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Breast Cancer Essay Critically Analysing The Impact Of Nurse-Led Care Program


Task: Write a breast cancer essay critically analysing the article - "A nurse-led care program for breast cancer patients in a chemotherapy day centre: A randomised controlled trial"


The aim of this study covered in breast cancer essay is to critically analyse the article - "A nurse-led care program for breast cancer patients in a chemotherapy day centre: A randomised controlled trial" written by Xiao Bin Lai, Shirley Siu Yin Ching, Frances Kam Yuet Wong, Carenx Wai Yee Leung, Lai Ha Lee, Jessica Shuk Yin Wong and Yim Fan Lo. In this article the authors have aimed to determine whether nurse-led outpatient-based chemotherapy program creates positive or negative effects on the patients suffering from breast cancer (Lai et al., 2019). For determining the result, the authors of this study have conducted a long term investigation on the patient, the quality of care they are receiving, and the quality of their life by intervening into the routine care in the hospital and the care provided by the nurse. If the methodology of this study is critically evaluated, it must be stated that adoption of such lengthy procedure must have helped the researchers understanding the situations in a better way. They have used a long time to observe the effects of nurse-led care for the breast cancer affected people (Lai et al., 2019). Adoption of intervention method provided the opportunity of observing the sample closely. It means the authors have practically experienced the care that patients generally receive. At this point, the study examined in the breast cancer essay also mention that the authors have intervened into both types of care - nurse-led care as well as the regular care available in the hospitals (Lai et al., 2019). This method must have provided the authors the opportunity to differentiate or identifying the differences between two different types of care. It means from this perspective the methodology adopted by the researchers or authors in this study was quite useful for this research.

However, at this point, it must be noticed that the method of using or appointing intervention arm for intervening into the care process made the research methodology critical for the researchers. The same study could have been done simply by performing simple short survey with the patients, who receive nurse-led as well as regular routine care services at the hospital. Simple survey method could help the authors completing their study within shorter time span and the method would not be much difficult or critical for deriving the results (Boulianne, 2018). However, it is also arguable that the survey method could not provide the detailed view that the authors have received through the intervention method. Though the method used in the article of breast cancer essay was time consuming, it provided the opportunity to study the research variables in detail (Van Dam et al., 2018). Moreover, the intervention method is generally less biased than the survey method. In the survey method, biased answers from the research participants may mislead the entire research, but in the case of intervention method, the chance of getting biased answers is less. Hence, it can be mentioned that the intervention method provided the researchers unbiased view of the scenario. At the same time, it can also be mentioned that the methodology adopted by the researchers was appropriate for the research (Hosseini et al., 2018).

In the above mentioned study, it was determined by the researchers that the services received by the patients in the case of nurse-led program are more valuable to them than the regular routine services that they receive at the hospitals (Lai et al., 2019). This segment of breast cancer essay proves the effectiveness of the nurse-led program in the context of chemotherapy to the patients affected by breast cancer. At this point it is important to be mentioned that the patients have preferred the nurse-led programmes more than the routine hospital programme from different perspectives apart from the method of providing the chemotherapy. They mentioned about the quality of communication that they can make with the nurses at the time of receiving care, the psychological support that they receive from the nurses during the treatment, the drug administration and confidence build-up (Lai et al., 2019). It means the results have mentioned about different facilities or added value that the patients receive when they opt for the nurse-led services.

In this context of breast cancer essay, argument can be made on the results of the study from the perspective of price or costs for the services. In this study the authors have ignored one of the most important factors of the present scenario and that is cost. The nurse-led programmes are generally not arranged by the hospitals; rather these are arranged by the nurses and these services are not regularly available to the patients (Marsden et al., 2018). Nurse-led programmes are the special programmes and generally costlier than the regular routine services at the hospitals. The quality of care is better and more detailed in the case of nurse-led programmes because the number of patients in these programmes is less. At the same time, it can also be stated as more value added services are provided in the case of nurse-led programme, the cost is generally high. Due to this, many patients cannot afford the services (Kidd, Groom & Carey, 2018). In this context, it is also mentionable that the nurse led programmes are not available regularly on a routine basis. Due to this, it is problematic for many patients to avail this service for getting better medical treatment (Marsden et al., 2018). Therefore, after analysing the readings of breast cancer essay, it must be stated that there are some loopholes in the nurse-led programmes that have been ignored in the study.

