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Leadership and the Human Factor assignment


Task: Leadership and the Human Factor assignment


On this Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentit is affirmed that Leaders play a vital role in the success of a company. They develop various strategies and plan for improving the overall performance of the company. The leaders of a company are focused on different functions and activities of the business. The employees are also taken care of by the leaders of the company. This has been done by the leaders for enhancing the performance of the employees. In this way, a leader of a company contributestowards its growth and development. This Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentfocuses on evaluating the leadership qualities of Bradford Banducci. This Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentalso discusses the impact of leadership qualities of Bradford Banducci on top management team and human resources.

Effect of the leader on the top management team
In ground-breaking work reviewed on this Leadership and the Human Factor assignment, Bradford Banducci brings his leadership theory to the workplace. Bradford Banducci implements constructive change in Australian Food and Liquor using his prior knowledge in the businesses he has worked with. He has been focused on the application of transformational leadership. Despite being a director, he has been overseeing the business operations of the corporation (Grimmer, 2019). The target market for the company's products, suppliers, service recipients, and end users has been all under his control. Bradford Banducci, who has made beneficial improvements within and throughout the division, has direct supervision for all activities relating to operations management. Bradford Banducci is a firm believer in putting his workers' needs first. It is possible to learn about the problems faced by the employees in real time by moving around the floor and the teams, observing them at work, and occasionally participating in the job. It also aids in finding the ideal answer to these problems. If they are unable to adopt this strategy, many businesses risk failing.

The relationship a leader has with their followers or a certain target market is the foundation of this leadership. On this Leadership and the Human Factor assignment this clarifies the partnership in which the leader assigns the task, analyses it, and decides if the successor has completed the assignment as planned. If the task is completed according to the supervisor's expectations, there is no risk of accident. Changes in the organization's micro- or macroenvironment must be favourable and consistent with its aims and objectives. Followers are guided by leaders on a route that aids in the accomplishment of their goals and objectives.

Effect of strategic leadership in developing the human resources
Bradford Banducci is one of the leaders who focuses on the needs of his company. Due to this reason, he is focused on hiring new employees in the company. He aims at hiring employees who are highly skilled and have new ideas. Therefore, he instructs the HR department of the company to recruit candidates who have the potential of contributing towards the growth of the business. This helps the HR department of the company in performing the responsibilities and roles in an effective manner.

In order to effectively implement staff recruiting, retention, professional development practises, and strategic planning processes, Bradford Banducci have seen talent management and strategic leadership development as necessary in the company. According to his Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentphilosophy, businesses that prioritise service quality have positive difference. He trained the employees in a manner that Customers, for instance, would give staff members' friendliness and demeanour high marks. Undoubtedly, a key source of competitive advantage is the human dimension. Employers who are highly competent in cutting-edge technologies and service delivery innovations are crucial for businesses. He had traits like emotional intelligence, courtesy, and friendliness. This also promoted consistent, accurate service that satisfies client wants and preferences (Hess and Waller, 2021). Human capital is a crucial component in keeping a business competitive due to the distinctive skills of employees, such as high productivity, flexibility, innovation, and the capacity to deliver outstanding customer service. A special fusion of personality, talents, style, procedures, and corporate culture can be found in HRM strategies, policies, and practises. Human capital is a crucial component in keeping a business competitive due to the distinctive skills of employees, such as high productivity, flexibility, innovation, and the capacity to deliver outstanding customer service (Thornthwaite and Sheldon, 2021). A special fusion of personality, talents, style, procedures, and corporate culture can be found in HRM strategies, policies, and practises.

Effect of the leader on the development of ethical practices
As per the Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentfindings, Bradford Banducci supports staff empowerment to quickly resolve problems. He enjoys returning the workers that helped the business turn around. When something seems off, workers should be able to express their concerns openly. Talented individuals seeking employment at Woolworths will benefit from and be drawn to this type of work environment. Bradford Banducci has consistently supported employee empowerment for the benefit of the company's future. The ability of the personnel to make judgments enables them to address problems as they arise quickly. They start to feel like a part of the company rather than just being plain workers. In order to achieve this, Bradford Banducci has been putting communication plans into action. To ensure the quality of the services and goods produced by the business, he has escorted the suppliers to the store and the operations division (Singhand Tir, 2021). The strategy also assists suppliers in providing high-quality goods to end users in order to improve the supply chain.

