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Project Proposal assignment on developing a new product or service


Task: how to develop a effective Project Proposal assignment for a new product or services?


Project Description
As per the Project Proposal assignmentresearch findings, the streets of the future will be filled with autonomous vehicles (AVs). Advocates for AVs call for their quick adoption, pointing to possible advantages including decreased pollution and increased traffic safety. Careless driving results in several accidents every year. There are several reasons why people drive carelessly, including being fatigued, sleepy, or bored, as well as the fact that they are unable to pause because they want to achieve their goal as quickly as possible. Using a variety of in-vehicle technologies and sensors, such as active steering, navigation systems, anti-lock braking systems, lasers, GPS navigation technology, and other sensors, an autonomous vehicle can drive itself in "autopilot" mode from a starting point to a predetermined destination. For example, Tesla, this car works on electricity and is eco-friendly. This has various features like driver support, auto-detectionof vehicles and road lines even turning also. When the driver turns it to auto-driver mode, it drives automatically by detecting roads and vehicles. The purpose of this Project Proposal assignmentproject is to aware and get information about the autonomous vehicle. This project provides information about autonomous vehicle benefits, aims, objectives and deliveries. This project also provides the required resources and provide Gantt chart.

Autonomous vehiclesfully depend on camera sensors in the future. The autonomous vehicle will be fully automatic. The transportation department of the United States predicted that autonomous vehicles will be the future of transport, it saves fuel and money because they worked on batteries. The autonomous vehicle will come with numerous features like object-detecting sensors, and camera sensors that detect traffic signals, roadsides, and surrounding cars. Autonomous vehicles will not need a driver, it drives. According to the prediction of the united states transportation department, Radar and LiDAR are also inbuiltinto this vehicle and their work identifies the velocity of the object and LiDAR is used to find the object’s distance.

The purpose of selecting this Project Proposal assignmentproject is that it is a new-era vehicle where it runs without any driver and it works on an AI system that knowledge awakens curiosity in my mind.

90% traffic death reduction: the growth of that cars which cannot need any driver can decrease traffic death, is predicted by the transport department of the united states (Wolfe et al., 2020). According to research in 2017, there are 37000 deaths caused by road crashes and 90% of the crash happened because of human mistakes, so the prediction of USDOT makes sense just because 90% death reduction means 30000 life savings.

100% removal of stop-and-go waves: Autonomous cars can eliminate traffic rush created by go-and-stop behaviour according to the research of the University of Illinois. Money saving: autonomous vehicles can save money by decreasing crashes and vehicle is also observed on this Project Proposal assignment, it also saves medical costs and maintains charges.

Project Proposal assignmentAim and Objectives
Design and implementation of a software product in an autonomous vehicle

An outline of the software's structure that will be used is called a "software design,"the system’s data structure and data model, the connections between system parts, and occasionally the algorithms employed.Designers work on a design in stages rather than arriving at a finished product right once. During developing the design, they add details, with constant backpedalling to modify earlier designs.

Four actions might be the portions of the information system designing process:

• Design of Architecture
• Design of Database
• Design of Interface
• Component design and selection

There are four problems that thisProject Proposal assignment report planning to solve:

• Traffic Management: according to the research if an autonomous vehicle is available soon that an increase in personal vehicles on road (Sheikh & Liang, 2019). That causes Havier traffic on road and it will be an auto-driving car which means people use it for their fun also.
• Infrastructure: autonomous vehicles fully depend on the software which means the car needs Space to store all data and if it runs on electricity, it also required a strong charging network.
• Revenue: An autonomous vehicle fully controlled by advanced software and that software command this car how to drive. That means it will not disobey the traffic rules and it does not stand in the parking area. That impact on the city’s budget, 2.6% operational fund of the city contributed by traffic fines.
• Emergency Response and Police: Autonomous vehicle rises questions when thinking about law enforcement. The Project Proposal assignment also shows Drug mules will use this car to transport drugs and police will not be able to recognize that this car is a series of autonomous vehicles connected.

Project Proposal assignmentObjectives
Road Safety: An Autonomous vehicle can decrease careless driving behaviour and reduce risk. Independence: An Autonomous vehicle will be beneficial for people who are physically disabled. They can easily go anywhere safely. This vehicle will also be beneficial for elderly people.
Money saving: it will decrease crashes cost and medical expenses because the auto driving system drive this vehicle under the instruction of traffic rule.
Benefit for the environment: less traffic jams can save fuel. It will be an electrical vehicle which means it is pollution free and when people use this vehicle as sharing cap that means they also share battery costs.

Computer vision

Computer vision works to identify and classify objects through cameras that are implanted in the vehicle. It is distributed on this Project Proposal assignment in three stages:

Stage 1: YOLO algorithm used in an autonomous vehicle to identify and classify objects. Cameras images divide into small square pieces with the help of this algorithm and these squares runs with the help of CNN (Cheng et al., 2021). CNN develops as it can analyze important features in the pictures because this algorithm has the ability of deep learning.

