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Software Engineering Assignment On Quality Change Management And Testing


Task: What area of software testing should be considered while preparing Software engineering assignment


On this Software engineering assignment we explore the defination of software engineering and how the profession offers lucrative careers. Software engineering refers to the discipline which is directly related to the software production phases right from the primary collecting stage with the management of the software system. Software engineering has evolved in a tremendous way within a short period of time which is in complete contrast to the classical engineering disciplines. Previously, most of the coding was done by the scientist even for solving small problems. Sometimes, it would be quite annoying for the scientist for finding the solutions (Lewis, 2017). However, the concept of software engineering has completely changed now and are regarded as monsters based on their complexities. There are certain challenges identified on this Software engineering assignment which are needed to be overcome in the industry which are schedule pressure, constant change of requirements, the complexity of software, and its invisibility (Leon, 2015).

In this Software engineering assignment, the study will entirely focus on the different software standards which are used for investigating the factors that can result in diverse situation among the team members. The rest of the paper comprises of the research background, methods on which the research is done, and IEEE specifications. Along with these, the findings, as well as future work, is also conducted.

Research background
Software is considered as the most challenging concept on a large scale and there exists limitless request regarding the software which is large as well as well-engineered irrespective of the large or small failure. These failures can result from the diverse situational factors among her team members. The software standards take into consideration the different situational factors during the software development life cycle (Leon, 2015). There are substantial stories regarding the failure of software projects. According to the Standish group survey, it was found that sound 44% of the software projects were high budgeted or overdue and around22% of the software projects have undergone failures. In general, there can only be two concepts regarding the unsuccessfulness of the software projects namely faults and failures which are basically correlated to each other. It might occur that software faults in the system gets unnoticed and might certainly not result in a system failure (Devadiga, 2017). This Software engineering assignment identifies that Faults which happen in software engineering can be due to different reasons. The lack of better understanding on the situational factors amongst the team members is considered as one of the main reasons for the software failures. Many researchers have identified the situational factors from different models and it is recommended to take into consideration while doing the specifications for the engineering process in software development. The study has also acknowledged the significance of the consideration of the situational factors and its sub-factors which can result in a diverse situation. This Software engineering assignment explored Software engineering standards towards the situational factors for the full software development life cycle. Along with this, each of the standards for the different factors is also investigated.

The IEEE database has been taken into consideration for the establishment of software standards. Main keywords which were research for the standards constituted the ‘software standards, system engineering as well as standards. On the basis of keywords, the IEEE standards repository was researched for the associated standards which are well maintained by the IEEE standard Association. On reviewing the existing Software engineering assignment IEEE standards based on the Standard Association, a protocol has been designed (Lewis, 2017). On level 1, the standards undergo filtration based on eh topic associated with the keywords. The level 2 of the protocol was used for checking the activeness of the standards and only the active standards were incorporated in the dataset. The following level is associated with the standard information which can be collected from the gist of the standard. The figure below demonstrates the steps for the searching protocol. Firstly, the topic was searched in the IEEE standards website which would be used to prepare this Software engineering assignment. The topic such as software and system engineering standards search in the browser. At the next level, the filtration of the active standards was implemented on the 411 standards which resulted in the removal of 131 standards. On the third level, the filtration was done on the basis of abstract which further resulted in 32 standards (Devadiga, 2017). The Software engineering assignment would utilize the 32 standards that were reviewed for gathering the information data from them.

Software engineering assignment

Searching protocol
(Source: Lewis, 2017)

IEEE standards
The application of filtrations and the selection of relevant standards is completed, the data is extracted from the standards. Various areas have been investigated for acknowledging the different factors and sub-factors (Laplante, 2017). These can result in different situational contexts among the software engineering members. In all 32 standards have been selected which are the software engineering standards. Along with this, the importance of the situational contexts have also been highlighted in the Software engineering assignment.

