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Compare and Contrast Essay on the states of Boredom & Wonder


Task: Read “Why Being Bored Is Good” by Mark Kingwell and write a compare and contrast essay on the states of boredom and wonder.


Boredom is often outlined inconsequential and has gained relatively few investigation and attention. Boredom has significant applications for operations carried out by human beings, grounded on emotion theory and empirical shreds of substantiation. Particularly, it argued that tediousness help motivating quest of future aims when the prior goals, which may no longer effective. Finding alternative objectives and experiences will allow the achievement of objectives, which might be missed if people fail at re-involving themselves. The consistency with a wider debate that boredom motivates the behavioural pursuit of alternative aims, whilst bored; concentration to the recent operation is decreased; the experiences of boredom is adverse as well as ineffective, and that it could develop automatic increase to ready the pursuit of alternatives. This study will look at the essay “Why Being Bored Is Good” and compare the states of boredom and wonder.

Subject one: States of boredom

Current studies have outlined that continuous climbing in the social ladder or fitting in the attention economy may be hurting more than helping. As this turns out, during people experience an effective kind of boredom, they could develop productivity, innovativeness, and self-awareness. Thus, they would look at how and why boredom could help in getting more done. Calibrating boredom could be related to the nature of boredom as stated by Mark Kingwell “Boredom, especially the species of it that I am going to label "neoliberal," depends for its force on the workings of an attention economy in which we are most willing participants” (Kingwell, 2019).

It could be said that calibrating boredom is like wandering thoughts and not knowing what is effective while surrounded by the busy social media and force of the working economy. People want to change the environment or behaviours however are not effectively finding alternatives. This is generally in the current daily lives of the people involved in the attention economy. This documentation could be related to the self-commodification in the attention economy that ensures unwitting workers for a certain capital. This also makes people vulnerable for the suffering of boredom, quite often hooked to means, which deceptively promises alleviation and produce the only reiteration.

The searching boredom type could also be related to the studies shown in the Mark Kingwell essay regarding the use of social media. It could be said that often people or young people are the victims of series of unpleasant senses resulting into restlessness and an active search process in the daily life for ways to decline the boredom (Bench & Lench, 2013). This could turn in to activities and thoughts regarding hobbies, social feeds, interests, and the outside world.

The statement; “boredom acquires the character of addiction, especially when it is actively cultivated by social conditions that can extract a profit from sustained bouts of boredom and stimulation” (Kingwell, 2019) in the essay could be related to the fact that weariness emerges from the observation that the current circumstance is done animating, as reflected in lessening passionate reaction to the circumstance. Weariness at that point composes reactions to the circumstance that urge individuals to look for elective objectives and encounters, regardless of whether those encounters may bring about negative feelings. The time needed for weariness to result will be controlled by the span of a response. Contingent upon how significant the objective was, one may spend a brief timeframe (that is; after being talented an inflatable) or quite a while (that is; in the wake of wedding a perfect partner) luxuriating in the bliss made by achieving that objective (Bench & Lench, 2013). Critically, fatigue does not segregate the valence of an objective that ought to be changed to, it just urges changing to another objective. It could be recommended that, since fatigue propels a craving for change, the objective that is wanted would be needy upon the present status.

Subject two: States of wonder

The above description of boredom that could be related to daily life and the work people work is comparable with the send of wonder in boredom psychology. Wondering could be suggested as the trance or stage as a reminder that meaninglessness regarding the works that have done through or on the overall human existence. This argument could be supported by Mark Kingwell’s statement; “An alternative account of “origin” here would posit deep boredom as a necessary condition for reflection not just on the twinned burden and gift of consciousness but also on the associated question of the meaning of life” (Kingwell, 2019).

This is also significant here to differentiate two influential stages including dissatisfaction with the recent environment: boredom and wondering. The wondering could result from identification of total failure or helplessness as well as could be outlined by the lack of motivation in a trance stage with a sense of failure to search for an alternative. Contrasting, it could be proposed that boredom has resulted from the identification that meanwhile goals of any individual is not longer stimulating (that is; is related with less serious emotion) and could be featured by motivation for changing the recent situation and understanding alternatives (Abraham & Eastwood, 2016). It has often faced that developed motivation will permit for the pursuit of alternative goals. For instance, an individual was discontented with his or her recent working relationship, however, is repeatedly struggling to develop his or her position or seeking replacements as he or she faces the circumstances as hopeless, this could be turned into wondering.

An individual bored with their recent works and environment will likely to seek to change the process, either by pursuing new targets in their recent conditions or searching an option for better work. However; in the wondering stage, decisions for the effective alternative becomes ineffective as this would be then based on unrealistic goals and the purpose of coming out of the despair. The divergence in out coming motivation is an important distinction among boredom alongside wondering, because both stages are occasionally conversationally suggested as the boredom psychology, however, they have unlike impacts (Abraham & Eastwood, 2016). Indeed, current studies have defined that wondering and boredom are discrete constructs.

It could be said that boredom frequently, if not continually; is faced as a type of chronological void, a severe consciousness of time's transient; this is experimental variant of guileless time, deepening, which must experience in the limitless waiting for zilch, which fills as well as rules human cognizance. Thus, indifferent and regulating boredom could provide a person's brain the time for relaxation and recharging. On the other side, apathetic boredom types can serve as a warning for people that there is a more deep matter at play. The objective in the study is highlighted for leveraging monotony for developing different areas of daily life; not to pervade negativity.

Abraham, E., & Eastwood, J. (2016). Mitigating Boredom: Trait Curiosity, Condition, and Their Interaction in Reducing the Experience of Boredom. Personality And Individual Differences, 101, 462.

Bench, S., & Lench, H. (2013). On the Function of Boredom. Behavioral Sciences, 3(3), 459-472.

Kingwell, M. (2019). Why Being Bored Is Good | The Walrus. The Walrus. Retrieved 16 October 2020, from

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