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Software Engineering Assignment Research Methods And Techniques Used To Conduct Research And Testing Of Software


Task: Why of software engineering analysis and testing important towards software development and security?


Article Details
[1]A. Ghazi, K. Petersen, S. Reddy and H. Nekkanti, "Survey Research in Software engineering assignment: Software engineering assignment Methodology ", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 24703-24718, 2019. Available: 10.1109/access.2018.2881041.

The purpose of the software engineering assignment is to critique the article mentioned above.

The software engineering assignment outline is the critique on the authors’ intent and the article content followed by the methods, findings, problems & issues, results, and conclusion.

Intent & Content
This software engineering assignment utilized different research methods and techniques that are adopted by the researchers to conduct the research work in the field of software engineering assignment. Surveys are one of the popular techniques that are used. However, there are some of the issues that are present in this technique while conducting the research work. The intent of the authors is to understand the problems that emerge along with the control measures that can be adopted to treat these issues [1].

The content of the article includes an introduction section followed by the background on the research. The software engineering assignment literature review of the related work along with the details on the research methods, interview results, discussions, and conclusions are included. These sections and the specific contents under these sections are as per the intent of the authors and the research aims that are determined.

Methods & Findings
The research method adopted by the authors is the qualitative method. They chose to select 20 software engineering assignment researchers for the conduction of the interview sessions. The use of open-ended questions was done in the interview processes and the response was collected. The research methods provided the authors of this software engineering assignment helps understand the specific issues that they faced while using surveys for carrying out the research in software engineering assignment [2]. The analysis of the information was done using the thematic analysis technique which also made sure that the intended aims were achieved and the questions were answered.

The analysis of the data sets along with the conduction of the research work provided the authors with numerous findings. Insufficient sampling was a common problem that was highlighted by the most number of researchers that were interviewed. They stated that the researchers that claim that they could use random sampling adopt the convenience sampling process. Also, the respondents that are identified using the random sampling do not have the required level of motivation. Convenience snowballing for the purpose of sampling was highlighted by the authors. In this case, the characteristics are known beforehand and the selection is made as per the choice of the researcher. The surveys shall guarantee anonymity and shall have the characteristics as brevity, accessibility, etc. The selection of the scale is another problem highlighted by the authors. The five-point Likert scale is preferred as it is already used in the field of information technology. The use of randomization in the case of the research processes being conducted for software engineering assignment may not be suitable. This is because the logical flow of the questions and the associated processes may be lost in this way. There may be lack of domain knowledge that may be associated with the respondents that are selected. These can be resolved and minimized by defining clear criteria for the sampling process. The significance of honesty shall also be included so that the respondents provide their response with utmost clarity and authenticity [3]. Hypothesis guessing may also be one of the issues that may be observed. These are not seen in the case of the explanatory surveys. There are regularly situations that are seen wherein the respondents for the research are not accessible for the research. The rewards are represented as one of the methodologies that can be utilized to upgrade the absolute number of respondents for the research work. There are additionally various risks with the utilization of the rewards systems. One of the risks might be false reactions by the respondents as they might take the survey for rewards as it were. There can likewise be the odds wherein a similar respondent may give the reaction more than once. It is vital that the mitigation procedures are set up before receiving this system. Something else, the utilization of rewards will not be finished. Translation issues can be seen in the case of the surveys. The use of automated translation tools along with the collaboration with the international entities can be done for this purpose. Cultural and reliability issues are also the prominent issues that are seen in the case of surveys. The avoidance of the sensitive questions and the determination of the commitment levels are some of the techniques that can be used for the mitigation.

The research findings for this software engineering assignment are presented in a point-wise manner that provides the clarity to the readers and ensures that the high levels of understanding are achieved.

Problems & Issues
The software engineering assignment authors have presented the problems that emerged while conducting the interviews. These are in terms of the internal and external validity. The other problems highlighted in terms of the surveys are insufficient sampling, Likert-Scale problems, and biases due to question-order effect, lack of domain knowledge, translation issues, hypothesis guessing, cultural issues, and reliability issues. The total numbers of problems that are listed by the authors are 24. These problems are mapped with the sixty five strategies [4].

These are some of the valid problems that can emerge and the description of these problems is correctly given by the authors.