Bradford Banducci has always placed a strong emphasis on keeping customers happy, which has inspired him to expand his staff so that services are provided at the scheduled time and pace. A real-time service aids in customer satisfaction and fosters loyalty, which is crucial for the expansion of a firm. Maintaining the proper quality and prices will be made easier by routine connection with the consumer.

Leadership and the Human Factor assignment – leaderships Lessons
Bradford Banducci was made to believe there were problems; nevertheless, after looking into the management himself, he was persuaded. The shareholders believe that selling their shares would be a bad idea because the company has not been doing well because the operations haven't altered dramatically. One of the bosses who concentrates on the requirements of his organisation is Bradford Banducci. He is concentrated on recruiting new personnel for the business as a result. He seeks to work with people who are highly skilled and innovative. Bradford Banducci employed this tactic in the Woolworth introduction programme (ROLLS, 2020). In this Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentapproach, support centre employees interact with workers from all branches while on the production floor.

Bradford Banducci firmly believes in prioritising the needs of his employees. By going around the floor and the teams, watching the employees at work, and occasionally joining in on the work, it is feasible to learn about the isss they are experiencing in real time. It also helps in identifying the best solution to these issues. A lot of companies run the risk of failing if they can't implement this plan. The chief executive officer has improved, maintained, and controlled the company's wellbeing. He implemented Woolworth's expansion strategy. The organisation has been able to get by because to Bradford Banducci's creative leadership during challenging times.

Implication in own career
The Leadership and the Human Factor assignmentdemonstrates I need to first understand the issues and challenges of my team members. This would be done so that I can take measures and initiatives to resolve their issues. This will help me in improving the overall performance of my team. I will adapt some ethical principles as a leader of my team. This will inspire the other people to work along with the application of ethical principles. In this way, the business operations of the company would carry out in an ethical manner.

I would focus on evaluating the skills and potential of my team members. The members who would be lacking behind in comparison to other employees would be provided more guidance and supervision. In this manner, I would be able to contribute towards improving the skills and potential of my team members. This will lead to enhancement in the performance of my overall team. This will also lead to the improvement of the overall performance of my company. I would develop the ability of the personnel to make judgments. This would enable me to address problems as they arise quickly.

Bradford Banducci is adamant about giving his employees' needs top priority. It is possible to learn about the problems they are facing in real time by moving around the floor and the teams, observing the workers at work, and occasionally joining in on the task. Talented people looking for work at Woolworths will profit from and be drawn to this kind of workplace. For the sake of the company's future, Bradford Banducci has continuously advocated employee empowerment. The workplace is where Bradford Banducci applies his leadership theory. Bradford Banducci uses his prior experience in the companies he has worked with to drive positive change at Woolworths. He is responsible for managing the corporation's business operations despite being a director. For the sake of the company's future, Bradford Banducci has continuously advocated employee empowerment. The personnel's capacity for judgement identified on this Leadership and the Human Factor assignmenthelps them to promptly address issues as they arise.

Grimmer, L., 2019. Coles, Woolworths and crazed consumers: Industry lacks leadership on plastic crisis: Interview with Matthew Elmas. Leadership and the Human Factor assignment
Hess, K. and Waller, L.J., 2021. Local newspapers and coronavirus: conceptualising connections, comparisons and cures. Media International Australia, 178(1), pp.21-35.
ROLLS, T., 2020. Could toilet paper be the new consumer fear index.
Singh, S.P. and Tir, J., 2021. Threat-inducing violent events exacerbate social desirability bias in survey responses. American Journal of Political Science. Leadership and the Human Factor assignment

Thornthwaite, L. and Sheldon, P., 2021. Employer and employer association matters in Australia in 2020. Journal of Industrial Relations, Leadership and the Human Factor assignment63(3), pp.357-376.


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