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Biological Diversity assignment – developing effective environmental policy


Task: How to develop effective environmental protection policies using Biological Diversity assignment research methodologies?


Australia’s Biological Diversity assignmentstrategy for Nature 2019-2030 mainly indicates the overarching framework which provides policies strategies and legislative actions to the state and the territory. The strategies are mainly built on the existing and previous work which is underpinned by aspects of science. It also takes approaches that are new and very different. The strategy of Australia moves to pure protection which strives to incorporate adaption, resource management, and resilience which incorporates within the cities, rural and natural environments based on land and also at sea (Schmidt, Crawford & Warren-Myers, 2020). In this Biological Diversity assignmentas an environmental officer for the Shalini Conservation Group (SCG), advice will be given to the Director of SCG on the ways of managing environmental expectations and also the intended practices that are to be done according to the international convention and policy documents. The report will identify the goals of the strategy, ways of achieving the goals, ways of integration, and final recommendations.

What are its goals?
The Australian Biological Diversity assignmentStrategy mainly focuses on three goals that are mainly underpinned by twelve objectives. These goals are together in a loop that is continuous to reinforce each goal in a synchronized manner. This connects people with nature enhancing the desire to care for nature (Pham & Nguyen, 2021). This in turn helps in building knowledge that can be either shared or improved by the care of common people. This will in turn help in connecting with nature. The three goals are as follows:

• Connecting all the Australians with nature
• Caring for nature in all its diversity and forms
• Sharing and building knowledge (Jukic& Young, 2020)

The Biological Diversity assignment goals are connected with several progressive measures that will be further used to track and report on the strategy's success.

How does it achieve these goals?
Seventeen aspects are tracked to achieve the three goals that are discussed above. The strategy includes in

• Checking the poverty level
• Zero hunger policy
• Providing good health and well being
• Giving quality education
• In maintaining gender equality
• Providing sanitation and clean water
• Providing affordable and clean energy
• Checking for decent work and significant economic growth
• Checking in the growth of proper industry and also of the infrastructure (Jackson, 2019).
• The reduction of inequalities
• Checking that the communities and cities are sustainable
• Providing looks into responsible production and consumption
• Climate actions
• Sustainable measurements of saving life below water
• Sustainable measurements of saving life on land
• Providing institutions where peace and justice are maintained strongly (Jackson, 2019).
• Lastly collaborating for partnerships associated with the goals
Therefore, it can be said that these are the measurement track points that are being taken by the Australian Environmental Strategist to achieve the three goals that have been set to maintain a balance between nature and human beings. TheseBiological Diversity assignment objectives are set in such a way that it is interconnected with each other in a form of loop.

In what ways is it integrated?
The Australian Government has recognized the need for conservation of biodiversity on several private lands which is an important way to protect the biodiversity of Australia. The government of the state and territory also are collaborating toward providing conservation incentives to the private landholders. These are done to strategies and implement ways of integrating proper strategies toward the environment or biodiversity. Australia is also promoting several agricultural planning and production which helps in avoiding the tree cleaning process. This is also helping in advocating stronger biodiversity laws so that it protects the habitat of Australia (Bedoya-Dorado, Murillo-Vargas & Gonzalez-Campo, 2021).Campaigning is also done in order to make several conservation programs so that it helps both in educating the local people about the process of environmental conservation and also in applying the strategies of conservation throughout Australia. The Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has been under statutory review in order to change and manifest several objectives according to the current situation in Australia (Leggeet al.2022). These are some of the ways identified on this Biological Diversity assignmentthat are taken in order to integrate the environmental strategies in Australia. A proper integration will help in successful outcomes from the environment. There will be specific environmental conservation throughout the process.

Conclusion and Recommendation
There are several recommendations needed to be followed in order to check that the implemented strategies are followed up for future monitoring work. These are:
• There is a need of checking that reduction, reuse, and recycling are maintained in the society
• Need for proper volunteering for cleaning up the community
• Conserving of water as if less water is sued then it will have less runoff and wastewater will eventually end up in the ocean
• The SCG needs to look after that each and every child in the cities and states is going to schools and colleges, as this will help to educate the nation on the importance of natural resources
• SCG needs to monitor that the industries choose non-toxic chemicals in both homes and offices. Otherwise toxic materials will release into water bodies and further spread toxicity
• SCG needs to plant trees as it will help in saving energy, cleaning water, and also help in combating the change in climate
• The team also needs to be aware that long-lasting bulbs are used in the city or state. This will further help in reducing greenhouse emissions.

Therefore, to conclude this Biological Diversity assignmentit can be said that these are some of the recommendations that need to be followed by the SCG community in order to maintain a balance between the environment and society. Further, it will help in saving our environment and making a successful strategy to save the nation-state. It can be said that by following this recommendations it will help SCG also in easily monitoring that the strategies that are implemented are successfully integrated to the systems or not. Therefore close vision and proper monitoring is the main aspect identified on this Biological Diversity assignment to protect the Australian habits in a proper way.

Reference List
Bedoya-Dorado, C., Murillo-Vargas, G., & Gonzalez-Campo, C. H. (2021). Sustainability in the mission and vision statements of Colombian Universities. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.Biological Diversity assignment
Jackson, W. (2019). Djarlma plan for the Western Australian forestry industry: a framework for action 2019-2030. Jukic, E., & Young, M. A. (2020). Australia and International Environmental Law in 2019. Forthcoming in Yearbook of International Law, 30.
Legge, S., Rumpff, L., Woinarski, J. C., Whiterod, N. S., Ward, M., Southwell, D. G., ... &Zukowski, S. (2022). The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires. Global Ecology and Biogeography.Biological Diversity assignment Pham, T. L., & Nguyen, T. T. (2021). Green Building Certification as a Policy to Promote Green-Building-A Study of Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, UK, US and Lessons for Vietnam. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 12(3), 135-141.

Schmidt, M., Crawford, R. H., & Warren-Myers, G. (2020). Quantifying Australia’s life cycle greenhouse gas emissions for new homes. Energy and Buildings, Biological Diversity assignment224, 110287.


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