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Professional employment skills assignment reflection and self development skills


Task: How to use Professional employment skills assignment research methods to perform self-evaluations to improve skills and professionalism


Reflective Journal- Professional Employment Skills

This Professional employment skills assignment explores the role of skills towards improving a professionals employability. This Professional employment skills are career potential and abilities used in the workplace to improve job performance. This report focuses on identification of employability skills that I have developed during my university courses and beyond. This report also identifies skill areas that require further improvement. With the help of Gibbs reflective model, I discussed my entire experienceand leaning from the module.

Professional employment skills assignmentReflection:
Gibbs reflective model is used for explaining the learning experience of individuals with help of six stages (Gibbs, 1988). The model can also be applied in present context to share my experience regarding my employability skill.

I am a second-year science student majoring in biological science at the university of Newcastle that has helped me to develop a certain kind of employability skill, employability skills are necessary for the development of potential for careerdevelopment (Gott et al., 2019). I have applied to admit for a bachelor of oral health therapy. After completing my Professional employment skills assignmentcourses I want to become a successful professional oral hygienist by collaborating in oral care. During my school I have also worked as part timer in a fast-food restaurant that has helped me develop my leadership and customer handling skills. I also have 4 years of experience as a dental nurse that has helped me develop skills regarding diversity management, interpersonal communication, and collaboration with the team.

I am happy after gaining certain kinds of skills like, problem-solving, critical thinking and creative thinking from university courses. As mentioned by Kholiqet al. (2020), interpersonal skills are necessary for the students to improve their learning experiences. University courses have helped me to improve my scientific thinking and helped me opportunities towards self-evaluation. I was also happy to attend all the seminars and workshops that have improved my potential and knowledge regarding becoming successful oral therapists in future. All those workshops and seminars were about the career development and importance of transferable skill.

Professional employment skills assignmentEvaluation
From the overall experience, I have gained certain kinds of good things and bad things. The good thing was about the development of such kinds of employability skills. Those skills include critical thinking, self-evaluation, communication, negotiation, leadership and customer handling skills. As stated by Hartatiet al. (2018), problem solving skill is necessary for a nurse to meet demand and needs of their patients. I have gained problem solving and creative thinking skills that would help me in the future becoming a successful professional as an oral hygienist. Another thing that does not go as well is that I was sometimes unable to managetime and take proper decisions towards the achievement of success in my professional role.

Based on my experience and knowledge gained from this Professional employment skills assignmentproject, I have made a sense that becoming a successful professional requires certain kinds of professional skills. In future I want to become successful oral therapists that require me to develop my collaboration skill and team working skill. So that I can understand the needs and wants of my children and other patients. I have also realized that I need to improve my time management skills, decision making skills, active listening skills and resilience, patience and humility. In the future I will improve in all the areas where I require improvement. As I want to become a successful professional in terms of oral therapists, it is also necessary for me to improve my high-quality scientific research handling skills.

From the overall discussion I can say that self-evaluation is necessary to identify personal strength and weakness regarding becoming a successful career professional. As mentioned by Gray et al. (2018), team working skill is necessary for nurses to improve patients’ satisfaction and outcome. I think I need to improve certain professional skills that I am lacking. Through this Professional employment skills assignmentresearch I have also been able to identify my weakness in cross-cultural communication skills that require further improvement.

Action plan
Based on the overall discussion I have identified certain professional skills that I require improvement. All those improvements I need within next 6 months period. The improvement plan with action is mentioned as below:

Development areas

Activities required

Time required

Time management skills

       Splitting difficult task into separate smaller tasks with very short period of time requirements (Sainzet al. 2019).

       Prioritization of most important task first.

       Scheduling task and activities efficiently.

1 to 2 months

Decision making skills

       Concise thinking is necessary (Murret al. 2021).

       I must think concisely and critically the incidents.

       I must seek alternatives so that I can be able to take proper decision regarding against certain phenomenon. 

2 to 3 months

Active listening skills

       I have to pay attention to the patients so that I can be able to understand their demand and needs.

       I must judge the phenomenon very carefully.

       Appropriate responses are necessary so that it can hello me to take wise decision (Xiao et al. 2020)

3 to 5 months

Cross-cultural communication

       I have to learn about the different culture.

       Reading books from different culture

       Reading newspaper and practicing communication to people from different culture

5 to 6 months

Table 1: Professional development plan
(Source: Developed by author)

From the overall discussion it can be concluded that the University course and module has helped me to develop my professional skill. In the future I want to become a successful oral therapist by cooperating with children. Overall experience as a nurse has helped me to develop my diversity management, interpersonal communication and communication skills. I have also gained skills regarding critical thinking, self-evaluation, communication, negotiation, leadership and customer handling skills. But I have identified certain skills that I am still lacking and need further improvement. I want to improve my time management skills, decision making skills, active listening skills and cross-cultural communication skills through the knowledge gained from this Professional employment skills assignmentwithin next 6 months.

Reference list:
1. Gibbs G (1988). Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford. Professional employment skills assignment
2. Gott,T., Bauer, T. and Long, K., 2019. Student leadership today, professional employment tomorrow. New directions for student leadership, 2019(162), pp.91-109.
3. Gray, K., Wilde, R. and Shutes, K., 2018. Enhancing nurse satisfaction: an exploration of specialty nurse shortage in a region of NHS England. Nursing Management, 25(1).
4. Hartati, S.C.Y., Priambodo, A., Djawa, B. and Prakoso, B.B., 2018, May. Building Cooperation Interpersonal Skill in Physical Education Lessons through Traditional Game. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Public Health and Education.
5. Kholiq, A., Purwoko, B. and Sartinah, E.P., 2020, December. Improving the Interpersonal Communication Skill Through Classical Guidance. In International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020) (pp. 155-159). Atlantis Press.
6. Murr, D., Larkin, P. and Höner, O., 2021. Decision-making skills of high-performance youth soccer players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51(1), pp.102-111.
7. Sainz, M.A., Ferrero, A.M. and Ugidos, A., 2019. Time management: skills to learn and put into practice. Education+ Training. Professional employment skills assignment
8. Xiao, Z., Zhou, M.X., Chen, W., Yang, H. and Chi, C., 2020, April. If I Hear You Correctly: Building and Evaluating Interview Chatbots with Active Listening Skills. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Professional employment skills assignment(pp. 1-14).


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