However, at this point, it can be argued that the nurse led services are nowadays much popular to the patients because of high quality and if price would have been a barrier, it could not receive much attention from patients' end. This proves that patients need more care than they receive at the hospitals. Considering this fact, it can be mentioned that the nurse-led services are better than the routine hospital services (Ismail et al., 2018). At the same time, it is also required to be mentioned this specific article has efficiently determined the actual impact of nurse-led services to the patients suffering from breast cancer. Hence, it can be stated that the findings in this particular breast cancer essay have indicated the true view of the scenario with respect to the nurse-led programme for the patients suffering from breast cancer. The results of the article have clearly indicated the positive effects of nurse-led programmes or services. However, the authors have not focused much on the negative impacts of the same. If the analysis is made from critical perspective, it must be stated that it is highly questionable whether the nurse-led services are free from any kind of flaw. The authors have not focused on the negative sides of the nurse-led services.

If the analysis is made critically on the overall quality of the study, it must be stated that the quality of the research was up to the standard. The researchers have shown detailed analysis of the research findings. Use of primary data has made the analysis more realistic and up to date. As the research data has been gathered through intervention, it must be considered that the data was less biased. On the other hand, it is also observable in the present breast cancer essay that for understanding the actual effects of the nurse-led programmes for breast cancer patients, the authors have compared the same with the routine hospital services, so that the effects can be determined clearly. At this point, it can be stated that in the article, the authors have mentioned about the intervention programme in detail with the help of diagram. The representation of the intervention through diagram helps the readers understanding the interventional programme in a better way. On the other hand, the researchers have also mentioned about the instruments that have been used for conducting the research in a better way and these have also been represented through diagram for better understanding.

If the overall quality of the study is determined from the perspective of the results, it must be stated that the researchers have clearly mentioned the reasons for which the effects of nurse-led programmes can be considered as positive. The authors have clearly mentioned about the added value that the patients received from nurse-led programmes. It means the authors have proved and properly supported the results determined through the research. In this context, it must be mentioned that at the time of analysing the results of intervention, the authors or researchers have used statistical method. Use of statistical method again enhanced the quality of the study. By using the statistical method, the researchers have shown the findings through scientific calculations, which prove the validity of research findings. Moreover, in the study, the researchers have used both qualitative as well as quantitative methods for analyzing the collected data. It means detailed investigation has been carried on for achieving the aim of the study illustrated in the breast cancer essay.

Focusing on the overall representation of the article, it must be stated that it is systematic and easily understandable. The language used in the article is simple, so that everyone can understand the research. The flow maintained for writing and representing the entire draft was very systematic, which helps to understand the research in a better way. Moreover, the researchers of this study have properly mentioned about the limitations that they faced at the time of conducting the investigation for the study. Hence, from the perspective of overall quality of the study evolved in breast cancer essay, it must be mentioned that the quality is high and appreciable.

From the perspective of implications of the findings of this research on the clinical practices, it must be stated that the research has created high implication on the clinical practices. This report on breast cancer essay is focused on identifying the reasons for which the patients have appreciated the nurse-led care practices; the study has helped the care service providers understanding the needs of the patients in a better way. Considering the findings of the study, the clinical practitioners will be influenced to provide basic services along with proper psychological support to the patients. At the same time, the study has also indicated the importance of communication in the context of clinical services. It means the clinical practitioners will definitely focus on developing better communication network with their patients if they appreciate and follow the findings of this study. In the other words, it can be stated that the findings in this particular study has influenced the clinical practices positively. The clinical practitioners or the care service providers can improve the quality of their services easily by adopting the suggestions of this study.

Though this particular research article examined in the breast cancer essay has mentioned about several important matters for clinical services and the nurse-led care practices, the researchers have left the scope for further research by focusing only on breast cancer patients. There are several other patients, who are suffering from different other diseases, who were not considered under this research investigation. The study has not emphasised on the patients, who are suffering from different other categories of cancer and other diseases. Considering the findings of the study obtained in the breast cancer essay, it must be stated that in future, the researchers may conduct investigation to identify the impact of nurse-led care on the patients suffering from psychological issues. At the present time, there are many people in this world, who are suffering from psychological problems and the care under the nurse-led programmes that have been mentioned in this study must have wider impact on the psychological issues. Hence, in future, the future researchers may perform investigation on the same. However, it must be mentioned that the authors have not particularly mentioned about the future research scope in the similar field.

Therefore, considering the overall critical analysis of the article explored in the breast cancer essay, it must be mentioned that the study is much appreciable. Though there are some loopholes in this study, from the overall perspective, it is good and valuable.

Reference list

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