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Digital Marketing Assignment: Campaign Planning For TheSanchaya


Task: An executive summary approach - highlighting the basics of proposed campaign from including mission/vision of the company, the planned segmentation and other DM strategies, the digital marketing tools you hope to use, the duration and potential spending budget of the campaign.

The company assessed for proposed digital marketing campaign is The Sanchaya (, IG:, FB: ) Suggestion for campaign: following the SOSTAC model (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick’s (2019) 5S’s), the digital marketing campaign is to Improve conversion rate (Speak – get closer to customers through dialogue and participation), ex: Improve organic traffic conversion rate by 25% by Nov 2022

Read the digital marketing assignment briefprovided below and write down a maximum of 1,000 words summary of your proposal campaign. As a suggestion, you may want to address the following topics/points listed below:
1. Digital campaign mechanism: purpose/goals/objectives
2. Companies situation analysis and digital marketing strengths and weaknesses
3. Consumer personnel profile
4. Summary of the proposed digital marketing strategy and tactics
5. Justified fit between the campaign, target audience and companies’ strategic aims


Digital Marketing Mechanism (Addressing the Purpose Goals and Objectives of the case considered in this digital marketing assignment)
The context of digital marketing at the highest level refers towards delivering the best advertisement solution with the integrated and defined use of digital channels such as search engines, websites, using social media tools, and email and mobile phone applications(Schmitt, B., 2019). Using the selected online media, the context of digital marketing defined the purpose of any specific company, such as for The Sanchaya, towards developing the best communication aspects between the buyers and sellers by endorsing goods, services and brands accordingly.

Digital marketing over its contemporary form will allow The Sanchaya to focus on new customer acquisition by generating better leads and creating brand awareness accordingly. For example, while defining the digital marketing campaign for the selected organisation will depend on the objectives,where the goals are determined to be achievable and should be specific and measurable(Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Therefore, with the view towards delivering a mixed review and outcome of the digital marketing mechanism by strategizing the objectives of the selected hospitality sector, the following attributes are required to accomplish over the way to deliver long term and best results over the specific scenario.

• Increase in direct sales ratio
• Maintaining a continuous flow of new leads
• Reducing the cost of acquiring a new customer
• Keeping both new and existing customers engaged in the brand
Company Situation Analysis with digital marketing strengths and weakness

The strength and weakness of any particular digital marketing plan depend upon the objectivity of any specific company(Canziba, 2018). Therefore, to be precise with the report's outcome, the purpose of the digital marketing plan for The Sanchaya elaborated over the ways to deliver the best results accordingly with the view towards addressing the strength and weaknesses.

Strength of the digital marketing plan for The Sanchaya
• Provides a 360-degree business solution for the company
• Provides the best digital marketing solution without maintaining any kinds of specific geographical boundary
• Promotes the best brand development activities that will be easy to measure
• Planning for the best digital marketing strategy will allow the selected brand, for example, to target and reach more audiences by maintaining a lower price

Weakness of the digital marketing plan for The Sanchaya
• Time-consuming nature
• Unauthorised tactics and strategies will eventually lead to negative results
• Traditional people might find it difficult on using the selected technology

Consumer Personal Profile
Customer profile depends upon the characterises of the industry related to the context of determining the demographic perceptions, physiological point of view and behavioural data that creates the necessary point of understandings for marketing and proposed research activities(Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2020). Nevertheless, to be specific with the outcome of the report, customer profiling defines the best way to allow the selected hospitality company, The Sanchaya, to create portraits of the customers based on information such as their buying behaviour or customer service information. Therefore, based on the determined perceptions, the context of the personal customer profile must be explored over the ways the selected organisation will be able to make the best use of the customer information while delivering the best business model. According to Turban et al. (2015), customer's personal information is explored as one of the multiple points of discursions by creating the necessary point of understating in the profiling process where the process delivers a clear and defined set of messages for a specific group of customers. The process allows over the ways to improve customer expansive and at the same point of time will boost marketing efficiency and effectiveness for The Sanchaya. However, integrating the digital marketing mix will allow the selected company to interact effectively with the existing customers and find new ones over the proceedings(Lee and Kotler, 2019).

Summary of the proposed digital marketing strategy and tactics
The Sanchaya used the best form of the digital marketing mix over the business operations. According to Laudon and Traver(2016), determining the strengths and weaknesses of the selected framework, the brand applies the core concept of using social media tools over its digital marketing strategies. For example, the following attributes explored how the company can deliver the best outcome of the proposed digital marketing strategy and tactics.

Defining the brand:
Outlining or using the determined perceptions will explore the guidelines of the selected brand with the view towards exploring the best frameworks of the online campaign(Lee and Kotler, 2019). Frameworks such as Unique Selling Points (USP), Brand Voice and Value Proposition are some of the fundamental points of discursions illustrated.

Setting up digital marketing budget:
Budgeting combined as one of the fundamental frameworks that relate digital marketing pricing over the business operation(Turban et al., 2015). Therefore, The Sanchaya must spend $2300 to $5500 per month to execute the best digital planning process.

Launching campaigns:
Campaigning activities focused on delivering the necessary planning and establishing the campaigns over the potential channels(Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2020). The process includes using social media in the forms of Facebook and Instagram Post with videos in the official YouTube Channel.
Justified fit between the campaign, target market with the company’s strategic aims and objectives The overall discursions proved to be quite effective with the view towards considering the fact about how the best delivered over the ways towards showing long-term results for the selected organisation, The Sanchaya. All the probable dimensions of the chosen framework covered the ways that explored the best use of the marketing campaign over social media tools that defined the company's strategies to deliver long-term results(Canziba, 2018).

While assessing the determining strengths and weaknesses, the tactics used over the ways will allow the company to execute all the necessary activities to create the best revenue earning points by making the target audience base continuous by maintaining a cost-effective approach. Billions of active social media users will be targeted to reach the brand's visibility without specific geographical barriers.

SMART Framework for the Digital Campaign
SMART Fran work Objectives

SMART Fran work



Making an improved conversion rate by building brand awareness


Determining a proper tracking and monitoring system


Need the necessary support from the all the employees while exploring the objectives


Objectives and goals must be realist with the view towards delivering good results

Time Framework

6 months to 1 year


The selected organisation while assessing all the necessary marketing parameters must focus with the core application of using digital marketing mix strategy. With the use of the selected approach and framework the four specific factor wise classifications include over the ways where the best results delivered towards assessing the outline of the determined approach. Therefore, analysing Email Marketing, leading generations, Website optimisation and using Social Media determined the best form of the core framework.


Figure 1: Digital Marketing Mix (Suggested Approach)
(Source: Canziba, 2018)

Reference List
Canziba, E. (2018) Hands-on UX design for developers: design, prototype, and implement compelling user experiences from scratch . 1st edition. Birmingham, England: Packt.
Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., (2020). Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation And Practice. 1st ed. Harlow: Pearson Chaffey, D and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019) Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 7th edition. Harlow: Pearson, pp. 344-346.
Laudon, K. and Traver, C. G. (2016). E-Commerce: business, technology and society, 12th ed. Pearson. Lee, N. R., and Kotler, P. (2019). Social marketing: Influencing behaviours for good. Digital marketing assignmentSage Publications.
Schmitt, B., (2019). From atoms to bits and back: A research curation on digital technology and agenda for future research. Journal of Consumer Research, 46(4), pp.825-832.
Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T. P., and Turban, D. C. (2015). Electronic commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective, 8th ed., Cham: Springe


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