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Sociology Assignment on The Sociological Imagination


Task: Write a well-researched and detailed sociological assignment discussing about the sociological factors that have an impact on the factors of migration, globalisation, race and ethnicity of a person.


The present sociology assignmentfocuses on certain sociological factors that have an impact on the factors of migration, globalisation, race and ethnicity of a person. It shall include the sociological imagination the person has in them and the difference that they face when they are placed in contemporary society.

Migration and Globalization
Migration can be described in different ways. One of the most prominent, simple and widely used explanations is the movement of an individual or a group of individuals either for a job, shelter or any other reason. This process has its fair share of negative and positive as well as negative impacts. Globalisation can be described as the process through which the companies, people and governments connect and intertwine with each other. They are interdependent on each other on the grounds of safety, security, financial and monetary factors, trade and various other factors. Even the governments of different country, try to inculcate each other in the way of democracy and rule.

Migration to the UK is one of the most thoughtful decisions many people across the globe decide on (Roudometof, 2020). Though relocation from one country to another can be very difficult and challenging, the UK has quite a reputation of facing some serious issues in its migration procedures (Blommaert, 2020). My friend named Priya went to England to give a Kick-start to her career as she felt she was not getting proper opportunities to showcase her talent and unleash her potential. From what she explained her experience was very hard and was full of struggle.

It was tough for her to cope up with people at her workplace as she constantly felt like an outsider and she thought as if she had to outshine someone in her field to prove that she is good at it too. In the UK, as of now, there are a lot of migrants who come to work, study or as an entrepreneur and because of this, the local people feel that they are losing deserving opportunities due to this diversity. At her workplace, her supervisor was not paying her and justified that she had to show her competence in the field to further continue.

This was not just her case; she had another friend of different background and country who faced similar problems. She had to cope with the excruciating rent and daily expenses without getting a salary (Canestrino et al., 2020). All of her savings were decreasing every day and after a long 3 months of suffering, when she took a step and told her supervisor that she would leave her job if she was not paid, her supervisor said that she had not signed the employment contract! This was the worst experience as a migrant from another country. She did not know about the local rules and regulations and the most upsetting part about this is that there is no awareness among migrants about such minor details of the country (Capizzo, 2020).

The main struggle in her initial years was finding a suitable job that could suffice the high expenses the country hides. From heavy rents to public transportation, it is not a cheap affair. Being underpaid is just one of the few problems she faced. Her most astonishing part of the experience was that due to all this increase of competition, past migrants who have struggled do not make it easy for the new migrants. Having a superior or an individual at the workplace who himself/herself was a migrant at some point of time in their life tests the new ones and makes it more difficult for them to survive (Chliova et al., 2020).

However, this was not the case everywhere but it still prevails. An increase in migration has not only affected the locals, resources, increased competition but also has significantly changed how people living in the country whether as a migrant or a citizen communicate socially, mentally and interact with other individuals. Furthermore, this effect is not all positive and is affecting the lifestyle of the new migrants whether highly skilled or not in a very unpleasant way.

Globalisation involves a lot of interrogation, involvement and dependency of every country and has linked one country's economy to another. The impact and effects of Globalisation are endless and so has migration been affected (Curtis, 2020). Because of Globalisation, Migration became easier to enter the UK and do their work. Since initially, the UK had less population, job vacancies were filled as a result of the labour movement. However, this also causes a spike in international competition and in the number of migrants from all over the world. This mass migration posed bigger stress on areas of housing and public services provided by the government.

Priya experienced and observed that housing was a major concern given the rent is quite high as £60/week. Travelling through public transport could soar as high as one can imagine if they are not aware of their places especially in the case of new migrants. She also observed that there was not a balanced mix of migrants and local people and that there was a grouping of houses for commuters. Globalisation's effects don't stop here but also altered her social interaction indirectly (Dionisio and de Vargas, 2020).

Seclusion, feeling of being isolated, feeling of not being able to communicate well etc. are few emotions she felt during her first few years. She managed to find a satisfying job after quite a few years of struggle and extremely hard work but it is not so for everyone and they still face problems whether it is immigration issues, validation, coping up with new rules and so on. She saw that it takes a good amount of effort and mental strength to actually fit in the social environment without being called a migrant (Peters et al., 2020).

