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Communications assignment on communication issues and methods used at Nike


Task: Assess the communication methods used in an organization. How did you collect the data about the organization and what did you find? What communication methods are used in the organization? State recommendations to address the issues highlighted through the communications assignment.


Nike is one of the most iconic and recognizable brands in the world and is known for its innovative products, services, and experiences. Nike's mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. The company has a global reach with products, services, and experiences in more than 200 countries and territories. This communications assignmentaims to provide an overview of Nike's communication strategies, including their approach to digital, media, and public relations. The report will also examine Nike's current communication challenges and provide recommendations for improvement. It is important to note that the communications assignmentis limited to Nike's communication strategies and does not include other aspects of their business. Furthermore, the report is based on publicly available information and any assumptions made are based on best guesses and should be treated as such.

Methodology discussed in the communications assignment
The methodology used to analyse Nike's communication strategy is a combination of primary and secondary research. The primary research sources for this communications assignmentinclude interviews with Nike's top executives and marketing personnel, observations of Nike's website and social media presence, and analysis of customer feedback. The secondary research sources used include financial reports, industry trends, and consumer surveys. The primary research sources were chosen for the communications assignmentbecause they provide an in-depth understanding of Nike's communication strategy and how it is perceived by customers. Interviews with executives and marketing personnel provided insight into the company's vision and objectives, while observations of the website and social media presence gave an overview of how Nike communicates with its customers. Analysis of customer feedback was used in the communications assignmentto identify customer needs and preferences, allowing us to better understand how Nike's communication strategy is received. The secondary research sources were chosen to provide a broader context for our research. Financial reports provided an overview of the company's financial performance and industry trends gave us an understanding of the competitive landscape. Finally, consumer surveys provided valuable insight into customer sentiment and preferences. Overall, the combination of primary and secondary research sources in the communications assignmenthas provided an in-depth view of Nike's communication strategy and how it is perceived by customers.

This communications assignmentchose to use both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Nike’s communications and its effectiveness. The surveys and interviews will provide qualitative data in the form of opinions, experiences, and attitudes, while the secondary sources will provide more quantitative data in the form of reviews, ratings, and other measurable metrics.

Findings from the communications assignment

Communication Method

Description of the Method in the communications assignment

Who it is used to communicate with

Advantages of Method

Disadvantages of Method



Oral communication involves face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, video conferencing, and other forms of transmission of information through sound.

Internal: Used to communicate with employees, colleagues and peers.

Quick and efficient, allows for immediate feedback and discussion, can be used in an emergency.

Can be easily misinterpreted or misunderstood, can be difficult to maintain a record of communication.

In-person meetings, conference calls, training sessions.


Written communication includes documents, emails, reports, and other forms of written transmission of information.

Internal: as per the communications assignment it is used to communicate with employees, colleagues and peers.

Easily stored and referenced, allows for detailed and complex messages to be conveyed, allows for accurate record-keeping.

Can be time consuming to create and maintain, can be easily misinterpreted or misunderstood.

Examples include emails, memos, and reports


Visual communication involves the use of images, videos, charts, graphs, and other forms of visual information to convey messages.

It is used to communicate with both internal and external stakeholders.

Advantages include the ability to quickly capture the attention of the audience, and to convey complex messages in a simple format.

Disadvantages include the potential for misinterpretation, and the need for technical knowledge to create effective visuals.

Examples include infographics, charts, and video.


Digital communication involves using digital tools and platforms to communicate with stakeholder.

As per the communications assignment it is used to communicate with both internal and external stakeholders.

Advantages include the ability to quickly reach a large number of people, and to provide interactive experiences.

Disadvantages include the potential for technical difficulties, and the challenge of creating engaging content.

Examples include websites, social media, and video conferencing.

Nike’s Communication Strategies mentioned in the communications assignment
Nike utilizes a variety of communication strategies, both internal and external, to reach their target audiences. Internally, Nike communicates with its employees through verbal, visual, and written methods, such as in-person meetings, conference calls, presentations, infographics, and memos. Externally, Nike utilizes digital methods such as social media, online forums, and instant messaging to reach their target audiences. As per the communications assignmentNike also utilizes traditional media such as television, radio, and print advertisements to reach a wider audience. Additionally, Nike engages with its customers through experiential marketing, such as product launches and events, to create an emotional connection with their brand.

