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System Engineering Assignment Critically Reviewing Fa&A Process


Task: Provide a critical review on FA&A process and address the following aspects in your report: • Input and outputs for the FA&A process
• Staging of the FA&A process within the system life-cycle
• Approaches to perform analysis and allocation


Functional analysis and allocation explored in this System engineering assignment is an essential aspect of the system engineering process, which aims at transforming the requirements into a comprehensive illustration of the elements in the system. In this report, the focus will be shed on providing a broader view of FA&A and the various methods, which are adopted for designing the system. A brief overview of FA&A is also offered to the development of the knowledge related to FA&A. Along with these, the methods for functional allocation are also provided.

Overview of FA&A process 
Purpose: The purpose of this particular system engineering process involves the transformation of functional performance and various other requirements, which are to be identified through analysis of their requirements. These are transformed into a coherent description of the functions in the system which can easily be used for guiding the design synthesis action which follows up. The designer of the system should know which are the basic things which are to be done by the system and constraints that would limit the flexibility of design.

Inputs:  The figure below provided in this system engineering assignment shows the input, outputs and other processes in functional analysis and allocation. By convention, the input has been placed on the left side. The function box, as shown in the figure, changes the inputs to the outputs. Control is the inputs that command, restricts and directs the working of the function and these are shown at the top (Pedrycz, 2016). The function number is usually incorporated to identify uniquely as similar names can create confusion in the project. Two inputs are, namely, the functional requirements and functional architecture. Once the functional requirements and its analysis are done, the results are compared with the allocated requirements.

system engineering assignment

Model of function name
(Source: Pedrycz, 2016)

Outputs: This includes the functional architecture which identifies and organizes the allocated functional and requirements of the performance. This architecture will encase the requirements, which needed to be performed, and the logical sequencing of the activities and the performance requirements. Along with this, the functional descriptions of the current furnished items need to be applied in the existing systems (Hassab, 2018). The functional architecture, which is generated by the functional analysis and allocation process, refers to the detailed information regarding the documentation from analyzing the performance. This involves the functional backflow diagrams, requirements allocations IDEF0 diagrams and other such documents, which would define the functional aspects of the systems.

Staging: This involves a series of steps as provided in this system engineering assignment that helps in translation of system required into minute performance and functions design criteria and include the following

  • Illustrating the system in terms of function and then splitting the top-level functions into few subsections.
  • Translation of high-level requirements of the profession into minute detailing and performance requirements
  • Identification and illustration of the internals well as external interfaces of the function
  • Identification of functional groups, which aims at reducing the control, interfaces.
  • Determination of functional features of the directed elements in the system
  • Examination of life cycle functions which involves the essential functions that are appropriate for the project
  • The alternative functional approach is to be determined with trade studies
  • Revisiting of the requirements analysis is considered an important step for resolving the functional issues.

Supporting process
The following are the supporting process involved in the functional allocation and analysis

  • Defining of system states, function, and external interfaces
  • Illustration of functional interfaces
  • Allocation of performance requirements to the functioning
  • Analysis of timing, resources and well as performance
  • Examine the failure modes and critical aspects
  • Integration of functions

Methods for functional analysis
The present functional analysis done in this system engineering assignment aims to examine the methods in which the needs and preferences are listed in a comprehensive manner. The primary basis of analysis involves the illustration of the facts and figures from the lowest system level to the progressive system level and continues until a point where the various variables and constraints are identified. An effective team is involved in the designing of the prelims, and the team is involved in the conduction of the overall process (Tanabe, 20170. This varies a lot from the one, which is conceptual designing. The examination of the requirements is done with the help of SyRA and the analysis of the TPMs.

The next step following the initial state includes the definition of the needs of the system at the subsystem level of the system design. This includes the extraction of the necessities of SyRS, which would render much information regarding the system requirements. It is important to perform the documentation of the information, which is provided during the system analysis requirement gets identified. Sufficient details in the documents should be provided for defining the subsystem in contrast to the central system. Along with this, enough capabilities of producing and designing of the subsystem in association with assemblies and elements which are to be provided during the various levels of the engineering methodologies.

The functional Flow Block Diagram is important for the analysis and establishment of the connected relationship with respect to the various blocks. The block of FFBD is considered on an individual basis which helps in the determination of the purposes, outputs, and the identification of the processes through which the functionalities will be achieved (Lloyd, Weaver, and Staubitz, 2016). Along with this, the recognition of the non-transient is also involved. The Diagram, which is obtained for the preliminary design, provides much more details in comparison to the conceptual design. Moreover, these are oriented to the designing of the various subsystems instead of the full system. The method particularly involves the ways in which the needs of the system are identified and the ways in which the system would achieve the task.  There certain key attributes in FFBDs, which are listed below in this system engineering assignment:

  • Function block: Every function in the FFBD should be individually and as well as is represented by a solid line or single box. The function, which is to be defined, is required to be discreet, definite as well as finite, which are to be fulfilling led by the system.
  • The numbering of function: Every level in the functional flow Block Diagram should have a numbering scheme, which needs to be consistent, and should also provide relevant information regarding the origin. The numbers help in the establishment of the identification as well as relationship and will be carried out in the complete functional analysis or allocation.
  • Reference of functions: Each Diagram must comprise of references with respect to the functional diagrams through a functional reference.
  • Connection of low: The limes which connect the functions should refer to the flow of function, and there should not be any time-lapse or involvement of intermediate action. 
  • Directional flow: The diagrams should be laid out in such a manner so that the flow of direction moves from left to right. The arrows used in the diagrams are used to indicate the direction of flow.
  • Summation of gates: In the diagrams, a circular figure is used to indicate the summate gate and is generally applied when there is AND/OR (Walter et al. 2015). The AND gate is used for the indication of the parallel functions, and the relevant conditions must be satisfied for the further proceedings while OR is used for indicating the alternative ways which can be satisfied for proceeding further.
  • GO and ON GO paths: In the figure 'G' and 'bar G' is used for indication go and on the go states. These symbols are placed adjacent to the lines which leave a specific function for an indication of the alternative ways.

