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Digital Marketing Assignment: Aussie News Today Campaign by Tourism Australia


Task: Digital Marketing Assignment details
Step 1: Read The Campaign Brief article Tourism Australia launches new ‘Aussie news today’ campaign (Ricki 2017).

Step 2: Watch the video introducing the Aussie News Today (Australia 2017) social media campaign.

Step 3: Review the following social media sites linked to Aussie News Today:

Tourism Australia: Facts and planning—Aussie News Today (Links to an external site.) (Tourism Australia 2018).

Instagram: Aussie News Today (Instagram 2018).
Facebook: Aussie News Today (Facebook 2018).

Step 4: Answer the following questions:
What do you think was the main purpose of this campaign?
What is the advertising objective(s)?

Whilst Aussie News Today is considered to be a slick campaign, reaching out to the target market via social media rather than the mainstream channels, what should Tourism Australia do next to remind potential travellers to consider Australia as their next destination? Your answer should focus on the digital marketing perspective.


The Main Purpose of the Campaign examined in this digital marketing assignment
The campaign led by Tourism Australia is launching a news channel named Aussie News Today (Australia, 2020). It is a global youth campaign with a dedicated and nose for news personnel. Aussie News Today aired their first bulletin in the morning of the 6th of October. The first news bulletin of the channel was done from the top of the magnificent Sydney Harbour Bridge. The news channel is brought up by the youth and is managed by them. Unlike the other mainstream news channel, Aussie News Today delivers unconventional, unusual, and funny stories, from and all over Australia. The news and stories get directly into the social media news feed of millions of young generation and potential travelers from all across the world (Campaign Brief, 2020). The trade, tourism, and investment minister of Australia, the Honorable Steve Ciobo MP, stated that for upliftment in the Australian tourism industry, young travelers under the age of thirty were very crucial. He explained that many underestimate the young travelers but, it's them who are working holidaymakers, so they end up staying for a longer duration, travel more vividly throughout the country, and also are the ones who spend more than any other travel enthusiasts.

This socially led campaign, Aussie News Today, is made to encourage holidaymakers and youth travelers from the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. The content made by the news channel will also be uploaded to Tourism Australia's digital and social media channels. This also includes Aussie News Today's Facebook and Instagram profiles. The feeds will also be shared in a news hub on (Youtube, 2020). The campaign also aims to rejuvenate people's mood and time. Australia and Australian are overwhelmed with a constant flow of bad news. In this drastic situation, Aussie News Today will provide the socially rich and beautiful stories of Australia, news, and content that will have humor and fun in it. The young minds working on the news channel will provide the globe with a unique and fun side of Australia that every individual will enjoy.

The Advertising Objective of the Campaign
The campaign led by Tourism Australia conducted through Aussie News Today serves the objective of reminder advertising. By the procedure of digital marketing, it has reached a position where they are just a click away from the viewers (Malik, 2017). These potential viewers constantly following and keeping an update on the daily posts of Aussie News Today planned to bring out their content from various locations of Australia. Watching the beautiful backdrop and the essence it will make the young travelers feel inspired about the location. The contents will be made under the supervision of the news channel personnel but the contents will not only be posted on the news feed of Aussie News Today's Instagram and Facebook accounts but also on the official website and Facebook page of Tourism Australia. This will immediately display the beauty of Australia to the viewers.

Even during the off-seasons or not so suitable months, the content of the news channel can engage viewers with Australia's spectacular nature. However, Australia does not have any particular off-season months. The picturesque beaches, spectacular harbor views, and the wonderful weather is repetitively shown to inspire the ardent viewers who get inspired to travel the beautiful lands of Australia. Every time the posts pop in the news feed of people's timeline, they watch the video, give reactions by liking it, commenting on it, tagging their friends in the comment section, and also share it with their friends. This process immediately expands the reach of viewers (Parlov, Perkov, and Si?aja, 2016). In an obvious state, the more passionate viewers watch the contents the more inspire they get. In this way, a healthy relationship will also be maintained and created with the previous customers as well as future customers. People normally scrolling or watching the content can also do a quick research about the company and find it interesting.

The Digital Marketing Perspective of the Campaign
In the perspective of digital marketing, Aussie News Today is considered a slick campaign by Tourism Australia. This is because the major group focused by the news channel is below thirty or travel workers and it is considered and obvious that they are engaged with multiple social media sites (Ištvani?, CrnjacMili?, and Krpi?, 2017). The news and content will be shared on the official page of Aussie News Today on Instagram and Facebook and also will be posted on the website and official page of Tourism Australia. Millions of people on social media will be watching it and getting a perspective of the country. The young enthusiasts of the channel roam in various locations of the country to bring up exclusive content and that when posted will engage them in high social traffic. The dynamic media would never be able to share and show the world the beauty and heritage of Australia that Aussie News Today can. With not the same boring studio news read it has a completely open space news room, where viewers not only get entertained by the story but also go mesmerized seeing the backdrop. Instead of being a mainstream channel, Aussie News Today targeted the digital market. People now have changed their preferences and spend more time scrolling social media sites. The maximum news and footage of travel are received from social media and that immensely inspires young people (Girchenko and Ovsiannikova, 2016). This has led to the rise of this amazing campaign, Aussie News Today will provide the youth with the serene beauty of Australia and will inspire them to visit the country. To fill the process with excitement, they have also planned to work and execute the campaign with influencers and the tourism industry that will show people the fun and frolic moments that occur in the lands of Australia. With the help of digital film, its influencers, social media, and PR, this specific campaign will be an effective step in the digital market with young travelers and holiday makers as their target audience.

Australia, 2020.Facts And Planning - Tourism Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 November 2020].

Campaign Brief, 2020.Tourism Australia Launches New 'Aussie News Today' Campaign Via Clemenger BBDO, Sydney. [online] Campaign Brief. Available at: [Accessed 30 November 2020].

Girchenko, T., and Ovsiannikova, Y., 2016.Digital Marketing and its Role in the Modern Business Processes.European Cooperation, 11(18), pp.24-33. Ištvani?, M., CrnjacMili?, D., and Krpi?, Z., 2017.Digital marketing in the business environment.International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems, 8(2.), pp.67-75.

Malik, R., 2017. An Empirical Study of Digital Marketing and its Elements.IJSRST, 3, pp.715-718.

Parlov, N., Perkov, D., and Si?aja, Ž., 2016. New trends in tourism destination branding using digital marketing.ActaEconomicaEtTuristica, 2(2), pp.139-146. Youtube, 2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 November 2020].


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