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Information Technology Assignment ExploringThe Importance OfCloud Technology


Task: Information Technology Assignment Tasks: Select one appropriate technological topic and write a 2,000-word report review on the themes, trends and arguments emerging about that topic.

The report should include:
a. Why do you deem this topic to be of importance?
b. How this has topic has developed
c. A detailed description of the technology used in this topic and what it is used for.
d. What technological platforms and software are used in the topic
e. What type of business and organisation uses the technology?
f. How is it used as a business tool and is this effective?


The cloud needs to deliver flexibility, accessibility to break through the analytics software and prepared a development platform for researching and developing new goods and services throughout the organisations. Herein information technology assignment, the importance and development of the cloud will be discussed in this report. A detailed description of the cloud and its use in business management will be evaluated. On the other hand, the technological platforms and software will be represented through this report. Different businesses and organisations that are used in the cloud will also be demonstrated properly. There is the effectiveness of the cloud as a business tool will be identified for the development of business. However, the relationship between digital technologies and theories on business management and structure will be illustrated in this report.

Importance of cloud

Cloud technologyallows businesses to interact and exchange information more simply than in previous ways. This technology helps to staff interaction, various users to exchange or operate on files and information at the same time, and cloud makes things easier for the business design and development professionals. There is some importance of cloud computing for business development are given below:

• The cloud provides higher flexibility to the organisation than maintaining on a local computer. In addition, connectivity provides a cloud-based business through satisfy a certain demand immediately instead of having a complicated and exclusive modification on existing IT infrastructure.
• On the cloud, the business should increase accessibility to the user’s data and it will save both time and expense while establishing a new project for the business (Nanos, Manthou and Androutsou 2019).
• A cloud network provides a full-time duty to manage the security system, which substantially includes higher productivity with a standard in-house network in the organisation and they should split their efforts among plenty of other IT problems,access control is only one of them.
• Cloud-based apps refresh and update themselves, this saves the critical data and documents in the business organisation. Development of cloud

Cloud development is the process of developing software in the cloud and on a local network that is connected directly to the cloud environment. A browser interface is linked to a cloud-based system that is required for cloud development. The cloud platforms should be used to manage the growing demand for new commercial applications. A cloud application decreases infrastructure concerns and increases development platforms' productivity. It is accessible through the internet via third-party service suppliers and it is highly cost-effective for IT solutions for businesses. Cloud computing is the storage of data over the internet that is displayed through a single web-based hub. Cloud computing is a relatively current technique for dealing with long-term business requirements. In this development part of the business, an organisation is making use of those private and public clouds in a hybrid cloud. In a hybrid model, a group'sinternal IT staffadministers (Karunakaran et al. 2019). There are some portions of the cloud in-house while the remainder is managed off-site. A hybrid cloud solution, for example, is ideal for a business that has to handle business-related information.

A detailed description of the cloud and its use
Cloud computing is a process of delivery of various services via the internet, memory, analytics, networking, applications, statistics, and intelligence. In order to provide a quicker innovation, more adaptable resources, and productivity improvements throughout the business. In cloud computing,the data can obtainfrom any suitable device fromanyplace. Cloud computing keeps data on the internet instead of on a personal device or a server in the business. There are various situations when cloud computing is implemented to improve the capacity to meet business objectives. There are important features that will be used in cloud computing for the evolution in the business are given below.

• In cloud technology allows the cost-effective performance of workloads that demand a large number of systems in business management but during a short period of time.
• Cloud can support the business for the development and securely transferring the information from physical areas through the cloud, which can be used from anywhere (Butt et al. 2019).
• The cloud services will make a backup of the data, which is stored to prevent data loss. If any server can be lost the data, the copy version will receive from the other server.

Technological platforms and software used in the cloud
In this context, cloud computing creates a different feature through referred to as broad network access in the technological platforms, which can allow for easy access to large resources or such as memory. There are a few technological platforms that will be used in the cloud are given below.

• The virtualization software is used by multiple resources like smartphones, individuals’ laptops, and devices.
• The service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a software program that organises the services into different business operations and everyday procedures.
• Grid computing is the technique of connecting different workstations from different servers in order to reach a common goal (Markova et al. 2019).
• Utility computing will provide a pay-per-use approach for using this procedure. It can provide an analytical service to the customers for a cost. It mostly benefits in cost-cutting by decreasing the primary investment.

There are various software is used by the cloud are as follows:

• Amazon web services is a cloud computing infrastructure, which offers services including computational power, cloud storage, content distribution, and a variety of other content operations, that will support the integration of a business (Lee, Dewi and Wajdi 2018).
• IBM cloud can use the internet to create and access the network like storage, connectivity, and computational power for the business. There are various technologies available to support the customers in reaching deep business expertise.

Different businesses and organizationsare usingthe cloud technology
Businesses and organisations are using cloud technology to influence every aspect of business, including businesses of various sizes, demands, and sectors. The cloud services aim to provide the cloud a practical and game-changing possibility for all the sectors, working with each organisation and the needs of individuals to build their ideal solution for the technology. Here, several sectors can get benefit directly from the rapid-scale cloud computing systems.

• The automobile sector is strongly dependent on the delivery of data at all times.
• The cloud is proven to be an essential resource for educational institutions.
• In the financial industry, security is a major concern, whenever it relates towards the cloud, through their solution to get the help their clients to access the encrypted data (Alzakholiet al. 2020).
• In the real estate sector, will always be up to date with cloud technology.