Stage 2: All marked image is present and unnecessary images are throughout this stage. They aim to find more precise marked images of the objects. It can be possible by using the method of Non-maximum suppression (Salscheider, 2021). NMS eliminates bounding boxes with low confidence ratings,and the boxes with the greatest confidence scores are kept.Most object detection algorithms employ the NMS technique. It neglects unnecessary boxes which don’t have a high possibility that is the reason it is called Non-maximize Suppression.

Stage 3: This approach of object recognition in pictures can be used to recognize traffic lights, cars, humans, and other things. By using called sensor fusion process it can identify objects where they stand or where they are.

Sensor Fusion
The Project Proposalassignment research shows To improve the vehicle's awareness of the environment, sensor fusion uses many sensors. To track things, sensor fusion will be used. Radars and LiDARs are examples of sensors.

With the help of Radar, we detect ranging and radio. Radar can determine the angle, distance, velocity, and size of an object by reading radio waves (Zheng et al., 2019). This type of sensor submarine use to identify more submarine and glassier, but we use it to identify the velocity of the object.

This uses in light ranging and detection. This type of sensor creates 3D information accurately about surrounding objects (Raj et al., 2020). In this vehicle, LiDAR is used to find object distance.

Project Proposal assignmentresearch shows Finding the vehicle's exact location on a map is called localization.This allows it to determine the locations of additional elements, the separation between the car and the curb,like the middle of the lane,or the separation between the two intersections (Liaquat et al., 2021).The location of the vehicle concerning landmarks can be determined.The position of the car can then be determined using triangulation using these data.The vehicle's point cloud and the point cloud on the map can be compared.

Path Planning
Choosing a route from the location where even the vehicle is currently is called path planning.To determine which paths are feasible, the vehicle use path planning algorithms(Aggarwal & Kumar, 2020). The algorithm detects space and givesthe command to a vehicle on which side it drives because this algorithm converts the physical environment into digital.

Project Proposal assignmentGantt chart
Created by Author
Required Resources
Collaboration Tool

Every time you collaborate with others on a team,Collaboration must be streamlined.

Document collaboration:Team to update their ideas and work on the same document. This can be done using a collaboration tool in Microsoft SharePoint or something like a Google Doc.The objective of this Project Proposal assignmentprogram is to create a single document that houses the most recent material.

Screensharing: The proposal manager should possess a single master document and be responsible for updating it as necessary. It helps the team to share their screen with each other’s that they can monitor their work.

Design Tool
Microsoft word: this Project Proposal assignmenttool helps in designing proposals and writing content. This tool is used by many companies because it offers many functions like text boxes and shapes.

Adobe Illustrator and In designing: this tool is used for designing graphics for projects.

Microsoft PowerPoint: This tool helps in making PPT which is very important in project proposals. With the help of a PPT presentation can be easily explained.

Canva: it is used for building Project Proposal assignmentbrand logos and templates.

Aggarwal, S., & Kumar, N. (2020). Path planning techniques for unmanned aerial vehicles: A review, solutions, and challenges. Computer Communications, 149, 270-299. Proposal assignment

Cheng, L., Li, J., Duan, P., & Wang, M. (2021). A small attentional YOLO model for landslide detection from satellite remote sensing images. Landslides, 18(8), 2751-2765.
Faisal, A., Kamruzzaman, M., Yigitcanlar, T., & Currie, G. (2019). Understanding autonomous vehicles. Journal of transport and land use, 12(1), 45-72.
Huang, G., & Yu, Y. (2022). The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Innovation Management: Take the Autonomous Driving Technology of Tesla as an Example. In The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Logistics Engineering (pp. 690-697). Springer, Cham. Proposal assignment

Kukkala, V. K., Tunnell, J., Pasricha, S., & Bradley, T. (2018). Advanced driver-assistance systems: A path toward autonomous vehicles. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 7(5), 18-25.
Liaquat, M. U., Munawar, H. S., Rahman, A., Qadir, Z., Kouzani, A. Z., & Mahmud, M. P. (2021). Localization of sound sources: A systematic review. Energies, 14(13), 3910.

Raj, T., HanimHashim, F., BaseriHuddin, A., Ibrahim, M. F., & Hussain, A. (2020). A survey on LiDAR scanning mechanisms. Electronics, 9(5), 741. Proposal assignment
Salscheider, N. O. (2021, January). Features: Non-maximum suppression by learning feature embeddings. In 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (pp. 7848-7854). IEEE.

Wolfe, M. K., McDonald, N. C., & Holmes, G. M. (2020). Transportation barriers to health care in the United States: findings from the national health interview survey, 1997–2017. American journal of public health, 110(6), 815-822.
Zheng, L., Lops, M., Eldar, Y. C., & Wang, X. (2019). Radar and communication coexistence: An overview: A review of recent methods. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 36(5), 85-99. Proposal assignment
Sheikh, M. S., & Liang, J. (2019). A comprehensive survey on VANET security services in traffic management system. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019. Proposal assignment


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