Aircraft system FFBD
Aircraft system is the appropriate example discussed in this system engineering assignment for the demonstration of the FFBD, which is implemented during the preliminary design. This aims at defining the system functions, which that exists at various levels. The needs for the SRS system for turning the plane in around forty minutes happens due to the presence of various subsystems that contains several system-level functions including the 3.3 aircraft operation fuelling. The system further undergoes investigation during the preliminary designing. After the investigation, it was found that various processes are involved in the refueling of the aircraft both the post and pre refueling. FFBD consists of the refueling of the aircraft aids in recognition of different time allocation systems. The block has been made in a hierarchical manner, which aids in associating it to the low-level subsystem function to the system-level functionalities. It is essential to conduct an overall analysis of the subsystem from the sole FBL or SyRS. This might appear as distinct; however, due to various functional baselines in the project can result in contradiction of the functionalities and designing of the system. This also applies for SyRS to be involved in through the project. The various blocks in FFBD can be taken into consideration when the stage of decomposition is achieved.

system engineering assignment

Functional Flow Block Diagram format
(Source: Walter et al. 2015)

Approaches for functional allocation within this system engineering assignment
The top-level requirement must be allocated to the lower levels of the system. Traceability is considered as an ongoing recording of the main requirements of which are imposed on the system (Karam and Eltawil, 2016). The function should be traceable over boundaries in terms of functions since the required are extracted from among the various functions. The functional allocation methods involve the following steps:

  • Recognition of candidate system

The first step discussed in this system engineering assignment involves the identification of the rationale ways through which the subsystem framework can be achieved with the integration of preliminary design and requirements. For example, Aircraft needs various subsystems, which might include the following

  1. Tyres and breaks which fall under the undercarriage system are important for assisting the Aircraft in land
  2. Wings and other structures assists in the aerodynamic structure of planes
  3. Pumps, accessories for controlling flight comprises the hydraulic system
  4. The engines subsystem contains gearbox, engines, turbines support the stumps
  5. The electronic system includes the signaling, controlling and distribution

The selection of CI is an important element of the entire process and CI is comprised of the following listed feature, which aids in the identification of the items

  • Commonality: The CI system should be standard for all so that it can minimize the various risks and complexities involved in the process
  • Interface: The inclusion of the large number of CI is the main reason behind the difficulty faced with the massive amount of CIs
  • Complexity: The larger size of the CIs can lead to more significant problems in comparison to small CIs which are associated with the system

The collaboration and allocation of requirements helps in accelerating the selection of the system designs and the CIs is identified with the help of dots. This assists in offering a roadmap for the completion of the process involved in the allocation of needs (Drobne and Bogataj, 2015).

Along with this, a brief idea regarding the functioning of CI and the way in which the system would perform. An example of an allocation system shows the weighing of the Aircraft. Different CIs offers a great contribution to the overall weight of the plane. The allocation of importance for each of the pan can be sufficient to achieve (Hussein, 2018). For instance, the CI of the engine takes up about 15% of the total weight of the plane. Through the confirmation of the designs, the designers can frame out the appropriate way, which would meet the target SNR. The top-down approaches would help the system to achieve success.

The importance of FA&A discussed in this System engineering assignment is crucial in the development of system design as this helps in bridging the gap that exists between the required system designing’s and the constraints. This also includes the detailed set, which aids in the development and purchasing of the system. The identification and selection of subsystem from the different system is an efficient method of framing the complete process in an enhanced way. The CIs can be selected based on the difference that exists within the functional capabilities of the system.

Reference List
Drobne, S. and Bogataj, M., 2015. Optimal allocation of public service centres in the central places of functional regions. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), pp.2362-2367.

Hassab, J.C., 2018. Underwater signal and data processing. CRC Press.

Hussein, M., 2018. System engineering assignment. Function allocation and bandwidth reservation for mixed-critical adaptive software systems. Global Journal of Research in Engineering.

Karam, A. and Eltawil, A.B., 2016. Functional integration approach for the berth allocation, quay crane assignment and specific quay crane assignment problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 102, pp.458-466.

Lloyd, B.P., Weaver, E.S. and Staubitz, J.L., 2016. A review of functional analysis methods conducted in public school classroom settings. Journal of Behavioral Education, 25(3), pp.324-356.

Pedrycz, W., 2016. Granular computing: analysis and design of intelligent systems. CRC press.

Tanabe, H., 2017. Functional analytic methods for partial differential equations. Routledge.

Walter, W., Sánchez-Cabo, F. and Ricote, M., 2015. GOplot: an R package for visually combining expression data with functional analysis. Bioinformatics, 31(17), pp.2912-2914.


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