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nursing practice assignment on strategies to collect data and information for nursing practice


Task: How to perform research and collect data and information using nursing practice assignment literature review strategies?


Part A: Literature search
Step 1: thisnursing practice assignment expresses the importance of searching for literature as it is essential to identify the keywords in relation to the chosen topic. Since there is no limit to searching for similar articles, keywords play an essential role in finding the information associated with the chosen topic. The three keywords were used in terms of the chosen topic. This is in the form of nursing, qualitative, and cognitive imperatives. As the review of articles was based on professional nursing practice, the key words were applied as responsibilities of nurses, duties of nurses in the healthcare systems, the way nurses face challenges in serving people, and so on.

Step 2: After selecting the nursing practice assignmentkeywords, it is essential to choose the database for extracting the information. Thus, the eight peer articles tended to be selected from the databases called Cinahl, Google scholar, and websites. This was chosen to make the research more authentic. The articles available in these databases are more likely to be authentic, proven and filled with great information. The effort always remained to meet the criteria to avoid any kind of outdated information. As such, identifying the sources for extracting the information is essential and is always done in the search of the literature.

Step 3: After identifying the nursing practice assignmentkeywords and database, the next strategy adheres to making a search strategy. It is very important in research to have clear aims and objectives set before beginning to extract the information as such, when selecting the data collection method, when it is considered the secondary data collection method, the consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria are also considered. The inclusion criteria were in the form of demographic presence, geographic characteristics, and clinical characteristics. Selecting eight articles included the correct usage of English, year and peer journal. On the other hand, the exclusion criteria were made for those articles that were not linked with nursing professional practices. Thus, the search strategy can be summarised as the following:

  1. Defining research questions
  2. Choosing the database
  3. Identifying and mapping the key concepts
  4. Identifying the keywords
  5. Building the concepts and the keywords into a search strategy

Step 4: for this nursing practice assignmenteight articles will be selected and the PRISMA proforma was completed. Out of the 100 articles, 50 articles were selected, out of the 50 articles, the closest articles related to the topic were identified and then shortened to 20. At last, from the 20 articles, the 8 most peered articles were selected.

Figure 1: PRISMA
(Source: Created by author)

Step 5:Reference list
Barlow, N. A., Hargreaves, J., & Gillibrand, W. P. (2018). Nurses’ contributions to the resolution of ethical dilemmas in practice. Nursing ethics, 25(2), 230-242. Beks, H., Walsh, S., Alston, L., Jones, M., Smith, T., Maybery, D., ... & Versace, V. L. (2022). Approaches Used to Describe, Measure, and Analyze Place of Practice in Dentistry, Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Rural Graduate Workforce Research in Australia: A Systematic Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,nursing practice assignment 19(3), 1438. Haddad, Lisa M., and Robin A. Geiger. "Nursing ethical considerations." (2018).

Morley, G., Grady, C., McCarthy, J., & Ulrich, C. M. (2020). Covid19: Ethical challenges for nurses. Hastings Center Report, 50(3), 35-39. Oldland, E., Botti, M., Hutchinson, A. M., &Redley, B. (2020). A framework of nurses’ responsibilities for quality healthcare—Exploration of content validity. Collegian, 27(2), 150-163.
Poorchangizi, B., Borhani, F., Abbaszadeh, A., Mirzaee, M., &Farokhzadian, J. (2019). The importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-7.
Schroeder, K., Norful, A. A., Travers, J., & Aliyu, S. (2020). Nursing perspectives on care delivery during the early stages of the covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. International journal of nursing studies advances, 2, 100006.
Silva, T. N. D., Freire, M. E. M., Vasconcelos, M. F. D., Silva Junior, S. V. D., Silva, W. J. D. C., Araújo, P. D. S., & Eloy, A. V. A. (2018). Deontological aspects of the nursing profession: understanding the code of ethics. Revistabrasileira de enfermagem, nursing practice assignment71, 3-10.

Part B: Annotated bibliography
Citation: Oldland et al., (2020)

Summary: The nursing practice assignmentarticle emphasizes the role and responsibilities of the nurse while performing duties in the healthcare system. In this paper, nurses have been shown a great role in delivering quality of care to patients, in failure of the responsibilities and the ways it can take care of patients at high level, which is missed when there is a lack of knowledge persists. This paper shows that it is essential to practise the code of conduct and principles to deliberately perform the responsibilities and duties of patient care at a high level. Responsibilities have been shown to be performed well when the nurses are provided with an efficient system and procedures that are used to support the decision making process of the nurse, allowing dealing with sensitivity, continuity of care, and good opening of information. It is shown that the code of practice for nurses or other professionals is set by the nursing regulators.

Support: The findings reveal that professional practice or code of conduct of nurses’ responsibilities used to have content validity for healthcare quality and were used to make a great contribution to understanding the quality of care in healthcare practices. The code of conduct makes the nurses too wide the scope for delivering the patients with quality of care. This used to encompass practice-based domains and realistic achievements through the code of conduct. Since the research was based on primary as such the focus group findings reveal that the way nurses of the chosen healthcare sector were practising the quality of care to the patients which improved the health of the patients. Considering the literature, the role of nurses was similar, this was to follow the duties under an effective system and provide continuity of care to the patients. The literature and primary research findings depicted the same results for nurses in terms of code of practice and developmental features. When the nurses were asked the question of what they really required to deliberately perform their duty, the framework provided a form for the development of the practices of nurses so that they are able to deal with patients more effectively. Thus, the overall findings of the research contribute to the code of conduct for nurse practice and what factors can make the practices of nursing when included in the healthcare system so that improving patients' health can be achievable. Evaluation: The significance of the nursing practice assignmentresearch should be to contribute to the knowledge about the code of practice of nursing professionals. Many of the nurses do have a lack of knowledge when they perform their duty, and many of the healthcare systems do not have the education and learning materials for the nurses to make them as effective as they want to improve patients' health. It is understood that when a nurse fails to perform its duty, it directly affects the health of the patients. Therefore, it becomes necessary to direct the nurses to efficiently perform their responsibilities. As such, enrolling in the research will provide all the advantages and disadvantages that nurses feel in the healthcare system, and what actions can help improve the duties of nurses can be understood from this research study.

Reflection: The nursing practice assignmentarticle will be helpful in identifying the way duties of nurses can be performed adhering to digital legislation. This will guide the way disclosure of information can be made when treating any patient in the healthcare system digitally. The nursing practice assignmentarticle will be helpful in acknowledging the pros and cons of nursing duties and responsibilities while performing their work in the healthcare system to improve the patient's health.


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