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Inclusive Education System for Disable Children



Prepare a report on 5 children with some disabilities/difficulties and discuss how they support in the inclusive education system.


Inclusive education is considered as the new approach in the education system for disable children and learning difficulties students with the normal ones in the same roof. This report represents some children like, Joseph (ADHD), Tara (language delay and profound deaf) Fiat (mother is a cancer patient), Lucy (Cerebral palsy) and Miska (Suffered from processing of sensory disorder), along with their support in the inclusive education system. The report also states their activities towards individual needs. Moreover, this report also demonstrates the strategies, challenges, planning and the documentation of the real event to enhance the evidence of support by each other in the inclusive education system.


According to the past research, it is stated that, disability was considered as the barriers of one's learning capabilities. This kind of children are abasing the term like “Spastics” or “Retarded” (Dunn & Andrews, 2015). Different medical organisations play an important role to motivate such a perspective towards the disable children. On the other hand, in place of giving effective inclusive education the educators treat them as a person “before disability” (Dun & Andrews, 2015). Every teacher needs to implement the education process as per the requirement of children and their specific action according to the curriculum of Australia. Therefore, individual learning plans and the goals should be considered by them where there exists effective support for the inclusive child along with proper and authentic services. In that context, social circumstances and the other requirements of children need to be known by teachers.

However, the traits they should consider are their belief system, abilities, needs, culture, interest and strength (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2015). The research states that the learning ability of the children are different from each other because verbal experience, visuality, kinaesthetic and authority of the learning aspects are separate for each individual. Therefore, in that context, teachers need to understand their needs by day-to-day observation by educators (Kid Spot, 2017). The consideration of the Gardener’s “Multiple Intelligence Theory” represent different expertise for different excel in context of children need (Churchill, 2018).

In that context, it is important to provide positive ways of approach through the consideration of the evidence- based and strength-based approaches through a holistic approach (Cologon, 2014). Different ways of studying like Scaffolding teaching strategies, informal and direct approaches, cooperative and inquiry-based playing process, along with guiding and modelling approaches need to be applied by them (Tasmanian Government Department of Education, 2012).

According to the research, every child has the right to achieve high standards of studies and expected effective progress irrespective of the situation (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], 2018). Therefore, in that context, teachers are suggested to consult with the parents of children. The consideration of the inclusive and integrated education system can be possible through a collaborative approach of both the parents and teachers. In that context, educators can use “Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework '' to make a bond with parents (DET, 2016).

Educators need to be considered a family belief system and give scope to the patents to make decisions about their children. Therefore, in that context, the family centred approach is implemented here (Rouse, 2012). It includes reciprocal, inclusiveness, respectful and collaborative process of decision-making activities.

The unbiased mindset, valuable concern and the needs of families in favour of children also understood by them (Rouse, 2012). Healthy relationships with both the teachers and parents are important, therefore, cultural beliefs of the family and other different strengths need to be known by them. In that concern the family-centred approach must be included here to emerge new professional recommendation as per the demand of children (Rouse, 2012).

In that context, the three main parameters are required and they are an effective support system, planning and the implementation of a plan. Beliefs, confidence and attitudes are included here as the main factors of an inclusive environment (Cologon, 2014). In case of presence of negative mindset and the discrimination approach can create different challenges in the inclusive education system.

Due to the approach of charity and medical organisation disable children are considered as sick and this mindset needs to change initially. Different traits like disable approach work for foreign language and delays of learning are considered as normal process (Department of Education and Training [DET], 2019). Therefore, in that context, teachers or educators need to change their support system along with their beliefs (Rapp & Arndt, 2012). The activities considered by different charitable organisations treat the disable person as object and real relationship between and belief system that they are normal.

Recommendation for activities support and implementation

1. “Physical learning Environment”
The research states about the physical learning environment, that teachers or educators need to be very careful and adjusted to create a favourable physical condition as there exist disable children with others. On the other hand, effective adjustment is needed for disable students in any class room with other students because teachers need to keep in mind that in inclusive practice, he should include the Disability standards for education (The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, 2020).

