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The effects of technological implementations on sustainable development in the UK construction industry


Task: You are expected to develop a suitable and realistic research proposal, with a view to undertaking a focused piece of contemporary research with clear and tangible outcomes of interest and relevance to the work context. The topic that you choose to study for your research is your own choice but should relate to business and management disciplines, and in particular to your specific Master programme subject. Follow a standard research proposal structure.



Environmental corruption is a major global backer of the building industry, and sustainable development is increasingly important. The adoption of new innovations is thought to be one of the best methods to achieve this goal, and the goal of this study is to find out how technology improvements affect sustainable development within the constructionsegment (Delgado et al. 2019).This study looks at how technology advancements affect the building sector in the UK in terms of sustainable development.


In the UK construction sector, technological advancements like expanded reality, drones, and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are being adopted more often. As they may reduce waste, boost efficiency, and promote sustainable practices, these technologies have the potential to significantly impact the industry's sustainability (Tang et al. 2019). The studyfocuses on examining the specific impacts of these technological advancements on the UK construction sector's commitment to sustainable development. The study is important since emissions of ozone-depleting substances and other environmental repercussions worldwide are heavily influenced by the building sector (Hossain et al. 2020).


The building industry is increasingly adopting mechanical innovations like drones, Building Information Modelling (BIM), and extended reality. These developments may help proficiency, reduce waste, and promote sustainable lifestyle conditions for residents within the constructed sites (Alizadehsalehi et al. 2020). As the UK's construction industry has an important impact on climate change, implementing new innovations is expected to be crucial to achieving sustainable development (Craveiroa et al. 2019). Understanding these innovations and their specific effects on the sustainability of the firm is essential to maximising their potential. By examining the impact of technological breakthroughs on sustainable growth in the UK construction sector, this researchfocuses to close the knowledge gap.

Research Question

• What is the effect of technological improvements on sustainable development in the UK's building industry?


  • To identify the various technological implementations currently used in the UK construction industry;
  • To examine how these implementations affect sustainability in the sector;

• To determine how effective these technological implementations are at fostering sustainable development in the UK construction sector.


Reduced climate effect from the building industry depends critically on advancing sustainable development in the industry (Nilsson et al. 2018). The findings of this study will provide academics and businesspeople with knowledge about the potential benefits and drawbacks of mechanical breakthroughs in promoting sustainable development in the UK construction sector. Eventually, this information will help construction brands make informed decisions on how to implement new developments and ideas.

Literature Review

It is possible to enhance sustainable growthwithin the UK building segment by implementing innovative technology (Chan et al. 2017). This review of the literature attempts to evaluate the underlying implications of technical advancements on sustainable development in the UK construction sector.

Digital technology's effects on sustainable development in the UK construction sector

In the UK construction business, the utilization of digital technologies such as BIM extended reality and drones has gained popularity. It has been demonstrated that BIM has a significant impact on waste reduction, building project accuracy, and the promotion of sustainable practices (Race, 2019). BIM may be used, for example, to identify possible energy productivity measures in building design, lowering carbon emissions throughout the construction process (Pocobelli et al. 2018). Realistic building designs may be improved by using more visualization and advancement. Construction sites may be surveyed and monitored by drones, decreasing the need for on-site inspections and causing the least amount of environmental disruption (Darko and Chan, 2017). Although digital technology may help the construction sector promote sustainability, there remain obstacles to its implementation. The lack of knowledge and expertise among professionals in the construction sector to apply and incorporate new technologies into their work processes is a huge issue (Xia et al. 2018). Moreover, industrial stakeholders who may have doubts about the value of digital technology in promoting sustainability may be resistant to change (Chen et al. 2020). Future studies should focus on identifying and overcoming these obstacles to the uptake of digital technology in the construction sector.

The Building Industry in the UK and the Usage of Renewable Energy Sources

The UK government has set aims to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050, and the construction industry will be essential to achieving these targets. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, can be used in the planning and construction of buildings to lower greenhouse gas emissions and increase the sustainability of the company. Solar power generation on buildings is one option to reduce dependency on fossil fuels (Alwan et al. 2017). To provide sustainable energy, wind turbines may be included in building plans, and nearby water sources can be used to generate hydroelectric power. Renewable energy adoption in the construction sector is not without difficulties. Installing renewable energy sources might be prohibitively expensive up front, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses (Opoku, 2019). Policymakers and industry stakeholders should work together to promote financial incentives for the adoption of renewable energy sources and accelerate the development of energy storage technologies to overcome these issues.

Sustainable Construction Techniques and Materials in the UK Construction sector

The construction segment is largely to blame for the use of resources and trash. To reduce the negative effects on the atmosphere, building design, and construction procedures can make use of sustainable resources such as recycled materials, regular materials, and low-carbon concrete. Prefabrication and other waste-reduction techniques used in sustainable building can also contribute to the industry's overall sustainability. Sustainable building techniques can also have an overall influence on the sustainability of the construction sector, in addition to the usage of sustainable resources (Alwan et al. 2017). For instance, specific construction entails the production of building components off-site, lowering on-site waste and boosting efficiency. Prefabrication can lessen the building process's negative environmental effects by reducing the amount of energy and waste generated on-site. Despite this, because new supply chains and specific skills are needed, adopting these methods can be difficult. In order to encourage the use of sustainable construction techniques, policymakers, and industry stakeholders should work together, offering incentives and training opportunities (Opoku, 2019).

Literature Gap

Even though there is a growing body on how technology advancements affect sustainable growth in the UK construction sector in this research, there is arequirement for more in-depth analysis that thoroughly assesses the implications of these technologies. Future studies should concentrate on identifying barriers to technology adoption and evaluating how well different technologies promote sustainable growth in the building sector.