Structure and agency
Priya is a complete outsider as she went to the United Kingdom to do something good in her career that can help her in the future. Priya suffered a lot when she went to the UK as she felt left out as neither the society nor the individuals accepted her as she was not a citizen. Priya did not have any direct relationship with the country except the job she had in the country.

Race/ Ethnicity
Race and Ethnicity of a person can be stated as the sociological and biological factors that state how a person is. Race and ethnicity include factors like the skin colour of a person, cultural factors, nationality and more.

In particular, the imagination of sociology means that a person has a deep understanding of what happens in a wider social environment as his biography is the result of a historical process. Priya, an Indian girl is one of them, who have recently shifted to the UK for work purpose also has a sociological imagination about her race and ethnicity (Dwivedi et al., 2020).

Sociological imagination is all about changing the institutions of the society along the job roles allotted to the individuals rather than focusing on the social problem. Social life can be considered as an interplay that is critical in nature as it involves personal characteristics and societal forces. It also helps to understand why the society behaves in a particular or typical manner.

Indian culture is usually very traditional, full of ideas of respect, dignity and honour. All of this turned Indian society into a warm, welcoming, private and old-fashioned society. For example, Indians have a very conservative attitude towards Indian culture and clothing (although the situation is changing, especially among young people), profanity and curses are usually not used in daily conversations, and certain etiquettes are even for certain mundane activities, in daily life. Being an Indian, she’s attached with great importance to families and fraternities (usually organized according to socio-economic, religious or political ideas), and is largely dependent on the group she belongs to, and not on their personal nature (Ghazinoory et al., 2020).

On the contrary, the British people are much more relaxed about things like dressing or swearing, and less traditional. The value of individualism also means that people are less connected to rituals or certain behaviours. Also, British society is inherently distinctive and has weak links with families and social groups (Giddens and Sutton, 2021) (Schmid and Smith, 2020). Although Indians tend to prioritize group needs, British people are unlikely to sacrifice individual needs.

Recently it was revealed, the deep impact that racial discrimination has on human being’s lives, the record describes how individuals from Asian and Black groups are much more likely to stay poor, and the way people from the black network are 3 times more likely to be arrested than white people (Komporozos-Athanasiou and Fotaki, 2020). It additionally confirmed that the ones from Asian and different ethnic backgrounds are much less possibly to be hired than their local individuals and that even though hired, they may be maximum possibly to occupy low professional positions.

So, these are some of the differences that Priya as a newly shifted Indian girl might see some changes in, as she comes from a totally contrasting background, wrapped up with Indian culture.

When talking of sociological issues, poverty and homelessness come first as a worldwide problem (Mitchell et al., 2020). According to Habitat for Humanity, one region of the world's population lives in situations that damage their fitness, hygiene and safety. Many now no longer even have a safe haven, a simple human wants for survival (Pyyhtinen and Suoranta, 2020). This social trouble additionally is going past the 25% of the populace without delay affected. Because of the shortage of safe place for this prone population, there may be extra pressure on authorities and social programs, which includes faculties and healthcare systems (Mont et al., 2020). Secondly, another of the most important social issues in America, the UK and around the world is civil rights or the rights of citizens in a country to equal treatment socially and politically. More than 40 years after the Civil Rights Act was passed, nearly 60% of African Americans still live in segregated neighbourhoods, and 90% of African Americans report that racial discrimination is still a major issue (Nehring and Kerrigan, 2020).

Structure and agency
Race, culture, or skin colour impacts a lot in an individual’s life. Priya suffered a lot due to her culture difference as she was not confident enough. She felt all alone as no one was there to support her as the society is completely different in every country. She was humiliated for being an outsider especially not a citizen of the UK. The people of the UK are having a complete different thought process compared to Priya who belongs to the Indian culture.

For the above assignment, it can be concluded that the sociological factors have a huge impact on a person and the fact that each factor provides the person with a different experience is also significant. Migration and globalisation are two important factors that have impacted the experience of Priya when she had been to the UK to expand her career. Priya has also faced problems related to her race and ethnicity that the assignment discusses.

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