The process of adjustment framework can get by educators from Commonwealth Australia Disability Discrimination Act (1992) (Raising children, 2018). On the other hand, the colour, furniture and the environment need to be indistinct because the colourful atmosphere can distract children's concentration. In the case of Joseph and Miska, there are high possibilities to break their concentration from studies. On the other hand, physical safety related to clutter and tripping must be avoided by educators (Sherman &Baydala, 2006). According to the research, it is seen that ADHD disorder children are not responsive enough through the sudden changes, but teachers have to give effort in that context (DET, 2019). Therefore, to complete such a process educator try to increase their responsive nature. Such activities are effective for the children like Joseph and Mishka. On the other hand, the consideration of the vibrant colour charts, routine, tables, and other study materials related tools need to hang on the wall, so that students can understand easily (Sherman &Baydala, 2006). On the other hand, educators need to keep some special space in the front side of the classroom, where there is less noise.

This area can be utilised for students like Fiate and Miska, because there are possibilities to feel restless or tired. Different gadgets like pillow, soft toys can be utilised here by educators. The addition of break time also helps Fiate, because he needs some alone time to control his mind state as his mother is suffering from cancer (Kelly & Gibson). He is more mature than others because he knows that another responsibility he should consider from his mother's side. Auch children are called Saviour Child or Noble child (Sorin & Galloway, 2006).

In the classroom there should be separate places for books and drawing instruments, where students can increase their language development activities and literacy related problems. However, some of the children are not capable enough to read all the books. A child like Miska is not capable enough because she has sensory processing disorder. In that context, teachers or educators need to control their over-stimulate tendencies for her (Gourley, Henninger &Chinitz, 2013). Therefore, the environment, colouring and lighting all are considered very carefully to give her effective support.

In some contexts, educators need to consider moveable chairs or other furniture to avoid physical movement sometimes by children. However, it also considers some free space. A child like Lucy will be highly beneficial from such activities and initiatives (Raising Children, 2018). However, it is an important step because sometimes structural obstacles can create difficulties for some students to not participate in every situation and it creates frustration in their mind. It is important to consider the optimal learning environment in some context, by including “clear walkways”, and the building ramps (Allen & Cowdery, 2014). On the other hand, playing instruments like building blocks and playdough can help children to increase their creativity. The activities like sand castle and finger painting can improve their happy mindset and educators can understand their merits and demerits.

In case of Tara, educators, need to consider an acoustic environment. However, educators need to install a “sound field” to maintain the background noise and other effects of noise to make the speech of teachers audible. On the other hand, playgrounds like football fields and gyms among with infant playgrounds must be avoided by teachers in the classroom (Farrell & Ainscow, 2012). Therefore, educators need to give their efforts in case of noise awareness to keep the classroom soft and peaceful. In that context, other teachers and the staff of the school also need to cooperate with them. Therefore, in the echo hallway all are suggested to keep softly to give support to children like Tara. Shuttering doors and reduction of minimised loud entering are also avoided by them.

However, teachers also need to consider the relationship with students along with the physical environment (Farrell & Ainscow, 2012). Therefore, teachers need to understand or families with the learning process of the students. On the other hand, some different strategies can be considered by teachers to support deaf students.

  1. Teachers should not pace up and down while talking in the classroom.
  2. Eye to eye contact communication is suggested by the teacher.
  3. Deaf students must position in the front to understand all the words by teachers and make the teacher visible.
  4. The discussion part must be repeated on the floor so that deaf students can get a chance to participate in such a process.
  5. Different kinds of keywords are considered by the teacher on white boards.
  6. Slow talking with clear mouth movements needs to be introduced by teachers for every single word.
  7. They must give step by step information or instructions and also repeat them.

Plan and learning strategies
In the planning and learning strategies, educators should consider effective and logical activities, through which they effectively implement the whole process of inclusive education. Initially he needs to understand that individual children need different separate plans because they have their specific needs (ACARA, 2015). However, educators must review their strength, weakness, culture, background, interest and belief system over religion. In the second phase educators must include the way of learning and the planning process.

