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Navigating Netflix's Strategic Crossroads: Effectiveness, Challenges, and Shared Value in the Streaming Landscape


Task: How does Netflix's emphasis on effectiveness impact its competitive edge in the dynamic streaming market, considering its significant investments in original content and international expansion?





I am obliged to consider Thomas Hobbes' idea of the social compact as I find myself stranded on a remote island with a diverse group of about 40 other people following a cruise ship accident. In his seminal work "Leviathan," Hobbes articulated the idea that people join into social contracts to leave the chaotic and unsettling condition of nature. The use of social contract theory creates chances and challenges for our group in this situation because we have no outside communication and no chance of rescue. The application of Hobbes' social contract theory to the current situation will be examined in this essay, along with the difficulties it presents and how we might overcome them while taking into account my own viewpoint on the fundamental issues at stake.

(When stranded on an island, we are forced to consider Hobbes' concept of a social contract—a hypothetical agreement that becomes essential in the absence of civilization and authority. Order-making, conflict-resolution, resource management, and security are only a few of the difficulties that exist. We work to jointly overcome these obstacles by modifying this idea to fit our particular situation. We are dedicated to implementing the theory despite being aware of its complexity. This essay explores the application of Hobbes' social contract theory in our island survival scenario, outlines the difficulties and our creative solutions, and assesses the central propositions of the theory as we move towards stability and security in a post-civilizational world.)

Hobbes' Social Contract Theory

Hobbes' social contract theory is based on the idea that human life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" in its natural condition. We find ourselves in a condition that mimics Hobbes' state of nature in this hypothetical predicament. We are left to fend for ourselves because the barren island lacks established socioeconomic structures. Hobbes contends that people voluntarily give up their natural rights and create a social compact to establish order and security because they are motivated by the need to survive (Tamvada, 2020). This agreement entails establishing a shared authority to uphold laws and shield people from danger, which is frequently symbolised by a sovereign.

The 40 surviving in our scenario are comparable to the individuals in Hobbes' hypothesis. In order to preserve our survival, we must face the lack of a centralised power and decide how to rule and organise ourselves. Our social contract on the island is based on this choice.

Regarding Hobbes' social contract theory's major tenets and how they apply to the real world, I find myself in agreement. Hobbes' claim underlines how humans are compelled to create social structures for self-preservation, order, and security when confronted with the horrifying idea of a state of nature. Our predicament on this island highlights the applicability of this idea as we work to create a social contract that takes into account our particular situation (Vojnovi?, 2022).

However, the practical implementation of social contract theory highlights the necessity for adaptability and creativity. It acknowledges the practical challenges of establishing authority, resolving disputes, allocating resources, and upholding security within a small, remote society. Hobbes' theoretical framework is a terrific place to start, but in order to put it into effect, unique solutions to the issues we face are needed.

Challenges Posed by Social Contract Theory

Several difficulties are highlighted when the social contract theory is applied to our hypothetical situation on a deserted island.

Establishing Authority: Establishing authority and order is one of the major issues. According to Hobbes' thesis, a sovereign power is required to maintain order and stop the chaos of the natural world. However, because no one person in our community is naturally entitled to rule, building a legitimate authority becomes a challenging task (Sasan, 2021).

Conflicts and disputes will inevitably arise in any community. On the island, justice and dispute resolution are difficult to achieve given the absence of a recognized legal system or authority.

Resource Allocation: As we learn more about the island's numerous natural resources, questions about resource allocation and ownership rights could come up. Disagreements and potential conflicts may arise while deciding who gets what and how resources should be appropriately allocated (Seabright, Stieglitz and Van der Straeten, 2021).

Protection and security: It is difficult to guarantee everyone in the group's safety and security when there is no sovereign power. We need to learn how to defend oneself against potential dangers, whether they come from the environment or other survivors.

Our Response to the Challenges

We must collectively modify Hobbes' social contract theory to fit our particular circumstances in order to deal with these issues.

Creating a Social Hierarchy: Despite the fact that we might not have a sovereign government, we can nevertheless create a temporary leadership structure based on merit, agreement, or a rotating system. Decision-making, resource allocation, and conflict resolution can all be aided by this leadership (Olssen, 2021).

Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: We can create a system for settling disagreements that may involve negotiation, mediation, reaching consensus, or straightforward democratic decision-making. Making sure that disputes are settled fairly and amicably is crucial.

Resource Management: We should establish guidelines and standards for managing resources, placing a focus on sustainability and equitable distribution. It can be required to appoint particular parties or groups to oversee resource distribution (Besley, 2020).

Collaborative Defence: Mechanisms for collaborative defence should be put in place to guarantee the group's safety and security. This entails establishing guard shifts, constructing shelters, and putting in place a plan for group defence against probable threats. Practical answers are required for our reaction to these difficulties. In order to maintain law and order, justice, and security in our particular island situation, we want to collectively adjust and reinvent the social compact.

Personal Evaluation of Social Contract Theory

I concur with Hobbes' major assertions of the social contract theory. The underlying premise of the theory, that people enter into a social compact to escape the state of nature and protect their security, resonates with the reality of our predicament on the lonely island. Our group naturally looks for means to impose order, safeguard our interests, and ensure our survival in the absence of outside authority. Hobbes' social contract theory has some appeal, especially in the context of our survival scenario, where it emphasises the necessity of group decision-making and cooperation in the face of difficulty. It recognises our innate desire for stability and order.

I do, however, recognise that the practical application of the social contract idea is much more difficult than its theoretical conceptualization.


Despite an awful event, we are trapped on a deserted island. We must to put in place a set of standards and guidelines which everybody will be held accountable by if we're going to survive. A social compacted is what is being spoken about here. Hobbes, an academic, considered that in an arrangement of nature lacking rules or authorities, people would undoubtedly struggle about their own needs and desires. A "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" life might ensue from this. We realize that there will be imperfections in our social compact. We might not have a single governing body, and we might find it challenging to settle disputes or manage our resources.

Reference List

Besley, T., 2020. State capacity, reciprocity, and the social contract. Econometrica, 88(4), pp.1307-1335.

Olssen, M., 2021. Hobbes, God, and modern social contract theory. In Constructing Foucault’s ethics (pp. 187-219). Manchester University Press.

Sasan, J.M.V., 2021. The Social Contract Theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke: Comparative Analysis.

Seabright, P., Stieglitz, J. and Van der Straeten, K., 2021. Evaluating social contract theory in the light of evolutionary social science. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 3, p.e20.

Tamvada, M., 2020. Corporate social responsibility and accountability: a new theoretical foundation for regulating CSR. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 5(1), pp.1-14.


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