Paais 2020).

Tata Motors is an Indian automotive manufacturing company that has it’s headquarter in Mumbai. It is worthwhile to discuss the organizational culture of Tata Motors because its organizational culture has a great impact on its success (Yadav 2018).

Organisational culture assignment of Tata Motors Ltd
There are commonly three layers of organizational culture if it is introduced in a circle form. The inner layer will be the fundamental assumptions; the middle will be the beliefs and values, and the artefacts from the outermost layer (Kassem 2019).

1.1 Assumptions in the Tata Motor’s organizational structure
Assumptions are intensely embedded philosophies and ideologies and give the foundation to prepare this Tata Motor’s Organisational culture assignment. Usually, the employees are unaware of these fundamental assumptions; still, the role of the employees is very important in formulating the visible behaviours and core values.

1.2 Values in Tata Motor’s organizational culture
It is not easy to observe the core values of an organization. Tata Motor’s principal values are the shared standards, principles, and goals. These principal values are leadership, quality, accountability, integrity, collaboration, accountability, passion, and diversity. The management of Tata Motors ltd understands the significance of communicating the principal values to make each employee modify and accept the behaviour aptly (Ahmadzai 2018).

1.3 Artefacts of Tata Motor’s Organisational culture assignment
The artefacts that form the outermost layer are the visible and tangible features of Tata Motor’s organizational culture. Official dress code, office layout, and open-door policy are a few examples of artefacts. The Organisational culture assignment artefacts of Tata Motors Limited are easy to observe and hard to interpret by the outside world.

Importance of understanding the organizational culture
In today’s world of competition where every company is thriving to achieve excellence in every aspect of entrepreneurship, it is important to have a thorough knowledge of organizational culture. If a company wants to gain a competitive advantage it needs to have a strong organizational culture. If we talk about the organizational culture of Tata Motors Ltd, it makes sure that every employee of their company should share a common goal (Firestone 2020).

Few reasons for understanding the organizational culture
It gives an idea about how an employee relates to the Tata Motors Ltd work culture.
It may become an instrument for realizing Tata Motors Ltd.’s inclination towards change.
It may assist Tata Motors Ltd to identify the probable gaps between desired and actual work culture.

2 Individual organizational culture Dimension
Goals oriented vs. Means Oriented

thisOrganisational culture assignment is mean-oriented and stresses the way a particular work is carried out, at the same time, an organizational culture that is goal-oriented concentrates on what can be achieved and stresses on the results. The mean orientation expresses the behaviour of avoiding the people’s risk, at the same time, the goal orientation reflects the willingness to get the results they desired even if there are certain risks involved (Kucharska 2019).

2.1 Analysis of Tata Motors Limited
Tata Motors Limited has strongly achieved the perfect balance between the goal and means orientation because it stressed the significance of attaining the goals, and at the same time, boosts employees to not be afraid while taking risks if they are advantageous.

Tata Motors Limited by concentrating on the orientation of mean ensures the adoption of integrated and ethical ways by their employees in attaining the allocated goals because it believes integrity is its principal value. Thus, employees are motivated to only encourage healthy competition.
Tata Motors Limited by stressing the orientation of goal motivates its employees to give their full efforts for attaining the allocated goals. Employees are not afraid of any punishment or disciplinary action when they come up with new ideas and take risks.
Tata Motors Limited is successful in reducing the fear of failure among its employees. The above analysis is enough to say that Tata Motors ltd intended to get the perfect equilibrium position on the goal and mean orientation continuation.

2.2 Externally driven vs. internally driven
Research done for this Organisational culture assignmentshows this is internally driven ad focuses onall-over perceptions of the employees, their knowledge and expertise. In an organizational culture that is deeply internally driven, there is a belief among the employees that they are aware of the implicit and explicit demands of the customers and act aptly. Organizational culture as such gives much importance to integrity and ethics, and such organizations never compromise with their principal values to attain the results they desired for.

On the other hand, an organizational culture that is externally driven stresses the consequences of the belief of the employees in such an organization is that the customer’s needs are more significant than business values and ethics. As a result, they do not stress ethics and values instead they embrace a pragmatic attitude.

2.3 Analysis for Tata Motors Ltd
This Organisational culture assignment for Tata Motors Ltd is not externally driven, it is more internally driven. They never compromise with the value and ethics while responding to the needs and demands of the customers. They make sure that they give a quick response to the demands of the changing customers. The company asserts that they are committed to embedding moral values like ethics and integrity into its business activities. Tata Motors Ltd has made to make a strong ethical brand image through their internally driven organizational culture and that also helps them get a good competitive edge over their competitor companies.

3 Strict work disciplines vs. Easy going work discipline
This type of cultural dimension tells us about the extent to which an organization is internally disciplined, controlled, and structured.

The companies that have work discipline of easy-going have a flexible structure with no rigid hierarchies. In this type of discipline, there is a lack of certainty in the culture and the management does not have much authority to implement the discipline. Organizations as such are considered to be more suitable in promoting an innovative and creative work attitude. On the opposite end, the firms that have strict work discipline lean more toward rigid hierarchies with excessive certainty. The management has a good deal of authority to make sure the employees work in a disciplined way and they also ensure that the employees work in a more disciplined and serious working environment.