Software engineering assignment

IEEE standards distribution under each category
(Source: Laplante, P.A., 2017)

The IEEE standards specifically for software engineering has undergone investigation for its factors as well as sub-factors which can result in diverse situational factors. On the basis of the examination of the selected standards, it has been observed that the stars have a wide range of areas to focus (Devadiga, 2017). The figure below demonstrates the distribution of IEEE standards on the basis of their area of focus. The entire Software engineering assignment of the IEEE standards belongs to 8 categories which are named are the requirement, software lifecycle, software testing, documentation, quality assurance and maintenance of software. Out of the selected 32 IEEE standard, the major portion of the standards is in association with the documentation of the software.

Software engineering assignment

IEEE standard based factors
(Source: Devadiga, 2017)

The documentation in association with standards is approximately 8 in number [12,15,16, 24, 28, 31, 33, 37] which basically focuses on the situational factors in terms of software documentation that would be used to compile the Software engineering assignment. Only 5 standards are related to the software projects out of 32 standards which are selected. The figure demonstrates three basic categories namely the software testing, assurance of quality and life cycle of the software (Haas, Niedermayr and Juergens, 2019). The IEEE standards [17, 22, 23, 40] focus on the testing software on the base of situational factors which results in diverse situational software testing while the [18, 19, 20, 29] is associated with the quality assurance on the basis of situational factors regarding the quality assurance. The IEEE standards [14, 26, 30, 34] defines the lifecycle of the software and [32, 35, 36] relates to the software requirements which focuses entirely on the situational factors regarding the need’s aspects. Lastly, the IEEE standards [25, 39, 42] relate to the management of software on the situational factors which can result in diverse situational contexts.

On this Software engineering assignment there are two concepts regarding the unsuccessful software namely faults and failures which are strongly correlated to each other. There can be various reasons behind the faults in the software. Lack of proper understanding and careless tracking of the situational contexts among the members is one of the strong reasons behind the failure of software (Laplante, 2017). The software engineering standard specifies the significance of the situational context and researchers have investigated the various factors which can result in diverse situational contexts that eventually lead to failures. The factors are grouped with the related subfactors which can affect the development of the software system.

Future scope
The research basically focused on teh various software documents and its related factors which can result in software failures. T future scope of the research can be conducted for the further exploration of the aspects y offering solutions for the controlling. The future of factors and subfactors can be considered and the industry for the realization of the real-life practices. The Software engineering assignment can further be done for sustainable software development regarding the effect of diverse situational contexts on its sustainability.

The research contains some of the limitations in relation to the standard only the standards from the IEEE Standards Association has been included in the research study. The outcomes from the factors and subfactors might be comprehensive if some other standard would have included in the research study such as ISO (Wan, Xia, Lo, and Murphy, 2019). The software engineering standards can further be investigated in the future of the factors as well as the sub-factors. The study has also undergone the group formation of the subfactors carefully. Moreover, the naming, as well as terminologies used on this Software engineering assignment, have been used for the factors as well as sub-factors which have been done carefully however, it might happen that some inappropriate terms can be used for the representation of factor as well as sub-factor.

Different situational standards have been observed which exists among the team members and can result in software failures. Along with this, the software engineering standard has significant acknowledgment regarding the importance of situational contexts. The IEEE standards were investigated and it was found that the 32 relevant standards are there where each standard has been investigated for its different factors as well as sub-factors. On the basis of analysis, 8 categories have been reported. The Software engineering assignment offers a guideline for the literature practitioners for considering the factors as well as the sub-factors during the performance for the software developments.

Reference List
Devadiga, N.M., 2017, November. Software engineering education: Converging with the startup industry. In 2017 IEEE 30th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) (pp. 192-196). IEEE.

Haas, R., Niedermayr, R., and Juergens, E., 2019, May. Teamscale: tackle technical debt and control the quality of your software. In 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt) (pp. 55-56). IEEE.

Laplante, P.A., 2017. Requirements engineering for software and systems. Auerbach Publications.

Leon, A., 2015. Software configuration management handbook. Artech House. Lewis, W.E., 2017. Software testing and continuous quality improvement. Auerbach publications.

Wan, Z., Xia, X., Lo, D., and Murphy, G.C., 2019. How does Machine Learning Change Software Development Practices?. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.


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