Nike is one of the world’s most recognisable and successful brands (Hoffman, Gold and Curtin 2019). It has created a strong presence in the market through its effective communication strategies. Nike’s communication strategy is centred around storytelling and connecting with consumers by creating a strong emotional bond. As per the communications assignment the company’s focus on creating meaningful relationships with customers has enabled it to create a successful brand and a loyal customer base.
The company’s communication strategy includes a variety of channels that are used to reach its target audience. Nike’s primary communication channel is its website, which features product information, promotional campaigns, and other news (Czinkotaet al. 2021). Nike also uses social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to engage with customers. Nike also uses traditional media such as radio and television, as well as print media such as magazines and newspapers.
Nike also uses public relations to communicate with its stakeholders (Waymer and Logan 2021). As per the communications assignment this includes press releases, interviews, events, and public appearances. Nike also engages with its customers through its customer service department. The company’s customer service representatives answer customer questions, provide product information, and help resolve customer issues.
Nike’s communication strategy has been successful in creating a strong brand presence and connecting with customers (Eyada 2020). The company has been able to reach a wide range of audiences through its various communication channels. It is found from the communications assignment that by using social media, Nike has been able to connect with a younger audience and build relationships with them. Through its website and traditional media, Nike has been able to reach a wider audience and create a strong brand presence.
The company’s communication strategy has also been successful in engaging with its stakeholders. Through press releases, interviews, events, and public appearances, Nike has been able to keep its stakeholders informed of the company’s activities. As per the communications assignmentNike has also been able to engage with its customers through its customer service department. Overall, Nike’s communication strategy has been successful in creating a strong presence in the market and engaging with customers and stakeholders. The company has effectively used a variety of communication channels to reach its target audiences and create meaningful relationships with them. As per the communications assignmentNike’s communication strategy has enabled the company to create a successful brand and a loyal customer base.

Communication Barrier
Barriers to communication can cause a variety of issues that can negatively affect an organisation's performance, employee/stakeholder engagement, and equality and diversity (Morrison-Smith and Ruiz 2020). As per the communications assignment poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, decreased morale, and a lack of collaboration and cooperation between employees. This can lead to decreased productivity, poor decision-making, and a lack of trust within the organisation.

Physical barriers to communication, such as location or language differences, can also create disconnect between employees, stakeholders, and customers. Geographical distances between employees, stakeholders, and customers can lead to a lack of personal connection, meaning that it is difficult for employees to understand the needs of stakeholders and customers (Suet al. 2022). It is found from the communications assignment that language barriers can prevent employees from understanding the needs of different stakeholders and customers, creating a lack of understanding between the organisation and its stakeholders.

Cultural differences among employees, stakeholders, and customers can also hinder communication. As per the communications assignment cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and cause employees to be less engaged with the organisation's goals and objectives. In particular, cultural differences can lead to a lack of understanding of different perspectives which can lead to a lack of respect and trust among employees and between the organisation and its stakeholders and customers.

Time constraints can also be a barrier to communication, as it can be difficult to get messages across in a timely manner. As per the communications assignment employees and stakeholders may not have the time to read emails or attend meetings, meaning that messages can be missed or forgotten. This can lead to a lack of understanding of the organisation's goals and objectives, and can lead to a lack of engagement and trust.

Barriers to communication can have a significant impact on the performance of an organisation, employee/stakeholder engagement, and equality and diversity (Meng and Berger 2019). To ensure effective communication, it is important for organisations to be aware of potential barriers and to work to reduce them. As per the communications assignment this can include providing employees with access to appropriate technology, providing adequate training, and breaking down language and cultural barriers. It is also important for organisations to ensure that their communication is clear and consistent, and to provide employees and stakeholders with ample time to respond to messages. By taking steps to reduce barriers to communication, organisations can ensure that their employees, stakeholders, and customers are engaged and informed, and that their performance is not hindered by communication issues.

Strengthen Internal Communication

Nike needs to strengthen their internal communication to ensure that all employees are aware of the company’s goals and objectives and to ensure the effective execution of the company’s communication strategy (Muller 2020). It is found from the communications assignment that Nike should consider creating a centralized internal communication plan that outlines the company’s communication goals, objectives, and strategies. This plan should be developed and shared with all employees to ensure that everyone is aware of the company’s goals and objectives. Additionally, Nike should set up a dedicated internal communication team to ensure that employees are kept informed of the company’s initiatives and strategies. This team should be responsible for developing and implementing internal communication initiatives, such as employee newsletters, intranets, and team meetings.

Increase Use of Digital
Communication Nike should increase its use of digital communication to ensure that all employees are kept up to date on company initiatives. Nike should consider creating a company-wide intranet that is accessible to all employees. As per the communications assignment the intranet should include company updates, news, and other resources that employees can access to stay informed. Additionally, Nike should create a dedicated internal social media platform, such as Yammer, where employees can communicate with each other and share ideas. This platform should be managed by the internal communication team so that all communications are monitored and appropriate messages are shared.