However, in this context, teachers have to include visual representation processes and written instructions for students in case of better understanding (Wearmouth et al., 2017). On the other hand, teachers must include some study breaks through which they can control students who are choppy in nature. However, the small breaks are considering the scope to understand which students have more concentration and which are less. However, teachers also add some behavioural reward systems to motivate students and also control the environment of the classroom (The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, 2020).

On the other hand, sometimes, teachers need to create a plan about lifestyle and behaviour, for students to control the mental state and emotions of students. Moreover, parents can also follow the guidelines to control their children in a systematic way (Churchill, 2018). On the other hand, there exist several documents which can help teachers for further planning. However, those documents are “Individual family service plans (IFPS)”, “Service Support Plan (SSPS)”, “Individualised Education Plan (IEPs)” along with other important documents related to the student's background or his or her family background (Cologon, 2014).

Professional and family’s partnership process
In the case of Fate, the case is quite sensitive because his mother is suffering from cancer. In that situation, he is feeling insecure to leave his mother alone. Research states that in his age it is normal to feel insecure about parents' living and their wellbeing (Shah, Armaly&Swieter, 2017). However, as a recommendation, it is suggested that the health care givers or doctor need to give clear and transparent information about his mother's condition (Shah, Armaly&Swieter, 2017). It can give him scope to release his stress. He can control his own mind because he will have clear information about his mother. The traits like fear, uncertainty, confusion, sadness, anxiety and stress are quite common in his age.

According to the whole research study it can be concluded that, disable children have the right to get an equal education system. Both the teachers and parents need to give support to the children in that context. Therefore, the trust process, requirement of children and their background circumstances must be included here as the base parameters. The un-biased mindset has the power to get success in that context. Moreover, it can help to create healthy society and informed citizens.

Reference list
Allen, K.E., & Cowdery, C.E. (2014) The Exceptional Child: Inclusion in Early Childhood Education. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar learning.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Meeting the needs of disability students. Retrieved from

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership[AITSL]. (2018). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from

Churchill, R. (2018). Teaching : Making a difference, 4th edition. Retrieved from

Cologon, K. (2014). Inclusive education in early years : Right from the start. ProQuest Ebook Central

Commonwealth Australia. (1992). Disability Discrimination Act. Retrieved from

Department of Education and Training [DET]. (2019).Belonging, Being & Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from

Dunn, D.S., & Andrews, E. E. (2015). Person-first and identity-first language: Developing psychologists’ cultural competence using disability language. American Psychologist, 70(3), 255-264.

Farrell, P., & Ainscow, M. (2002). Making special education inclusive : From research to practice. ProQuest Ebook Central

Gourley, L., Wind, C., Henninger, E. M., &Chinitz, S. (2013). Sensory processing difficulties, behavioral problems, and parental stress in a clinical population of young children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22(7), 912-921. doi:

Kelly, D., & Gibson, F. (2008). Cancer care for adolescents and young adults. ProQuest Ebook Central

Kid Spot. (2017). Learning Styles in children. Retrieved from

Raising Children. (2018). Education rights for children with disability. Retrieved from

Rapp, W. H., & Arndt, K. L. (2012). Teaching Everyone: An Introduction to Inclusive Education. Baltimore, MD. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Rouse, L. (2012). Family-centred practice: empowerment, self-efficacy, and challenges for practitioners in early childhood education and care. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 13(1), 17-26. doi: 10.2304/ciec.2012.13.1.17

Shah, B.K., Armaly. J., Swieter, E. (2017). Impact of Parental Cancer on Children. Anticancer Research 37(8), 4025-4028. doi 10.21873/anticanres.11787

Sherman, J., Rasmussen, C., &Baydala, L. (2006). Thinking positively: How some characteristics of ADHD can be adaptive and accepted in the classroom. Childhood Education, 82(4), 196-200. Retrieved from

Sorin, R., & Galloway, G. (2006). Constructs of childhood: Constructs of self. Children Australia, 31(02), 12-21. doi: 10.1017/s1035077200011081

Tasmanian Government Department of Education. (2012). Good teaching. Inclusive Schools-Disability Focus. Retrieved from Inclusive-Schools-Disability-Focus.pdf

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. (2020). ADHD - ways to help children at school and home. Retrieved from


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