Research Methodology

Research Philosophy

The research philosophy outlines the philosophy and techniques that will be used to conduct the study, and it helps to ensure that the research is valid, reliable, and ethical. For this study on the effects of technological implementations on sustainable growth within the UK construction segment, the interpretivism philosophy will be used. Interpretivism is a qualitative research paradigm that emphasizes on understanding the viewpoints of people and their views in regards to a specific idea or concept (Chen et al. 2020). It allows the interpretation of data collected from respondents in an efficient way. Interpretivism is appropriate for this study because it will allow us to explore the diverse perspectives and perceptions of key stakeholders in the UK construction segment regarding the effects of technological implementations on sustainable development.

Research Approach

The term "research approach" describes the overarching plan or strategy that directs all phases of the research process, from the creation of research questions through the gathering and analysis of data. An inductive research technique will be utilised to examine how technology advancements affect sustainable development in the UK construction sector. The inductive method of thinking begins with the gathering of facts and then proceeds on to the discovery of patterns, themes, and linkages (Woiceshyn and Daellenbach,2018). As it enables the development of fresh hypotheses or conceptions based on field facts and observations, an inductive research technique is suited for this subject.

Research Design

The exploratory research design will be used within this study due to its focus towards assessment and exploration of new ideas. The primary objective of exploratory research is to gain a deeper acknowledgement of the research topic and to identify key issues, variables, and relationships that may be investigated more thoroughly in subsequent studies (Mishra, and Alok, 2022). An exploratory research design is appropriate for this study because it will allow us to explore and identify the key issues and themes related to the effects of technological implementations on sustainable growth within the UK construction industry.

Data collection

Data collection is identified as the approach of gathering information or data from various sources to answer research questions or test hypotheses. Quantitative data collection methods involve the use of structured instruments such as surveys or questionnaires to collect data in numerical form. Qualitative data collection methods, on the other hand, involve the collection of non-numerical data such as text, images, and audio recordings (Mohajan, 2018). The utilization of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods in this study will enable us to triangulate the data, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

Data sources

The origin of the data that will be gathered for the research study is referred to as the data source. Primary data will be utilised as the major data source for analysing how technology advancements have affected sustainable growth in the UK building sector. This data is collected directly from respondents with knowledge regarding the topic of research. Key stakeholders in the UK construction industry will be surveyed and interviewed for this study's primary data sources. There are various benefits of using primary data as the major source of information in this study (Mishra and Alok, 2022). Primary data is more pertinent to the goals of the study since it is particular to the research issue being examined.

Data sampling

Data sampling refers to the process of selecting a subset or a specific group of people within a selected population to participate in the research study. Purposive sampling involves collecting data from a specific group of respondents who have knowledge regarding the UK construction industry and have experiences working within this industry (Mohajan, 2018). In this study, respondents will be chosen depending upon their professional experience and expertise in the UK construction industry. The purposive sampling allows for the selection of participants with relevant knowledge and expertise, and it is cost-effective and efficient (Campbell et al. 2020). It also allows for participants to be easily accessible and willing to participate. In this study, a sample population of 200 will be selected for the survey and it is expected that at least 25% i.e., 50 respondents will be interested in providing their views. On the other hand, a sample size of 3 managers or authoritative figures within the UK construction industry will be selected for the interview.

Data Analysis methods

One commonly used method for data analysis in the context of the effects of technological implementations on sustainable growth within the UK construction industry is regression analysis. This involves examining the relationship between different variables, such as the use of specific technologies and sustainability outcomes, to determine the strength and significance of the relationship. Another method is qualitative content analysis, which involves analysing written or spoken data from interviews orto identify key themes or patterns related to the topic from different secondary data sources (Järvinenand Mik-Meyer, 2020). Additionally, case studies can be used to provide a detailed analysis of how specific technological implementations have impacted and the industrial sector in the UK is moving towards sustainability. These methods can be used in combination to provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic. Therefore, this study implements a mixed method involving both quantitative methods using survey and qualitative method involving interviews.

Potential Limitations

• Sample size and selection bias: A small sample size or an unrepresentative sample can limit the generalizability of the study findings. To overcome this limitation, researchers can employ a larger and more diverse sample or use random sampling techniques to ensure a representative sample.

• Validity and reliability of data: Inaccurate or unreliable data can undermine the credibility of the study. To ensure data validity and reliability, researchers can use established measurement instruments, ensure standardized data collection methods, and employ rigorous data analysis techniques.

Ethical considerations

When conducting research on the effects of technological implementations on sustainable development in the UK construction industry, several ethical considerations need to be considered (Patel and Patel, 2019). Appropriate measures should be taken to protect the data collected during the research study, such as secure storage and transmission. The research findings should be used for the intended purposes only and not misused for personal or organizational gain. Participants should be informed about the research study's objectives, methods, and potential risks and benefits before agreeing to participate.

Action Plan

To conduct the research, it is important to frame the primary tasks involving the research questions, methodology, and objectives. The research process will involve primary and secondary data collection and a mixed-methods approach to analysis. The timeframe for the dissertation involves 8 weeks within which the entire research would be conducted. Ethical considerations, such as obtaining informed consent and maintaining confidentiality, should also be considered throughout the research process. The dissertation should aim to provide actionable insights and recommendations for policymakers, industry regulators, and construction companies to enhance the sustainable development outcomes of technological implementations in the UK construction industry. The Gantt chart for the project has been presented as follows.

Reference List

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