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Cultural Diversity Assignment: An Annotated Bibliography


Task: Select 5 academic journal ar1cles in EBSCO on a specific organisa1on behaviour topic area and prepare an annotated bibliography with the chosen journal ar1- cles. Individual wriUen annotated bibliography of 1000 words.


Diversity at Workplace
Dale-Olsen, H. and Finseraas, H., 2020.Linguistic diversity and workplace productivity.Labour Economics, p.101813.

According to Dale-Olsen and Finseraas (2020), it is stated in the cultural diversity assignment that the key component of organisations production is to put the workforce together with an optimal goal of skills. Cultural diversity in the workplace can be introduced with new ideas and innovation. It is reported to integrate the workforce to develop the benefits and cost of workplace diversity. On the other hand, workplace diversity exists in developing labour market overall.

Author’s background
The author has stated the future scope of describing the cultural differences while establishing the productivity context. How the research on cultural diversity assignment was conducted and its scope?
It shows productivity in the context of language diversity. In the workplace diversity, it is significant how the individual can focus on measuring linguistic diversity and key measures are to comprise manufacturing in production.

Validity of the research and/or limitations
The productivity can be analysed in developing how the individual can focus on their organisational behaviour in the context of defining and explaining the research scope and limitations.

It can be summarised that research on cultural diversity assignment has a future scope to define productivity and organisational development in the future. It is significant to measure how the diversity can be evaluated in increasing workplace productivity.

The cultural diversity within the workforce has different cultures to spend resources into well-functioning teams. Mousa, M., 2020. Does Gender Diversity Affect Workplace Happiness for Academics? The Role of Diversity Management and Organizational Inclusion.Public Organization Review, pp.1-17.

As opined by Mousa (2020), the author has identified the relationship between organisational inclusion and gender diversity to examine workplace development. Human resource management and diversity management are based on the theory regarding the employees, who can be included within an organisation.

Author’s background
However, the employment initiatives for action and initiatives are based on public administration, public policy, human resource, sociology and public relations.

How the research was conducted and its scope
Diversity management is considered as threat sometimes that it needs organisational involvement and behavioural development. The organisation can include a positive employee return towards organisational development. The diversity is included for ensuring how the individual can focus on organisational behaviour and development.

Validity of the research and/or limitations
The research limitations provided in the cultural diversity assignment are to identify how the empirical and theoretical implications can be discussed in depth as the article is developed in supporting the organisation. It has scope to ensure justice, tolerance, support and equal opportunities of differences.

The author has summarised the gender diversity to focus on diversity management and organisational inclusion. The researcher has concluded how the workers can support the organisational behaviour and diversity in the workplace.

However, the scholars have developed the research field with demographic changes and the organisational design. Brimhall, K.C., Mor Barak, M.E., Hurlburt, M., McArdle, J.J., Palinkas, L. and Henwood, B., 2017. Increasing workplace inclusion: The promise of leader-member exchange.Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 41(3), pp.222-239.

Brimhallet al. (2017) has found the human services to manage the leadership in increasing workplace inclusion. With increased workplace diversity, it is significant to focus on the differences to participate in the workplace.

Author’s background
The variables can be analysed with diversity and cultural measures. Successful management and diversity are important in the context of presenting and accumulating the skills to assess the inclusion within the workplace.

How the research was conducted and its scope
The research study has scope to develop the creating inclusive workplace to reduce stress and conflicts in the workplace. Social identity theory is effective for establishing the diversity and inclusion to accept the trust.

Validity of the research and/or limitations
Moreover, the individual can get access to develop workplace delivery within the scenario. It is represented through an implementation and intervention model to accompany the scales that are used to assess the inclusion within the workplace.

Creative inclusive in the workplace is important for the future development of organisational behaviour. It is forced for the employees in different backgrounds that they feel the urge to be respected in the workplace. It is significant to focus on how the diversity can be managed in the inclusive workplace.

It has analysed that managing diversity is significant to deliver equal opportunities and workplace inclusion as organisational behaviour. It is important that the level of information include the value-added at inputs by the workplace data. Sharma, A., 2016. Managing diversity and equality in the workplace.Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), p.1212682.

It is significant how the external environment can be altered in the context of workplace productivity and hindering equality within the workplace (Sharma, 2016). The globalisation is considered as global factor regarding workplace equality and cultural inclusion.

Author’s background
The researcher aimed to review the literature regarding the role of performance appraisal, affirmative action, social, cultural issues and organisational capabilities.

How the research was conducted and its scope
The scope of the research is to include the power distance, visualising and other factors. The research can be concluded that HRM practices can be managed to consider the obligations and protection in exchange for expecting loyalty.

Validity of the research and/or limitations
It is significant that the managers can consider employees for ensuring their subordinates in defining how it is considered to protect in exchange for reporting incidents of discrimination with cultural diversity.

It is significant to define the presence of a diverse group and social values in the search for integrative HRM practices. It is significant to ensure cultural diversity and environmental analysis in delivering how the individual can ensure equality in the workplace.

Conditional culture and systems have been included to increase the constructive group processes and the factors with low expectations, stereotyping and the double standards. The discrimination among the racial groups is important to define the contribution in managing the diversity and equality within the workplace.

Lambert, J., 2016. Cultural diversity as a mechanism for innovation: Workplace diversity and the absorptive capacity framework. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 20(1), p.68.

According to the words of Lambert (2016) undertaken in the cultural diversity assignment, innovation is a part of creativity in the context of regenerating creativity. The research has developed a subset of innovative behaviour to implement new ideas with workplace diversity and conservative framework.

Author’s background
The research has developed the relationship between creativity and diversity. The conditions can be influenced by the policies and the structure that the individual can examine to an extent in the diversity of outcomes.

How the research was conducted and its scope
It has scope to focus on the diversity effects and innovation when it is empowered to influence the outcomes. The researcher has explained its scopes to lead the increased opportunity for organisational diversity and innovation.

Validity of the research and/or limitations
It is to pursue the innovation of how diversity creativity can be linked to transfer the firm diversity. It has future scope to focus on experience and diversity of individuals to support problem solving and innovation.

It can be implemented to focus on the transformation into innovative products, ideas and services. The cultural diversity assignmentconcludes the program and policy structures to support organisational action and diversity.

However, it is scant attention to how the individual and group can focus on innovation and creativity. The implementation of policies, structures and programs can be supported as per the organisation and innovation.

Reference list
Brimhall, K.C., Mor Barak, M.E., Hurlburt, M., McArdle, J.J., Palinkas, L. and Henwood, B., 2017. Increasing workplace inclusion: The promise of leader-member exchange.Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 41(3), pp.222-239.

Dale-Olsen, H. and Finseraas, H., 2020.Linguistic diversity and workplace productivity.Labour Economics, p.101813.

Lambert, J., 2016. Cultural diversity as a mechanism for innovation: Workplace diversity and the absorptive capacity framework. Cultural diversity assignmentJournal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 20(1), p.68.

Mousa, M., 2020. Does Gender Diversity Affect Workplace Happiness for Academics? The Role of Diversity Management and Organizational Inclusion.Public Organization Review, pp.1-17.

Sharma, A., 2016. Managing diversity and equality in the workplace.Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), p.1212682.


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