Results & Discussions
The results from the interview sessions that are conducted with the researchers are presented in the form of a table. Insufficient sample size is one of the major problems that are highlighted by most number of researchers. These issues identified on this software engineering assignment are further classified in various types, such as cultural awareness, use of probabilistic sampling, use of convenience sampling, reciprocity, social benefit, brevity, scarcity, and many more. Convenience snowballing to test was featured by the creators. For this situation, the attributes are known previously and the choice is settled on according to the decision of the researcher. The software engineering assignment surveys will ensure namelessness and will have the qualities as curtness, openness, and so on. The choice of the scale is another issue featured by the creators. The five-point Likert scale is favoured as it is as of now utilized in the field of data innovation. The utilization of randomization on account of the research procedures being directed for programming designing may not be reasonable. This is on the grounds that the sensible progression of the inquiries and the related procedures might be lost along these lines. There might be absence of domain knowledge that might be related with the respondents that are chosen. These can be settled and limited by characterizing clear criteria for the examining procedure. The noteworthiness of honesty will likewise be incorporated so the respondents furnish their reaction with most extreme clearness and credibility [5]. Theory speculating can likewise be one of the issues that might be watched. These are not found on account of the illustrative surveys. Interpretation issues can be found on account of the surveys. The utilization of computerized interpretation instruments alongside the cooperation with the international substances should be possible for this reason. Cultural and reliability issues are additionally the noticeable issues that are found on account of surveys. The shirking of the delicate inquiries and the assurance of the responsibility levels are a portion of the strategies that can be utilized for the mitigation.

There are often scenarios that are seen wherein the respondents for the research are not available for the research. The rewards are illustrated as one of the strategies that can be used to enhance the total number of respondents for the research work. There are also numerous risks with the use of the rewards techniques. One of the risks may be false responses by the respondents as they may be taking the survey for the sake of rewards only. There can also be the chances wherein the same respondent may give the response more than once. It is necessary that the mitigation strategies are in place before adopting this strategy. Otherwise, the use of rewards shall not be done [6].

The results are discussed by the authors in an elaborated manner. The inclusion of the table describing the specific problems highlighted by the number of the researchers adds to the clarity on the research outcomes.

The authors were able to identify the twenty four different problems and could map these problems with 65 strategies. Target audience along with the determination of the sampling plan and definition are some of the primary problems that can be seen. There are also issues around data analysis, reporting, survey instrument design, and likewise. These problems shall be handled by using suitable strategies for mitigation. The software engineering assignment is a subject that comprises of numerous concepts within it. The use of empirical research techniques is one of the most common styles and the associated issues with these techniques shall be resolved. The conclusion that is included in the research article is apt and it provides a summary of all the research findings and results.

Reference List
[1]A. Ghazi, K. Petersen, S. Reddy and H. Nekkanti, "Survey Research in Software engineering assignment: Problems and Mitigation Strategies", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 24703-24718, 2019. Available: 10.1109/access.2018.2881041.

[2]R. de Mello, P. da Silva and G. Travassos, "Investigating probabilistic sampling approaches for large-scale surveys in software engineering assignment", Journal of Software engineering assignment Research and Development, vol. 3, no. 1, 2015. Available: 10.1186/s40411-015-0023-0.

[3]C. Wohlin and A. Aurum, "Towards a decision-making structure for selecting a research design in empirical software engineering assignment", Empirical Software engineering assignment, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1427-1455, 2014. Available: 10.1007/s10664-014-9319-7.

[4]P. Grunbacher and A. Perini, "Foreword to the special issue on empirical research in requirements engineering", Empirical Software engineering assignment, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 3626-3629, 2018. Available: 10.1007/s10664-018-9624-7.

[5]M. Babar, P. Lago and A. Van Deursen, "Empirical research in software architecture: opportunities, challenges, and approaches", Empirical Software engineering assignment, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 539-543, 2011. Available: 10.1007/s10664-011-9168-6.

[6]C. Theisen, M. Dunaiski, L. Williams and W. Visser, "Software engineering assignment Research at the International Conference on Software engineering assignment in 2016", ACM SIGSOFT Software engineering assignment Notes, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1-7, 2018. Available: 10.1145/3149485.3149496.


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