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Economics Assignment: An Essay On Conservation & Biodiversity


Prepare an economics assignment presenting a detailed essay on Conservation and Biodiversity.


The concept of biodiversity explored within this economics assignment is determined to be the amalgamation of two words- biological and diversity. Biodiversity is the term used to define a large variety of organisms that co-exist in an ecosystem. The range of biodiversity ranges from the tiniest existing microbe to the largest animal. The different species of the organism are categories under biodiversity. As per the recent study, there are around 8.7 million discovered species present worldwide, out of which only a 1.2million species are identified by the normal man. The fragile nature of biodiversity seeks for its conservation. The increasing manmade actives, as well as the sudden climatic changes, are making the organism in the ecosystem vulnerable.

The term conservation is to protect from being harmed or from the verge of being exiting. Both manmade, as well as human activities have been contributing to the degradation of the ecosystem. The factors like pollution, overconsumption of natural resources as well as habitat fragmentation are contributing to the creation of additional pressure on the planet. Over one million species have been recognized who are on the verge of being extinct. The human measures are executed in the process of dominating the Earth gradually. This has created different areas which are compromising organisms that are on the verge of getting exertions. This zone is termed a hotspot by the scientist. The conversation of biodiversity is allowing creating a safe zone for the various organisms. The easy develops the idea about the two terms such as the conservation and biodiversity with the proper demonstration of the relation between biodiversity and conversation.


Each year numerous varieties of animals are birds getting extinct. (Kremen and Merenlender 2018, 6412) mentioned that the conservation measures are essential in the process of maintaining the environment of the Earth and thus allows sustaining life on the planet. The conservation is determined to be productive in creating the survival of the living beings on the Earth. Natural recourses are being exploited by humans for their selfish motives, which have increased the need of conserving the natural surroundings. (Almond et al. 2020, 2) argued that the human being is the dominating species leading to several other species of plants and animals at the threatening position at an alarming rate. The pollution, over ecosystem utilization, impulsive hunting as well as natural phenomena such as global warming has been leading to the diminishing of the Earth's natural environment. (Novak et al. 2021, 394) agreed that the reduction of reckless human activities that are having a threat to sustainable and conservation is must. The reduction in the carbon footprint is determined to be an essential step that humans need to take up collectively to ensure that the organism is conserved. (Vohra and Gahlawat 2020, 31-42) is in the opinion that the land fragmentation, as well as the human activities such as deforestation, is making species homeless. Human being need to develop a concern about conserving the poor environmental issues that exist. It has increased the urge for humans to adopt responsible behaviours and stop the actions that are leading to pollutions.

(Perrigo et al. 2020, 315-325) was in the views that the conservation is the practice that preserves and protects the habitat, ecosystem and genetic diversity on the plant as well as the variety of the species that are exiting. The conservation of the resources is helpful for economic growth and, at the same time, is contributing to the reduction of poverty. (Araújo et al. 2019, 4858) agreed that conservation is the life support for the ecology. It is helpful in providing the supply of clean air, wastewater treatment as well as contributes to the pollination of the plants. There are two essential needs for conservation is to preserve the diversity of the species and secondly, the sustainable utilization of the species and ecosystem at the same time. As per the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are around 1.5 million different plants and animal species, out of which 22% are from the plant kingdom, and 70% are from the animal kingdom (Healy et al. 2019, 1217-1224). (Pattnayak et al. 2019, 14807-14816) mentioned that billion of people across the world depend on timber products for their subsistence's as well as income.

The severity of the biodiversity is identified by humans, and thus measures towards conserving the biota are adopted. At the same time, the national parks, as well as the sanctuaries, are the sources of tourism that are contributing to the economic development of the country. (Whitley et al., 2017, 4711-4732) contradicted the views and presented the argument that biodiversity is playing a vital role in the rejuvenation and protection of the planet. For instance, the Amazon forest is alone has the ability to predict 20% of the total oxygen on Earth through photosynthesis. The biodiversity is productive in creating a balance in the ecology. The failures in the biodiversity sustainability might lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and thus result in the issues like greenhouses effects contributing towards natural calamities and global warming. (Tanda 2021, 20370) stated that the global value of pollination performed by insects has been around $217 billion per year. Thus, the natural biodiversity is an essential component in the process of developing stability and creating a proper balance within the habitats. The effective adoption of the measures of develop sustainability in the biodiversity is a must.

Relationship of biodiversity and conservation
Both the terms biodiversity and conservation are interlinked to each other. The prospect of conserving biodiversity is to protect species and plants from getting extinct. Biodiversity is being lost day by day due to over-exploitation of resources, pollution, climatic changes. As it provides us with ethical and economic benefits, it is our responsibility to conserve biodiversity. According to (Verma 2018, 407-409), conservation of biodiversity involves maintaining a balance between environment and society and developing sustainable goals without compromising future needs. On the other hand, (Verma 2019, 1-5) said that ex-situ and in-situ conversation is very vital as it includes the conservation of natural habitats and the whole ecosystem. In-situ conservation includes maintenance of damaged forests and polluted lakes; rivers are the prime and foremost thing people should do in order to conserve biodiversity, whereas ex-situ conservation includes protection of hotspots for the habitats and animals that are getting endangered.

As per (Vohra et al. 2020, 31-42), firstly, we need to focus on conserving natural resources in places like gene banks, arboretums and museums, whereas places with high biodiversity should be changed into wildlife sanctuaries, bio-reserves and national parks. Secondly, we should also aim to protect endangered animals. Another way to conserve biodiversity is by establishing different buffer zones in order to prevent any alteration in the balance of the ecosystem. (Whitley et al., 2017, 4711-4732) said that the advancement of technology has a very important role to play in conserving biodiversity. Science and technology help us to understand our biomes and also guide us on how to conserve species and plants. The same helps to understand the problems faced due to pollution and the cascading effects that are being caused within an ecosystem.

It is important and the responsibility of each and every citizen to maintain rich biodiversity by conserving it. (Lepczyk et al. 2017, 799-807) was in the opinion that mass awareness is needed so that the flow of issues about the needs of biodiversity conservations is needed. Social media platforms are playing an effective role in the creation of awareness among the people. It has been thus provided in developing the positive attitude in adopting the measures of proper methods in creating conservations of the biosphere.

The arguments have been effective in outlining the fact that the poor condition of the economy and the increasing threat. The actions to control the reckless use of the natural resources and redacting the activities that are creating stress to the natural habitat is a must. It has been identified from the critical evaluation that the untreated biodiversity might lead to serious calamity issues and might also affect the stability of lifestyle. The needs of biodiversity are a must as it contributes towards the development of the economy of the country and is helpful in building the scope of tourist attractions. The people depending on the products like timbers and mediations from the herbs pressed in abounding in the ecosystem increased the need of conserving the biodiversity. At the same time, conservation is the measures in adopting sustainable measures to conserve the overutilization of the resources. The species that are on the verge of being extinct need to be conserved either with the in-situ or ex-situ method. As both the terms are having a close relation thus it can be stated that the conservation of the biodiversity is the need for the hour. The integrated actions of the government, as well as the community, are needed so that the measures towards conservation of biodiversity can be contributed in an effective manner.

Reference List
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