Engage with Employees
Nike should engage with its employees to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are addressed. Nike should set up an employee engagement program that encourages employees to provide feedback about the company and their job. As per the communications assignment this program should include regular surveys and focus groups that allow employees to voice their opinions and concerns. Additionally, Nike should set up a mentorship program that allows employees to connect with senior leaders and gain insight into the company’s direction and strategies.

Implement Internal Communication Training
Nike should consider implementing internal communication training to ensure that employees are aware of the company’s communication policies and procedures. As per the communications assignment the training should cover topics such as proper communication etiquette, how to effectively use digital communication tools, and how to build trust within teams. Additionally, the training should focus on teaching employees the importance of effective communication and how it can be used to achieve the company’s goals.

Create a Company Culture of Open Communication
Nike should create a company culture of open communication to ensure that all employees feel comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas. Nike should create a safe and open environment where employees can communicate openly and without fear of retribution. As per the communications assignment this can be accomplished by creating a culture of trust and respect where employees are encouraged to voice their opinions and ideas. Additionally, Nike should ensure that all employees are aware of the company’s communication policies and procedures and that they are held accountable for their actions.

Invest in Technology
Nike should invest in technology to ensure that their communication channels are up to date and effective. It is found from the communications assignment that Nike should consider investing in new communication technologies, such as collaboration software and video conferencing, to ensure that all employees have access to the information and resources they need. Additionally, Nike should invest in employee training and development to ensure that employees are aware of how to use the new technologies and that they are comfortable using them.

Improve Communication with External Stakeholders
Nike should improve their communication with external stakeholders to ensure that they are aware of the company’s initiatives and strategies. Nike should consider setting up a dedicated external communication team that is responsible for communicating with external stakeholders. As per the communications assignment this team should be responsible for developing and implementing external communication initiatives, such as press releases, media relations, and events. Additionally, Nike should create a dedicated website that is accessible to all external stakeholders. The website should include information about the company, its products, and its initiatives.

In order to successfully implement the recommendations outlined in the communications assignment, Nike should create a dedicated internal communication team that is responsible for developing and implementing the company’s communication initiatives. This team should be responsible for developing and implementing the internal communication plan, creating a company-wide intranet, creating a dedicated internal social media platform, conducting employee engagement initiatives, developing and implementing internal communication training, creating a company culture of open communication, investing in communication technologies, and improving communication with external stakeholders. As per the communications assignment they should also be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the company’s communication strategies. In order to successfully implement these recommendations mentioned in the communications assignment, Nike should also invest in employee training and development. This training should focus on teaching employees how to effectively use the new communication technologies, how to build trust within teams, and how to effectively communicate with external stakeholders. Additionally, Nike should invest in employee engagement initiatives, such as surveys and focus groups, to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are addressed.

The implementation of these recommendations addressed in the communications assignmentwill have both positive and negative implications for Nike. On the one hand, the implementation of these recommendations will improve communication within the company and help to ensure that all employees are kept informed of the company’s initiatives and strategies. This will help to ensure that the company’s goals and objectives are achieved and that the company is running efficiently. Additionally, the implementation of these recommendations will help to improve communication with external stakeholders, which will help to improve the company’s reputation and build trust in the company’s brand.

On the other hand, the implementation of these recommendations will require a significant investment of resources, both in terms of time and money. As per the communications assignmentNike will need to invest in new communication technologies, such as collaboration software and video conferencing, and in employee training and development. Additionally, Nike will need to invest in employee engagement initiatives, such as surveys and focus groups, and in creating a dedicated internal communication team. These investments mentioned in the communications assignmentwill require both time and money, and the company must weigh the costs and benefits of these investments before making any decisions.

This communications assignmentconcludes that the communication methods used by Nike and evaluated their effectiveness. It has found that Nike uses a variety of communication methods, including oral, digital and written communication. Additionally, it has found that Nike’s internal communication is effective, but could be improved by implementing more digital communication methods. With regards to external communication, Nike has a strong online presence and uses a variety of digital and social media platforms to reach its stakeholders. However, it could benefit from expanding its use of written communication, such as newsletters and brochures. The communications assignmenthas also discussed the potential barriers to communication within Nike, such as language barriers and cultural differences. To overcome these barriers, Nike should focus on improving its digital communication methods and expanding its use of written communication. Additionally, Nike should also focus on training its employees to better understand and communicate with different stakeholders.

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