Effectiveness of cloud as a business tool
The effectiveness of the cloud as a business tool can provide dependable disaster restoration and backup services by using cloud computing, without any of the burdens to putting them by using a physical server. In a disaster, restoration strategies can sometimes be expensive for many organisations and data backup can take time (Siddiqui et al. 2019).There are a few elements to consider while using the cloud as a business tool are as follows:

• Cloud computing could help to save money on IT infrastructure management and maintenance.
• The capacity of a company to ensure operations and essential business processes is referred to as business sustainability.
• Cloud computing consents the workers to be extremely flexible throughout their work habits.
• The advantage of these arrangements is provided that the software manufacturers handle the frequent software and protection modifications on the behalf of clients.

• Cloud computing increases their efficiency by allowing organisations towards businesses to collaborate more rapidly and easily.

Relationship between digital technologies andtheories on business management and structure
Digital technologies refer to any digital instruments, computerized systems, technical gadgets, and services that produce, analyse, or process data. The similarity between conventional and digital media is that information into the conventional technology is turned into the electronic patterns of varying their frequency and intensity, whereas information in digital technology is transferred towards the binary system. There is some technical or professional information that will be concerned with the design and operational usage of digital or computerised equipment in digital technology. On the other hand, the business management and structure are essential for the managers towards their organisation, whether it is encouraging staff, making choices, assigning resources, or negotiating transactions.In the industrial transition,managers have been a critical component of management success (Borangiuet al. 2019). Business Management ideas have been produced and applied the management for becoming a common component of company activities. While previous ideas will remain useful, their new theories are always being produced to stay out with the current business developments.The business structure is a framework that defines an action that can be ordered and directed to accomplish goals. The goal of digital technology is to exploit the technology to enhance their business performance, which means developments of new goods or re-designing the existing ones. There are business strategies is acquiring the new market opportunities through technology, as well as the strategies that will help the employees to make these improvements in business management. Thetechnology has developed into such integrated business that it is better than the hardware or software. As digital technology has become highly prominent and businesses drive down the path of digital change, technological management and strategy will become the identical platforms of business management. The Digital approach is still relevant for focusing the efforts on digital activities. In order to, understanding the digital marketing strategy is both an idea and a reality in between digital technology and business management. A digital strategy ultimately leads to the development of a specific strategy or vision. Business management is provided an idea on preferred management techniques, which include the instruments like models and policies that can be utilised in modern businesses (Pergelovaet al. 2019). In the professional, they are depending on the entire management theory and structures, but alternatively, introduce elements from the other conceptual frameworks that are suited towards their workforce and business culture. The ultimate objective of digital technology is to monetise their fundamentals software applications that are business will be developed and used internally. in business management is creating a strategy for organizing into the mobile app and delivering that the individuals ‘clients. In businesses for integration with their existing smartphone apps to add their values into the digital technology.Behind this strategy will not change, but the users can improve.The fundamental core concept of your online presence must lead to a considerable movement or change in direction for your business; however, the specific measures must be good enough to accommodate them to change their direction whenever they as needed.In business structure, the visitors can make research on the internet to get information from the cloud database. they have generally aware of the expanding trend of internet purchasing. Clients are constantly using web applications to get whatever information they need, for when they need it. Clients are evaluating their products and services for those who are not only to the direct competitors but also to those who are involved in other industries (Khin and Ho 2019). They are provided a high quality of goods and ideas towards the business management in the cloud system. clients are constantly forcing a business firm to improve their user experiences to a particular amount in digital technology. These are based on their experience with the similar organisation throughout the world.

The cloud technology must provide flexibility and accessibility in order to break through analytics software and establish a development platform for investigating and producing new goods and services across organisations. Here, the importance and development of the cloud have been covered in this report. A detailed description of the cloud and its use in business management has been assessed. On the other hand, the technological platforms and software have been represented through this report. Different businesses and organisations that are used in the cloud have also been appropriately shown. There is the effectiveness of the cloud as a business tool has been identified for the development of business. However, the relationship between digital technologies and theories on business management and structure has been illustrated in this report.

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Karunakaran, V., 2019. A stochastic development of cloud computing based task scheduling algorithm. Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm (JSCP), 1(01), pp.41-48.
Khin, S. and Ho, T.C., 2019. Digital technology, digital capability and organizational performance: A mediating role of digital innovation. Information technology assignment International Journal of Innovation Science. Lee, B.H., Dewi, E.K. and Wajdi, M.F., 2018, April. Data security in cloud computing using AES under HEROKU cloud. In 2018 27th wireless and optical communication conference (WOCC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. Markova, O., Semerikov, S., Striuk, A., Shalatska, H., Nechypurenko, P. and Tron, V., 2019. Implementation of cloud service models in training of future information technology specialists.

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Pergelova, A., Manolova, T., Simeonova Ganeva, R. and Yordanova, D., 2019. Democratizing entrepreneurship Digital technologies and the internationalization of female led SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management, 57(1), pp.14-39.
Siddiqui, S.T., Alam, S., Khan, Z.A. and Gupta, A., 2019. Cloud-based e-learning: using cloud computing platform for an effective e-learning. In Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences (pp. 335-346). Springer, Singapore.


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