3.1 Analysis for Tata Motors Ltd
It has been observed that Tata Motors Ltd has a vertical tall and hierarchy structure and also tends to have a more disciplined work culture. This shows that the management has a good deal of decision-making authority and they are made enough competent by the central authority to control the behaviour and conduct of the employees directly. They promote innovative and creative work behaviour by acknowledging the achievements of the employees for example they give non-monetary and monetary rewards to the employees for their achievement and good conduct. As the organization tends to have strict work discipline, therefore, autonomy and empowerment are limited. Nevertheless, this Organisational culture assignment explores how the management is resolved to shift towards a more decentralized organizational structure from a more centralized organizational structure due to the increasing demands of the employees for more empowerment and autonomy. This shift in the future will transfer sufficient power to the lower management and employees and it will further enable Tata motors Ltd to achieve a new balance between fluid and strict organizational structure.

4. Professional vs. Local organizational culture
Organizational culture can be classified into professional and local organizations' work cultures. This kind of cultural dimension tells us about the identification of the employees either for their profession or work/boss.
The companies that have a highly local culture, the employees usually identify themselves concerning their colleagues/teammates, organizational units, and heads. The employees have much desire for relatedness and association to the people near them. They behave like each other because of the strong social control. On the other hand, the companies that have a highly professional culture, the employees usually identify themselves concerning their work content and profession. They do not like to behave like others and have a long-term and external focus.

4.1 Analysis of Tata Motors
Tata Motors Ltd tends to have more professional culture. They want their employees to be more professional in the discharge of their respective duties. Though, they are not obliged to behave in a specific way. They appreciate differences and promote diversity. All these things are done to utilize the opportunities put forward by such constructive differences. Finding from this Organisational cultureassignment show that Tata Motors Ltd remains successful by successfully maintaining a professional organizational culture.

5. Closed system vs. Open system
This type of dimension tells us about an organization’s overall communication and accessibility climate.
The organizations that have an open system welcome the newcomers and create a culture of inclusive work so that employees from different backgrounds can become familiar easily. An organization as such is very flexible and welcomes outsiders in their organization and assists the employees to get them fit into the organization. These types of organizations respect diversity and promote unity in diversity in their business operations. On the opposite side, the organizations that have closed-system do not make a healthy environment for the newcomers to develop relatedness and adjust to the company. In such organizations, diversity is not promoted and these organizations are mostly exclusive and only support certain people to adjust in the organization.

5.1 Analysis for Tata Motors Ltd
It can be observed that Tata Motors Ltd tends to have an open system in their business operations. ThisOrganisational culture assignment shows that Tata Motors Ltd culture is well-diversified and flexible. They have open communication lines. Tata Motors Ltd manages a highly diversified workforce and this ability of Tata Motors Ltd to manage diversified forces assists them in maintaining their competitive advantage. Tata Motors Ltd can make sure that there is a high flow of information and the leveraging of competencies, skills, and knowledge of employees from different backgrounds.

6. Work Orientation vs. Employee orientation
The work and employee orientation denote the management’s overall orientation, prioritization, and philosophy towards either accomplishment of goals or employee welfare.
The organizations that have an employee orientation denote the management’s philosophy of prioritizing the employees ahead of shareholders and customers. So in this type of dimension human capital is considered to be of more importance than other variables. On the other hand, if an organization has high work-oriented culture, the employees in this type of organization are pressurised for the accomplishment of their respective work, more priority is given to maximizing the task performance, and less priority is given to employee welfare.

6.1 Analysis for Tata Motors Ltd
The Organisational culture assignment findings show that the management of Tata Motors Ltd cares about employee welfare and they understand the importance of human capital. They prioritize employee motivation and satisfaction. They assign difficult tasks to their employees but they make sure that the employees are not pressurized and their concerns are taken into cognizance. The balance between the employee and task orientation is achieved by:
Assigning the difficult tasks and offering incentives to boost the task performance
Training and encouraging the employees to manage the time and stress, is crucial for both improving psychological well-being and task performance.

Giving employees the required guidance, mentoring, and coaching to execute the assigned tasks is crucial towards achieving goals
Discouraging overtime that is common in workplaces.
Overall Analysis
The above Organisational culture assignment reflects that the cultural dimensions are interconnected to each other. In the case of Tata Motors Ltd, the company tries to balance its goals orientation and means orientation and tends to have more inclination toward the orientation of mean, which is interrelated with its tendency towards the dimension which is internally driven. Both the dimensions stress integrity and ethics.

The above Organisational culture assignment shows the company is today raked as one of the most successful multinational companies, Tata Motors Ltd reflects that they do not embrace an extreme cultural orientation, but try to figure out the perfect equilibrium to create an effective culture. Tata Motors Ltd is successful in developing a secured organizational structure that is strongly fixed and is accepted by its workforce that is highly diversified. If an organization gets success in setting perfect alignment between its, business strategies, culture, and structure, and if it understands the complicated associations between fundamental assumptions, observable behaviours, and core values then it will be in a position to utilize the organizational culture as an instrument to attain strategic benefits. Organizations that have a strong organizational work culture can easily compete in this era of competition and this Organisational culture assignment highlights Tata Motors Limited as being a perfect example of it.

Paais, M. and Pattiruhu, J.R., 2020. Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on satisfaction and employee performance. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business,Organisational culture assignment 7(8), pp.577-588.
Kassem, R., Ajmal, M., Gunasekaran, A. and Helo, P., 2019. Assessing the impact of organizational culture on achieving business excellence with a moderating role of ICT: An SEM approach. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
Firestone, S., 2020. Importance of organizational culture to crisis leadership. In Biblical principles of crisis leadership (pp. 23-34). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Yadav, T.R. and Singh, J.P., Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A Case Study of Tata Motors Ltd. Ahmadzai, S., Report on Tata Group and Its Growth Strategies.
Kucharska, W. and Bedford, D.A., 2019. Knowledge sharing and organizational culture dimensions: does job satisfaction matter. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management,Organisational culture assignment 17(1), pp.1-18.


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